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Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me

04-06-2017 , 05:30 PM
I saw Booth at the Aria last week sitting with $50k
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-06-2017 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Upswing828
I saw Booth at the Aria last week sitting with $50k

For what its worth guys, Brad has continued to make small payments over the course of the last few years. We aren't moving anywhere fast, but I do think he wants to make it right and I appreciate his efforts to right the debt.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-07-2017 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by WCGRider

For what its worth guys, Brad has continued to make small payments over the course of the last few years. We aren't moving anywhere fast, but I do think he wants to make it right and I appreciate his efforts to right the debt.
Doug, you gotta get your arms around this thing. People owe you money and they act like they're doin u a favor by giving u anything at all.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-07-2017 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by civ77
Doug, you gotta get your arms around this thing. People owe you money and they act like they're doin u a favor by giving u anything at all.
collecting money isn't that easy if you aren't backed by the mob.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-07-2017 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by DickeLatte
collecting money isn't that easy if you aren't backed by the mob.
He should just talk to jungleman. Doesn't he have the contacts?
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-09-2017 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by WCGRider

For what its worth guys, Brad has continued to make small payments over the course of the last few years. We aren't moving anywhere fast, but I do think he wants to make it right and I appreciate his efforts to right the debt.

And paying dem bikerz furst seems pretty geeeteeeohhh imo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-09-2017 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by WCGRider

For what its worth guys, Brad has continued to make small payments over the course of the last few years. We aren't moving anywhere fast, but I do think he wants to make it right and I appreciate his efforts to right the debt.
Yeah, **** that. If he want to make it right he'd be eating lentils and oranges, living in a closet in a 4 bdrm apt with 4 roommates, and working 16 hrs a day 6 days a week until he repaid you. Ask him how many steaks he's eaten since he ripped you off for 28k and that will show you how badly he wants to make things "right".
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-09-2017 , 11:09 PM
Def go with the "steaks eaten" scale when judging his intentions
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-09-2017 , 11:47 PM
Even if he was sitting with $50k - there surely is no way to know if the money was actually his, or whether he had gotten (another) stake?
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-10-2017 , 12:55 AM
Or another steak.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-10-2017 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Or another steak.
I bet Booth eats steak sandwiches everyday, he seems the type...I'd stake my roll on it...
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-10-2017 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by chuckamuck
I bet Booth eats steak sandwiches everyday, he seems the type...I'd stake my roll on it...
Look, there is a lot at stake here; its not a laughing matter. If I were Doug and saw him sitting with 50k at the Aria, I would confisteak all his chips. Literally walk up and take all his chips off the table and probably slap him in his fat face.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-10-2017 , 12:40 PM
Most tilting thing ever is when you've been scammed by a player you know and you see them still playing in your regular poker venue, or even at the same table as you.

This happened to me a while back. It was only a relatively small amount of money, £300, (a straight loan), with the person feeding me excuse after stalling excuse. After a few excuses I knew it was clearly BS so I asked around the poker venue and lo and behold he had done the same borrowing scam on 5 other people at the venue, so probably even more people than this.

All people scammed were in the same position, not wanting to out him for fear of not getting paid, plus I guess the fear of embarrassment of letting on that they had been fooled by this blatant conman. I spread the word in the end because I was fed up with seeing him stroll around the place like he didn't owe me whilst still playing with money in front of him.

In the end, no one ever got paid and he then he stopped playing at that place.

My only other, almost being scammed incident, was for a slightly bigger amount of £1000, where I 50% backed a player for a live £2K comp and he simply never showed up. Then he was not contactable for 2 weeks, and eventually I got the "Oh, I lost my phone" ridiculous excuse from him. Reading between the lines, he blew the money on cash games before the comp.

He was a decent sort of guy by and large (probably just a degen in poker but a nice person in life) so I gave him some time, then a little more time, plus the option of 5 monthly installments. He kept stalling me so eventually I had to say that I would have no choice but to out him if he didn't pay by a certain date, which was about 6 weeks after the original date of the comp. He was an up and coming player with big poker career plans so I guess that was why he eventually paid, and/or he may have had some morals about it.

So I never outed him and still haven't.

However, a couple of years later, I Googled his name only to see his recent results and he came up on the backing/staking scam thread here on 2plus2 with some similar behaviour again.

So it is a tough area. On the one hand backing/staking, and sometimes standard lending, is a necessary component in the poker world for individual players to progress and/or to ride out downswings, but on the other hand, most transactions are like dealing in the good ol' (bad)Wild West.

So all you can do as an individual is either steer clear of backing/staking/lending, or if you do it then do lots of research first into the background and paying out record of the person before dealing with them.

I used to get involved in backing a lot of players, but now I have my doubts/suspicions about quite a lot of them so limit my backing to a small handful of people who I have got to know better personally and therefore can more accurately judge/evaluate as people with a strong moral fibre when it comes to honouring an agreement.

