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Tom Dwan - the missing man Tom Dwan - the missing man

03-10-2024 , 08:42 AM
i think dwan has been struggling to seperate reality from delusion for a while now
you cant live a mental healthy life this way and he certainly has "the look"
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 09:00 AM
Has Tom Dwan become Viffer? I always thought the two had a lot in common
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Laaksolahti
At this point it's clear that some bigger debt collectors need their money first. Tom Dwan wouldn't ruin his reputation like this without a heavy reason.
Hes a non paying loaner who is now at the point where there is no way to hide that he is owing out the ass. Theres no way back to salvage his reputation, thats why all he says is nonsense that in no way exonerates him. Its sorta similar to Eli Elezra who by all accounts was owing everyone for decades without the poker watching public knowing, before it blew up in his face.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 12:15 PM
I remember Elezra from the old HSP episodes, always thought he was just the usual rich business owner rec that thinks he has a chance in the game. What's his real story, did he go broke or smth like that?

Dwan I don't care that much, my impression of him was that of a lazy guy who didn't want to study and keep up to date with the game and thought he could bypass it by only playing whales. All the while being a ****ing degenerate. No susprise if he really went busto.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by jinz3rd
Disagreement on debt in the hundreds of thousands of dollars is not scamming. We don't know anything beyond 2 people have said Dwan owes them money and Dwan never denied that just what the exact number is and how they are going about it when the conclusion is in doubt.
i believe the list is up to 4 now:

Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 01:18 PM
In the interview he mentions that ACR were sorting out the paperwork for his sponsorship 3 months ago.

That is some terrible timing on their part.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 01:33 PM
Crypto is up so you to assume tom is pretty liquid or could be if he sells. No reason he can't pay.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by jinz3rd
Disagreement on debt in the hundreds of thousands of dollars is not scamming. We don't know anything beyond 2 people have said Dwan owes them money and Dwan never denied that just what the exact number is and how they are going about it when the conclusion is in doubt.
Read better please. I said that’s the angle of the story, as it is debated in court of public opinion, not that it is fact. I mean I’m sure David Lerner (Perky), the son of the Washington Nationals owner, owes Dwan a bunch a money, so maybe there needs to be some pressure on him to pay Dwan, to get the rest of the debts settled. The Lerners aren’t selling the Nationals anymore so you know they have money. Remember, Dwan’s Haralabob debt was cut down to six figures down from millions because Boosted J owed Dwan heaps.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 02:02 PM
Honestly don't think the Jetten and Harlalalalabobob stuff seem to be that clear cut. Of course it seems he's been owing them money for a long time, but calling him a scammer at this point is probably not warranted from bystanders. Not talking about the Jungle situation.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 02:12 PM
Peter Jetten is as honest and respectable a person as there is in the poker world. Sucks that former friends have to fall out over money, tho.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 02:44 PM
Everyone knew Dwan had a history of not paying his debts after the Durrr challenge with Jungleman, so why seasoned professional gamblers like Haralabob and Peter Jetten, thought he would start paying his debts, a decade later is unfathomable.

Haralob and Jetten are donkeys and need to take personal responsibility.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
Haralob and Jetten are donkeys and need to take personal responsibility.
lmao, top tier trolling bud
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 03:27 PM
I mean Dwan isn't paying and will never pay.

That's not a troll. It's a fact.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 03:40 PM
I’ve always said Dwan was the most overrated player in poker. He was just a bad player that was a big luckbox. Maybe people can finally start agreeing with me on this.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 03:54 PM
In the early days of online poker, when people would only 3 bet you with QQ and AK plus, I think it's pretty obvious Tom had a massive edge.

Whether, he has an edge now is debatable.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
I mean Dwan isn't paying and will never pay.

That's not a troll. It's a fact.
Neither of these cases are even instances where they loaned him money. Not that it would negate your victim blaming mentality.

One instance was Peter selling action to Dwan and essentially free rolling Peter in tourneys. He had no intention to pay for the action but 100% he woulda taken the winnings had Peter binked.

