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Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids)

07-15-2022 , 09:05 PM
tommy hilfiger uses ai generated models to model their clothing at the online store
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-15-2022 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
tommy hilfiger uses ai generated models to model their clothing at the online store
Wow that's so interesting.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-16-2022 , 12:20 PM
Anyone know how many events Poker Bunny played this year?

How much is she stuck?
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-16-2022 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by chzbrglr
Anyone know how many events Poker Bunny played this year?

How much is she stuck?
Down $17 to $27 K is my wide estimate.

She's definitely played two 10Ks and at least one 5K. Cashes on Hendon Mob are $19K, so that's already -$6K

I've got an idea that she may have played about 10 to 12 comps in total, so that's 8 more at say $2K average each =

$41K buy ins
$19K cashes
= -$22K
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-16-2022 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
it does though, the dating app analytics are indisputable and there's been numerous academic studies as well confirming the consistency of opinion based off images of people you've never met nor interacted with previously

we can in fact train AI to accurately guess the attractiveness of people from said data & use known examples to also create images of attractive people, in fact a lot of the images of models you see in online advertising is actually AI generated because it's cheaper

yes, there are subjective differences, especially by race and culture but it by and large is consistent in the macro

now attraction is heavily biased by other factors other than aesthetics to the point where we can kind of trick our brains into finding people more or less desirable over time, i'm sure everyone will agree that there are people we didn't initially find interest in but grew progressively into over time

in all seriousness, if you're interested in this spend some time finding articles on it at, it's a wild ride
The algos and criteria are very good, particularly in uniform culture and race society. But as you note across culture and race there are differences but the algos are still GENERALLY good. They ARE NOT UNIVERSALLY accurate. When applied to any certain individual, the algos may fail.

While I agree that many or most claiming PB is completely unattractive are lying , quite possibly to themselves, you cannot say that all necessarily are. Some may truly “despise” her appearance. You literally cannot “build” a person who everyone will find as the most beautiful. Heck, can’t build one that every single individual will even consider just beautiful.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-16-2022 , 07:35 PM
fair points all around, no disagreement here
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-16-2022 , 09:43 PM
how did she end up doing for her backers this WSOP?
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by OG_Tuff

04:18:56 for AJs punt/confusion

Around the same time she puts a chip in the palm of her hand, clenches it and at 04:21:23 she puts it in her purse right before she walks off.
I am early in the thread but it is amazing the number of people that are backed for games they have no business being in while I sit here unbacked and without a roll. I
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteJesus
You guys are overlooking the fact that she will gain a bigger social media presence which can potentially make more money then she loses in these games. That’s the trade off. That and if she sucking some people off or something it wouldn’t shock me
God we live in a pathetic society
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by javi
I tried to skim through and get cliff's but she's an awful interviewee and difficult to listen to
  • Had horribly abusive childhood, mentions her father so probably sexual, hates her mom too
  • Bad childhood manifested into bullying
  • Changed schools many times due to disciplinary actions
  • Became an escort due to low self-esteem
  • Discovered poker 3 year ago and became interested in sims
  • Got staked by Dara at various points
  • Embarrassed by her HS losses and thinks it proves she's just a poker THOT
  • Still struggles with mean girl syndrome
What are sims and simps?
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by OG_Tuff
Although I haven't said anything abusive, I have mentioned that PB seems to have the characteristics of your typical overconfident social media personality that banks on her looks. The overconfidence part has clearly been a misinterpretation based on what she mentioned about herself during the podcast, which I hadn't fully watched up 'till now. Apologies for this, I was too quick with my assumptions about this based on just a few clips.
Podcast provides a pretty horrid insight into her history. I don't think capitalizing on her looks is a good idea based on that history - even if she happens to actually lack confidence, it's clear that this is in part what she's doing still - and I hope she comes to this realization before it harms her even more.
Best of luck to her.
I've bad bad bad trauma in my life and it plagued me for a while but you don't see anyone feeling bad for me. Not that I want them too. She has the ability to give herself any life she wants right now and after reading a few pages and watching a couple clips it's clear that she has no idea what is going on in life and this is just going to end up as a disaster. It boggles my mind why someone would stake her for this game. She clearly can't play with these guys, probably can't even beat 5/10, and she has horrible mental issues which I've seen depression and suicidal attempts/thoughts. I'm way too many pages behind but this whole thing should really stop and I hope she's not playing above 2/5 right now because she is going to have a mental breakdown when she is in so much makeup that she can't climb out of it. This Dara dude is a ****ing moron. I can't think of any reason whatsoever that is not predator related to back this girl in this game. There's no other reason. He wants it and has probably had it.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 07:04 PM
I see the Poker Bunny growth in followers, interest in her, completely the other way around to most people (most men that is), and completely the other way around to what might be the obvious.

