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Thread Summary: Robbi's wild call with J4 vs Garrett Adelstein on Hustler Live Thread Summary: Robbi's wild call with J4 vs Garrett Adelstein on Hustler Live

10-01-2022 , 07:56 PM
I’ve been a poker player in Vegas since the mid 1970’s and seen a lot of weird **** over that time period, if there were a way to prove this one way or another I would bet half my roll that she cheated.
10-01-2022 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Daedaluss
Nobody would stake her if she wasn't somehow cheating. That's just obviously a losing bet even to a guy like rip.
Rip's involvement with Jake Paul's boxing career makes me very suspicious. I already leaned 75% cheating. However, the fact that Robbi's 'business partner' is independently connected to a match fixing controversy in another professional sport is a HUGE red flag, and pushes me to >90% cheating.

I think it is totally feasible, if not likely, that a group of scammers targeted this game, and were exposed when an unlikely situation brought their sloppy execution directly into the spotlight.
10-02-2022 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by James C K
Why are people even considering that she might have some cheating device? I don't get it.
You have to be able to understand how insanely bad and perfectly timed her call was to understand why it's suspicious. If you have a low level of poker knowledge it might be confusing, but basically she made a play that was so unbelievably ridiculous that it's hard to believe she could've done it if she weren't cheating. Imagine a sober blackjack player suddenly increasing his bet to all of his remaining chips at a moment when he needs exactly a 2 to come in order to win, and then a 2 comes.
10-02-2022 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by Loctus
Can you link/provide a screenshot of ANYTHING showing there is a device capable of reading RFID in this way? Because all the scam setups I've seen that do this do it by scanning hidden barcodes on a rigged deck, not via RFID.

If this is a well known poker scam this should not be hard to provide (ie to prove that a device like this even exists anywhere)
It's a well known scam in private games, especially in LA. The devices ive seen are larger than a large cellphone and the culprits sit in the 5 seat, and put it suspiciously on the table close to the dealer.

I'm in the she didnt cheat camp fwiw.

I think if she somehow did, its from a stream compromise or hack.

The device would have been obvious afaik and should have been found.
10-02-2022 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by James C K
You also see the dealer cut the deck which is all that matters right?
If someone knows the order that the machine will put the cards in then cutting the deck does nothing to alleviate possible cheating.

I don't think that's relevant at all here though, but no, cutting the deck doesn't prevent cheating via rigged decks/machines.
10-02-2022 , 05:32 AM
It is so blatantly obvious she was cheating.Her talking during the hand is a dead giveaway.If she didn't open her mouth I would agree she misread her hand.To anyone saying she wasn't cheating has 0 street smarts.

I had a very similar experience happen to me and they were caught cheating.Her brain freeze happend due to fear of being caught,reading her hand,the cameras etc.

I would also take a close look at the comments from other players on table exactly after the hand played out.Im very suspicious there are others in on it or knew what was going on.
10-02-2022 , 02:04 PM
HCL story has gone mainstream, now on the main BBC site...
10-02-2022 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by PokerEthics
It didn’t come off as giving friends action…

From the sounds of it she needed a stake to get into the game.

Generally speaking a deal where you go 50-50 upside w no payback in a freeroll is for someone that can’t afford the game. Much different than her buying in and giving someone 50% piece to diversify her risk.

It’s just another thing that doesn’t quite make sense. Her defense of being rich and the money not mattering is flimsy at best. Rich people usually like money more than that and didn’t become rich by giving it all away.

The story breaks down… which is it? Is she rich and didn’t care about the money in which case she should let it go. Or was she bullied into doing it in which case I understand her wanting it back.

The verdict is still out imo. But there’s just so many inconsistencies in her entire story.

She tries to act like she's very wealthy and doesn't care about the money. But in her interview on Joeys channel she says Rip had 50% of her action and "other backers" had 50. So it looks like she had zero of her own money at risk.

