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Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings

01-26-2015 , 05:18 PM
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
01-26-2015 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
I recently played with a nhl hockey player, he dumped about 3 bi to me on a overvaluation of top pair vs my obvious set. My first reaction lol what a ******.

now this guys make like 3 mega a year so, hes obviously more succesful to me. but because poker is such a giant part of my life I judge him soley on poker ability at the table and its very hard to get away from that. Wouldn't say I look down on recs though, I do enjoy talking to recreationals the rare times I'm in the casino.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
01-27-2015 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by Uh*Oh
Smarmy, hostile condescension is rampant throughout NVG.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
01-28-2015 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by whirleymob
Oh don't...just don't.

Poker in no way is a sport, nor ppl playing poker profesionally should be considered athletes.

It is just, plain, simple, basic logic.

Back to the topic

I rarely had an opportunity to play live with poker pros, but I have had experience playing poker. From freerols, up to 1000NL.

And there is one common denominator in all of these games (beside ppl not respecting my raise ). Little to no talking, and when there is some chatter it is almost always in the lines of:

- you fish
- bingo player
- f***ing f***tard and f***ing (insert card on river)
- I would so crush you HU any stake any game you want, yo f***ing (insert rest of...)

And while this might be a minority of players, they are the loud minority and the majority just stay silent with no social skills whatsoever.

So, all in all, as a rec player, with probably level 1 - level 1.5 skill I have given poker (better ways to say "lost") in my 10 - 12 years playing for money, about 15 000 $.

While this might be someone big blind, it is a nice piece of money. And chunck that goes to net playing and "no fun" tables is about 300 $. And I know I'm not the only one.

I am here to play you, knowing full well that you are better than me, that you do have more experience, more skill, that you do this for living, that you use so many tools that give you unfair advantage (HUDS, PTR, other programs), and that I have small chance to win in the end. And I accept all that. But do accept a drink when I offer you one, do accept that I'm gonna try to hit a flush on a river once in a while, no matter the odds and implied odds, do accept that I would like to talk while playing this game and do accept my inferiorty to you skill wise as a great thing in poker (and one that you profit from) not as invititaion to call me names, and excuse to act as POS. Otherwise I'm just gonna take my money and spend it on some other table, with some other player, or on some other stuff. Your choice.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
01-28-2015 , 12:26 PM
This does not only apply to poker, any occupation where either conflict or competition is involved will create an attitude that the opposition, and sometimes colleagues, are in fact inferior beings.

It's the same mentality that allows our military to kill and be comfortable with it.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
01-28-2015 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by TheyVeKilledKenny

I am here to play you, knowing full well that you are better than me, that you do have more experience, more skill, that you do this for living, that you use so many tools that give you unfair advantage (HUDS, PTR, other programs), and that I have small chance to win in the end. And I accept all that. But do accept a drink when I offer you one, do accept that I'm gonna try to hit a flush on a river once in a while, no matter the odds and implied odds, do accept that I would like to talk while playing this game and do accept my inferiorty to you skill wise as a great thing in poker (and one that you profit from) not as invititaion to call me names, and excuse to act as POS. Otherwise I'm just gonna take my money and spend it on some other table, with some other player, or on some other stuff. Your choice.
The people u talk about are not pro's. These guys are slightly better than the majority but probably just about not good enough to make a living out of it.

They're most likely also those guys that NEED to tell everyone in some way how much they know about poker. Often they will tone it down when there's a player at the table and they know he's got an edge on him and he will brownnose him from here to moskow, prolly saying "nh" everytime he wins a hand.

If you see someone wears Pokerstars accessoires at a 1/2 table, that's prolly one of em
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-17-2015 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by eenvis
The people u talk about are not pro's. These guys are slightly better than the majority but probably just about not good enough to make a living out of it.

They're most likely also those guys that NEED to tell everyone in some way how much they know about poker. Often they will tone it down when there's a player at the table and they know he's got an edge on him and he will brownnose him from here to moskow, prolly saying "nh" everytime he wins a hand.

