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WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... WCGRider / Ben86 dispute....

09-08-2016 , 03:32 PM
When stuff like Quake and Duke Nukem came out, I was working in the industry. The real nerds were the ones who modelled the office in the level editor.
Obviously though, once they'd finished it, we realised how awesome it was and therefore how awesome they were.
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by PokerBananas
About 80% of the popular kids played FPS games when I was growing up. Counter-strike was the main one. A few of us played MMORPGs (Diablo2, Everquest) and it never effected our social status. 1998-2004

Counter-strike was actually the cool thing to do, and if you didn't play, you were laughed at, especially if you were popular.
Where did you grow up? It might have been some kind of disconnection with reality that made you think that was the case.
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by PokerBananas
About 80% of the popular kids played FPS games when I was growing up. Counter-strike was the main one. A few of us played MMORPGs (Diablo2, Everquest) and it never effected our social status. 1998-2004

Counter-strike was actually the cool thing to do, and if you didn't play, you were laughed at, especially if you were popular.
sorry bro but if you played everquest you were a nerd and nobody wanted to hang out with you except your nerdy everquest friends. in fact, if you played everquest, being a nerd was a prerequisite because the game was so hard and time-intensive.

cs was more acceptable.

d2 is the greatest game of all time. i still remember when i killed a quill rat in the blood moor for the first time and instantly became addicted.
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 03:48 PM
the coolest kids played runescape imo
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by JERRYJ0NES
Hes a bro among nerds, but a nerd among bros. No offense Doug.
Well said
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by taisho
life is tough for ben right now... all tables like this

I noticed you had notes on those guys. Mind sharing what they are? Or do the notes just say "this guy is sick"?
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 04:36 PM
the note on ben says "has more money than doug polk" ldo
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 04:59 PM
yellow tag is for sidesaddlers
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 05:03 PM
"bad at HORSE"
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Kurt Beefstick
So I remember both of these kids from the late 2000s down the Equino Casino in the Bahamas playing $25/50 $100 cap buy in with a $200 mandatory sidesaddle. They would continuously bicker like high school girls arguing over who could push up the most cleavage. I put up with it because it was an easy pay day and I was pulling $50-100 a day to fuel the porsche. The one thing that really tilted me was that whenever Ben raised he would throw in his chips and shout 'giddy up' each time. The dude doesnt even f**king like horses.
This is good

Originally Posted by epcfast
"bad at HORSE"
And so is this

Thread back on track, still waiting for jungleman...
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 05:55 PM
Hey Doug, seen u playing Ike today, did u finally gave 150 mmb/g edge?
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 05:58 PM

I generally like your videos and your willingness to call things out as you see them. You definitely come off as genuine ITT. At the same time, a couple of thoughts. First, your take now that the business issue with Ben was really quite serious (and it's pretty clear you're in the right on this issue) seems inconsistent with you not raising it with Ben for quite some time. Did you ever explore other options, i.e. asking Ben if you could talk to his partner yourself and be willing to sign an NDA? Or pressing Ben to somehow make it right? It seems to me that if you're going to let it go for a year or two, then it's best just forgotten -- even if, as it seems, Ben was in the wrong.

While you have the right of the business deal stuff, Ben's position doesn't make him a scumbag; perhaps he just made a mistake. Or it may have been malicious -- who knows?

I actually do think the emotional blowup happens sometimes IRL. I've definitely experienced it, where something I've said or done sticks in someone's craw for an extended time and then they completely blow their stack while drunk and emo. People have hangups that they barely understand themselves, and who knows what issues Ben may or not be dealing with. None of that makes him a scumbag; more likely simply insecure. I've gotten through that with one close friend but have defriended others on that same basis -- but I don't think I'd ever go public about that stuff, ever. It just doesn't seem classy.

Life is shorter than you think, and generally too short to call people out publicly for a personal fight, even though you may well be in the right.

Just my two cents' input into the 2p2 popcorn-drama machine.
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 06:21 PM
There is a non zero % chance that Doug and Ben are sitting somewhere right now, sharing drinks, and laughing at this thread.
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by betterlol
GTO theory in HS poker does not have the importance that you think it has, when you are playing a small number of hands against a small number of opponents that you have information on and can exploit more profitably based on said information, if you are good enough to do so that is.

Moreover, if GTO software assisted play (assuming that as you say this is what those guys do) is losing them money, then they better reevaluate their strategies pronto, as the margin of error with such a small number of hands is pretty thin.
gto, by definition does not lose any money. unless you can see your opponents cards, gto is gonna be the best strategy by a ton, even over a small sample.
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 06:55 PM
i hate threads that even look like you
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
gto, by definition does not lose any money. unless you can see your opponents cards, gto is gonna be the best strategy by a ton, even over a small sample.
GTO hopes to not lose any money. You can still lose it tho, no?
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by chocLatee
GTO hopes to not lose any money. You can still lose it tho, no?
Obvs. GTO doesn't give you royals.
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 08:10 PM
i always thought GTO stood for Get Teh dongers Out!
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by invictus-1
sorry bro but if you played everquest you were a nerd and nobody wanted to hang out with you except your nerdy everquest friends. in fact, if you played everquest, being a nerd was a prerequisite because the game was so hard and time-intensive.

cs was more acceptable.

d2 is the greatest game of all time. i still remember when i killed a quill rat in the blood moor for the first time and instantly became addicted.
D2 was good times, killing players in HC as a PK was such a rush.
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Human Halo
Thread back on track, still waiting for jungleman...
looks like hes being saddled at the moment. cant quite see the direction. im guesing its regular

WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
gto, by definition does not lose any money. ....
I do not think this is accurate. Sometimes a game cannot be beaten.

If 9 players are all playing GTO against each other they should eventually go broke because of the rake.
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by ddd68
Hey Doug, seen u playing Ike today, did u finally gave 150 mmb/g edge?
As of a few minutes ago he was getting his nuts waxed at 10/20.
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 11:32 PM
Best thing I took away from this entire thread was the Trueteller chat. Move along, people. Nothing left to see here.
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-08-2016 , 11:33 PM
Ben contacted me and put in a lot of effort to apologize for the arisen situation.

I want to thank the people that have supported my case and suggested I get paid in full, but I gave my word that whatever the judge decided on was final. I will not break that promise because of a flawed ruling. Had results in the match been reversed, there is obviously an array of scenarios that could have arisen. But had we picked the same judge with the same result and Ben given me his word that the ruling would be final, I can't see myself paying him any more money even when it became obvious that the ruling was incorrect.

I am done with the situation and happy for the help and intelligent input this thread provided.
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
09-09-2016 , 01:02 AM
u can bet a horses donger that ben86 aint too thrilled about the intelligent input this thread provided
WCGRider / Ben86 dispute.... Quote