Moving forwards, I think the looks side to her (i.e. there aren't too many attractive women in poker) will subside and quite quickly, and what will become far more prominent and interesting is her actual play, play style and her analysis of the game.

I've had a bit of interaction with her on Twitter and with Dara O'Kearney her backer and her coach (or one of her coaches, he might not be her sole coach), and what comes across, and I don't mean this in a disrespectful, or making fun of way, I mean it in a pure, objective, analysis way, is that she is super maths and GTO study nerdy, nerdy meaning obsessed with it, almost to the point of her just not ever stopping until she is totally happy that she understands GTO play and every little intricacy of it 99.5%. (No one will ever get to a perfect 100%)

This has surely got to be extremely unusual for a 23 year old, be it a man, woman, an introvert or extrovert, or whether the person has had a difficult or challenging start in earlier life or an easier and happier one.

I'd also urge people ITT and on social media to lay off the innuendo digs at her about her past. You know, when someone opens up about crappy stuff in their past. or things that they many not be proud of, just let them move on, give them a chance, everyone deserves a chance. And no, I don't have any interest in Poker Bunny other than that I follow a lot of poker and poker players, play when I can, and am very interested in the game.

As I said, I believe there is a decent chance that she may go on to become a stand out player and become known for that primarily.

Dara O'Kearney is no mug, quite the opposite, he is a very, measured, astute and analytical person, so I'd back his judgement all day long.


I just read post #468, which went up while I was posting this one, and I actually disagree, I think that poker could well be Poker Bunny's salvation.

Perhaps she always needed a big intellectual challenge, such as poker, to feed her mind and keep it level, but never had it before.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
I wrote this the other day that I think she might not be allowed back on the stream, at least for a long while. Trust me, if she is pissing off Garrett that definitely won't do her any favors to keep being invited back on.

As to her tweets she honestly is just super messed up. She seems to find a different person every day to go after and attack for no rhyme or reason. Her schtick is really getting old.
She's trying to make everyone feel bad for her so she can justify her behavior and life decisions. Don't feel bad for her. There's plenty of people who have had **** lives and has made a life for themselves. We all have a sob story. Yea that sucks that that all happened to you but she sounds like a$$h0le and sounds like and looks like she thinks she is better than mostly everyone because she gets attention. The fact is no one would care about her if she didn't look as good as she does. It's incredible how women can milk their sexuality for fame and money. I have a beautiful fiance as pretty or more prettier than she is. Should I teach her how to play poker and act like a thot for show so she can get backed and be PokerBunny 2.0? I mean seriously anybody can learn the game and beat 1/3. The fact is don't feel ****ing bad for her. She was backed in a 100/200 game. You how badly I would kill to be backed in that? And the fact is I can actually play those guys. My ****ing childhood was ripped away and I caught the addictive jeans from my dads side of the family that has caused me an incredible amount of pain from everything that happened and all the trauma throughout my life. But I am sober and have worked through all that. You don't see me shouting to the world that you should feel bad for me because my life has been hard. She seems to think her **** life justifies her **** behavior and people go along with it. It makes me sick the people who feel bad for her and fall into her trap. I have no idea who this Dara dude is but he's not backing her because he thinks she can win
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces
I see the Poker Bunny growth in followers, interest in her, completely the other way around to most people (most men that is), and completely the other way around to what might be the obvious.

Moving forwards, I think the looks side to her (i.e. there aren't too many attractive women in poker) will subside and quite quickly, and what will become far more prominent and interesting is her actual play, play style and her analysis of the game.

I've had a bit of interaction with her on Twitter and with Dara O'Kearney her backer and her coach (or one of her coaches, he might not be her sole coach), and what comes across, and I don't mean this in a disrespectful, or making fun of way, I mean it in a pure, objective, analysis way, is that she is super maths and GTO study nerdy, nerdy meaning obsessed with it, almost to the point of her just not ever stopping until she is totally happy that she understands GTO play and every little intricacy of it 99.5%. (No one will ever get to a perfect 100%)

This has surely got to be extremely unusual for a 23 year old, be it a man, woman, an introvert or extrovert, or whether the person has a had difficult or challenging start in earlier life or an easier and happier one.

