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Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins

04-06-2023 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by Roger Ramjet
I know americans are ignorant and think they need a nutritionist to be a normal BMI but go to any eastern /central euro country, and you will see 99% of the people walking around with a healthy BMI, its very rare to see a single person overweight and I'm pretty sure they don't have personal nutritionists. Its just pure gluttony nothing more.
Nice demonstration of my point about oversimplification. Thanks.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by JimL
That is such a oversimplification and misunderstanding of what is going on that it borders on comical.
Actually, nothing in this context is complex. If it's complex it is not, or only half, true.

The only thing I can grant you is that the roots to 'a lack of will or caring', as my colleague put it, deserve an explanation themself, and are indeed the biggest obstacle to overcome. But his statement was correct. And yours not very constructive at all.

In fact, Bill Perkins seems like the type of friendly guy to make this challenge to Shaun Deep, because he actually cares about him, and wants him to take care of himself, shed some weight, and it's gonna cost him 50k max, but could provide him a lot more of he outdoes himself.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 06:52 AM
Either fatness is a choice/laziness etc, or this is an impossible challenge. Which is it, Americans?
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 06:53 AM
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 07:22 AM
How is that even possible when youre carrying around so much excess weight with your legs every single day?
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 07:24 AM
Seems like there are a lot of ways he could accomplish this. I'll even offer to help.

He can come down to Texas and I'll help him get started. It involves handling shovels, post hole diggers, 2 7/8" pipe, and pallet after pallet of 60 lb bags of concrete.

I can start him at $16 an hour. If he makes a hand, he will be $20 in no time.

We start early. Usually have eggs with bacon or sausage at noon. A little fruit in the afternoon. Steak at 6. Rinse and repeat.

At almost 50 years old I'm 10 lbs under my old playing weight. I don't have to do this crap anymore. I only do it to show the youngins' how it is supposed to be done.

It's almost like I'm in the weightloss challenge business. If they are fat, they either ain't fat for long, or they don't stick around.

And for that DBag bad mouthing Americans, it's a big country. We ain't all the same.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Roger Ramjet
I know americans are ignorant and think they need a nutritionist to be a normal BMI but go to any eastern /central euro country, and you will see 99% of the people walking around with a healthy BMI, its very rare to see a single person overweight and I'm pretty sure they don't have personal nutritionists. Its just pure gluttony nothing more.
Ridiculous statement. You can look up the numbers and find out that over half the population in Germany and Poland are overweight and 20-25% are obese.

As somebody who travels to Europe every other month, I can say that people in the US are bigger on average and those extremely fat people barely exist in Europe. They wouldn't even fit through the narrow aisles in European grocery stores. Doesn't change the fact that a lot of them are overweight. If you go far enough East to countries that aren't considered first world anymore, the number of obese people drops significantly. But I think we already established that obesity is mostly a first world problem.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by madlex
Ridiculous statement. You can look up the numbers and find out that over half the population in Germany and Poland are overweight and 20-25% are obese.

As somebody who travels to Europe every other month, I can say that people in the US are bigger on average and those extremely fat people barely exist in Europe. They wouldn't even fit through the narrow aisles in European grocery stores. Doesn't change the fact that a lot of them are overweight. If you go far enough East to countries that aren't considered first world anymore, the number of obese people drops significantly. But I think we already established that obesity is mostly a first world problem.
Well... to be fair, Roger Ramjets statement is indeed ridiculous because it's needlessly offensive and rude, but not because of the content. His point about gluttony is correct.

I always feel there is a LOT of unnecessary 'taboo' around this topic. Get real guys.

Speaking as a formerly morbidly obese man FYI.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by JimL
It is hard not to literally laugh at people who use the term "mental weakness" here.
Once you get done rolling on floor laughing please explain what uncontrollable forces made Deeb have a terrible diet and not exercise for all these years

If you want you exchange “mental weakness” for something like “misguided priorities” or something like that if that’s your deal getting you awe angry
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 10:48 AM
If he's 140lbs overweight and it's happened over a 10 year period then on average he's eaten ~135 more calories per day than he's burned. (~3500 calories = 1lb of body weight)
This is how most people pile on a lot of weight, gradually and consistently over a long period of time.

