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"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live "Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live

12-07-2022 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by pokerfan655
I'm not sure if that's a real nipple or a bodysuit but either way its attention whore type of stuff. Not a good look at the poker table.
I'd like to think that Sashimi was just making a rather brilliant and humorous statement about how artificial/superficial our society has become.

But who knows, maybe Nick and Ryan were just like "hey, we're in a tough spot. We had Robbi on for her sex appeal but now she's gone, so here Sashimi, put on this fkn sex suit if you want to stick around."

But seriously, I'd agree that the Galfond image or something similar would be a great look for poker and would appeal to a larger audience. Maybe it's possible one day as idealistic as it is, but I don't think we're going to get there through condescension and ridcule of those that don't fit a particular mold, as that only seems to exacerbate the problem.

At the end of the day, poker tends to reflect life and society as it is, so any change would be more dependant on that rather than some whitewashed marketing.

Last edited by monte carloco; 12-07-2022 at 03:52 AM.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-07-2022 , 06:51 AM
As a white man and therefore particularly susceptible to being attracted to Asian women, I hereby declare that Sashimi did nothing wrong
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-07-2022 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by pokerfan655
I'm not sure if that's a real nipple or a bodysuit but either way its attention whore type of stuff. Not a good look at the poker table.
Yes, the poker table, famous for professionals who don't want attention

"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-07-2022 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by kerr
Monday's stream has been marked Private. I guess fake boob was ok, fake nipple not so much. #wardrobemalfunction
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-07-2022 , 03:57 PM
The outrage here reminds me of a situation in online poker back in the day where some self appointed guardian of the dignity of poker was ranting about honour and got hit with "we're not samurais here, bro".

Somewhere Ellix Powers is laughing and Jim McManus is seething.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-07-2022 , 04:33 PM
This is sad, can't these dumb influencers try to get attention in poker other ways? Like, idk actually being an interesting character or playing good poker? How did this game get polluted by these braindeads like sashimi poker anyways?
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-07-2022 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by vrael111
This is sad, can't these dumb influencers try to get attention in poker other ways? Like, idk actually being an interesting character or playing good poker? How did this game get polluted by these braindeads like sashimi poker anyways?
The race for views…
“Oh sh-t, this random instagram model has 10,000 followers?? We need her on, 500 of her followers will watch”
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-07-2022 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by vrael111
This is sad, can't these dumb influencers try to get attention in poker other ways? Like, idk actually being an interesting character or playing good poker? How did this game get polluted by these braindeads like sashimi poker anyways?
You are living in a dreamworld if you think poker is some kind of holy game or something like that. the game is "polluted" as you call it since it exists. There is money and luck involved and all kinds of people play it so what do you expect? it obv attracts scammers and scum. That woman and her actions are not even noteworthy if you look at the bigger picture.

Last edited by Helllsreal; 12-07-2022 at 07:43 PM.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-07-2022 , 08:27 PM
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-07-2022 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Siberian13
This world just gets softer and softer.
Absolutely. The hand-wringing is off the charts absurd.

KL seems like a huge baby. **** the people that suck all the humor out of life. If you’re offended, don’t watch. Simple.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-07-2022 , 11:07 PM
Cleeton such a softie.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-08-2022 , 02:19 AM
I don't understand this. There is outrage that HUSTLER had a women who slipped a nip. HUSTLER, the same company who is famous for being the first smut magazine to have girl show pink. When did HUSTLER get held to such a moral high ground?
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-08-2022 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by Atarirob
I don't understand this. There is outrage that HUSTLER had a women who slipped a nip. HUSTLER, the same company who is famous for being the first smut magazine to have girl show pink. When did HUSTLER get held to such a moral high ground?
Nailed it.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-08-2022 , 07:53 PM
I don't have a problem with her don't this I just don't think it's funny or entertaining.

I also don't want to watch a poker stream to see people playing nitty even if they're young attractive women. But I get that a lot of people do so they'll have slots on the show.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-09-2022 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by borg23
I don't have a problem with her don't this I just don't think it's funny or entertaining.

