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Thread Summary: Robbi's wild call with J4 vs Garrett Adelstein on Hustler Live Thread Summary: Robbi's wild call with J4 vs Garrett Adelstein on Hustler Live

10-10-2022 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by carlmurr7
1- no one ever hear of Robbi in the poker community before that hand
2- she has no idea of how to play poker but she decides to play the biggest cash game ever
3- she comes and plays for 200k cash that she took from rip who took it from someone else
4- they were all together the night before for 8 hours drinking probably celebrating the scam
5- she makes the most stupid call in the history of poker but she is ahead technically, rip is really mad after that because she gave the money back
6- she is good looking so great for playing the role of the beginner player who is lucky
7- there is a guy who has access to the cards live who is fired the next day who decided to steel from her 15k
8- she gives back the money to Garett, and she says she can win it back in a couple of hands
9- she plays a lot of other weird hands and wins all her sessions while she is the dumbest poker player ever to exist.

Guys we should be really stupid to think that she was not cheating .

100% cheating and anyone who thinks that she was not has never really played poker
At some point i think the poll attached to this thread showed 70 percent voted no cheating. That means 2 out of 3 on this pokerforum truly believes that game was clean. I mean wow,just wow.
10-11-2022 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
This kind of **** really blows me away. I completely get why people think she cheated. What I can't understand is how people can't see it's reasonable to have some doubt. Thus far, not only has no one been able to provide any direct evidence of cheating, I don't think there's even consensus on how it was done. And I'm not making an "absence of evidence is evidence of absence" argument - the fact that a cheating method hasn't been identified doesn't mean it didn't happen. But to be not only 100% certain there was cheating, but that it's completely unthinkable to believe otherwise, and that people who do are "f'ing blind" and "dangerously slow" is...quite something.
No one knew exactly what Barry Bonds was taking to get so huge and hit homeruns. Or what Lance Armstrong was doing to win so many races. It took forever to get "proof". Lance Armstrong was so successful defending himself from accusations of cheating that he sued and WON against several media outlets early into the cheating allegations. And many other cheaters in professional sports and competitions defended themselves tooth and nail against even whispers of cheating. Everyone "knew" that they were cheating but the burden of proof was excruciating.

The difference is that those accused of cheating in poker typically do not have deep pockets and cutthroat lawyers like a Lance Armstrong. Most of those accused in cheating in poker the last few years are people of low character, with dubious backgrounds, and inconsistent income with no access to high power attorneys. And so their defenses against cheating are usually just enough to circumvent legal trouble, but in the process their reputations are destroyed. Without naming names these individuals usually do enough to avoid major fines and jail time but the court of public opinion will be a loss. They declare bankruptcy, admit no guilt publicly, and simply move on without major consequence.

The other thing to consider is that in Major League Baseball they had the incentive to cover up the steroids and cheating as much as possible. And to minimize and compartmentalize the other cheating. Steroids? Only a minority did it. Stealing signs with electronics? Only one or two teams at most did it. Illegal grip substance? Only a small minority did it. No need to change the league around over these very "minor" cheating instances. A place like Hustler Casino has every incentive to sweep the cheating under the rug and internalize their response. Lest the government get involved or players publicly go after the casino. Hustler wants this story to die quickly. As does the Hustler Casino Live streaming team. They want the dust to settle and to return to normalcy with this just being a small hiccup in their operations.
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
If there has been some new direct evidence of the cheating method that came up in another thread, please LMK - I'm having a hard enough time justifying following this one thread, let alone multiple others, so my apologies if there was a major development in another thread that didn't come up here.
Like the last major cheating scandal in poker, this one will fizzle out into nothing. Direct evidence will be thin. Even with a mountain of circumstantial "evidence". Nothing substantive will come out of this like people expect. Where we have fantasies of people getting jail time or casinos shutting down or massive cheating rings being exposed. Most likely we already hit the peak of evidence and information.
10-11-2022 , 02:01 PM
alright this drama sucked me back onto here after like 10 years.

actual questions we need answered and covered in the report.

Nothing here is intended to be a statement of fact. Going off bits I am reading here and there so apologies for any mistakes. Everything in here is an opinion.

