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Who is ziigmund? he plays anyone!!!! Who is ziigmund? he plays anyone!!!!

05-31-2008 , 12:15 PM
I'm sure dumb question that everyone knows but i dont. I saw him playing cole south in many 200-400 plo and 200-400 nl headsups last week. Then the next day plaiyng Durr the same limit games.

Durr once said to him why you keep hitting and running on me thats not cool. Zigmund said because you keep shortbuying after you bust in a hand. He doesnt want to play against shortstackers but seems willing to play anyone at anytime.

Who is he and is he a favorite agianst cole south and durr? Or is he just a gambler?
05-31-2008 , 12:22 PM
if only the internet had some kind of search function
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