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Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings

05-26-2008 , 06:26 AM
This is Phil Hellmuths report on pokerlistings:


Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 06:37 AM
[x] looks like a crappy site
[ ] funny
[?] thinly veiled commercial

[ ] N
[ ] V
[ ] G
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 06:40 AM
All top limit players show up as red fish on that site because they have to call down a lot.
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by thomasdrool
All top limit players show up as red fish on that site because they have to call down a lot.
Exactly right. That site is bs for limit players (dont know for NL)
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 08:17 AM
hmm, says NLHE short handed on button of report. Just think it`s funny since all other pros are "bomb" with expecption to phil ivey who is "maniac"

Oops, guess I stepped on some PH fanboy`s toes ...
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 08:30 AM
woo, I'm a shark.
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 08:57 AM
Player Breakdown

It's hard to tell when JedTheKing is bluffing because JedTheKing is always aggressive. But when the money goes in the middle, you can bet JedTheKing has the best hand.
JedTheKing has very few weaknesses, but may benefit from switching gears more often. This will make it more difficult for opponents to get a read. JedTheKing may also get bored from winning all the time.
JedTheKing should invest in an elbow brace to prevent arthritis from dragging in all those pots.
Pre-Flop Tendency
SEMI LOOSE - The Poker Crusher software automatically color codes neutral players in BLACK for easy identification.

Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 10:28 AM
ARCDog plays aggressively before the flop, usually raising good hands. ARCDog also plays tight after the flop, limiting losses. The aggressive pre-flop play makes ARCDog better than a Green Fish.

ARCDog is too passive post-flop. By rarely betting good hands for value, ARCDog gives other players a chance to draw out and then pays them off when they do.

ARCDog should play more aggressively after the flop, betting or raising instead of calling. ARCDog should also fold more weak hands and bluff occasionally.

Pre-Flop Tendency
SEMI LOOSE - The Poker Crusher software automatically color codes neutral players in BLACK for easy identification.

Thus, this site has the exact entry for me that it does for Phil Helmuth. Now, you may consider this site to contain very useful information, but if you are sitting at a table with myself and Phil Helmuth and it gives you the exact same info on each of us, then I shouldnt have to tell you that you've received pretty worthless information.
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 11:01 AM

ziigmund is a Mouse (Tight-Passive/Passive). ziigmund is afraid to risk any chips. Stop cowering in the corner! Come out and play!

Playing tight does limit the amount of money ziigmund loses.
ziigmund never builds big pots with good hands, and often gets bluffed out of pots with hands likely good enough to win. Aggressive players constantly steal ziigmund’s blinds.
ziigmund needs to stop playing so timidly. With a strong hand, ziigmund should bet or raise. ziigmund also needs to stop getting pushed out of so many pots and defend blinds more.
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 11:07 AM
I didnt think Zigmund was a mouse ???
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 11:52 AM
Tourney Shark IMO

PhilHellmuth's crazy reputation gets him/her paid off big on big hands. When PhilHellmuth wins, PhilHellmuth wins HUGE. As a result, most players at the table play scared.
PhilHellmuth doesn’t have to come in raising every hand and should stay in check after the flop if a tighter player plays back. PhilHellmuth often gets trapped being such a habitual better and raiser. When PhilHellmuth loses, it’s often pretty big - and even when winning big, there's a good chance it'll all be gone before the night is over.
Playing as a Maniac is difficult as it puts PhilHellmuth in very tricky situations post-flop. PhilHellmuth needs to be aware of table image and use it as an advantage; if people think PhilHellmuth is always bluffing, they'll call down with a worse than normal range of hands. PhilHellmuth should work on discipline - there is such thing as raising too often before the flop.
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 11:55 AM
They use the exact same wording and descriptions on this site:
but they classify him differently.
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Fonzy4
So maybe it's right? Don't they always say he's bad at cash games?
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by highstakesfan
I didnt think Zigmund was a mouse ???
its not ziigy from ftp...

ziigmund @ Fulltilt
Also seen on:
Party | Pacific

Pre-Flop Tendency: LOOSE - The Poker-Edge software automatically color codes loose players in GREEN for easy identification.

Player Type : You are a MANIAC (Extremely Loose-Aggressive/Aggressive). Your presence alone changes the entire dynamic of the table. The Poker-Edge software shows you the Maniacs by placing an icon next to their name at the table so you can easily trap them.

Strengths: Because of your crazy reputation, you will get paid off big on your big hands. When you win, you win HUGE. Most players at the table fear you.

Weaknesses: As a loose player, you are often behind when you enter pots. You will end up in dominated situations against better players, and unless you have excellent judgement they will take your money. Your maniacal behavior is ironically predictable. Good players will wait for strong hands and let you bet into them. When you lose, you lose big. In fact, even when you are winning big, there's a good chance you might lose it all before the night is over.

