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RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista

09-03-2015 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Sect7G
That's an excellent candid interview that his Aunt did. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

Great interview, thank you.

Very real and also sad.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-03-2015 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Shamaniski
He was a legend. People cared about him, very successful at poker. I was almost on ICU in 2014 but quit drinking and abusing anything that would put me to sleep fast(NyQuil,Tylenol pm, hydrooxyzine) depression and poker can be such a brutal thing. I think I will end up killing myself in the next year or so.
please don't do that. i've battled depression and suicidal thoughts during the lowest points of my poker career some years back, so i know a lot about how you feel. PM me if you ever want to talk
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-03-2015 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by jjbooey
Good interview. He obviously had a tough upbringing, things that could leave deep emotional and psychological scars for life without the intervention of professional help. Losing his mom to drugs/alcohol (possible deep guilt wondering if he had something do with it), moving in with and being raised by essentially foster parents (trust and abandonment issues), etc. Many feel that the origin of all addictive behaviors, whether drugs/alcohol or whatever, can be traced to some kind of trauma in childhood, and sadly Chad certainly experienced that.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-05-2015 , 09:48 PM
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-05-2015 , 10:54 PM
He could beat jason merciers ass...if weapons were allowed that, gg lilholdem you will be missed.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-06-2015 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by jjbooey
that was a great interview.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-07-2015 , 09:21 PM
Played against him a few times a long while ago. Good guy. RIP.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-08-2015 , 08:35 AM
Played against him a couple times in the Sunday majors and once in the 1k Monday. Was borderline terrified. Also had many hilarious convos with him on p5's back in the day before I even knew 2p2 existed.

RIP, friend
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-08-2015 , 09:23 AM
Dope interview.

Also somewat interestig that alot of americans seem to have major problems with depression after moving abroad. Kinda odd
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-08-2015 , 09:28 AM
a lot of it centers around the fact that most poker players are too lazy/pre-occupied to make an effort to learn the language of the country they move to (which is massively disrespectful), so they get treated like **** by the locals and have trouble interacting with people. and canada's winters are long and brutal, despite being a mostly english speaking country. feeling isolated is for sure the #1 cause
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-08-2015 , 09:29 AM
I can relate. Even if home wasn't amazing, its hard to be away from everyone you care most about. Between the 10 people I'd most want to see/talk to/be with, all of them are a plane ride away from me.

Interview was great and very real. I'm glad the aunt was able to be so open and clear headed about the reality of it all.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-08-2015 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Dope interview.

Also somewat interestig that alot of americans seem to have major problems with depression after moving abroad. Kinda odd
Nothing odd about it. Go move to Mexico for a year and let us know how you feel being away from family and friends.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-08-2015 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Nothing odd about it. Go move to Mexico for a year and let us know how you feel being away from family and friends.
Thats the thing i live abroad away from home for over 6 years now, i lived in south america, asia, australia etc. and alot of other euros do so as well but especially americans seem to have a hard time adapting to that liftstyle/living abroad/travel/etc
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-08-2015 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Thats the thing i live abroad away from home for over 6 years now, i lived in south america, asia, australia etc. and alot of other euros do so as well but especially americans seem to have a hard time adapting to that liftstyle/living abroad/travel/etc
Is this to only play poker? I think it depends on your reason for leaving your home country. Even if it's a job relocation, that's better than sitting in a condo by yourself playing online poker in a different country and having to get out when you can to meet people.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-08-2015 , 10:42 AM
Dope interview.
Pretty sad, Tim. Considering you've never used that term on 2p2 before, that's an awful joke.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-08-2015 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Is this to only play poker? I think it depends on your reason for leaving your home country. Even if it's a job relocation, that's better than sitting in a condo by yourself playing online poker in a different country and having to get out when you can to meet people.
Only for poker. I mean every semi interesting city you go to these days there will be at least 10 other grinders and none of them will say **** you if you try to get in touch with them. And those guys normally already have friendcircles
so as a pokerplayer you are instantly connected from teh getgo pretty much everywhere you decide to move. Maybe we euros just dont mind seeing close family/old friends 2-3 times a year while alot of americans are more family orientated - dunno. But pretty much everybody i met enjoys that lifestyle and wouldnt have it any other way while alot of americans seems to put up with it bc poker is their job but instantly would go back home if they could...

Anyways, enough derail

Originally Posted by .isolated
Pretty sad, Tim. Considering you've never used that term on 2p2 before, that's an awful joke.
You know exactly what i meant but keep coming after me u sad sad individual...
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-08-2015 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone
americans seem to have a hard time adapting to that liftstyle/living abroad/travel/etc
thats because murrica #1 of course its depressing to leave
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-09-2015 , 09:17 PM
He went out like Ben Sanderson in Leaving Las Vegas but probably not with Elizabeth Shue riding him to victory.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-09-2015 , 09:25 PM
Family is very important to a lot of people. Maybe Chad didn't want to pick up everything and move away. Also, considering his past maybe he wasn't allowed to leave the united states?
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-09-2015 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
Also, considering his past maybe he wasn't allowed to leave the united states?
???? he went to mexico for awhile to play on pokerstars. read the interview with his aunt, it says alot.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-10-2015 , 12:01 AM
Pardon my ignorance but can someone shed some more light on the excess/consumption that a 30-something year old would have to drink to such significant harm to his body?

Was he drinking a handle every day?
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-10-2015 , 12:27 AM
A lot... but he was a very small guy. Alcohol affects a 120 pound body way faster than some big 250lb dude.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-10-2015 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Pardon my ignorance but can someone shed some more light on the excess/consumption that a 30-something year old would have to drink to such significant harm to his body?

Was he drinking a handle every day?
You've never heard of Acute Alcohol Poisoning? Every year, sadly, many parents lose a child to excessive binge drinking when their child goes off to college. Seems like it's been happening more and more, or maybe the national press is picking up on these local tragic stories more and more.

His ongoing daily struggles with alcohol consumption would be separate and apart from an episode of acute alcohol poisoning, consuming massive amounts of alcohol within a short time period. This causes organ failure, like liver and kidneys for example, causing death.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-10-2015 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by H0RUS
???? he went to mexico for awhile to play on pokerstars. read the interview with his aunt, it says alot.
but would he be able to go to Canada? I guess Mexico is way more relaxed than Canada etc. I know if you have a criminal record in the UK and you want to go the US for a visit you have to go the US embassy in London for an interview first.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
09-10-2015 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Pardon my ignorance but can someone shed some more light on the excess/consumption that a 30-something year old would have to drink to such significant harm to his body?

Was he drinking a handle every day?
My brothers friend recently drank himself to death. Not sure of exact quantities, but he drank every day for years. 32 years young. Doctor warned him, he didn't stop. Sad stuff.
RIP Lil Holdem - Chad Batista Quote