I'd also urge people ITT and on social media to lay off the innuendo digs at her about her past. You know, when someone opens up about crappy stuff in their past. or things that they many not be proud of, just let them move on, give them a chance, everyone deserves a chance. And no, I don't have any interest in Poker Bunny other than that I follow a lot of poker and poker players, play when I can, and am very interested in the game.

As I said, I believe there is a decent chance that she may go on to become a stand out player and become known for that primarily.

Dara O'Kearney is no mug, quite the opposite, he is a very, measured, astute and analytical person, so I'd back his judgement all day long.


I just read post #468, which went up while I was posting this one, and I actually disagree, I think that poker could well be Poker Bunny's salvation.

Perhaps she always needed a big intellectual challenge, such as poker, to feed her mind and keep it level, but never had it before.
Yea but she never would have got the opportunity if she didn't have the looks she does and if she didn't thot around. She's been given every chance in the world to succeed. I would absolutely kill to be in her position but I wasn't born a hottie thot but instead im sitting here with 16,000 games played and a profitable winner in high stakes MTT's and a high success rate in live cash poker but because of my drug addiction caused by trauma that has happened in my life and prolonged way too long, I am sitting here struggling to find someone to back me. Had I have been given her opportunity I would be crushing high rollers by now and probably the game she is playing. Yet I would always seem to bust my bankroll do to either drug use or an insane hunger to play higher stakes probably caused by my mental health issues. So for someone who has had terrible trauma and probably has had a worse life than she has, I don't ask for sympathy and I don't say these things so my behavior can get excused. She never should have said anything. From what I read she doesn't know wtf is going on. She said that **** for everyone to feel bad for her. Instead, I would like to see her work through that and overcome that and then tell the world her sob story and how she got out of it. One day I will do that but never will I look for sympathy. Someone has always had it worse than you have and I've had it really ****ing bad. Call me bitter but smfh

Last edited by TheJaguar1; 07-17-2022 at 07:31 PM.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by TheJaguar1
She's trying to make everyone feel bad for her so she can justify her behavior and life decisions. Don't feel bad for her. There's plenty of people who have had **** lives and has made a life for themselves. We all have a sob story. Yea that sucks that that all happened to you but she sounds like a$$h0le and sounds like and looks like she thinks she is better than mostly everyone because she gets attention. The fact is no one would care about her if she didn't look as good as she does. It's incredible how women can milk their sexuality for fame and money. I have a beautiful fiance as pretty or more prettier than she is. Should I teach her how to play poker and act like a thot for show so she can get backed and be PokerBunny 2.0? I mean seriously anybody can learn the game and beat 1/3. The fact is don't feel ****ing bad for her. She was backed in a 100/200 game. You how badly I would kill to be backed in that? And the fact is I can actually play those guys. My ****ing childhood was ripped away and I caught the addictive jeans from my dads side of the family that has caused me an incredible amount of pain from everything that happened and all the trauma throughout my life. But I am sober and have worked through all that. You don't see me shouting to the world that you should feel bad for me because my life has been hard. She seems to think her **** life justifies her **** behavior and people go along with it. It makes me sick the people who feel bad for her and fall into her trap. I have no idea who this Dara dude is but he's not backing her because he thinks she can win
Agree with your posts.

She is not very good and anyone that would back her in these 3k, 5k, 10k events are either delusional or as you wrote, have some thoughts not poker related.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by TheJaguar1
She's trying to make everyone feel bad for her so she can justify her behavior and life decisions. Don't feel bad for her. There's plenty of people who have had **** lives and has made a life for themselves. We all have a sob story. Yea that sucks that that all happened to you but she sounds like a$$h0le and sounds like and looks like she thinks she is better than mostly everyone because she gets attention. The fact is no one would care about her if she didn't look as good as she does. It's incredible how women can milk their sexuality for fame and money. I have a beautiful fiance as pretty or more prettier than she is. Should I teach her how to play poker and act like a thot for show so she can get backed and be PokerBunny 2.0? I mean seriously anybody can learn the game and beat 1/3. The fact is don't feel ****ing bad for her. She was backed in a 100/200 game. You how badly I would kill to be backed in that? And the fact is I can actually play those guys. My ****ing childhood was ripped away and I caught the addictive jeans from my dads side of the family that has caused me an incredible amount of pain from everything that happened and all the trauma throughout my life. But I am sober and have worked through all that. You don't see me shouting to the world that you should feel bad for me because my life has been hard. She seems to think her **** life justifies her **** behavior and people go along with it. It makes me sick the people who feel bad for her and fall into her trap. I have no idea who this Dara dude is but he's not backing her because he thinks she can win
I have seen this stuff too, her getting into confrontations with other players, some bitchy stuff both ways between her and other female players, and some other things on social media that aren't always level headed.

