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Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban.

01-12-2023 , 07:13 PM
I think people defending him either don't know him or are trolling at this point. I've seen him do things entirely to annoy other players or at the very least with no regard for others. He has no respect for anyone one else at the poker player and when people said something politely like "I don't think it's appropriate to do that" when he was acting incredibly inappropriate he responds I don't give a *uck call the floor if you want me to stop.

Bullying applies to people who are either unable to control themselves or are doing something unconsciously that they can't control. He actively acts this way. He makes no effort to change. Being a snowflake now and crying when people condemn you is incredibly hypocritical and laughable but then again the way he acts is so ridiculous that it is almost comedic.

What did people really say that qualifies as bullying except the truth and telling situations where he's done stuff... I guess voicing your opinion on how you wish bad stuff happens to him is borderline but to be fair he came and said something about how he respects everyone at the poker table which either he's so delusional that it deserves responses or a bold face lie which deserves comments like that to disprove that people obviously don't feel respected by him ever.

Last edited by smoothcriminal99; 01-12-2023 at 07:33 PM.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-13-2023 , 02:09 AM
Based on stories and feedback from earlier ITT, the dude seems like serial grifter and scammer. I predicted a Wal-Mart slip-n-fall to be his next bankroll generating endeavor.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-13-2023 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces

I didn't know that....having read the first 3 pages of the thread again.
I do think though that in the ideal world, if he is the best person that he can be, in all situations to all people, then he would be a happier person, and I apply these same principles to myself, so I am not criticising him for being human, none of us are perfect, we can all improve.... a lot.

As far as the posters in this thread.....blah, blah.....

Final thought: it's a poker game ffs, just all try to get along with each other, everyone will be a lot happier that way, and you'll likely make more money and have less stress doing so.

Gl all.
One the the best ways to get along with others is to not make uninformed snap judgments about people behavior and be critical of it on introduction.

A second way is to stop believing your choice of conduct is the only choice people should make.

Third, stop with the unicorns and pink fairies thinking. I don't need to get along with everyone at a poker table or in life. Some miserable people need to get the treatment they give out. Let's call it a learning curve.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-13-2023 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces
I'm not Scott, have never met or communicated with him.

I think you have this all wrong.

He is someone you dislike within the setting of a poker room. Online bullying him is not the appropriate response.

If he is doing something within the game that is breaking the rules then report it to the floor. If he is not breaking the rules but is just someone that you don't like having on your table
then move tables if it's a cash game, if it's a tournament then play at another venue.

~80% of people I have ever played live cash games against, I intensely dislike within the poker environment. (I have met close to zero of them irl)

But I'm afraid that this is the reality of playing live poker, you have to tolerate them. What you don't do and shouldn't do IMO is act like small children in the playground
who bully the kid that they don't like because the kid doesn't fit in, or because they annoy you.

To do so is bullying, plain and simple, and that is what you are doing.
It is an immature way of dealing with things and there are surely more mature approaches.

If you want an environment where 80%+ of the people who inhabit it are lovely human beings, or at least very pleasant to be around,
then become a fine art dealer, or a scholar, or a librarian etc, don't play poker, because a lot of the people within poker are the dregs of society,
or are not nice to be around within the poker environment.

What is worse still is that the school playground is a real environment, so although the bullying is wrong, it is within a real setting.

But you guys are bullying him online in relation to events that are happening in an artificially created environment, a poker room.

You are taking your opinion(I believe it is bullying) and falsely presenting it is a fact(it is bullying). Others believe presenting facts is not bullying. I believe they are correct and you are wrong. The fact you consider one human created environment real(a school playground) while considering another human created environment artificial(a poker room) shows why your opinions should be treated with less respect than you feel they deserve.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-13-2023 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Polarbear1955
You are taking your opinion(I believe it is bullying) and falsely presenting it is a fact(it is bullying). Others believe presenting facts is not bullying. I believe they are correct and you are wrong. The fact you consider one human created environment real(a school playground) while considering another human created environment artificial(a poker room) shows why your opinions should be treated with less respect than you feel they deserve.
I definitely fully take on board what you and the last few posters have said, and you have all said the same thing that his behaviour is not good. This amounts to pretty strong evidence that it is factual.

This was actually something which I advocated a few posts back, that people rather than make fun of him and make personal attacks, that it would better IMO, and not be bullying,
if instead you just stated what you feel is the bad behaviour. You and others have done that, so I think the ball is now in his court, to challenge those claims, or not, or to change his
actual behaviour, or not.

I do think that there is a very big difference between a school playground and a poker room regarding if either or both are an artificially created environment.

Schools have been around for the low thousands of years, poker rooms maybe for 140 years.

My earlier aiming for utopia post, was really an attempt to try to mediate the situation.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-14-2023 , 05:06 PM
Mediate a dispute two years old? Nah, you just wanted to come in here and criticize from your alleged moral high ground. It's no wonder you were previously banned.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-14-2023 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Mediate a dispute two years old? Nah, you just wanted to come in here and criticize from your alleged moral high ground. It's no wonder you were previously banned.
It isn't the moral high ground to notice that someone is being bullied, and I was trying to mediate, that is really clear from what I wrote.

