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Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread

12-30-2023 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by randomname123

MoneyTaker69 has played 7377 games with a standard deviation of 87. An average player with stats 53/17/4 has a loss rate of around -50bb/100:

Let's assume that he was an above-average recreational player postflop with those stats and had a realistic loss rate of around -25bb/100:

The most optimistic scenario, which in my opinion is impossible, is that he was a breakeven player:

In reality, he won 70 buy-ins, so all statisticians draw your own conclusions.
Assuming your estimate for the standard deviation is correct. A win rate of 90 divided by 87 for 100 hands is way too high.

Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-30-2023 , 10:28 PM
well naturally its way too high, he sees his opponent’s cards
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-30-2023 , 10:39 PM

Decent Polk video on this from yesterday. Points out parallels to potripper and Postle, all playing huge VPIP and making incredible "reads".

Makes you wonder if others are using this more subtly and avoiding making plays that look so suspicious.

Originally Posted by Xenoblade
well naturally its way too high, he sees his opponent’s cards
Actually, he sees allin equity.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-30-2023 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by deuceblocker

Decent Polk video on this from yesterday. Points out parallels to potripper and Postle, all playing huge VPIP and making incredible "reads".

Makes you wonder if others are using this more subtly and avoiding making plays that look so suspicious.

Actually, he sees allin equity.
he does? I didn’t read the whole thread
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-30-2023 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by Heavy Mask
Don't derail the thread, if you are concerned and confident about your feelings, open up a new thread, make sure to provide some proof of what you are saying
Seriously? First of all, you aren’t a mod. Secondly, you did the exact same thing as me: “derail”. You even admitted as such in one of your posts (“this probably deserves its own thread”.). I posted an observation, admittedly with less investigation as yours (by the way, good job with that, got nothing against you). I’m merely pointing out some extremely fishy stuff I observed, that is somewhat on topic (cheating on GG), and wondering if anyone has observed similar things.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-30-2023 , 11:09 PM
This is the perfect timing for pokerstars to do something and gain a good % amount of players that are leaving GG.

Bring back a good rakeback system,implement some features to induce action (badbeat jackpot,cash drops,leaderboards...).

But I guess PS won't do anything,soon mostly players will forget about this "incident" and GG will keep growing.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-30-2023 , 11:38 PM
Funny that the rigtards were right all along. Also lmao if you think this is going to topple GG. I’d bet they have an even bigger market share in a year.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by matthmit
This is the perfect timing for pokerstars to do something and gain a good % amount of players that are leaving GG.

Bring back a good rakeback system,implement some features to induce action (badbeat jackpot,cash drops,leaderboards...).

But I guess PS won't do anything,soon mostly players will forget about this "incident" and GG will keep growing.
ya probably.

Do you think alot of GG players would even know

Sorry don't play on GG

But will they send an email out informing players of this?
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 12:21 AM
Actually, he sees allin equity.
Surely if you know your own hole cards and all-in equity you can just use a table to work out what the other player's cards are (or at least narrow it down to very few possibilities).
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Heavy Mask
No offense but, what is your background? Have you seen proof of their security and are you able to judge accordingly?
Because if you don't, it's the same reasoning of a "feel player"
Im just a poker dinosaur. Been very active on all sites& playing HS MTTs for ~12 years now.
I have 0 knowledge about security or anything. My opinion simply stems from how they handled some specific HS MTT situations in the past. I do not know how capable their team is, I just know they always investigated situations that required attention. I used to think that is a good thing but now I realize that they are simply very reactive. They depend on others to bring issues to them & then they respond.

Originally Posted by AAJTo
I love how in both posts about GG you both defend them and still promote them in a soft way. Nice "games are so soft bro" little quip added in there without mentioning rake which is a typical company line. As a "former" employee of GG you should tell them shilling here does next to nothing and GG should spend their shills time on reddit where all the reetards are.
Honestly you just proved that the so-called "reetards" are actually here with your response.

I am very critical of GG even when I was with them. It is one of the main reasons I left because they simply ignored all the suggestions that the HS MTT community was bringing to them.
I am not promoting them anymore nor promoting them now, I am simply stating facts. They have the largest games running right now for Cash & MTTs. They are also rumored to acquire WSOP which can have a huge effect on the American poker market.

It doesn't seem like this whole situation is some sick INTERNAL conspiracy(yet), however they have totally ****ed up by neglecting security & the reports of their players. I am hoping for the sake of online poker that this isn't any worse than it currently is. However IMO, I think it goes deeper than we think.

I know that myself & many other HS MTT regs are planning to drastically reduce their volume on GG until they properly deal with this situation in a transparent way. I also think GG should be refunding all players affected out of pocket, not just from the "funds withheld". It is THEIR software security that failed so the players should not take the loss for their mistakes.

