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What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker?

08-04-2010 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Jjoost
I flopped a set in a 2 way limped pot at 10-20.

I got in 5k with 66 on a 26A board against a huge french fish.

He showed proudly AQ at showdown. I show 68o. Misread my hand......
I see these kind of posts on 2+2 fairly often ... do people never look back at their hands???
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-04-2010 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Dying Actors
Guy folds, and I muck my hand, waiting for the chips to come my way... the dealer stares at me, and then back to the second caller whom I obliviously overlooked preflop. He ships him the pot...
This is why you never, ever, never, ever, never, ever ... cannot be stressed enough here on 2+2 because I have seen so many posts like yours... EVER muck your cards until the dealer shoves you the chips!!

I'm sure that you make this a habit now -- but other players should make this a habit if it already isn't!!
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-04-2010 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
Man you should have told him to shove it up his fkn arse.
I wouldn't have accepted it either ... but not because he wasn't generous enough -- because you made the mistake -- not him. He owes you nothing imo.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-04-2010 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
No, he's an acehole for not doing the right thing and at least giving the guy what he had put in the pot.
I don't think that everyone agrees that that's the "right thing"
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-04-2010 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Douglas
Like I said, not that funny and now TL;DR as well.
Your wife's friend forcing you to leave a poker game is pretty damn embarrassing though!!
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-04-2010 , 11:07 PM
Not embarassing, but a totally sweet accidental angle-shoot I did once....

Was HU in a match post-flop.... I had a draw and checked to this other guy.... The villain then asked me if I could break a $25 chip in 5 x $5 chips or him..... I happily obliged and got the change for him. He then asked me to leave $20 out there and chuck him back $5 change.

He had one of his hole cards sitting with the edge over his (empty) drink holder. I tossed the chip across the table to him and the chip landed on the corner of the card and then into the drink holder.... His hole card flipped over and was none other than the Ace of Spades! (which gave him top pair + nut flush draw).

Totally accidental, I probably would've played, but seeing that card made me insta-fold. The guy had a minor sook, but wasn't too fussed.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-04-2010 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by HorribleCall
Your wife's friend forcing you to leave a poker game is pretty damn embarrassing though!!
Fair enough. We felt bad for her at the time, she sold us a bill of goods about going through a bad divorce with an abusive ex with deep pockets, yadda, yadda. My own fault for bumming a ride in town with them.

LOL, both mine and my wife's blood pressure went up 25% just recounting the incident.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-05-2010 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by DRybes
My gf occasionally asks me to show her funny 2+2 threads, so I just linked her to this one.
Oh for the early days of a relationship, when they still pretend to be vaguely interested in our obsessions...
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-05-2010 , 04:31 AM
Every time I try to call out a person's hand before it's flipped and end up being completely off. This is about 99% of the time. But the 1% times that I call the hand out correctly, I look like a complete genius.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-05-2010 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
I was BTN but wasn't paying attention and started shuffling after the flop
I've done this same thing before. I hate not having a dealer because of done this as well as burn a card, forget that I burned waiting on a player and burn another one. I'm really not a good dealer when I'm playing the hand as well...
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-05-2010 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Shipitthx555
Every time I try to call out a person's hand before it's flipped and end up being completely off. This is about 99% of the time. But the 1% times that I call the hand out correctly, I look like a complete genius.
[ ] look like a genius calling one-off hands correctly.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-05-2010 , 11:42 AM
Steadily pouring lemonade over my keyboard, because I forgot to take a cup in the hand. Just sat there, watching the tables and pouring 2 liters all over my desk without realizing it.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-05-2010 , 11:50 AM
Playing my first WSOP event and using a T1000 chip as a chip protector. Accidentally threw the chip in the muck instead of my cards. Luckily blinds were low and one chip rule was in effect.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-05-2010 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by wellju
Steadily pouring lemonade over my keyboard, because I forgot to take a cup in the hand. Just sat there, watching the tables and pouring 2 liters all over my desk without realizing it.
What were you watching on the tables? We're you playing for your kidneys and worried about getting 2 outter-ed?
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-05-2010 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by gav800
[ ] look like a genius calling one-off hands correctly.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-07-2010 , 01:51 AM
Was mistaken as someone else by a bunch of vultures.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-07-2010 , 08:20 AM
playing 1/3 at v 3 years ago in the summer i was involved in a hand. while playing it an open seat at the table got filled, i did not notice. five min pass someone speaking softly says something and all i hear is"marion barry blahblah in town to give a speech blah blah" having grown up in dc area i consider myself a bit of a MB expert so i loudly interject "hes a crackhead" all the ppl on my 1/2 of the table who had just been saying something about him are glaring at me. i assume they dont know all the fun facts about MB and just think im being racist. so i go on to explain how he was caught smoking crack with a hooker...ppls still staring at me. lady to my right kicks me and whispers hes at the table.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-07-2010 , 09:11 AM
It's embarrassing because he says he's embarrassed about it.

