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Quadjacks breaking some laws????  Say it ain't so.... Quadjacks breaking some laws????  Say it ain't so....

09-19-2011 , 05:04 AM
I would love to hear some feedback from the folks over there (Quadjacks) on some of these topics. I would also like for the community to step up and cover what I couldn't, and further, I would like for someone to pick up on the things that I am clearly not capable of or severely lack the experience in and make an independent journalistic report on their findings.

I have spent the last week and a half or so doing some background investigation into Quadjacks. I find it ironic, that you (Quadjacks hosts) have no problem spewing stuff openly about the wrong doings of Fulltilt, Lederer, Ferguson, and the like. In fact, you have often referred to them as "crooks, ponzi scheme, liars, full of ****, whatever..." and just about every other name under the sun that you can think of while you you all have sat on your thrown, and pointed your finger down on them for wrong doings. In fact, you all have spoken about the horrible management and the things they have done many times over on a much bigger scale. Somehow, you want to live in a glass house and throw stones. Since your not fallible of making the same mistakes, I wouldn't mind if you helped me clear a few things up.

I have spent the last week researching, "Quadjacks" and have found some interesting things. I am not here to say that I have definitive proof, but I would like some clarification on quite a few things. I think from your past experience in this community, you wouldn't mind me calling you out at all. In fact, I think with everything we (a community) have been through, you would welcome it.

To start, please forgive me, because I don't totally understand copyright laws at all, how exactly is it that an illegal entity can hide behind US copyright laws, when especially you don't even have a copyright on your own material. Now I know you don't have to register for a copyright to fall under copyright laws, but I am pretty sure an illegal entity doesn't fall under these protections. Then again, I am not a lawyer, just basing it off my research. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Can you explain the picture of Harrison Ford for "The Fugitive" on the shopping cart. I am sure that is copyrighted material you are using (stealing). Is this OK?

Majority of the work Sirius has done, is tracks taken from copyrighted material that you are now reselling. You are claiming on your site that "your" work is protected under copyright laws, which you have yet to register, but your reselling tracks that are copyrighted??

Paypal is now also doing an investigation for copyright infringement FYI . I hope you can clear this up with the community, and more importantly with them

I am also very confused as to how you have a "Donate" button on your main website through paypal. In order to have a "Donate" button, according to Paypal terms, you have to either have to have a 501 (3)(c), or be a charitable organization in order to obtain one. Paypal will be a "little" funny on giving you specifics about the law to get around it, but press harder with some folks up above and I promise you they will clearly stand behind their "donate" is FOR ONLY CHARITABLE AND 501 (3)(C) FOLKS. If fact, I am waiting for a "clear" outline from their compliance department on the "U.S." laws surrounding this. This is where it can get know like Marilyn state prosecuting and pushing much of what is happening today in our world. Same thing can happen to Quadjacks! You might want to look into:

"Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services that allows them to raise funds specifically in Florida.

If they don’t, they’re in non-compliance with their solicitation laws. The non-profit was also told that anyone who has a ‘Donate Button’ on their website, regardless of whether they are located in Florida or not, and receives an online donation for a charitable purpose from a resident of the state of Florida must file a Solicitation of Contribution Act report and

pay an annual fee
" (which btw I haven't contacted the Florida Attorney General "yet") hoping you can clear this up.

But from what I understand, it is pretty clear with Paypal that you need a 501 (3)(c) "or" be a charitable organization. Do you actually fall under these guidelines?

So does Quadjacks have a 501 (3)(c) or are they in fact a "charitable" organization? If not, there are all kinds of things that is going to get even trickier. First off, if you are not a charitable organization, depending on what country your website is actually readable, and more importantly, where the donations are coming from, there are all kinds of laws you are breaking. For instance, in Australia, "Due to legal and regulatory constraints, PayPal Australia Pty Limited is unable to process donation for non-registered charities and non-profit organizations." Lord knows, those down under folks love the hell out of you. If you have taken any donations from folks down there, there might be a problem. You might also want to start looking into Greece laws also. I am just giving you "a few" examples, but there is a ton of other info I am aware of that I am not citing or quoting yet.

That leads us to the next part..."It's not illegal to solicit donations, as long as you tell the truth about the destination without leading a donor..." Well I am not sure where this fits into specifically from a direct statement from you all, "If you are to donate to QuadJacks we would pour it in to many things which we could use to make the show better."

Does that include, housing, food, salary, frivolous spending for a night out with he boys, women, etc...?" I would really hope you are keeping accurate records on this stuff, and you can justify your books for donations, versus misleading a donor right? I mean all of the donations that have been poured into Quadjacks are spent purely on bringing better quality broadcasting and not frivolous spending right? You're books are up to date, and you wouldn't mind letting the public see them since you do in fact, have our best interest at heart right?