Best Advice: Tighten up your starting hand requirements. Work on self control. Pay attention to your table image - if people always think you are bluffing, only bet strong hands.
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 05:38 PM
I'm listed as a shark in cash games and a bomb in tournaments. This made my day
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 06:18 PM
But he is the biggest poker baller EVER. IMO

His latest blog entry made me cringe and become overwhelmed with jealousy. Granted I would not pray to look like the man, I would trade my life for his any day of the week, as long as I could keep my GF and not his wife and children (no disrespect). I'm sure that 100 % of you knuckleheads would do the same, don't be afraid to admit it. Without further ado, here you go...

Posted: May 25, 2008 11:07 PM

LA Lakers Floor seats: Greg Grunberg, Charles Barkley

On Weds night I went to the set of "Heroes" with Greg Grunberg (Greg is the "Policeman" on the show), and there was a love scene being filmed…No more on that! Afterwards Greg and I hit the Lakers game, and we sat on the floor. At halftime, a studio appeared right in front of us (it was built), and Barkley comes out and says hello to both Greg and I. Then when they go on air Barkley says to the worldwide audience "I just met my hero Phil Hellmuth." At the time I didn't know it, although Kenny "The jet" Smith shouted to me from the set, "I read your book," to which Barkley snappily added, "I burned your book!" Anyway, I texted Barkley later to invite him out to dinner with me, Tony Parker, Eva Longoria, and a few of the San Antonio Spurs players at Eva's restaurant called "Beso" (Spanish for "Kiss"). The food there was amazing (try the steak tacos appetizer), and Eva was the perfect hostess. Even though I was rooting for the Lakers, because I have been sitting with owner Jerry Buss forever in his box (and I will be in his box Friday night with Grunberg and his wife), the Spurs are close to my heart as well as I have hung out with many of the players when I emceed a poker tournament for Tony Parkers birthday, and Michael Finley is probably my wife and I's favorite basketball player-going back 15 years to when Finley was at the University of Wisconsin, and we had season tickets. Plus I love Duncan and Parker, who are in my experience total class acts. I also met, and had dinner with Fabricio, who plays a lot for the Spurs and is another class act. Not to mention that Robert Horry came up to my son at halftime in a game last year and said hello (which made my sons day!).

Anyway, Wednesday night was great! Friday I shoot a commercial all day, then rush to the Staples center to sit with Jerry in his box.
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 06:21 PM
Europeans aren't jealous
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by 1tripz1
Europeans aren't jealous
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 06:31 PM
He drives like a girl.
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 06:31 PM
...and then manu ginobili came out and gave phil a sloppy rimmer.

Only Hellmuth would be gay enough to love the spurs
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 07:15 PM
Awesome read on me:

RyanGazelle's crazy reputation gets him/her paid off big on big hands. When RyanGazelle wins, RyanGazelle wins HUGE. As a result, most players at the table play scared.

RyanGazelle doesn’t have to come in raising every hand and should stay in check after the flop if a tighter player plays back. RyanGazelle often gets trapped being such a habitual better and raiser. When RyanGazelle loses, it’s often pretty big - and even when winning big, there's a good chance it'll all be gone before the night is over.

Playing as a Maniac is difficult as it puts RyanGazelle in very tricky situations post-flop. RyanGazelle needs to be aware of table image and use it as an advantage; if people think RyanGazelle is always bluffing, they'll call down with a worse than normal range of hands. RyanGazelle should work on discipline - there is such thing as raising too often before the flop.
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 07:33 PM
LMAO that site is so off it's not even funny.

# Poker ID: LeFlyingRat
# Player Type: bomb
# Poker Room: PokerStars
# Profile:
# Favourite Game: NL Hold'em Tourney

LeFlyingRat plays very aggressively and is often in control of the table. LeFlyingRat wins most pots without even going to showdown, and gets paid off with big hands because other players simply do not believe he/she has them.
Playing so many hands often gets LeFlyingRat into tricky post-flop situations where difficult decisions have to be made.
LeFlyingRat needs to be aware of image at the table. Good players will start to play back at LeFlyingRat once they recognize his/her aggression.
Pre-Flop Tendency
SEMI LOOSE - The Poker Crusher software automatically color codes neutral players in BLACK for easy identification.

FYI, I'm terrible at donkaments.
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 08:16 PM
i'm a shark on stars, a bomb on full tilt, and a red fish on ub...
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
05-26-2008 , 08:36 PM
What an ego booster

NickStam is a Shark (Tight-Aggressive/Aggressive). NickStam's tight-aggressive playing style earns great profits at the poker table.

It's hard to tell when NickStam is bluffing because NickStam is always aggressive. But when the money goes in the middle, you can bet NickStam has the best hand.

NickStam has very few weaknesses, but may benefit from switching gears more often. This will make it more difficult for opponents to get a read. NickStam may also get bored from winning all the time. WAT?

NickStam should invest in an elbow brace to prevent arthritis from dragging in all those pots.
Say what you will about Hellmuth/PH on Pokerlistings Quote