On Joeys show she claimed to have been "much higher" than pharma sales and claimed to have been a "Director". However her Linkedin:

has no mention of a position as "Director"

Doing some research here is what I found:

Cell Therapy Account Manager - 175K/year median salary

Hematology Oncology Consultant - 325k/year median salary

Territory Manager - 84-130K/year

While all of her positions do have 6-figure salaries she's working in Los Angeles so the cost of living is significantly higher, reducing the impact of those incomes. The home she lives in was purchased in 2015 for $1.8 million and Zillow lists it at around $3.2 Million now. But it doesn't look like a mansion or anything crazy, it's on a tightly packed street with one parking spot off-street and multiple cars parked on the street, homes close together, nothing "luxurious" looking about it except the high price tag for the area. In most areas of the country the home would be probably in the 350-500K range I imagine

Her husband is Charles Lew who is an attorney, an operating partner at a Capital firm, owns a few businesses and has also been involved in developing an NFT:

In addition, she said something about having left her work to "try poker out" (although her LinkedIn was showing she was still presently employed in her current position). And if you look at the salary difference from her previous listed job to her current one, it's almost been cut in half.

I don't know if her husbands income has been suffering as of late, but this is a woman who clearly enjoys a certain lifestyle given the ridiculous amounts of plastic surgery she's gotten.

So there could definitely be a money motivation to cheat if you're accustomed to a certain lifestyle and are instead living on half that salary while costs of living are increasing, and living in an area where people are obsessed with appearances and keeping up with the joneses.

She clearly wants people to think she's ultra-wealthy, but from her own admission she had 0% of her action in these games. Not a smoking gun for cheating, but certainly gives some motivation financially if she isn't as well off as she's claiming.
10-02-2022 , 06:30 PM
10-03-2022 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Made man

Hands down smartest guy in poker since forever.
Yeah not surprised Galfond gets it. I think alot of the pros are good buddies with Garrett so there having trouble not being biased.

Garrett tapping the glass on tilt from losing that day I could look past. Even asking for her money in the side room though completely out of line maybe I could blame on emotions. Now him STILL sitting on her money and not apologizing for his behavior days later is way over the top.

Hes got no proof of her cheating and rather then doing the right thing hes in the lab with his buddies trying to find proof that doesnt exist.
10-03-2022 , 10:45 AM
The simple explanation as others have said - she simply saw Andys hand

At this specific time in the video - Andy folds a 10... and I think Robbie simply sees his hand!

Mainly it is how Andy lifts his cards - he is practically lifting them in the direction of Robbie. But this now explains a lot about the incident

The hand becomes a lot easier to play when you KNOW a 10 has been folded. It makes draws far more likely (but still a difficult call) , it explains Robbie saying she hoped he had Ace high. She simply hoped her Jack and 4 were still live and she may spike a pair. And finally - it explains her giving the money back. She knows she cheated but not in the sense of using a vibrating device or a wi-fi device, she simply saw an opponents hand!

Possibly clutching at straws here - but the moment Andy folds his hand Robbie instantly moves her head and her chips. Could be completely coincidental. But I think the simple explanation is....

She saw Andys hand!! blink and youll miss it the entire incident is 2.03 to 2.05
10-03-2022 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by RJT

Bart Hanson nails it IMO.
Good on Bart to come out and backtrack on his position. Kinda felt like he was in the cheating camp, even if he didnt make it clear like Doug, but now hes one of the first big names to backtrack.

Love barts videos and he does seem like a stand up guy so good on him.

Doug and Garrett in a tough spot now.
10-03-2022 , 09:35 PM
So I have thought about this a lot and read a lot too.

There's a huge debate and a case can be made that she cheated, sure.

But if we were to take a poll and that poll be "Is Robbi Jade Lew a terrible poker player?"
I am fairly confident that it would be a landslide that she is a terrible poker player.
Probably a lot more one-sided than the poll in this forum right now (didn't vote or check, just a hunch).

To which I then say: What makes someone a terrible poker player?
In essence a terrible poker player will make terrible poker plays and not have a good understanding of poker concepts.

