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PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024

06-09-2024 , 03:29 AM
Pretty awkward watch with the whole running it twice thing. As another poster pointed out, the LC would have had a profit if she hadn't done so in those key hands at the end. Overall it's been a decent show so far imo although the table talk got a little annoying towards the end. Stapes has been absolutely hilarious. How many LC's are we getting? The old seasons did 6 on each I think.


Originally Posted by SootedPowa
but its time to stop the poker I think.
I would like to formally apologise to Arden and have this comment struck from the record.
PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 Quote
06-09-2024 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by SootedPowa
Pretty awkward watch with the whole running it twice thing. As another poster pointed out, the LC would have had a profit if she hadn't done so in those key hands at the end. Overall it's been a decent show so far imo although the table talk got a little annoying towards the end. Stapes has been absolutely hilarious. How many LC's are we getting? The old seasons did 6 on each I think.
There is 1 other LC, it's a 10 episode season
PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 Quote
06-09-2024 , 05:08 PM
Sadly I think the LC's rep took a dive with those running it twice decisions. She didn't run especially well but she really needed to run it once and it might have changed everything. I think to a degree her confidence got rocked after Hellmuth called down her bluff in episode 3, I think in her head she was already seeing herself having 'her TV moment' when he folded and when he called her quickly I do think she struggled with confidence from that point on.

That 6s v 5s hand was really poorly played by both IMO. Arden runs good at life that's all i'll say.
PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 Quote
06-09-2024 , 05:25 PM
Saw the last episode with Limo.

No idea wtf she's doing running it twice with hardly any hands left. It would be bad enough if she was at starting stack or even up 10-20k but it's horrendous with below a starting stack.

You don't want to reduce your variance you want to increase it.
PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 Quote
06-09-2024 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
The cannon's coach was confused as well as to why she kept running it twice, so I don't know why she didn't drill it into cannon's head that you have to gambool it up. Or maybe she did and cannon just forgot in the heat of the moment.
ya definitely on the "coach" too she was like 5 feet away just yell lol
PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 Quote
06-09-2024 , 11:14 PM
Griffin … its really time to let it go man
PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 Quote
06-11-2024 , 06:19 AM
Poor Tilly getting Gus’d.
PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 Quote
06-12-2024 , 07:07 AM
Arden Cho is so intolerable. Cannon messed up real bad running it twice, Lex chimed in and got her on the right track in the end, but little too late. Keating missing from last episode was really sad.
PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 Quote
Yesterday , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by scottyno
She's obviously at least pretty good at poker and has lots of professional friends, so I don't understand why it wasn't grilled into her head before the biggest poker opportunity of her life that in this format, even though a 40k pot might be the biggest pot she's ever played, that you just can't ever run it twice there in this format. Or maybe they did and she just got caught up in the moment.
She is fairly new to playing poker, but as you said she has a lot of professional friends. Chris Moorman & Katie Lindsay was her neighbours before, and she obviously has a lot of other friends that also takes the game seriously. I also heard on a podcast that she has primarily been a cash game player.

Despite this, I thought she played pretty bad and I didn't see many hands that would indicate she actually has a lot of winning strategies in her arsenal. It's obviously possible that she was nervous and couldn't quite handle the lights/attention. That does however seem unlikely given her extensive YouTube-background, as well as being a podcast host. She seemed afraid to value bet properly, and obviously the strategy with running it twice towards the end is absurdly bad when she needs two double ups to be in profit.

Honestly also think she could have gotten away from KTo in her bustout hand. She only had 1700 invested and although people know she has to gamble I don't think KTo stands up well when both Lex and especially Jen have potted behind her. There was still a couple of hands left after, if I remember correctly (even if they only showed the last one).

Overall I like the concept, but they are spending way too long on introductions and other fluff. The show also gets a lot more interesting if you have a cannon that goes after it a bit more.
PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 Quote
Yesterday , 05:01 PM
Bomb pot every 30 hands with each player putting in $2,000
PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 Quote
Today , 01:16 AM
Haha wow, I haven't watched Ep. 5 but I see now that I need to move that episode up in the queue. Did she really run it twice that late in the game? I get the reasoning for doing this early on, but jeeeez.

It's sort of the opposite of the player folding AA preflop. As crazy as it looked, it made perfect sense given the format of the game. David Fishman understood the assignment, Nikki Limo clearly didn't, based on what I'm reading above.
PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 Quote
Today , 03:42 AM
But at least she won the first run out.

Five episodes per LC is too many.
PokerStars: The BIG Game in 2024 Quote