Last edited by SageDonkey; 04-10-2017 at 12:52 PM.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
04-10-2017 , 02:02 PM
but, but... he once bluffed ivey so he must be balla!
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
08-16-2017 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by WCGRider
I recently had the misfortune of coming across brad booth via one of my friends. He was playing in some of the higher stakes games at the wynn, and Brad told him that he was looking to get back into playing online. At the time he had something like $50,000 on him, as a rough estimate that I was given by my friend. My friend had been hanging out with him a bit outside of poker and they had gotten dinner several times. I was relayed the information that Brad Booth was looking for a transfer for lock poker. I asked him if he thought it was safe to transfer. He told me that he wasnt really sure, but that Brad did have a lot of money on him so it seemed like it would be ok. With this information I sent Brad $13,000 online for what was presumably $13,000 cash. He wanted more, but i declined as i was looking to limit my risk.

Brad then gave my friend an envelope with $13,000 cash, which was given to me. Then Brad asked if he could get a bigger transfer. It seemed to me like it was safer, with the first transfer being successful. At this point he asked for ~$30,000, which I sent him online. Several days later, when we were trying to reach an agreement on when to meet up and transfer, he told me the unfortunate news via text message. The messages are long and rambly, but we eventually agreed to meet up and discuss things. When we met up, he told me the unsettling news of many of his other debts, how little money he has, and the inside scoop on many additional things. I told him if he continues to work with me and stay in contact, and make some small payments at a time, that we can work things out. He agreed, and a week later made me a payment of $2,200. However since then, he has left the country, changed his phone number, and has started completely ignoring me.

Im not really looking for sympathy, its a ****ty situation and I wish things hadnt gone this direction. I am very unfamiliar with the live poker arena, and i have now been informed this is somewhat standard for Brad. I guess i made a mistake in trusting someone because i had seen them play in "high stakes" poker and had heard he had money on him.

I know of many of Brads Debts, and i have some other information about him as well. I also have our complete text message log. Unless Brad finds a way to get into contact with me I will be releasing this information. I feel like this should have happened a long time ago, but many people worried about not seeing payment havent come out and outed him. Im not going to take this approach. Brad is a scammer and a thief, and if this had happened earlier perhaps it would of saved me $27,800, so hopefully if this saves someone else some money, then its worth it.

Brad Booth was seen playing online ~2 weeks later at 10/20 plo on stars. I can only imagine something similar had happened in that scenario. He was also playing with me in some of the las vegas games with money that he had on a stake, while he owed me the money. Any information that can be offered as to the whereabouts or contact information that results in me seeing additional money back will not go unrewarded.

I want my money Brad, and im not going to just stay quiet until i am paid or the world knows what a scumbag you truly are.
Hey doug. I see him the other day, he was having coffee with Howard lederer I said hey bro can Doug have his money back and he told me yes of course I'm sending it him now. So check your bank account and don't mention it. Where's my reward. *praying for a 5NL stake*

Sent from my HTC Desire 620 using Tapatalk
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
08-16-2017 , 05:58 PM
poker world is full of degens, you have to acr more carefully and decide who you associate with, gl and hopefuly he pays you back the full amount soon.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
08-16-2017 , 06:04 PM
The thing is, if a guy's making half-assed payments and you rip him for it that may cause him to stop with the payments. Half-assed or not, some is better than nothing.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
08-16-2017 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by prahsk87
The thing is, if a guy's making half-assed payments and you rip him for it that may cause him to stop with the payments. Half-assed or not, some is better than nothing.
Ive been owed money but ive always been paid back on time or shortly afterwards. People take advantage of people they think they can get over on. The people i loan money to respect me. They also know i dont play about my money and have no problem getting physical. Im not advocating violence im just saying people know who they can walk all over and who they cant.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
08-16-2017 , 06:28 PM
He's been at Talkong Stick playing 75-150 mix for the past week and made got 29th in the Arizona State Championships.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
08-16-2017 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by H0RUS
Ive been owed money but ive always been paid back on time or shortly afterwards. People take advantage of people they think they can get over on. The people i loan money to respect me. They also know i dont play about my money and have no problem getting physical. Im not advocating violence im just saying people know who they can walk all over and who they cant.
Right, but the fact is most people simply aren't willing or able to get their hands dirty to seriously incentivize people to always pay them back on time. That might be a pretty good reason for them not to loan money in the first place but that's another issue. As is, if you're someone deadbeats peg as a mark and you're unwilling/unable to change that then receiving small payments is better than being totally stiffed. There's no point in using extra harsh words towards them if they're not gonna get backed by action. Things will either remain the same or they'll get offended and stop paying you.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
08-17-2017 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by adam levine
He's been at Talkong Stick playing 75-150 mix for the past week and made got 29th in the Arizona State Championships.
Can confirm, he was at my table on day 1.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
08-17-2017 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by adam levine
He's been at Talkong Stick playing 75-150 mix for the past week and made got 29th in the Arizona State Championships.
I have seen him around the $75/150 games for a while now at Talking Stick.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
08-17-2017 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by adam levine
He's been at Talkong Stick playing 75-150 mix for the past week and made got 29th in the Arizona State Championships.
Confirmed, he was also playing there in Feb around Super Bowl time.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
08-17-2017 , 12:59 PM
Much appreciated on the updates guys thanks
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
08-17-2017 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by sublime_fan24
Look, there is a lot at stake here; its not a laughing matter. If I were Doug and saw him sitting with 50k at the Aria, I would confisteak all his chips. Literally walk up and take all his chips off the table and probably slap him in his fat face.
Doug, just this and listen to this bro. Confisteak Brad's chips.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