I also don't want to watch a poker stream to see people playing nitty even if they're young attractive women. But I get that a lot of people do so they'll have slots on the show.
Are you calling Sashimi a slut?
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-09-2022 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by borg23
I don't have a problem with her don't this I just don't think it's funny or entertaining.
x10 for having to watch hour after hour of Nitucci getting massaged ... over the shirt, under the shirt, bare arms, greasy hair, beard, face ... gross, yuck!
If it's cover it up and keep it clean, then do it the whole way.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-09-2022 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by kerr
Are you calling Sashimi a slut?
No,I guess I should have said get a seat in the show instead of a slot on the show.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-09-2022 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by kerr
Are you calling Sashimi a slut?
lol how do you derive that from his comment? All he said was he doesn't want to watch people play nitty on streams
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-09-2022 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
I don't have a problem with her don't this I just don't think it's funny or entertaining.

I also don't want to watch a poker stream to see people playing nitty even if they're young attractive women. But I get that a lot of people do so they'll have SLOTS on the show.
Originally Posted by kerr
Are you calling Sashimi a SLUT?

Also I'm post #69. Nice.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-09-2022 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by pokerfan655
lol how do you derive that from his comment? All he said was he doesn't want to watch people play nitty on streams
In one sentence he said "I don't want to see people playing nitty even if they're young attractive women."

Then he said "But I get that a lot of people do so they'll have slots on the show."

I genuinely thought he deliberately said slots rather than sluts, referring to Hustler allowing nitty attractive women to play. I had no idea he just meant spots or seats, so my apologies to borg23.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-09-2022 , 12:56 PM
tits > nits
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-09-2022 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by monte carloco
That's a good point. I can see it being very frustrating for dedicated and successful female professionals who choose not to use their sex appeal to get recognition that they wouldn't have otherwise received. I suppose some men might even be a bit frustrated as well. For example, youtube has some some world renowned anglers that have been doing it for years with expensive multicam productions and quality content. They get a decent amount of views, but nothing special. Then comes along some newbie college chick that slips on a thong, casts a fishing pole off her dock and is getting 30 million hits.

I guess at that point one could make the argument that they're just not in the same industry, one is simply selling an angler channel while the other is just selling a thumbnail of her ass and is going to get those 30 million views no matter what she does.

Then I guess there's the middle ground, where you have a woman that's truly passionate and is great at what she does, but still mildly uses her sex appeal. She's ok with it, but at the same time may resent the fact that she had to do it, especially if it's only for an avergae amount of recognition/success.

Another interesting point. I realized this over the last couple months or so when trying to figure out wtf is going on with my social life. And then I saw a video recently where Phil Ivey shared a similar sentiment. But anyway, I'll be out with friends, family, strangers, whatever, and I'm put in this position where I feel like I have to manufacture an opinion about something, usually politics. So I try to offer something that might add a slightly differnet prespective or be a bit nuanced, but if it's not in lockstep with everyone else or contain certain buzzwords, then it just creates an awkward situation where I'm subject to bunch of ridicule or judgement over something that I don't even really give a sht about in the first place. It's exhausting.
Why are you compelled to "manufacture" an opinion ? No one really cares what you think and reactions to whatever you "manufacture" are "awkward".

Try a broaching general subject, that may break the ice .....even if nothing else hsppens, you can take things from there

Tony:"How about those Mets ?"

Svetlana: "Don't start with me on those Mets"

Last edited by Gzesh; 12-09-2022 at 02:05 PM.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-09-2022 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by monte carloco
That's a good point. I can see it being very frustrating for dedicated and successful female professionals who choose not to use their sex appeal to get recognition that they wouldn't have otherwise received. I suppose some men might even be a bit frustrated as well. For example, youtube has some some world renowned anglers that have been doing it for years with expensive multicam productions and quality content. They get a decent amount of views, but nothing special. Then comes along some newbie college chick that slips on a thong, casts a fishing pole off her dock and is getting 30 million hits.

