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TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker

12-13-2020 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by _red_dog
Give him another week - probably still wrapping up things for the end of year.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
12-19-2020 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by Jvrmedeiros
Hey mate, just saw this post now, as i live in Australia as well, would like to know if can explain to me how to play on GG/N8 thanks!

Thanks for your post.
Somehow I can not PM you to tell me about playing on GG/N8.

Would you please let me know how can I play on these sites?

TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
12-19-2020 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Pokerbros will prob depend which club etc

We can't openly discuss playing on GG/N8 other than to say yes, many Australians are playing on there and you can probably guess how but PM me or w/e if you want me to elaborate


Thanks for your post.
Somehow I can not PM you to tell me about playing on GG/N8.

Would you please let me know how can I play on these sites.

TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:14 AM
Matchpoker getting closer to implementing their online poker variant here in Australia
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by C.P.R
Matchpoker getting closer to implementing their online poker variant here in Australia
They are only team play, and requires a full team from a country to be able to play. With exact same hand, flop, turn, river for all players across a team.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
12-22-2020 , 06:14 AM
what will return sooner in Australia, live or online poker?
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
12-22-2020 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by happyfeet1
They are only team play, and requires a full team from a country to be able to play. With exact same hand, flop, turn, river for all players across a team.
Thats not the long term plan for what its worth, they plan to have an app for people to play against each other in a global pool for ranking/prizes etc but for the time being they've been testing it via team based competitions

re the GG stuff can't go into it publicly (i'm not really playing any poker at all myself) but if you know anyone in the poker community at all they will be able to answer that for you how people are doing it

Live will likely return first i'd say by midyear at most in casinos, there are already APT and WPT League events scheduled in Queensland, if the state dodges the Sydney tourists bringing it here then those events should run but obviously that relies on Queensland staying Covid-free which again relies on idiots from Sydney not sneaking across the border and carrying it with them
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
12-22-2020 , 09:13 AM
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
12-27-2020 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
FWIW he replied to me and said he'll get an update done as soon as he can
Will we hear anymore
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
12-28-2020 , 06:19 AM
I'll message him again in the new year to see when/if this meeting is happening, granted the Sydney region where he lives/is a Councillor has a covid outbreak atm due to their clown of a premier waiting days to lock down the area of the outbreak so I can't imagine much will get done yet again until all of Australia has it under control again and the vaccine is rolled out
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
01-10-2021 , 10:11 AM
Any news?
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
01-11-2021 , 02:59 AM
Its never coming back boys. Even if it does, it will be a husk of the thing we all loved and remember. GG.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
01-12-2021 , 04:42 AM
Just play on the sites and apps that are available and laugh at the thought of the government ****ing themselves out of easy tax revenue.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
01-20-2021 , 11:19 AM
Swoop, would you mind sending me a message on how I can play on GGpoker? Thanks in advance
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
01-24-2021 , 06:12 PM
I can't PM you, you don't have enough posts

If you ask almost any pro in Australia they'll be able to direct you as to how if you know anyone
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-09-2021 , 05:32 AM
Hey Swoop,

Guess you have heard nothing from Joey,

Probably still not on the governments radar becuse of the vaccine rollout
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-09-2021 , 06:54 AM
I haven't. Last I heard from him, he was planning another meeting, but had most recently been told it was off the agenda until after Covid

This government really has lurched from one crisis to the next. Bushfires, Sports Rorts, Covid etc it's been crisis management all the way some of it their own fault some of it just due to circumstance

I will update the thread if I hear from him. If I haven't heard back in a few weeks will send him another message

In the meantime plenty of sites we can play on just annoying we're missing the legal, regulated ones
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-10-2021 , 06:46 PM
Yes of course, nothing else can possibly get done. Government can't do more than 1 thing at a time.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-10-2021 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by _red_dog
Yes of course, nothing else can possibly get done. Government can't do more than 1 thing at a time.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-11-2021 , 12:58 AM
I mean they are conservatives isn't preserving the status quo what they do

TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
03-08-2021 , 05:08 PM
No updates / communication from Joey to speak of?
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
03-09-2021 , 03:49 AM
Can someone who has time give a timeline on the contact from Joey and the number of requests for contact from him?

Time to move away from Joey.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
03-11-2021 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Can someone who has time give a timeline on the contact from Joey and the number of requests for contact from him?

Time to move away from Joey.
Excuse will be COVID, like everything.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
03-12-2021 , 04:51 AM
Covid, and guarantee, the next excuse will be election coming soon, lets wait for that, if not that then it will be the endangered tree frog in Nicaragua, hey good excuse as all the others they keep throwing at us.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
03-12-2021 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by _red_dog
Excuse will be COVID, like everything.
Nah - there are reasonable timeframes considering and then there are timeframes outside of that which far exceed anything considered reasonable and we are well and truly in the latter category.

I understand that raising poker as one of your cornerstone issues that you are passionate about may not be everyone's cup of tea especially for MPs in a Morrison government which is sort of a middle ground compromise between a Turnbull and Dutton government but if you can't keep a hold of the baton then you need to let someone know.

You can't just have a community such as 2 plus 2 hanging on you when you really have no intentions of doing anything or powerless because of your own political career motives.

Time for Joey to speak up or let go.

And btw - don't expect anything to change after the election in September I'm predicting as the public will lap up Morrison especially compared to Albanese so there is that too why Joey may not want to rock the boat for his own political ambitions by bringing up poker. That is to say he is still in Canberra or working for the party federally and hasn't fallen of the side of the earth.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
