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Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made

08-20-2011 , 05:31 PM
gotta love the few 'pros' in this thread claiming it is so tough, then stating they work an absurdly small amt of hours. SayGN 'can't wait to turn poker back into a hobby' then claims he plays 10 hrs a week for a living - tough life grinding that 1.5 hrs a day man!

op is full of crap and won't post sn's or results because he is a liar imo. ive been a pro for years and ive never met another pro who was having that kind of success (250k a year) who hated poker and couldn't wait to quit and go work a 50k a year desk job. imo someone went on a big downswing and got emo.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
08-20-2011 , 08:21 PM
Is this you Girah?
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
08-21-2011 , 04:12 AM
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
08-21-2011 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
I'm starting to get the impression that most of the people who write these threads lamenting the depressive and unfulfilling nature of poker would be depressed and unfulfilled no matter what they do. I think it's you, not the poker.
That is immediately what I thought reading this through. It's kinda like the whole drugs are bad thing. Sure drugs are not the best but honestly the real reason drugs are perceived to be so bad is that f**ked up people take them.*

*I am not a regular drug user, have never even done dope and don't smoke fwiw
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
08-21-2011 , 11:35 AM
IMO, OP is exaggerating in a few ways, and has not even confronted one single “Graph or gtfo” reply by some readers.

Poker is your job, not your life. If you want a rewarding life, do things that make it rewarding… have good relationships with good friends, fall in love, get marry, have children, raise them well, etc. As for your job, making $200k a year, pretty much part time, is very good. If you complain about your job not being “rewarding” yet making that much money, then you need to get real. You need to get a life, not a new job.

Have fun with the daily commute, having to deal with customers and upper managements, and saving up for rainy days and retirements.

To each his own. Different strokes for different folks. Etc. It depends on each person's perspective(s). Anything can be “rewarding” depends on how you look at it. It’s not always about money and money is usually a mean to an end.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
08-21-2011 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by AlmightyGod
He claimed he quit poker a year ago - April 29th, 2010.

Perhaps losing 80bi at nl100 was the reason

So the story goes:
You should be a detective if you aren't already.

As for OP, I guess it $500k is in none USD currency, it could make a little more sense.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
08-21-2011 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by _Goldseraph_
gotta love the few 'pros' in this thread claiming it is so tough, then stating they work an absurdly small amt of hours. SayGN 'can't wait to turn poker back into a hobby' then claims he plays 10 hrs a week for a living - tough life grinding that 1.5 hrs a day man!

op is full of crap and won't post sn's or results because he is a liar imo. ive been a pro for years and ive never met another pro who was having that kind of success (250k a year) who hated poker and couldn't wait to quit and go work a 50k a year desk job. imo someone went on a big downswing and got emo.

I dont get why about 99% of the people think a 50K/year job must be something boring working at a desk
You're winning at life when you're having an interesting job and I'm not taking a big risk stating than you can make 5 times less than someone and be happier @ life

Plus grinding is boring as f*ck in the long run,you miss too many real world activites (and dont tell all you have to do is balance hobbies because poker is one super addictive lobby that tends to make grinders lazy and lonely,when you always have a bunch of friends willing to have a good time)
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
08-21-2011 , 02:29 PM
and dont tell all you have to do is balance hobbies because poker is one super addictive lobby that tends to make grinders lazy and lonely
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
08-21-2011 , 02:37 PM
Poker is great to supplement your income from a normal job but sucks if it's your only job. 80% of "pros" are broke
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
08-21-2011 , 02:47 PM
Graphs or it didnt happen(which it didnt). The grass is always greener... If you made 500k in 2 years(which you didnt) and didnt have any fun, youre just a loser. How is doing an office job anymore full filling? Save this bull **** post for your well paying, soul crushing, desk job forum. And everyone that doesnt like grinding got into poker for the money not because they love the game. You will get burnt out at every job if you dont love what youre doing.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
08-21-2011 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by x-ABE-LINCOLN-x
Graphs or it didnt happen(which it didnt). The grass is always greener... If you made 500k in 2 years(which you didnt) and didnt have any fun, youre just a loser. How is doing an office job anymore full filling? Save this bull **** post for your well paying, soul crushing, desk job forum. And everyone that doesnt like grinding got into poker for the money not because they love the game. You will get burnt out at every job if you dont love what youre doing.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-19-2011 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by kenthecow
I recently wrote a blog post about this topic here at
it's definitely a TLDR, so sorry if I'm trolling here. many of you might not know me very well, but i've been lurking since i was 16 and am 24 now and am friends and have talked strat with many well known HSNL pros who respect my game.

The one point I want to make is that quitting poker isn't failing. Many poker players view that quitting poker is the worst thing that can happen, but making money isn't necessarily the most important thing. Life EV is way more important. Balance in life is so important and I see so many people becoming obsessed with poker - it is the nature of the business. I'd rather be comfortable and be happy with my life than be rich and feel like a ****ty degenerate...really though, different things make different people happy so to each his own.

Many poker players feel like poker is the best option and that there is no way out to do other things, but there are definitely other ways of making money that are more lucrative than pros just aren't motivated enough to take the steps necessary to do those things. it's not that you can't do anything else it's really that you aren't motivated to do what it takes to move onto something different.

GL OP, i wish you the best.

Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-19-2011 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by x-ABE-LINCOLN-x
Graphs or it didnt happen(which it didnt). The grass is always greener... If you made 500k in 2 years(which you didnt) and didnt have any fun, youre just a loser. How is doing an office job anymore full filling? Save this bull **** post for your well paying, soul crushing, desk job forum. And everyone that doesnt like grinding got into poker for the money not because they love the game. You will get burnt out at every job if you dont love what youre doing.
Ya, you are right. Thanks...LOL
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-19-2011 , 08:29 PM
When somebody starts a thread with their story about making 500k and then quitting, that I believe at first read because I'm gullible, and then I read through the first 15 pages hoping to see OP post a graph or SN... that gets under my skin a little bit. Why not just start a thread about hypothetically winning 500k and then quitting? It could still have been a good discussion. Why does OP have to lie? I just hate reading stuff online wondering if people are lying. It shouldn't really matter too much I guess.. but to me there's a big difference reading OP under the pretense that this is someone who has actually won 500k, instead of someone who just wants to discuss what really doing it would be like. Winning 500k from poker is one of my life dreams and I don't like to read BS when it pertains to one of my life dreams. Good discussion ITT but it would be better if OP didn't lie and then ignore everyone who wants to see SN or graph. I just wish there wasn't so much dishonesty in this forum and the poker world in general.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-19-2011 , 08:35 PM
I can understand your decision. Probability games such as poker have some nasty variances. Unfortunately we're not machines, we have emotions and it is a huge handicap to many people.

I think I can safely say, the difference between a losing/mediocre poker player and and great poker player is the one that does not act on his emotions (TILT). It is ok to feel "tilted" it's impossible not too, but the great poker player will not act on "tilt" but rather make the correct play on the next hand no matter how tilted he is.

I played Blackjack professionally for 3 years, and if anyone out there has played Blackjack (counting cards) they would agree with me. Poker and all it's variance and bad beats is a picnic compared to what you go through playing Blackjack professionally.

So congratulations on your decision, I can honestly say I understand how you feel and why you made the decision you made. Variance is something not everybody can handle.

Last edited by Donskey; 12-19-2011 at 08:50 PM.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-19-2011 , 10:39 PM
30 pages and still no graph? graph or it didn't happen
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-20-2011 , 01:27 AM
Forget graphs , lets see scans of his tax returns.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-20-2011 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by GINNN
Poker for a living is not depressing in my opinion, poker for a life is. Sounds to me poker controlled you life and now you have found balance in your life, im glad that you have.
Balance in life is key to no matter what one does for a living.
Yup. Needed this.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-20-2011 , 03:36 AM
Someone whose made 500k in 2 years playing poker is not going to quit(.)
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-20-2011 , 03:47 AM
this is the biggest load of bull**** i have ever read...
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-20-2011 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by ragstoriches
wow super solid post

Been ms/hsnl cash game pro 4+ years, 2011 pokerwise has been the toughest, mentally. Anyone who hasn't done this for their sole source of income cant/shouldnt comment. It really is a 'hard way to make an easy living'.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-20-2011 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by HamGB
When somebody starts a thread with their story about making 500k and then quitting, that I believe at first read because I'm gullible, and then I read through the first 15 pages hoping to see OP post a graph or SN... that gets under my skin a little bit. Why not just start a thread about hypothetically winning 500k and then quitting? It could still have been a good discussion. Why does OP have to lie? I just hate reading stuff online wondering if people are lying. It shouldn't really matter too much I guess.. but to me there's a big difference reading OP under the pretense that this is someone who has actually won 500k, instead of someone who just wants to discuss what really doing it would be like. Winning 500k from poker is one of my life dreams and I don't like to read BS when it pertains to one of my life dreams. Good discussion ITT but it would be better if OP didn't lie and then ignore everyone who wants to see SN or graph. I just wish there wasn't so much dishonesty in this forum and the poker world in general.
Why wud I lie. I dont have a graph and I dont have a sn I want to share. Even if I did it wouldnt help as its not on PTR.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-20-2011 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by OmahaImHigh
Someone whose made 500k in 2 years playing poker is not going to quit(.)
If you made enough money for the rest of your life, would you quit? I know I would(I'm professional poker player). There are a lot better things to do than sit at home in dark room.

500k might be enough for someone to quit playing, because.. No need for more, at least for now.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-20-2011 , 08:20 AM
I once quit poker for 6 months. I'm pretty sure it was a bad decision. 50% of the extra time acquired was spent being drunk/hangover/partying, and the other 50% was spent watching movies/TV/wasting time. I didn't even get laid more often that I did while playing poker, and I certainly didn't make any monies.
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
12-23-2011 , 12:32 AM
I think you have to look at poker like any other job. It's like running a small business or working on commission. If you quit, you need to either replace it with another job or spend the time wisely. It's your life and do what you want with it but don't go out and say that playing poker is something bad or evil because you are just doing it for the money.

Many people have their jobs for the money. They probably get something else out of it too, like friends in the same business, co-workers, a sense of accomplishment, and other things. You can get all of this out of poker.

There is nothing wrong with playing poker for money. Hopefully that is not the end game for yo though. Remember that money is a tool and not the end all.

If you did make 500K or not, it doesn't matter. If you're happy with your decision, good for you but don't try to come off all high and mighty because you won and you quit. It would be nice to see a graph
Quitting poker for a living was the best decision I ever made Quote