1. Why did Robbi lend 20k to beanz? What was this for? How did Beanz plan to pay this back? When was this supposed to be repaid? Want a statement from both parties. We want to check if this was a legit loan or actually just a payment that is being disguised as an outstanding loan.

2. How long has Bryan been playing 10/20/40 or pit games? I have been reading several months. Who knew about this and when. Want answers from Nick, Ryan and DGAF. They must know Bryans income and relative poker skill. Suddenly punting off stacks when he holds sensitive data should have set off alarm bells.

3. Why did DGAF lend Bryan 8k? How did he think Bryan would pay this back? Did DGAF let Nick or Ryan know about the loan? If yes, when did they know? Did they ask bryan any question during this period? Has DGAF lent money to Bryan perviously? How much, how often? How fast did Bryan repay and how did DGAF understand Bryan was going to pay this back? What reason did Bryan give for asking for money?

4. I dont think DGAF cheated and understand why he is upset. BUT. He has to understand that hes loaning 8k to someone who can see live hole cards in streamed games that he plays in, so there is immediately a perceived potential conflict of interest right there. He should want to be fully investigated and cleared as much as he can. Obviously it sucks to have your life put under a microscope but the reality is that this is bad optics.

5. Nik lent Rip 175k on the basis of an outstanding wire. Rip seems to say he cancelled it or never made it. Has this been confirmed by anyone else?

6. it is possible (not saying likely) that Robbi is the unluckiest person of all time who lied about her hand to not appear stupid and now potentially looks like a cheater but as a result we uncover wrongdoing by other parties. Bryan stealing chips while in his position is really bad. People desperate for money do bad things. The Beanz challenge to Polk is super suspect now and from the timing of July, think we should be looking back at tape from that period.

7. Will HCL ever mass release unedited video/audio from the games going back to July 2022? It can be on a separate channel just for poker nerds to trawl through to satisfy themselves that there is nothign weird going on.

8. How long has Rip been staking Robbi for? How much has he put her into games for? What is her P/L while staked? You must have spreadsheets or something somewhere.

9. Where was Beanz planning to get funds for to play Garrett HU for 100k x3? did he ever say?

now just my thoughts below.

It is possible Rip is clueless innocent here and getting freerolled by Robbi. He does not need to be complicit with robbi necessarily.

It is possible Nik was getting freerolled by Rip since none of Niks money went to Robbi to play.

Bryan probably did other shady stuff than lift 15k. We need to find it. Also over 5% chance he dissapears in the next month before people can start asking questions. The tinfoil will really come out then.

Garret freerolled Robbi by taking the money unless he knows for an absolute certainty he was cheated. IMO he cannot know this unless he knows how cheating is currently done. As such, he has always freerolled her.

Robbi - everything she does is ridiculous and can be explained in legit/cheat camp so cant get anywhere. If she just said she misread her hand, we would just be saying "live poker not dead". Her reactions and flipflopping made the investigation happen. Bryan taking chips from her stack, her not noticing it while stacked, giving 135k of someone else's money away and the hand itself are several nodes which are all unlikely if she is legit. Slim chance she was just on something during the session which is why everything she says is word salad and explains looking at her hand for ages and still thinking she had J3. Bryan taking her chips, her not noticing and not pressing charges initially are the most damning evidence to me in conjunction with the hand itself.

I am way too invested in this.
10-13-2022 , 04:14 PM
Timings in the J8 and the J4 hand:
-Tanks 20s calls J8dd on turn 3 way drawing dead to a boat

-Tanks 16s with J4o and minraises TT9cc3

isn't this really strange if she has someone in the back with a buzzer? why isn't her accomplice letting her know to fold on turn when she has 0% with J8? You kind of have to come up with a really convoluted explanation where the accomplice is picking and choosing where to give her information. But then the accomplice would have chosen to give her info to call on the J4 hand when it's a horrible spot to cheat variance wise and if they know literally anything about poker they know it would draw suspicion. Telling her to fold J8dd on the turn would be a great spot to cheat. It's not suspicious to fold turn here 3 way.

