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Poker Movie Idea Poker Movie Idea

05-22-2008 , 07:39 PM

Im just gonna write this here because I dont know where better to post it. Im gonna go ahead and declare it a [View].

This is mostly a joke I thought of but it'd be so funny to hear about if it ever really happened (in a similar way)
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Ok, so here it is.

The main character is an online poker degenerate agoraphobe who lives in a high rise apartment building (which he never leaves) in a crowded downtown metropolitan area. His only contact with the outside world is the fresh air he gets from his balcony and open windows and from the one seagul who visits him daily to eat some delicious triscuit crackers .

His sister is his only human contact who he sees bi-monthly when she brings him hundreds of days worth of non-perishables that are mostly kept in cans and juice boxes.

Detached from mainstream society he cherishes the ability to frolic around his apartment/domain with blinds fully spread and windows/patio door almost always open. He spends close to 19 hours/day playing poker online.

His prized possession is a projector he bought on e-bay that he uses on his living room wall to multitable 23 sng tables at once (his lucky number).

A math genius and career winning player, our loathsome protagonist starts to notice the same player popping up at all his tables. And, whats worse, he can never beat this guy. After days of chat diatribes and emails to support he is frustrated further when both support rules his account clean and the mystery player starts to chirp him back (thus proving it is not in fact a bot he is losing to).

We, as viewers, then find out that this player who always beats him in fact lives in the same city. Not just that, he lives two blocks away in a building adjacent to his. He discovered this players huge screen/wall of online tables while setting up his brand new telescope that he bought to scope out the stars from his patio. Stumbling upon this opportunity of a lifetime, telescope guy decides to play at all of the same tables and proceeds to wipe him dry.

I havent thought of the climax yet but i think it could involve the protagonist having to face his fear of the outside world. His sister meets the other guy randomly and uncovers his scheme with the telescope but feels torn between the new guy and her brother...hahah.

additions.............make additions.........its a joke anyway so go nuts.

p.s. wouldnt this be so sweet if it actually went down somewhere???
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-22-2008 , 07:52 PM
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-22-2008 , 08:01 PM

I like it. Make the guy who is stealing his poker info his evil twin who never forgave him for not buying the evil twin into the WSOP main event in 1992. We later learn, in a flashback that our hero used to be a great live player and had gone onto win that tournament with money he had promised to share but goes back on his word.

After numerous attempts on our heroes life, all orchestrated by the evil twin, our hero decides it is much safer just to live in safety and seclusion. The evil twin gets in good with the sister by using various disguises so that she never realizes it is him who has returned to wreak havoc and seek the vengeance that has eluded him for all of these years.

And name the seagull Horace.
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-22-2008 , 08:05 PM
the evil twin angle eh? interesting

what would be good also would be if the twin was the same guy who sneakily told him about the projector in the first place (on ebay)

How does he score such a perfect counter-apartment tho? luck, or perhaps he knows someone in the biz
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-22-2008 , 08:08 PM
He scores the apartment with his previous live winnings including the WSOP. The world is his oyster but his fears do not let him live outside the prison that is his luxury apartment.

If you do not like the evil twin you could change the foe to his childhood best friend, a government spy, or a meth crazed carny. You just need long fused tension between the two.
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-22-2008 , 08:14 PM
Hookers and blow
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05-22-2008 , 08:23 PM
worse than Lucky You.

Gonna go buy a telescope just in case
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05-22-2008 , 08:27 PM
Conclusion: Evil twin works out that he's looking at his screen and sets up a dummy screen with fake cards while he plays on his hidden laptop and steals all the money back.

Pokerstars discover irregularities with both accounts when they try to cash out and freezes their accounts.

Everyone lives happily ever after ldo.
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-22-2008 , 08:30 PM
Main character finally has no alternative but to play live until he discovers there are...........ANTES.

He never fully recovers.
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-22-2008 , 08:34 PM
Rounders + Pi = Profit?
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05-22-2008 , 08:36 PM
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-22-2008 , 09:18 PM
i never see movies because most are just too predictable, like this idea.. u just need a simple concept and a context to make a movie, try to make it more complex..
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-22-2008 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gambear
Rounders + Pi = Profit?
was thinking the same thing.
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-22-2008 , 11:10 PM
Make sure Drew Berrymore is in the movie and shows her boobs. I hear the kiddies like that kind of thing.
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05-22-2008 , 11:13 PM
A guy in his apartment playing poker all day and loses his money. Genius!
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05-22-2008 , 11:14 PM
Thank goodness it's a joke!
just messing with ya, not so bad work on it!
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-26-2008 , 02:53 AM
it should turn out that the guy who is beating him is actually himself!

omg, i just blew my own mind!
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05-26-2008 , 03:21 AM
His name is Robert Paulson.
His name is Robert Paulson.
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05-26-2008 , 04:43 AM
[ ] Blotkis is concerned
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-26-2008 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Downbylaw11
it should turn out that the guy who is beating him is actually himself!

omg, i just blew my own mind!
a mentally ill multiaccounter, obviously.
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-26-2008 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by PLOlover
a mentally ill multiaccounter, obviously.
a cheater whose conscience bothers him so much or something, that's why always on same tables.

do a modern day takeoff of edgar allen poe where the guy goes crazy he's guilty or something.
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-26-2008 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by PLOlover
a cheater whose conscience bothers him so much or something, that's why always on same tables.

do a modern day takeoff of edgar allen poe where the guy goes crazy he's guilty or something.
if you want to poe it up take this advice.

make him wanted for murder and the local police officer comes to his apartment to question him. while there our multi tabling hero becomes quite paranoid because he can hear the click of a keyboard that he has buried under his floorboard. the more the policeman questions him, the louder the clicking grows. the keyboard is evidence of the fact that he did indeed commit the murder as it belonged to the man who was taking all of his money. at the end he cant take the clicking anymore and digs the keyboard out of his floor with a sharp butterknife.

he holds the keyboard over his head and screams at the policeman.

"Alas villian, here, here, take what it is that you seek, for i can no longer bear the clicking, the clicking of the Keys!"

...or something like that
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-26-2008 , 11:43 PM
I think Shannon Elizabeth needs work...

Oh, and be sure to demand at least one all-nude full frontal sex scene in her contract.
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-27-2008 , 12:26 AM
Bad guy buys in the the WSOP main event (or thinly veiled equivalent) with hero's money. Hero goes to Vegas and provides proof of where the money came from. The casino, not knowing what to do, seats both, who obviously proceed to go heads up at the final table.
Poker Movie Idea Quote
05-27-2008 , 12:36 AM
there is nothing cinematic about watching people play poker. period.
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