Regarding my initial post FYI , someone pointed this out:

I believe he was minbetting because it would trigger the thumbs up/down feature which was the way he accessed the equity.
I cannot confirm this yet but for anyone doing research on other players, just keep an eye out for someone who was consistently minbetting in strange scenarios.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by Heavy Mask
I've analyzed the hands of the players above, it seems a money laundering/dumping scheme, probably deserving his own thread.
This is very disturbing since these relations could be found very quickly and easily by performing a single database query on winners, but this trigger isn't in place, clearly.

I think there was only an actor since basic stats for both the winners and losers are quite similar.
It is also very funny he trolled GG, he didn't even bothered to use his fantasy to come up with unique usernames, he seems to have a weak spot for
- Norocci
- Sport cars
- Camel case notation
- Three same letters at the end of the screename (!!! and eee)
Good post and thank you for compiling this data. I wanted to add to this because I have personally played a bunch of volume at nl500 @ggpoker and have experience with these players mentioned (my sn there is my real name J Bogdanovski and 2p2 acc jb` before it was banned by best selling author Mason).

Something to note about all the massively losing accounts mentioned is that most of them are actually the same account that got a registered name change authorised by GG...these aren't separate accounts. For those who don't know, when you click on someones profile on GG you can look at their previous alias'.

beternorroci, Norroci, WorstNorroci, Bdumb, GladiatorDebuts and SumerZZ are all the same account, its the same Denmark reg. The other names mentioned in the quoted post (MacanGTS, WhenJackpot and 911 turbo S) are also the same account, some Austrian reg. Something that always puzzled me was why GG kept allowing them infinite name changes when everyone else I believe was only offered one name change (unless you were forced to real name change)...if someone knows more details about this name change thing I'd be happy to know.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by Zebest7r
Im just a poker dinosaur. Been very active on all sites& playing HS MTTs for ~12 years now.
I have 0 knowledge about security or anything. My opinion simply stems from how they handled some specific HS MTT situations in the past. I do not know how capable their team is, I just know they always investigated situations that required attention. I used to think that is a good thing but now I realize that they are simply very reactive. They depend on others to bring issues to them & then they respond.

Honestly you just proved that the so-called "reetards" are actually here with your response.

I am very critical of GG even when I was with them. It is one of the main reasons I left because they simply ignored all the suggestions that the HS MTT community was bringing to them.
I am not promoting them anymore nor promoting them now, I am simply stating facts. They have the largest games running right now for Cash & MTTs. They are also rumored to acquire WSOP which can have a huge effect on the American poker market.

It doesn't seem like this whole situation is some sick INTERNAL conspiracy(yet), however they have totally ****ed up by neglecting security & the reports of their players. I am hoping for the sake of online poker that this isn't any worse than it currently is. However IMO, I think it goes deeper than we think.

I know that myself & many other HS MTT regs are planning to drastically reduce their volume on GG until they properly deal with this situation in a transparent way. I also think GG should be refunding all players affected out of pocket, not just from the "funds withheld". It is THEIR software security that failed so the players should not take the loss for their mistakes.

Regarding my initial post FYI , someone pointed this out:

I believe he was minbetting because it would trigger the thumbs up/down feature which was the way he accessed the equity.
I cannot confirm this yet but for anyone doing research on other players, just keep an eye out for someone who was consistently minbetting in strange scenarios.
we cut out ggpoker completely for given reasons. its really sad, since they have a really huge player pool but things on ggpoker have been strange.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by JackSpratt
Had to publish that all important blog about Atlantic City, in a country where you can't (wink wink) even play on GG Poker from (wink wink). Expect more blogs to continue to push it below the fold.
loool they put no tags on the blog post about the cheating scandal either, and named it "important security update to GG poker" rather than "some rando and who knows who else completely skull ****ed our systems" i guess the former does play a LITTLE better than the latter XD, edit: the name also makes it get less clicks lol
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 02:38 AM

Are they referring to GG poker in this statement since its not listed on the traffic rankings? Maybe someone can clarify.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by GGcare
Think you missed the point entirely, and it also doesn’t make much sense to discuss a hypothetical dream world where server-side is flawless and client-side security completely irrelevant. Client side security should matter.
That's just simply not true, if you handle money and your security is dependent on client side security the only question about you getting exploited is "how soon". Anyways client is impossible to make secure as the person running it has control of all the hardware and software. Only reason it took this long (if it did? maybe we just didn't know about it) is either that the exploitable information wasn't available before or that nobody would expect big poker network to be that incompetent so people didn't check.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by Pocket As

Are they referring to GG poker in this statement since its not listed on the traffic rankings? Maybe someone can clarify.
If they are referencing GG… “use of botnets… to artificially inflate traffic numbers”.

Again people, reread my comment on the abnormally large amounts of “players” on GG from Israel (and maybe other small countries?). These guys play very strangely sometimes. Eco Bot farms…
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by RosaParks1
Don't worry they'll hire nanonoko and change nothing.