And if she isn't getting told to fold on the turn in under 20s when she has J8, she likely wasn't told she was good in the J4 hand when she tanked only 16 seconds before minraising. And if we think Robbi can get to the turn and minraise J4, is she really 0% to click the call button? 0?? she's fully freerolling the game. And she wants to beat Garrett.

On top of this she tanks river for 50 seconds with Jack high in the J8dd hand telling garrett that she thinks he's bluffing when he has a full house. If she was buzzed on the river that he had a better hand, it's kind of strange that she would tank for this long with jack high and she would choose to look stupid by announcing she thought he might be bluffing when she knows for a fact he isn't.

I think the proximity of the two hands (just 1 orbit) is pretty strong evidence she probably wasnt cheating. if you 3barrel an amateur twice in a row they are going to be more likely to call you the second time, especially players with egos like Robbi (challenging people to HU for a million lol). It's a question of how much wider do they call the second time. Is it 1 pip or 10 pips? She was already considering calling the J8. Maybe not that crazy to believe she coulda called J4 here. it is a tremendously bluffy line by Garrett and he's probably only shoving draws without showdown value here.

Open these two hands up and play them and watch them side by side.

It's remarkable how similar her mannerisms and behavior are in the two hands. If your theory is she was only getting info in the J4 hand, i think its strange that there is so much consistency between the way she acts in both hands.
10-13-2022 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Roger Ramjet
And you are conflating intuition with evidence. Him being shocked in the moment is not evidence he was cheated. lol the takes just get dumber and dumber. This is amazing.
Evidence is her immediately being unable to explain coherently why she called. She doesn't have to, and it might not mean anything, but it's evidence. The fact that she made an impossible call that makes no sense is evidence. Her aggression upon being challenged is evidence. The fact that there were 2 people very new to the game involved with each other is evidence. The fact that she took forever to ponder a call with an insta-fold hand is evidence. Hell, even the facial expressions from the other players upon seeing the hands turned up is evidence.

Literally everything going on in the game is evidence. Might be nothing, might not prove anything, but it's all evidence.
10-13-2022 , 09:52 PM

I haven’t seen anyone mention the following suspicious behavior and am curious what others think? These things could be innocent, but they are definitely also “Strange Occurrences.”

Timestamps are when an incident occurs. Links take you directly to the beginning of the incident to give full context. All timestamps are from the J4 stream on 9/29, unless otherwise noted.


I haven’t seen anyone bring up the earbuds under Robbi’s seat. It could be perfectly innocent, and I’m not sure how they could be involved (bluetooth earbuds connected to wired earbuds?), but I’m having a hard time seeing how Robbi didn’t feel the headphones she dropped under her feet at the beginning of the game, for at least 2 hours when we see them again in the same spot, while Robbi and Garrett are talking on the casino floor.

  • 0:21:23 - Bryan mics up Robbi
  • 0:23:04 - Robbi talks to Lauren the dealer and motions right over the iPad/timer, with her phone and headphones in her hand. (Is the iPad/timer connected to the control room/GFX/WiFi/anything related?) Right as she does this RIP starts talking to Ryan. (Possible distraction?) Then she plays with her headphones. Looks at her phone. Then leaves her phone over the RFID reader. She leaves the headphones in her lap for 2.5 minutes.
  • 0:26:55 - While she’s doing something in her purse the headphones fall from her lap. She then hands her phone over. After shuffling around in her purse again, she pulls out her lipstick. (Perhaps coincidentally also the oldest trick in the book)
  • 0:30:36 - Luis looks like he’s gonna walk towards Robbi and she appears to cover the headphones with her feet
  • 0:30:53 - Then for the next few minutes she looks like she’s covering and pushing the headphones further under the table.
  • 0:31:05 - You can see the white wire moving around under her feet, but somehow she still doesn’t feel it. This is also when Garrett walks in and has to walk past her chair to his seat.
  • 0:31:16 - After Garrett looks towards the area under Robbi’s chair, she appears to push the headphones further under the table. You can see a white part of the headphones move under her heel (looks like maybe the actual earbud). Somehow she still doesn’t feel them under her feet.
  • 0:33:36 - Show starts and you can see the headphones are directly under Robbi’s feet in a place that seems impossible for her not to feel at some point. (make sure playbar disappears to see)
  • 2:52:16 - The headphones are still in the same spot over two hours later while Robbi is talking to Garrett on the casino floor. Seems highly improbable that at no point in over two hours did she feel the headphones directly under her feet and pick them up. Try putting your foot over a set of earbuds and see how easily and quickly you notice it. It’s like not noticing a rock under your shoe. Even just the wire would be noticeable.