Isn't that what she did? Isn't that what she is?

Or to put it another way...

10-04-2022 , 12:42 PM
Imagine getting wrecked by a fish on live stream and ending up on BBC news. What a time to be alive!
10-04-2022 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by shot_by_ford
Just saw this on Twitter. These are the pants she was wearing. Not sure if it's been posted here yet, but I think that puts an end to the whole object in her pants thing for everyone who isn't pot committed to the she-cheated camp.

Versace Pants

Giovanni Versace was born on January 4th

Jan 4th


10-04-2022 , 11:05 PM
Let's start a list of the smoking guns as to her play and what devices she used and where. Go:

1. her ring (fiddling with jewelry, very suspicious)
2. the water bottle (obv. a James Bond type device)
3. she saw her neighbor's 10 (so auto pot committed with jack high)
4. hipster Versace pants custom pocket for gadget
5. buzzer in hair bun which gives shock therapy to cranial cavity
6. "She lied about her hand" (obv. goes with cheating)
7. "She gave a confused version of her play"
8. gadget on hip that mysteriously turns brown pants to black on the outside, a well-known device
9. the old buzzer in the shoe trick
10. the old buzzer in the genitalia trick
11. cohort saw cards of G-ster and signaled her
12. dealer pitch is too elevated, she espied two little clubs (even in 9 seat)
13. RDF in body cavity of your choice
14. buzzer in boobs (not officially a cavity in pokerz)
15. marked cards
16. Foster Grant glasses are readers
17. she gave the money back (like duh obv. guilt, cheaters do this all the time right on the spot, you just have to ask)
18. "She min raised the turn ... smoking gun!"
10-05-2022 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Defarse
Holy balls, Garrett just gave away the money that doesn't belong to him?
Why do you/people assume it's that money he gave away? He makes no mention it is the money in question he gave away. He's just pimping a charity he likes due to all the attention this is getting. He is not saying he gave her 135k away.

edit: jfc I just saw he donated 135k to it. Lmao. I can only hope he'll still give her 135k back if nothing transpires.
10-05-2022 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by madchens123
Ryan Feldman on Twitter directly replying to the person who posted the 6c 4h being swapped:

"FYI those 2 cards were swapped in DIFFERENT DECKS. One was gold, one was black. Your conspiracy theory makes zero sense. Sorry."

So unless we think Ryan Feldman is involved in some cover up, I think we can put this one to bed.
Personally I was just excited to see something presented that 1) had physical evidence and 2) made logical sense.

I think even the 100/0 no cheats would have to admit that it is a fantastic coincidence that 2 cards were swapped in this session…one of them ended up in the most controversial hand of poker ever played, and the other card makes this entire event a standard hand (relatively speaking as far as this game goes).

Surely in the ranks of vibrating chairs and bulges in pants, this is the most interesting piece of evidence to come to light.
10-05-2022 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
I will say this 6c stuff is another interesting/odd coincidence in a very long string of them, but nothing really seems to make sense for cheating in this case. Simlords trolling us.

I really have yet to hear an articulate way on how they are even expected to be cheating.

Nearly every single person I've seen claim she for sure cheated always takes methods/cheating capabilities from a bunch of different methods of cheating and when any one part is debunked or shown to be very unlikely, they just pivot to it being possible under another method. This ends up being an amalgamation of every single cheating method at the end to be what they are truly proposing. It looks something like this:

1. They somehow have two way communication.
2. They only have binary communication
3. She possibly has a huge vibrating device on her.
4. They know exact cards possibly from a live stream exploit or an inside man or some rfid exploit
5. But they also know exact run outs
6. They play fake hands to cover their actions/only cheat certain times but pick this spot with all the info they have to go wild

It's always a mix/match of all these things, whatever fits the current tidbit cheating narrative they are currently supporting, if you tell them two way communication is unlikely because of how the hand played out they tell you they only have binary communication. That in and of itself is entirely possible, but the introduction of binary only invalidates something else that happened in their theory for cheating. This also keeps happening with the know exact run out/only know the cards players are holding then they mix and match for what makes sense.

