Cash games must really be near death for Stars and Party to be doing these drastic measures.
80k players online atm
100+ entrants in each zoom pool from 1/2 and below.
5 2/5 tables
8 1/2 tables
10+ .5/1 and below running atm
this is not near death to me.
the 1c/2c NLH 6max zoom pool rakes like $200+/hr
its just pokerstars greed, lower hourly of winners, push action to other games. Then claim the reasons are ecosystem and protection of degenerate ******s, which gullible noobs on 2p2 actually believe.
way back in the day like 2007, we used to run datamines on party midstakes games. Ended up being like 10% of pool is winners and 90% is losing. top 2% were total dominators and the 98 - 90% were like breakeven to small winners. I wonder how much the numbers have changed now.
Last edited by BigBananas; 08-20-2019 at 02:30 PM.