So it's unfair to call him a glutton and in fact he has probably had a significant number of days during those 10 years where the calories consumed were equal to or less than energy burned
but then days when he was 500 to 2000 calories over what he burned off.

There is an argument to say, actually a fact, that eating and drinking what you like and to any excess that you like, can and does help your poker game
because it is a coping mechanism for stress as well as fuel for the brain.

Put simply, if you had to spend 12 hours straight multi-tabling 6+ tables at all times, in online MTTs, would you do better if you had all the food, snacks and drinks that you desired, all to hand,
during that 12 hour stint, or would you do better if you only ate every 4 hours, the four meals/snacks being a bowl of oats with berries, some lean chicken with broccoli,
a protein shake, a nut roast with carrots and peas, and a banana and some nuts to snack on in between. Plus you can only drink water during the 12 hours,

I am talking very high pressure multi tabling for 12 hours, for example during a SCOOP series.

Most people will do way better eating and drinking exactly what they like. To do it the other way, you would have to have trained your body and mind to reject its natural impulses
which is to eat and drink based on impulse brain demand, which often is based on stress levels and energy depletion levels.

So Shaun will need to retrain his body and mind to react differently when playing long sessions online or long live sessions, combined with him finding foods that he enjoys eating
but that are both healthy and very filling, so that his energy levels don't dip often when playing or by the time they do it is time for his next meal.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by JimL
I have met him multiple times, but that is irrelevant.

Nothing I said implies that personal knowledge is required.
Sigh. So you’re just going to post meaningless replies until someone begs you to provide the profound knowledge you wish to bestow on everyone? Seems pathetic but ok.

Oh Great JimL, please oh please divulge the insider knowledge you clearly have to understand his personal health struggles having “met him a couple times.”

We’re all imbeciles and implore you to rescue us from our great ignorance!
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by NikAirballFanClub
If he's 140lbs overweight and it's happened over a 10 year period then on average he's eaten ~135 more calories per day than he's burned. (~3500 calories = 1lb of body weight)
This is how most people pile on a lot of weight, gradually and consistently over a long period of time.

So it's unfair to call him a glutton and in fact he has probably had a significant number of days during those 10 years where the calories consumed were equal to or less than energy burned
but then days when he was 500 to 2000 calories over what he burned off.

There is an argument to say, actually a fact, that eating and drinking what you like and to any excess that you like, can and does help your poker game
because it is a coping mechanism for stress as well as fuel for the brain.

Put simply, if you had to spend 12 hours straight multi-tabling 6+ tables at all times, in online MTTs, would you do better if you had all the food, snacks and drinks that you desired, all to hand,
during that 12 hour stint, or would you do better if you only ate every 4 hours, the four meals/snacks being a bowl of oats with berries, some lean chicken with broccoli,
a protein shake, a nut roast with carrots and peas, and a banana and some nuts to snack on in between. Plus you can only drink water during the 12 hours,

I am talking very high pressure multi tabling for 12 hours, for example during a SCOOP series.

Most people will do way better eating and drinking exactly what they like. To do it the other way, you would have to have trained your body and mind to reject its natural impulses
which is to eat and drink based on impulse brain demand, which often is based on stress levels and energy depletion levels.

So Shaun will need to retrain his body and mind to react differently when playing long sessions online or long live sessions, combined with him finding foods that he enjoys eating
but that are both healthy and very filling, so that his energy levels don't dip often when playing or by the time they do it is time for his next meal.
Yeah it’s very important the poor baby’s energy levels don’t dip when he plays and he finds meals that are very yummy to him

Or he can just man up, lose the weight, and take that 1M gift handed to him
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 11:15 AM
Mod note: We have a clear policy against personal attacks. Please keep those out.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
Yeah it’s very important the poor baby’s energy levels don’t dip when he plays and he finds meals that are very yummy to him

Or he can just man up, lose the weight, and take that 1M gift handed to him
I wonder what his expected EV in poker is for the year and if its higher than 1mil or not?
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by swd805
I wonder what his expected EV in poker is for the year and if its higher than 1mil or not?
I actually asked the same question, the guy is definitely a beast.