Constantly Looking Towards Casino Floor

  • 1:51:47 - J8 vs Garrett’s Q4 - Shaking Chair Hand - Squinting
    Multiple times during the stream, Robbi is distracted and looking towards the casino floor while she’s in the middle of making a decision. Very strange to do this while making a decision, instead of looking at the board, or the opposing player. The most suspicious of which, was when Robbi was trying to make a river decision after Garrett’s overbet. She goes from looking at Garrett, to looking towards the casino floor, and then squints like she’s either looking for someone/something in the distance, or trying to read something in the distance. I’m struggling to figure out why she would be so distracted during such an important decision.

Card Swaps

  • 1:48:10 - Right before the squinting hand, something again catches Robbi’s attention on the casino floor, where she’s been looking all night. In the middle of joking about slapping her wrist for playing a bad hand, her demeanor suddenly changes, and gets serious as she turns her head, and looks towards the casino floor. Her reaction changes at the exact moment the woman that walked in says “4 of hearts” to change out the card. The dealer at the table then confirms, saying "4 of hearts." Then she slides her right hand full of rings a long way towards the dealer as he’s swapping out the card. RIP then also glances towards the casino floor.
  • 1:52:45 - Right after the J8 fold vs Garrett’s Q4 squinting hand, there’s a quick shot of Robbi looking at the dealers again swapping out the 6c. Then a quick shot of RIP looking very intently at Robbi. Then Robbi mouthing something to RIP. We catch the very end of something she says. Then it looks like she mouths the hand she just had. “Jack-Eight” or maybe “Jack-High.” Looks more like “Jack-Eight.” Perhaps to confirm/question whether the cards are reading correctly. Or maybe just telling him what she folded as friends. Still suspicious.

Possible Collusion

  • 5:49:42 - Robbi 7h-6h vs RIP Ac-3h
    In addition to the AQ vs AQ hand with RIP that Robbi basically admitted soft playing on Joey Ingram’s 10/12 podcast, the two have another suspicious hand at the end of the stream. Three way pot with Robbi, RIP, and Mike X. Flop is 4-3-6 with two clubs. RIP bets 4k into 10k on the flop with A3 for bottom pair 3’s. Robbi raises to 12k with the top pair 6’s and a gutshot. Then RIP tries to call out of turn and the dealer tells him to wait. He apologizes to Mike. Mike gets squeezed out and folds the King high flush draw. Flush comes in on the turn. Robbi bets, RIP calls with the A high flush draw. RIP misses his flush on the river, but still bets into Robbi, and she calls after another long delay with two pair.

Playing Without Chips (First Show On 9/28)

  • 1:06:34 - In addition to the story Julie told where Robbi started playing without chips, won a pot, then received her chips, but never put her buy in on the table, Robbi also started playing without chips on her first HCL appearance. She played her first pot against Linglin without her chips on the table and won a $6k pot.
  • 1:11:46 - Then when her chips arrive as her iso shot is cutoff for the two shot with Lignin and Gatorwade, she appears to get up, and then starts rooting around in her sweatshirt on the back of her chair. Did she announce what she was buying in for to start the game? Did she put all her buy in on the table on top of the $6k she won, or did she put some chips in her sweatshirt like Julie and others saw her do in the game the previous day? The full shot of her and Linglin’s iso cam would likely clear up whether she went south with any chips or not.