The other instance was Haralabob betting alongside Dwan in prop bets and essentially free rolling him as well. On the spectrum of welching free rolling is worse than borrowing and not paying. He used his image and TV personality to dupe people into thinking he was trustworthy

I can’t believe ACR hasn’t told him to stfu and get off social media already. Guy digs himself a deeper hole every time he talks. But alas it appears there will once again be no repercussions to these scammers

I bet there’s another dozen stories similiar that are kept under wraps, especially given his affinity for gambling in Asia. Asians tend to keep to themselves and be tight lipped. I’d bet some would rather eat the loss than admit they were duped and make a scene. I know of one story in particular where the only way the guy got paid was to have a crew of people show up to the cage after a big win and threaten Tom. That man got paid
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 04:10 PM
I'd feel bad if he scammed a recreational.

But come on. Peter Jetten and Haralobob are seasoned professional gamblers.

They have no excuses.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by wsopfinaltable
I’ve always said Dwan was the most overrated player in poker. He was just a bad player that was a big luckbox. Maybe people can finally start agreeing with me on this.
lol no
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
Everyone knew Dwan had a history of not paying his debts after the Durrr challenge with Jungleman, so why seasoned professional gamblers like Haralabob and Peter Jetten, thought he would start paying his debts, a decade later is unfathomable.

Haralob and Jetten are donkeys and need to take personal responsibility.
Yeah I think it's a fair point that after the durrr challenge, there is no discernable reason to loan him money. But even so, you'd think getting him to place a bet for you would be low-risk... unless he's a scammer.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Lionelhuttz
Read better please. I said that’s the angle of the story, as it is debated in court of public opinion, not that it is fact. I mean I’m sure David Lerner (Perky), the son of the Washington Nationals owner, owes Dwan a bunch a money, so maybe there needs to be some pressure on him to pay Dwan, to get the rest of the debts settled. The Lerners aren’t selling the Nationals anymore so you know they have money. Remember, Dwan’s Haralabob debt was cut down to six figures down from millions because Boosted J owed Dwan heaps.
Get outta here with your actual info
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 05:47 PM
Shout out to whoever was behind the "Privateworld" account that was posting here about Dwan's shenanigans (among others) about 10 years ago and got banned.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
I'd feel bad if he scammed a recreational.

But come on. Peter Jetten and Haralobob are seasoned professional gamblers.

They have no excuses.
It's just bizarre that you seem to be willing to absolve Tom of any and all culpability because Jetten and Haralobob "should've known better." That's why you seem like a troll, because it requires a pretty obvious level of intellectual dishonesty to do that

I think it's been pretty clearly established why it was likely worth the risk for Bob at least, but he obviously takes some level of blame, as I think is the case with most gambling debts. But this being true doesn't mean that Tom doesn't appear quite scummy for refusing to pay. Both of these things can be true at the same time

Definitely takes a certain kind of person to be entirely unwilling to place any blame whatsoever on a person who routinely welches on debts lol
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by domgio7
Has Tom Dwan become Viffer? I always thought the two had a lot in common
Correct me if I’m wrong but Viffer owes no one money right?
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by whitemares
That's why you seem like a troll, because it requires a pretty obvious level of intellectual dishonesty to do that
Lol, The agreement was that Dwan would place bets for Voulgaris, because of Voulgaris's reputation as a professional gambler, so obviously Voulgaris was trying to get in on action that he was banned from.

Voulgaris, therefore acting like he is some kind of a judge and juror on human morality, is hypocritical and laughable.

Voulgaris the gambling shark, became the lamb to the slaughter. Dwan schooled him.

What goes around, comes around
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
03-10-2024 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Couchsock

I can’t believe ACR hasn’t told him to stfu and get off social media already. Guy digs himself a deeper hole every time he talks. But alas it appears there will once again be no repercussions to these scammers
Modern PR: muddy the waters on what is true or not, generate headlines/buzz, and most people are idiots with short memories so they give the shady company their business.

Originally Posted by borg23
lol no
+1 Dwan along with Robl, and Keating are probably the best live exploitative players out there. Online guys like Foxwoodsfiend were saying on here that Dwan was a spot in online 6max games since like early 2008.

Originally Posted by fish_but_lucky
Shout out to whoever was behind the "Privateworld" account that was posting here about Dwan's shenanigans (among others) about 10 years ago and got banned.
This was an older 80/160 limit holdem reg at Bellagio right? People like Mason figured out who he was and then he got banned/disappeared.
Tom Dwan - the missing man Quote