If you see someone wears Pokerstars accessoires at a 1/2 table, that's prolly one of em
so true lol I always can't help but laugh, but I do sometimes feel bad when I think they were online regs with a seized up roll online forced to borrow money from grandpa to play their local 1/2 game
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-17-2015 , 01:14 PM
Because most poker pros are the real losers in life. It's an unconscious defense mechanism.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-17-2015 , 01:18 PM
what's funny is often i see fish berating other fish claiming they are inferior and providing their fishy advice.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-17-2015 , 07:01 PM
Because they feel the need to feel superior at something so they can feel good about themselves and they don't understand how business works.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-17-2015 , 07:32 PM
simple answer: because a lot are idiots that think poker is the be all end all.

it's amazing the nasty things anti social nerds will say about some whale when they leave the table after dumping tons of money. if a guy can afford to lose thousands if not tens of thousands a night on his hobby he's winning at life.

a lot of these rec players are really interesting also with great stories. it's a lot more enjoyable talking to them then to some dildo who thinks the world revolves around poker.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-17-2015 , 10:10 PM
Probably cause they are not good in reality. I see plenty of so called "pros" at live that are bad and wouldn't last playing even 50nl online. They are still marginal winners and think they are good cause they play 5/10. They get all pissy when someone makes a incorrect call or plays a hand bad when they should know that the opponent is going to do that. Seriously, live bet sizing tells are so easy to spot its a joke. The bad TAG passive players who still overplay their top pair/over pair cause they play one hand an hour. Somehow they still are winners.

A smart reg will be nice to everyone and especially nice to the fish at the table. another key is being nice to the staff, who will tell you about good games and get seats for you. one guy clearly is getting phone calls from staff members.

They get a ton of info from other players at the table while not seeming like they are. its hilarious to watch and art unto itself. they get more people to turn their cards over, and they make the fish feel good while losing money to them. They even get players to miss a ton of value because they don't want to hurt their new friend.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-17-2015 , 10:21 PM
OP, i like you.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-17-2015 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
And here we have a wonderful example of the hippis poorus (Poor Hippy), though quite far out of it's natural habitat.
He's right though. I know a lot of rich people and partied with them. Money is great. banging hot broads, buying fast cars, and all that is awesome. Like everything it will get boring. A good friend of mine used to be an animal, doing lines all night banging multiple broads. He gets more enjoyment helping the less fortunate now, having a loving girlfriend, and good friends. He will get dirty with his workers at his construction company and bull**** with them on break. Money is great so you have more options and don't have to waste time.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-17-2015 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
the need to feel superior at something so they can feel good about themselves
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-18-2015 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by numkie
He's right though. I know a lot of rich people and partied with them. Money is great. banging hot broads, buying fast cars, and all that is awesome. Like everything it will get boring. A good friend of mine used to be an animal, doing lines all night banging multiple broads. He gets more enjoyment helping the less fortunate now, having a loving girlfriend, and good friends. He will get dirty with his workers at his construction company and bull**** with them on break. Money is great so you have more options and don't have to waste time.
Not that I'm asking you to actually find them, but I really doubt you could name one person who thinks he's/she's successful, their family/friends agrees with that, and they have no money.

Money might not be everything in life, but in modern society the ability to earn money is a prerequisite to pretty much everything else, including really important things like eating or sleeping comfortably/safely. Just saying.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-18-2015 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by numkie
Probably cause they are not good in reality. I see plenty of so called "pros" at live that are bad and wouldn't last playing even 50nl online. They are still marginal winners and think they are good cause they play 5/10. They get all pissy when someone makes a incorrect call or plays a hand bad when they should know that the opponent is going to do that. Seriously, live bet sizing tells are so easy to spot its a joke. The bad TAG passive players who still overplay their top pair/over pair cause they play one hand an hour. Somehow they still are winners.

A smart reg will be nice to everyone and especially nice to the fish at the table. another key is being nice to the staff, who will tell you about good games and get seats for you. one guy clearly is getting phone calls from staff members.

They get a ton of info from other players at the table while not seeming like they are. its hilarious to watch and art unto itself. they get more people to turn their cards over, and they make the fish feel good while losing money to them. They even get players to miss a ton of value because they don't want to hurt their new friend.
great post
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-18-2015 , 02:25 AM
A good amount of poker players have never succeeded at anything in their life and feel the need to project how awesome they are at this card game to others.