The Many Faces Of Robbi Jade Lew

  • Robbi appears to look like different types of people, at different times, when it (perhaps coincidentally) suits her.
  • Her original demeanor was that of a kind hearted, I’ll give $135k back if he wants it, I don’t want to ruin a kids life over a $15k theft, angel of a human being that she claims her twin sister thinks is too nice and too much of a pushover.
  • She also appears to attempt to butter people up to get them on her side. This is a tactic we've seen con artists use to tell people what they want to hear, in an effort to build allies that will defend them, or do what they want them to do.
  • She blatantly flirts with Haralabos asking him to ask her if she likes him, to which she replies "maybe" and smiles. Then later when Haralabos asks her if she's ever read the book How To Meet Friends and Influence People, she changes the subject and repeatedly says she thinks he likes her, while smiling at him and later complimenting his dog that he loves.
  • Directly after Caitlin Comeskey's interview on Joey's podcast, where she gushes over Robbi, and says she loves her, Robbi unprompted tells Caitlin during her interview that she loves her, and for some reason adds that she makes her question her sexuality (another flirt?).
  • She also laughs like she’s besties with Joey Ingram, who she says is the only person she’ll talk to. Perhaps coincidentally Joey also (understandably) doesn’t want to be confrontational and push back on her stories too hard in interviews. Which gives her an opportunity to dominate the conversations and go on long tangents without really answering the questions posed to her. The latter of which Haralabos also makes note of at one point.
  • But then we see a completely different side to Robbi in Julie’s interview on Joey’s 10/11 podcast. Robbi calls her a "dumbass." Says to bring Julie on (possible bluff especially given it was so late) and then when she actually comes on, Robbi immediately starts attacking her. Talking over her. Being very argumentative and combataive. Coming very close to calling her names. Very bully like demeanor. Then when she sees that Julie isn’t a pushover, she basically starts telling her she should leave, like it’s her podcast not Joey's.
  • Note how much stronger her reaction is to Julie accusing her of not putting her chips on the table, compared to how she’s reacted to specific allegations of her being a cheater. Which she almost never specifically denies by the way. She never appeared upset on the stream or really afterwards, that Garrett accused her of cheating, but she’s very upset Julie brought up this incident about the chips, and then wants her to leave so they can move on. Then later after Julie leaves and Joey is trying to defend Julie, Robbi "jokingly" says he can talk to Julie if he wants and she'll go on another podcast. Knowing that she is a big draw for his podcast.
  • We also see glimpses of behavior unbecoming of the angel she wants to portray, when she repeatedly calls Haralabos “Harry Potter”, originally in a very sharp tongued manner like she was trying to tilt him, to get him upset at her. Perhaps to make him angry at her so she can again claim all these misogonysts in poker are abusing this helpless woman, who at other times appears plenty strong, and not helpless at all.
  • Multiple times she insults Shaun Deeb for being overweight, including calling him a hungry hippo and big boy on twitter, minutes after he came on Joey's podcast and voiced some suspicions.
  • She says Doug Polk is ok, and then says "**** off Berkey! Go **** yourself!" even though Doug has been way harder on her than Berkey who has been undecided on what happened, but has taken flak for repeatedly talking about the security vulnerabilities on HCL.
  • Christian Soto on the OnlyFriends podcast also recalled a story where she made a crazy call and busted him at the last WSOP, and then “berated” him with a pretty cold needle as he was leaving.
  • She also says "I hate all of you guys" while talking about wanting to beat all the pros criticizing her. Showing the kind of negativity she claims not to posess, and a strong distaste towards the pros, far beyond just a normal competitive nature.

Things Investigators Should Look Into

IF there was some sort of cheating happening with Robbi on HCL, then given her reaction, it would seem like the game with Julie would be connected somehow, or show a pattern of behavior she doesn’t want people to know. As this was by far the most upset she's been in the entire saga. Those investigating should dig further into what happened in and around this game.

IF there was some sort of cheating that happened, and Robbi assembled this crew to get her in the game and implement it, she would have to be a master manipulator that has bullied people in the past to her advantage, and the argument with Julie would not be an isolated incident. There would be many accounts of her being very mean or bullying people in her past. Also incidents of her being highly deceptive or manipulative. Those investigating should try to speak with people that knew her in her previous jobs in biotech, or classmates in college/high school, to get an idea of her character, her relationships, if she’s been manipulative or highly deceptive in the past, and if there are any patterns of suspicious behavior that match the suspicious behavior in this incident.
10-15-2022 , 07:51 PM

I have no idea what she was reading there, but not the "results" she later posted.