I guess at that point one could make the argument that they're just not in the same industry, one is simply selling an angler channel while the other is just selling a thumbnail of her ass and is going to get those 30 million views no matter what she does.

Then I guess there's the middle ground, where you have a woman that's truly passionate and is great at what she does, but still mildly uses her sex appeal. She's ok with it, but at the same time may resent the fact that she had to do it, especially if it's only for an avergae amount of recognition/success.

Another interesting point. I realized this over the last couple months or so when trying to figure out wtf is going on with my social life. And then I saw a video recently where Phil Ivey shared a similar sentiment. But anyway, I'll be out with friends, family, strangers, whatever, and I'm put in this position where I feel like I have to manufacture an opinion about something, usually politics. So I try to offer something that might add a slightly differnet prespective or be a bit nuanced, but if it's not in lockstep with everyone else or contain certain buzzwords, then it just creates an awkward situation where I'm subject to bunch of ridicule or judgement over something that I don't even really give a sht about in the first place. It's exhausting.
The good thing about life is there are always reasons being supplied if you wish to be frustrated. It just isn't a great way to spend your time though, if ya think about it. It ties into your last point, but people seeing things through the lens of the person often have a narrower view of an issue. When you offer anything other than an echo, they often take it personally, and then you're in a devil's advocate position that you don't even support in the first place. A lot of the reason why is the reason you offer nuance in the first place. Things that people are fired about are often things they feel strongly about or think about a lot. People think of beliefs as personal to them, which is odd because you arrive in life with 0 beliefs. It seems at times like people are looking for an argument with someone else, but can't get it. They're mad at the person or people in the world that they perceive as an "enemy", but that person is not around so they voice their mock argument against them to anyone who will listen. If you don't want to listen, you become the enemy, and they feel justified in lashing out at you. If you do listen, they still get more and more fired up until eventually you offer some insight/nuance or agreement. Ultimately, it doesn't matter really what you say, because they are still looking to win that imaginary argument against that imaginary foe. It's a bit like passing down cycles of physical abuse. The older sibling hits the younger one because they feel defenseless against the parent. People lash out at easier targets, because they're mad at one they feel helpless against (whether it be some online troll or some actually ignorant person). The good news is that it isn't personal, they barely know you're there. If they did, they'd realize that they pushed you into a devil's advocate position that you didn't hold in the first place. That's true ignorance, forgetting that the other person is just the same as you, and is living this experience.

One of the reasons "no politics no religion" is a good poker rule is because point blank some people are just not sharp enough to discuss them without getting upset. The number of well-intentioned idiots is almost always at an all-time high, and the number of absolute garbage people who think they're saints is competing right along. We're trashhhhhhh. Step one would be realizing that, cuz I don't think there are any really sharp people out there who didn't start with "ohhhhh i'm a wholeass idiot".

Any political or social issue is also eminently complex; there's no quick succinct statements that are going to please everyone nor nail the issue, and not knowing another's level of understanding does sometimes lead to some advice/insight being offered that isn't welcome just because it's always the response offered. This kinda political/social stuff also goes back to people's ideological views also, and people get very agitated when conversations approach those subjects. Not because we cling so strongly to our religious/spiritual beliefs, but because they are generally wholly unexamined, so it's like forcing that person to approach a box they forgot they were scared of. That's another topic altogether, but you will often notice that the more existential the conversation, the more agitated/unreasonable people get.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-10-2022 , 03:29 AM
nobody has been talking about how nice the boob suit looked tho, that was a ****ing primo tiddy
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
12-10-2022 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by kerr
In one sentence he said "I don't want to see people playing nitty even if they're young attractive women."

Then he said "But I get that a lot of people do so they'll have slots on the show."

I genuinely thought he deliberately said slots rather than sluts, referring to Hustler allowing nitty attractive women to play. I had no idea he just meant spots or seats, so my apologies to borg23.
Even if hypothetically he said "sluts on the show" why would you ask him if he was calling her a slut? That would be exactly what he said lol.
"Nudity" on Hustler Casino Live Quote
