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Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me

06-05-2012 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
I have a question for the original poster. Why did you want to suck up to him? What's in it for you? All these rip off props confuse me because the sucker in the deal has no real movitve for putting a lot of money at risk?

I love TwoPlusTwo. Any reader here should be alerted that transfers suck. Get the cash in hand before the transfer if you must, must, feel compelled to do a transfer in which you cannot win and can lose.

I don't feel sorry for suckers. This is the gambling business. I only hope it is enough of a warning that it will save this poster and others money.

How many of the people looking for stake money are offering a good deal?? I would never loan money around poker.

The fictional famlily I write about, the O'Malleys, five generations of con men, gamblers, musicians, and snake oil salesman are patterened after my mother's family. I would not have done a transfer or loaned my mother, and she would not loan me. Why do things with money that cannot help you and might make you a sucker???
Ugh, the old generation of poker players utterly disgusts me. Your perception sounds like one that has no sympathy for others. No one is trying to defend the OP about his decision to loan the money. It was a poor decision, and if you had read the post, you would understand he was not trying to garner any sort of sympathy. He is informing the poker community about Booth and the non-payment so it does not happen to others in the future.

Your response basically sums up to you saying "LOL sucker I would never do that, I'm smart." Hindsight is always 20/20 you old douche. I'm sure you have made a countless number of mistakes in your life, and you probably learned from them and used that information in later decisions. Did your friends/family you told these mistakes "you're a sucker and say I would never do that?" OP has learned from this decision and will most likely not make the same one in the future. You don't have to bash him over it
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 03:31 PM
Without taking sides or passing judgement of either of the parties involved, it seems to me that this issue stems directly from the fact that it is hard to get money in and out from on-line sites that are very loosely if at all regulated. This in contrast to B & M casinos where cashing in and out is pretty easy. An on-line site where you might score $100K for winning a big tourney then have to wait months or even years to cash out in dribs and drabs, leads to the types of money transfers etc that leads to the issue outlined by OP. Not to mention that it is anybody's guess whether the on-line sites actually have all the players money or not - at any point in time, so doing things that get the money off fast, perhaps at considerable risk, are much easier to understand.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by maddad
Without taking sides or passing judgement of either of the parties involved, it seems to me that this issue stems directly from the fact that it is hard to get money in and out from on-line sites that are very loosely if at all regulated. This in contrast to B & M casinos where cashing in and out is pretty easy. An on-line site where you might score $100K for winning a big tourney then have to wait months or even years to cash out in dribs and drabs, leads to the types of money transfers etc that leads to the issue outlined by OP. Not to mention that it is anybody's guess whether the on-line sites actually have all the players money or not - at any point in time, so doing things that get the money off fast, perhaps at considerable risk, are much easier to understand.
Casino Gaming lobbyist ITT
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 03:53 PM
Sending tens of thousands of $$ to a stranger online and not getting cash upfront:

[ ] good idea
[x] terrible idea
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 03:55 PM
Johnny Hughes -> How about just helping people ? So if you want to help out someone you're a sucker ? Having that said I still believe it was a bad idea, unless 28k is pocket change for wcg.

Anyways, sorry to hear about this wcg

BTW didn't Srslysirius say brad booth was broke in one of his songs ?
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 03:59 PM
I can't believe how many people are willing to transfer ten of thousands of dollars to people they barely even know online without getting the money up front first. You're just asking to get scammed. I understand you wanting to get the cash for online money because it's under the table and tax free but damn....this has happened so many times.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 04:01 PM
Whoever is seeking the transfer needs to PUT UP first!!! and the person helping out needs to stand firm on it, End of story.

If Brad Booth needs a transfer say,

"Ok, but I need the cash first before I do the transfer or no deal..."

If he doesn't like that then **** him. Let him go scam someone else.

Why is this so hard for all you suckers?
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 04:33 PM
i can't believe anyone has the trust to transfer money to a full tilt pro!

these are the people who have stolen money amounting to 300 Million dollars from players around the world in their pockets!

non of them has the honesty of paying back anything!
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 04:36 PM
its not 2008 anymore, all these old timers cant fathom the games online nowadays and resort to scumbagness.

Sad a Canadian did this!

Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 04:47 PM
Yukon't be serious.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 05:00 PM
I just love all the ******s with their heavy-handed advice: "Don't loan money to strangers...blah blah blah." Hey ******s, it wasn't a loan. Also, LOL at all the ******s telling the OP not to trust BB, after he already learned it. LOL at how NVG is the ****** funnel for 2+2...even Johnny Hughes comes here to show his brilliance.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by zizek
Yukon't be serious.
Yukon not be serious - Johnny Mac
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by ChoakMyDee
I just love all the ******s with their heavy-handed advice: "Don't loan money to strangers...blah blah blah." Hey ******s, it wasn't a loan. Also, LOL at all the ******s telling the OP not to trust BB, after he already learned it. LOL at how NVG is the ****** funnel for 2+2...even Johnny Hughes comes here to show his brilliance.

I never realized NVG had so many experts on swaps/transfers/loans. Good to know in case i ever need some revisionist advice on any of my financial dealings.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 05:36 PM
Sorry dude u just got "chino'd" I advise you all to read the thread on david chino rheem.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 06:19 PM
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 06:26 PM
Sucks..sorry OP...hilarious all the hate for the OP when 99% of ppl will never be in his position to trade'll grind that back, gl
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Pinknit
Nice rack.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by BackedUp
Nice rack.
thread is back on topic, quite nicely
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 06:41 PM
Any update on when the dirt is getting let loose? Or an update on Brad getting into communication with you?
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 06:42 PM
Awesome cliffhanging promise of dirt always keeps a thread alive imo...
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Josef
You seriously can't think this is a good idea.
It's a good idea. You should make the person who needs the transfer jump through hoops. I would have made him drive to meet me in person and hand me the cash; not wait for BB to give it to a friend to deliver to me. If that wasn't possible I would do $100 or $1000 at a time to drive them crazy if they planned on scamming me or lose their funds in the pits before they had time to get it to me.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 07:23 PM
OP stood to gain like $4,300 in equity between the $43,000 he was selling to BB based on what Lock $ sells for online. Everyone needs to stop acting like OP was doing Brad a solid, he made a calculated risk and it went sour.

All of these posts about how OP made a bad choice or is somehow dumb are pointless. He made what he believed was a +ev trade and lost money on it, now he's doing what he can to recover losses.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 08:10 PM
Racks on racks on racks rabble rabble itt
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 08:11 PM
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
06-05-2012 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Zombie Slayer
I seen the guy on High Stakes Poker not too long ago on TV. Better get a hold of him cuz he had way more than 28k on him.
Poker Player Brad Booth stole ~,000 from Me Quote