That said I think it would be stupid to lose the bet because he’s grinding WSOP circuit events or whatever he does the rest of year outside normal WSOP

The timing of the WSOP is noteworthy because if he’s not making progress in these next two months perhaps he might just look to buyout and just go nuts like he does every year at wsop going for POY

I’m wired differently than this guy but I’d just probably play the bigger wsop events and just focus on this bet and family for the entire year. The guy got handed a gift.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 02:59 PM
Anyone else find it amusing that a creepy candid video of Deeb eating was the apparent tipping point for Bill Perkins issuing this prop bet?
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 03:15 PM
Shaun Deeb, assuming he's 37 y.o., male, 5'10", 325 lbs, and performs little work and leisure activity, can eat whatever he wants and weigh 180 lbs in 547 days.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
I actually asked the same question, the guy is definitely a beast.

That said I think it would be stupid to lose the bet because he’s grinding WSOP circuit events or whatever he does the rest of year outside normal WSOP

The timing of the WSOP is noteworthy because if he’s not making progress in these next two months perhaps he might just look to buyout and just go nuts like he does every year at wsop going for POY

I’m wired differently than this guy but I’d just probably play the bigger wsop events and just focus on this bet and family for the entire year. The guy got handed a gift.
I don't see WSOP as a reason for struggles. He can bring a cooler of his own food and have dinners prepped elsewhere for him being ready to go whenever he wants to. For the EV of this bet he could hire someone to have a dining area set up for him parked outside in a sprinter van or something.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by swd805
I don't see WSOP as a reason for struggles. He can bring a cooler of his own food and have dinners prepped elsewhere for him being ready to go whenever he wants to. For the EV of this bet he could hire someone to have a dining area set up for him parked outside in a sprinter van or something.
In theory it shouldn’t be

I’m just trying to get into his head on how he would view the situation

If no real progress in first two months he may be just looking to jump ship, pay buyout fee, and just eat crap and go full blown lunatic at WSOP as he likes to do and not be bothered
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 04:49 PM
There are a lot of people trying to eat healthy during the WSOP. All American Dave built a whole business around that. Sadly that option is gone but it's not like there aren't others.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 04:58 PM
Again not saying it can’t be done, just saying if results are slow up to that point it will be more of an impetus for him to just bag the entire thing.

If he’s going nutso live multi tabling and trying to win POY I’m not sure he will run an extra half mile to get a salad, cookies from vending machine or whatever will do

But even for the most health conscious of us, it’s pretty fair to say that most would not be eating as well or working out as much during WSOP

Last edited by ScotchOnDaRocks; 04-06-2023 at 05:06 PM.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 05:19 PM
He has a wife, is a millionare, and has a million dollar bet on the line. Getting the food he requires during wsop will not be an issue lol

He's obese, he could literally do this by not eating a thing the whole way. It's what bodyfat exists for - not having to eat to stay alive. He doesn't need to go grab a cookie due to missing a salad meal
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
But even for the most health conscious of us, it’s pretty fair to say that most would not be eating as well or working out as much during WSOP
Certainly true for some. For others the opposite is the case. I know several people who went for the full AAD offering (breakfast, protein shake, dinner) even though they didn't look like they were eating well at home. I was always way too cheap for that..

Working out is obviously a different issue but it's pretty easy to get at least one good workout in a day. On that note, has anyone experience with bringing their road bike with them to a Strip hotel?
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
He has a wife, is a millionare, and has a million dollar bet on the line. Getting the food he requires during wsop will not be an issue lol

He's obese, he could literally do this by not eating a thing the whole way. It's what bodyfat exists for - not having to eat to stay alive. He doesn't need to go grab a cookie due to missing a salad meal
It shouldn’t be in theory yes, but that doesn’t always line up in reality. It still requires planning.

It’s “reading your man”. It’s clear he’s happiest going all out nutso focusing solely on POY and eating crap. There’s a reason why he’s obese

If he’s not making progress I highly doubt he’s gonna bag his lunch like back in kindergarten.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-06-2023 , 09:34 PM
I'd expect his results to be significantly better if he's actually eating healthy. Your body is a complex engine, but better fuel means better output and better operation.

We can point to a lot of great unhealthy champions but those tend to be people succeeding despite their vices, not from them.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