Can anyone give me a coherent thought process on how they cheated from A to Z without contradicting themselves?
  1. Alleged accomplice has access to the RFIDs of the cards and has built a database correlating those IDs to suits/ranks
  2. There is a one-way communication mechanism for the accomplice to signal the player on whether to proceed with hands. It could be something physically on the player (seems unlikely based on my review of the footage), something visual external to the poker room (they're in a glass-encased room), or something audible external to the room, like the chirp captured in the suspected hand.
  3. For reasons related to the card swap, the accomplice misread the player's hand as Jc4c instead of Jc4h. Seeing the villain had a lower flush draw and a slightly neutered open-ended straight draw (card removal), the player had a huge statistical advantage over Garrett's hand, and thus was given the one-way "go ahead" signal by the accomplice.
  4. The accomplice doesn't have access to cards-to-come, so based his signal solely on the statistics.
10-05-2022 , 03:48 PM
Robbi on Poker News podcast...October 5.

Sticks to mis-read hole cards story.
10-05-2022 , 08:15 PM
Ok my ppl I havent read the last few pages here but I was always on the 100% no cheating side and argued quite strongly.

Now I will tell you guys why I always knew she werent cheating. If you see my earliest post on this thread you will see that I was on-point about the call being plausible just looking at Garretts ranges, and it was a good post. But that was not even the reason why I knew, which was even stronger than that.

As soon as her hand is shown down, Robbi takes her necklace and starts playing with it.

She plays with the necklace a bit, going all the way up to full stretch.

Just as Garrett says "I dont understand whats happening right now"

The necklace behaviour is something you see when a woman wants to draw attention to herself and is feeling good. Often done with the hair but not always. Whats important is that it goes to full stretch. That significies maximum positive emotion and confidence and attention-seeking. I have never seen this faked, and I cant imagine it being faked at maximum. This type of behaviour is very common in women when they are flirting and really like you. I have had women use maximum hair stretch on me often, just yesterday infact, so I know what I am talking about.

So you see guys, I was always 100% confident she didnt cheat as soon as I saw that in the hand I knew what was going on. So, I'm not gonna say how I know these things so well but lets just say I am quite deep in THE GAME.
10-05-2022 , 08:55 PM
So in his initial statement Garret said that he told Robbi that the hand is gonna be viewed by millions (causing her face to literally melt) and now he’s saying that this went viral ‘in a way [he] never could’ve expected’. Ok Gman…ok.

He also went from ‘I wouldn’t ask for my money back if there was any chance I wasn’t being cheated’ to ‘I strongly believe I was cheated’. Ok Gman.
10-05-2022 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by MrMiragi
Lol Perkins' investigative pro who was sure it was cheating backtracked?

Shambles, the lot of ya
Yeah it's hilarious yesterday on joeys, based on that 1 image he said 100% his expert riends believe was a "man made device" on her hip and less then 24 hours oops I was wrong
10-06-2022 , 11:01 AM
Ok so at the 7:15:30 mark of Joeys video we get this exchange:

SHAUN DEEB: So Robbi, I think that you never answered, did Rip have any of your action in this cash game?

ROBBI: Rip is very, very well-financed by himself and he stakes several poker players (notice how she again dodges the question, trying not to answer that she was staked)

SHAUN DEEB: Including you?


SHAUN DEEB: So did anyone in the game know that he was staking you in this game?


And then in this video at the end she appears to be upset that now people know she was staked (you know, the people who were supposed to already know that these two were financially tied together in this game)

Seems odd she'd be upset people found out she was staked since she claims people already knew she was staked.....
10-06-2022 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
I can’t get over the CIA expert body language panel discussion that was linked ITT. You guys post too much I can’t even go back to quote. Has Papi seen it? Thread Summary: Robbi's wild call with J4 vs Garrett Adelstein on Hustler Live

The body language experts say that Robbi Emasculated Garrett.