Obviously, the did it when he was new to game and/or young and/or drunk. He regrets it and wouldn't do it today.

Actually, having done it, then acknowledging he wouldn't do it again, and being able to laugh about it now -- even publicly -- IS classy.

Nobody's perfect from the first page of the first chapter, man.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-07-2010 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by schummlalala
Once I bet KK into trup Queens.
My gf would break up with me if I ever did bet the KK into trup Queen Queen.

Last edited by David123; 08-07-2010 at 09:53 AM.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-07-2010 , 09:46 AM
Used to play at an underground card room in Kalamazoo. Went to a 100 person MTT they ran there as a special event (usually it was just 1-2 tables of cash and thats it.) I busted out and decided to go home for awhile and come back for the after game which I knew would be juicy. I went home for along time, maybe 4-5 hours and came back. I saw one table running with about 6-7 people at it when i got back and just assumed it was the cash game without thinking. I hopped down in a chair, thought it was weird everyone was looking at me but i figured it was just because they were waiting for me to buy in so i pulled my wallet out and asked for a couple hundred, at which point they informed me i couldnt buy in to the final table and laughed me off the table.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-07-2010 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by mr.bum
playing 1/3 at v 3 years ago in the summer i was involved in a hand. while playing it an open seat at the table got filled, i did not notice. five min pass someone speaking softly says something and all i hear is"marion barry blahblah in town to give a speech blah blah" having grown up in dc area i consider myself a bit of a MB expert so i loudly interject "hes a crackhead" all the ppl on my 1/2 of the table who had just been saying something about him are glaring at me. i assume they dont know all the fun facts about MB and just think im being racist. so i go on to explain how he was caught smoking crack with a hooker...ppls still staring at me. lady to my right kicks me and whispers hes at the table.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-07-2010 , 01:03 PM
When I first started playing live poker I sat down in a 1/2 game one night at a nearby indian casino. I proceeded to bluff off all my chips on one of the very first hands. The guy sitting to my right then started commenting about how nervous i looked during the hand, how i was breathing heavily so on and so forth. Which was true, I was nervous and very new to live poker surroundings. I just felt embarrassed about that moment in particular. My only gripe with that guy was he got up and left a few hands later so i couldn't win any of his money and also he called me out to the whole table and then bounces. What the hell.

Last edited by Mind2Grind; 08-07-2010 at 01:04 PM. Reason: two s's
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-07-2010 , 01:10 PM
Not poker related but i once got a camera check for a 25p 4 number split on roulette.... i was wrong.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-07-2010 , 01:13 PM
2/4 LHE at bellagio my first time playing live and i win a hand with a bet on the river. i had a royal flush. everyone says "do you have it???" including the dealer. i just shake my head and much because i heard "you never show your cards".

after getting coolered at 5/10NL at borgata (i turned a set of 9s when the other guy had flopped the top set) and we got all in on the turn i just got up and walked out. after i left i was 90% sure i had the guy covered by $275 or so.

i went back to play after dinner and some guy came over to me and said "you left a few hundred on the table - go see the floor" so while i was there explaining what happened which was quite embarassing a guy who was at the table gave me the $275. for some reason they gave HIM my chips.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
08-07-2010 , 01:32 PM
Couple months ago, was doing great playing SSPLO but I got bored and decided to learn a game I'd never played before.

Sat down at 3/6 HU limit HE and started insta-clicking every single decision playing 300 hands/hour while playing more aggro than Isildur.

Ended up dropping 1/2 my BR in 4 hours and spent the rest of the day thinking about different ways to end my life.
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing poker? Quote