Then that leads to the next question I have. What EXACTLY is Quadjacks outside of a couple of kids taking money from the community and living it up large? I contacted the Better Business Bureua of Nevada, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General's office of Nevada, and the Office of the Attorney General of the United States (DOJ) to do a background check on
Quadjacks & and not a single person knows who you are, and more importantly are baffled there is no business license at all on this entity that is accepting "donations." In fact, EVERY ONE OF THEM, are very interested to find out more information on you all after I started talking about all this info, and yet there isn't a single business name licensed under "Quadjacks" in any capacity. Of course, maybe I am missing it completely, and there is a shadow name registered and licensed for most of the stuff in this article, but the Better Business Bureau on 3 different extensive phone conversations, asked me to contact the FBI about you good folks. In my hearts of hearts, I thought it would be better to give you all the opportunity to explain away my confusion without taking it to that extreme. That would be awful for me to take it to that measure and find out in the end I was completely wrong. That just isn't right. So instead, I figured you could help me work through it here in our community so that I am in fact harm done then.

So I am curious, what exactly is "Quadjacks?" You don't have a 501 (3)(c) because you would have to be incorporated in order to hold a 501 (3)(c), and the Secretary of State after multiple attempts had a problem finding any records of you at all. The only address I could find on your website at all is:
4575 Dean Martin Dr., Suite 2600
Las Vegas, NV 89103

And what a surprise, the Secretary of State doesn't have a business at all registered to this address. In fact, the IRS who handles 501 (3)(c), has never heard of you at all (and we will get to more of this in a moment). I can't find an LLC, so you must be a sole proprietorship right? This leads us into our next topic which is Taxes.

So what exactly kind of entity are you? I think IRS laws are clear about "Gift" taxes and "Donations!" This is where it really gets fun. If you are taking all these "donations" what exactly are they? It really makes a huge difference between what a "gift" tax and a "donation," who is responsible for paying those taxes, and exactly what kind of entity is responsible for those taxes, and more importantly, the people that are giving them might want to be clear because if it is a gift, then it is their responsibility to pay those taxes, until you exceed the gift tax law of course I wouldn't want to see you guys make a mistake with "charity donations" versus gifts, or whatever. It could cause all kinds of legal ramifications towards yourself, and the folks that made those "donations." If it was a "gift" then the donor is responsible, and if it was a "donation" well I think you are catching on now. It would suck to see Daniel Negreanu be responsible for the $5k donation he made, on the air, that you all picked up, that "you" made a mistake on right? Are you catching me now? Sadly, there is so many more that I suspect you all took advantage of.

I really hope you all know what you are doing. It amazes me how many times I have listened to you talk about the mistakes people made on such a higher and bigger scale, and promoted yourselves for calling them out on it, and why don't they open their books, etc.... It would blow my mind if you all are making such grand mistakes on such a smaller scale but actually think you are actually better than those folks who did the same. Guess the point is, see how you can get caught up in such a nasty game and your only playing with peanuts. Time to get off the horse please

So if it is OK with you, and you have called so many people out on it, please enlighten us how you haven't fallen the same victim of a trap that somehow you think you are better than so many people before you? If you wouldn't mind, please, please, please, explain to this community how I am completely wrong.

I have to point out, that I am not an investigator, a reporter, or someone that actually thinks or presenting data that is absolute fact. I really am not sure, but I have listened to your show enough, where YOU ARE THE ONES that taught me to ask questions, and it is OK to call people out on their ****!

Let's open up a dialogue to discuss, and show us that you are better than taking peoples money, boozing it up, living life large at the moment, loving the woman, and sitting on a soap box while preaching!

All I ask is to please prove me wrong...because I "believed" in you guys so much, but you all are losing it!

I personally think you are done! BTW....I haven't contacted the IRS yet (outside of verification on a 501 (3)(c)) but that is next unless you can prove yourself in this community right now! I would also like to ask you to open your books since you solely rely on donations from this community and pride yourselves on not taking advertising.

I also would like to invite any journalist to substantiate these facts, or this story PLEASE. I am not pretending to be a journalist at all, and for all I know, I could have everything wrong. It be really funny if someone from the DOJ, tipped off the IRS, based off this story, and all the **** you gave the DOJ on the air that you didn't care if they listened huh??

Welcome to the limelight fella's

It's good to be King, once!