Also a lot of have some really weird social stuff going on and don't like talking to to others, so they come off that way.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-18-2015 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
Not that I'm asking you to actually find them, but I really doubt you could name one person who thinks he's/she's successful, their family/friends agrees with that, and they have no money.

Money might not be everything in life, but in modern society the ability to earn money is a prerequisite to pretty much everything else, including really important things like eating or sleeping comfortably/safely. Just saying.
the alternative to not having money as your personal measurement of success is not being broke, since u post on a poker forum i think u shud be smart enuf to comprehend this...
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-18-2015 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by tobe1st
the alternative to not having money as your personal measurement of success is not being broke, since u post on a poker forum i think u shud be smart enuf to comprehend this...
Interesting post.

To re-iterate:

In 99% of places in the world, you need money to be comfortably alive, let alone to be living comfortably and successfully. To disregard the importance of money is to disregard the importance of being alive.

Money might not be the best measure of success, but it should go without saying that you can't have success without money.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-18-2015 , 06:15 PM
people always over value the things they are good at
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-22-2015 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
A good amount of poker players have never succeeded at anything in their life and feel the need to project how awesome they are at this card game to others.

Also a lot of have some really weird social stuff going on and don't like talking to to others, so they come off that way.
This ^^

Also made me laugh that really OP is only talking about himself, not everyone else.

I could go on for ages about this post but all im gona say are 2 main point. The 1st being there are some seriously rich ppl who like to play poker. Sharks of life if you would. They if anything are lauging at the people who make a living playing cards for $300 a day.

2nd... it seems to be a thing in life for some people when they go from having no money to having money they seem to think they are above everyone. Supposedly Russian tourists are like this. As nobody in Russia has money and they now make about 50k a year they are so rude as they now think theyre somebody. When in the scheme of things theyre still a no one. OP comes to mind here
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-22-2015 , 10:43 PM
a lot of poker players' (those that are degenerate gamblers) brains work differently than others. gambling addicts, and most addicts of anything self-destructive, are naturally self centered and extremely egotistical people at their core, some are further along in this mindset than others. the fact that most professional poker players are highly intelligent only worsens this malady.
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-23-2015 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by ddlloo12
Missing out on the journey by not engaging others
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
03-24-2015 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
Not that I'm asking you to actually find them, but I really doubt you could name one person who thinks he's/she's successful, their family/friends agrees with that, and they have no money.

Money might not be everything in life, but in modern society the ability to earn money is a prerequisite to pretty much everything else, including really important things like eating or sleeping comfortably/safely. Just saying.

Divorced, with (mostly) grown kids, I live on about 2400 a month (including the 800 or so per month my children do cost me). Does that count as "no money?"

There is a great deal of overt success and money in my family. But all my family accept and respect me. I would say I'm very successful, in the only way that matters: I'm successful at being happy.

If I won the lottery, what would I do differently? Now, I wake up, eat well, exercise a bit, read and study and think and meditate, then go play some cards, then chill. If I was rich, why wouldn't I do those same things?

Not having to worry about your next meal, and shelter for the night and such, certainly impacts happiness. But if you really, really think you need a bunch of stuff beyond that, to be happy ... you'll never be happy.

I understand that this view is truly threatening to some readers. People who obsess about material wealth are often deeply frightened and even offended by people who've moved past that level. Suits hate hippies. So I pretty much never, ever speak up in defense of truer happiness, partly because it's the kind of thing that only comes from within anyway, and partly because I'm more the "observe the world" type than the "change the world" type.

But there really is a higher level of happiness available. And it doesn't come from willfully rejecting wealth as an act of sacrifice, it comes from realizing how trivial material wealth really is, so that rejecting it becomes about as difficult as rejecting another bite of food when you're full.

Here's a good case:

Best quote: "I drive a used hatchback Nissan Versa and live on less than $25k a year. It’s not because I’m frugal or trying to save for some big purchase, it’s because the things I love the most in this world (reading math, doing research, playing chess) are very, very inexpensive."
Why do Poker players look at Recreational players as Inferior Beings Quote