And I was banned for standing my ground when I was being attacked by an angry mob in a thread. Apparently it was wrong for me to do so,
especially if it looked like I was winning the argument.

Previous mods (it may be that a lot of them still are mods) would also ban me and others, if they disagreed with the points being made by the person. So a terrible way to moderate.

Last edited by PokerPlayingDunces; 01-14-2023 at 06:23 PM.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-14-2023 , 10:47 PM
Lol, I'm sure that is a healthy dose of revisionist history. Next you should regale us with how to tackle the 1971 John Wayne interview and if the airport should be renamed. Check you dates before you come in here and blow hard, you blowhard.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-14-2023 , 11:32 PM
TTHRIC. It's just monkeys flinging poo at this point.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-14-2023 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Lol, I'm sure that is a healthy dose of revisionist history. Next you should regale us with how to tackle the 1971 John Wayne interview and if the airport should be renamed. Check you dates before you come in here and blow hard, you blowhard.
I totally stand by my first post that it was bullying of Trex7777.

Here is the definition of bullying for you:

The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.

Note the the definition doesn't include whether someone "deserves it", also note the bolded part.

Last edited by PokerPlayingDunces; 01-14-2023 at 11:51 PM.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-14-2023 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces
I totally stand by my first post that it was bullying of Trex7777.

Here is the definition of bullying for you:

The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.

Note the the definition doesn't include whether someone "deserves it", also note the bolded part.
The revisionist history reference was your tall tale about your previous banning. Whether it was bullying or not isn't really in dispute as it is a matter of opinion. It's also not in dispute that you came in hot with your bullshit opinions on a two year old thread.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-14-2023 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by MonkeyPox
TTHRIC. It's just monkeys flinging poo at this point.
I would second that.

If individual people have a problem with Trex777 in the poker room they should talk to him in person about it in the poker room, or if it is a contravention of the rules that he is committing
or a clear and frequent contravention of etiquette then they should take it up with the poker room manager, or they could do both.

I will go as far as saying that attacking him online in this thread is an act of cowardice.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-15-2023 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
The revisionist history reference was your tall tale about your previous banning. Whether it was bullying or not isn't really in dispute as it is a matter of opinion. It's also not in dispute that you came in hot with your bullshit opinions on a two year old thread.
I have been ganged up on / bullied multiple times on twoplustwo, I have never been ganged up on or bullied on any other chat forum including other poker forums of which I have been on two others. It is a feature of this forum, albeit less frequent than it was under the previous owners.

It might be a two year old thread, but the bullying type posts surfaced very recently.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-15-2023 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces
I totally stand by my first post that it was bullying of Trex7777.

Here is the definition of bullying for you:

The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.

Note the the definition doesn't include whether someone "deserves it", also note the bolded part.
imbalance of power = he doesn't have a chance to come here and defend himself which he did. Just because he had a lot of interactions with people that all were horrible doesn't make it an imbalance of power... it makes it a pattern of bad behavior.

This forums always been more trolly/joking/blunt with each other than other places. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing but some people don't like it which is understandable. There is definitely a pack mentality in a lot of scenarios but this really isn't one of them. He literally is that miserable and terrible to so many people it just seems that way and been around poker a long time (I think my experiences are from borgata like 2015ish and people played with him in foxwoods before that I think).

Last edited by smoothcriminal99; 01-15-2023 at 09:09 PM.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
01-15-2023 , 10:35 PM
My like of your post above is a three quarters like and am definitely totally willing and happy to shift my position based on new information or better thought or analysis than my own.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
08-17-2024 , 09:25 AM
Just a friendly reminder to everyone this guy still plays and is still a misraeble annoying pos. Plays terrible and complains every hand. That poor service dog he has with him yikes.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
08-18-2024 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by WilliamLang
Speaking of service puppy ��'s. I saw a cute �� the other day sitting in the lap of a feeble old slip n fall lawsuit broken down tourney player. At first glance, I thought our hero was in a slip n fall wheelchair �� - maybe we haven't seen the new lawsuit yet ��

p.s. how much per month for his Angry�� IPTV service?

Guy looks like Walter White from breaking bad in this picture. That cheer up shirt lmao. Probably a present from a friend with good humor.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
08-18-2024 , 11:02 AM
if he gets paid from the lawsuit does the money have to play at the poker table?
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
08-18-2024 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Helllsreal
Guy looks like Walter White from breaking bad in this picture. That cheer up shirt lmao. Probably a present from a friend with good humor.
John Malkovic
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
08-18-2024 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by BulltexasATM
John Malkovic
Lol I really thought that cheer up shirt is real for a moment.
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
08-18-2024 , 08:30 PM
The funniest part about this story is this Chrysler Sebring. Nothing is special about this car. Horrendous car really. I get when people drop money on specific/rare cars when the overall car isn't rare or valuable (I did this) but a Sebring isn't even close to one of these cars (3000GT VR-4 vs. just a normal one, 300ZX TT, etc.)
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
08-19-2024 , 12:05 PM
''Sebring, by Chrysler...a heck of a motor carriage''
Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban. Quote