(Again, I don't want to pretend I am a journalist, or have the investigation skills to handle this. I am seriously asking someone from the community to pick this story up and follow through to see if there is any truth behind it)
09-19-2011 , 05:10 AM
09-19-2011 , 05:11 AM
I did forget to mention in the article, that Paypal is in the middle of conducting a fraud investigation right now as to Quadjacks "donations" button, and them lying about their business entity in order to obtain that button. In fact, it's not an "official" paypal donation button, which is what caused them alarm. So you just might want to hold off on paying for subscriptions for their memberships to "old" podcasts, since I really don't think they will be around much longer.
09-19-2011 , 05:14 AM
09-19-2011 , 05:17 AM
Its problem
09-19-2011 , 05:17 AM
09-19-2011 , 05:19 AM
Hi Howard
09-19-2011 , 05:30 AM
I truly feel sorry for you OP, it must really suck being you.
09-19-2011 , 05:34 AM
[x] in before Noah signs his newest recruit for S:P
09-19-2011 , 05:37 AM
ip check one time!
09-19-2011 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by TenBall
Hi Howard
09-19-2011 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by TenBall
Hi Howard
It could be Ray. He seems like more of a hot head than Howard imo.

I wonder if OP would care to state his/her relation to FTP and what they stand to gain by denouncing QJ.

Fwiw QJ has always appeared to give an open audience to anyone with a say and at the same time appeared to provide an unbiased opinion on poker related matters.

Last edited by EYESCREW; 09-19-2011 at 06:00 AM.
09-19-2011 , 06:00 AM
09-19-2011 , 06:07 AM
What a sad sad person you are OP.
09-19-2011 , 06:07 AM
Interesting how this post is made the same day as the FTP hearing. Seriously get Fked OP.

Last edited by SuitedRetard; 09-19-2011 at 06:08 AM. Reason: o
09-19-2011 , 06:11 AM
wow this is some of the most petty **** ive ever seen. OP you really need to work out what your problem is, because you are obviously not doing this for the good of the people and have some sort of motive which is probably unhealthy and taking over your life.
09-19-2011 , 06:17 AM
Quadjacks sucks but this post is huge I don't want to read a novel
09-19-2011 , 06:20 AM
OP, you seem to be quite the petty bitter douche. Also good luck in your efforts to recruit 2+2 to investigate whether Quadjacks filled out the correct paperwork to put a 'donate' button on their website...clearly that should take priority over exposing high stakes poker scams and looking into poker sites stealing players funds.
09-19-2011 , 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by cheapdirt
Quadjacks sucks but this post is huge I don't want to read a novel
Cliffs: Quadjacks is behind on their paperwork. Luckily OP is on the job...bureaucrat to the rescue!

09-19-2011 , 06:26 AM
Hi Ray! Good day to bury bad news, huh?
09-19-2011 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Beer
Cliffs: Quadjacks is behind on their paperwork. Luckily OP is on the job...bureaucrat to the rescue!

thanks....much better then reading that steaming pile of ****
09-19-2011 , 06:27 AM
Didn't read the whole post but got the jist of it. Why do you care so much OP? I personally hate QJ, they're a bunch of untalented ******s who survive by sensationally peddling unfounded gossip as factual news. Just report them to the relevant copyright people and move on. Hopefully they get smacked with a fine big enough to blow them into oblivion and we never see another ******ed auto-tune cover song by that ugly skeletor look-a-like nor another BREAKING NEWS IVEY FARTED-esque "news story".
09-19-2011 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by BackInUSSRLOL
Didn't read the whole post but got the jist of it. Why do you care so much OP? I personally hate QJ, they're a bunch of untalented ******s who survive by sensationally peddling unfounded gossip as factual news. Just report them to the relevant copyright people and move on. Hopefully they get smacked with a fine big enough to blow them into oblivion and we never see another ******ed auto-tune cover song by that ugly skeletor look-a-like nor another BREAKING NEWS IVEY FARTED-esque "news story".
tell us how you really feel
09-19-2011 , 06:43 AM
Remember when you were at school and had to write an essay about something?

But then you didn't know much about what you had to write about, so you basically just repeated the one or two insignificant thing(s) you thought you knew a lot of times along with a bunch of other pointless stuff and hoped it would fool your teacher as long as you wrapped it into a big enough wall of text?

Remember how that never worked?

It still doesn't.
09-19-2011 , 06:56 AM
I have to admit, I am very taken back by the feedback. I guess I don't care anymore. I thought maybe we had to hold each other accountable for our actions, especially post BF. If you scaled this up, and this was a comparison to the New York Times or something, and people relied on them for their accurate reporting but the NYT's was doing something very shady behind the scenes, it would be a monster story.

I guess the reality is that we really aren't accountable for who we are, what we do, or who we count on anymore for our source of information. Nick Rainey scams some people out of a few bucks, it gets multiple pages, but folks that are clearly breaking the law we count on, we get flamed. Totally my bad guys!

I have no more of an affiliation with FT than any of you. My intent was to protect other players. Obviously I made a very bad decision, wasted a lot of time, and I won't make that mistake again.

There really is no point anymore. I really don't think I want to be a part of this anymore.

Mod's, can you delete this thread please.

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