These sites know there are no alternatives and so they do the minimum they can. When we actually do the legwork for them, they do the minimum and issue a statement saying "we here at X take Y seriously" and go back to doing the minimum.
pretty good business model, why hire security teams and anit cheat teams when the community will do it for them for free as everyone continues to play on their site ����
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 05:19 AM
Biggest concern is the scale of this happening and for how long could have been going and the certainty that even if there were similar cases, there is no way someone would come forward because of the negative impact.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 05:31 AM
12 years since I’ve played online and a few years since I’ve logged onto 2p2 but this story has caught my attention.

To those saying he’s a terrible player because of things like the J2 call - is it not just a case of laziness or could he be running a bot that just acts on AIEV? This would explain any seemingly nonsensical calls.

Also - any WSOP bracelet winners involved here?
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by MercifulZidane
If they are referencing GG… “use of botnets… to artificially inflate traffic numbers”.

Again people, reread my comment on the abnormally large amounts of “players” on GG from Israel (and maybe other small countries?). These guys play very strangely sometimes. Eco Bot farms…
Tbh your "observations" come across as antisemitic OMG JEW BOTS LOL without any supporting data and like any conspiritard nonsense should be discarded lest they poison the well of anything that does have any merit.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by MercifulZidane

Im going to jump on the bandwagon here with my own observations after having played significant volume on the low/midstakes mtts on gg for the last couple of years. The following is a copy/paste of a post I made on the GG thread on the Online Poker Sites forum here in 2p2. The subject matter is touchy, but just my honest observations after playing on the site for a good bit. For further reference, I believe this is related to the “poker ecology bots”, a subject which has been discussed in a previous 2p2 thread that is buried somewhere in NVG.

The post:

Hello everyone,

Long time player, IÂ’ve put a ton of volume on GG in the last few years, and have noticed something very suspicious. Not rigtarding, just pointing it out because IÂ’d like to hear other playerÂ’s opinions on this matter/phenomenon/mathematical uncertainty. IÂ’ve noticed that in low-mid stakes mtts (donÂ’t play the high stakes) thereÂ’s an unusually high representation of Israeli players. Now, I have nothing against any Israeli brothers or sisters around the world, but IÂ’d like to point out the unlikelihood of seeing so many players from said country at the tables. IÂ’ve not gathered statistics, although that would be an interesting exercise, but this trend is obvious enough by simply playing enough of these mtts on GG.

There are nearly as many players from Israel, as there are from Canada, on GG. The population of Israel is 9.3 million, while the population of rest-of-Canada, which doesnÂ’t include Ontario since they donÂ’t play on, is 24million. IÂ’d suggest this is near impossible, so where exactly are many of these players with the Israeli flag coming from? There are players from all around the world playing at, and itÂ’s always interesting to know that youÂ’re playing poker with someone half way around the world, and occasionally converse with them. IÂ’m sure there are many legit players from Israel, and I hope that they - just like any other world citizen - get the future that they want. But I digress. I find it indeed very odd that that the flag is over represented at the site, just from a mathematical perspective.

It would be interesting to see if anyone else has observed this phenomenon on, and whether they’ve observed this going on with other countries flags as well?

Happy holidays everyone.
Big bs on your part..
Israeli players play on GG because that's their only option. The skin is called 7XL.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 07:47 AM
1) there has been heavy cheating on GGpoker by their own admission
2) they probably knew and did nothing until exposed, even then they only admit the one blatant case until something else will be exposed again
3) either GGpoker was in on it or they are beyond incompetent to run an online poker site
4) when they say "double security team, hire external security firm" it's equivalent to an employer offering a raise to someone who resigns. In both cases the employer is admitting he was underpaying his employee and GGpoker is admitting their current security team is inadequate.
5) this affects the whole ecosystem, Stars remains the only reputable actor and will progressively increase the cost of playing on their platform because all these morons are freeing large swathes of the market for them thereby allowing a safe site to rapidly gain a monopoly
6) the fact that Daniel Negreanu has yet to say a word about this is a disgrace, simply confirms that the low level hustler he was before poker made him famous is still alive and well inside him
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 08:00 AM
The fact that GG openly admits in their press release that they are using Adobe Air to pretty much emulate the animations for Windows is insane.

A multi billion dollar company can't even build their software in a way that would be natively supported on the biggest platform (Windows) is an absolute disgrace. There has to be a bunch of other security leaks that I am sure are getting exploited by someone who is smarter and stays under the radar.

Stars seems to be the only network/software that is legitimate, after all these years. It's just sad that the traffic there is dead due to regulations.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by CodyBLAHHH
Tbh your "observations" come across as antisemitic OMG JEW BOTS LOL without any supporting data and like any conspiritard nonsense should be discarded lest they poison the well of anything that does have any merit.
Saying something stupid =/ being antisemitic .bit of a stretch there bud
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
12-31-2023 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by matthmit
This is the perfect timing for pokerstars to do something and gain a good % amount of players that are leaving GG.

Bring back a good rakeback system,implement some features to induce action (badbeat jackpot,cash drops,leaderboards...).

But I guess PS won't do anything,soon mostly players will forget about this "incident" and GG will keep growing.
They are bringing out a new RB system Jan 22nd. If I was them I'd prob get it launched asap while this is going on.
Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread Quote