Definitely she needs to improve in that area, and that will probably happen in time as she gains more experience in poker, live poker especially, and as she gains maturity as a person overall.

I didn't start playing poker until I was 44, not 23. It was live poker, and I knew nothing about the conventions or etiquette of it at all, I was never rude, aggressive or threatening, but I had no idea for example that when someone tries to bluff you in a big pot and you work it out and call them, that it's not the right thing to say out loud, "you just can't bluff me, I'm too good, I worked it out.".

This was like a £2,500 pot in a £1/£2/£5 Triple Board PLO cash game.

I mean it was true what I said, but I had no idea that it was totally against all poker etiquette, I was behaving/reacting as if I was playing Monopoly against someone or football (soccer) in the park. I had no concept that it could have been that player's case poker money, or their rent money etc, nor did I even think that it might be a dangerous individual outside of the poker room. I knew nothing, I was inexperienced.

So apply this to a 23 year old, and you should probably make some allowances, not indefinitely, but for a little while, while the person gains experience.

Last edited by PokerPlayingDunces; 07-17-2022 at 07:42 PM. Reason: Grammar error
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by TheJaguar1
Yea but she never would have got the opportunity if she didn't have the looks she does and if she didn't thot around. She's been given every chance in the world to succeed. I would absolutely kill to be in her position but I wasn't born a hottie thot but instead im sitting here with 16,000 games played and a profitable winner in high stakes MTT's and a high success rate in live tournament poker but because of my drug addiction caused by trauma that has happened in my life and prolonged way too long, I am sitting here struggling to find someone to back me. Had I have been given her opportunity I would be crushing high rollers by now and probably the game she is playing. Yet I would always seem to bust my bankroll do to either drug use or an insane hunger to play higher stakes probably caused by my mental health issues. So for someone who has had terrible trauma and probably has had a worse life than she has, I don't ask for sympathy and I don't say these things so my behavior can get excused. She never should have said anything. From what I read she doesn't know wtf is going on. She said that **** for everyone to feel bad for her. Instead, I would like to see her work through that and overcome that and then tell the world her sob story and how she got out of it. One day I will do that but never will I look for sympathy. Someone has always had it worse than you have and I've had it really ****ing bad. Call me bitter but smfh
As I understand it, she made the connection with Dara O'Kearney because she was, or still is, a very good distance runner so was aware of his accomplishments in distance running, saw that he was a poker pro now, or was already aware of this, and made contact and started getting coaching.

I would imagine that there is going to be a natural mutual respect between all distance runners, like there is in any extremely tough sport, so perhaps this is why Dara O'Kearney took a chance on her initially, because you have to have something about you, about your character, to be a good distance runner, not just natural fitness.

I don't know if the above is exactly how it happened, so maybe he and/or she can comment ITT and confirm this, or describe how the coaching/backing did come about.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by TheJaguar1
She's trying to make everyone feel bad for her so she can justify her behavior and life decisions. Don't feel bad for her. There's plenty of people who have had **** lives and has made a life for themselves. We all have a sob story. Yea that sucks that that all happened to you but she sounds like a$$h0le and sounds like and looks like she thinks she is better than mostly everyone because she gets attention. The fact is no one would care about her if she didn't look as good as she does. It's incredible how women can milk their sexuality for fame and money. I have a beautiful fiance as pretty or more prettier than she is. Should I teach her how to play poker and act like a thot for show so she can get backed and be PokerBunny 2.0? I mean seriously anybody can learn the game and beat 1/3. The fact is don't feel ****ing bad for her. She was backed in a 100/200 game. You how badly I would kill to be backed in that? And the fact is I can actually play those guys. My ****ing childhood was ripped away and I caught the addictive jeans from my dads side of the family that has caused me an incredible amount of pain from everything that happened and all the trauma throughout my life. But I am sober and have worked through all that. You don't see me shouting to the world that you should feel bad for me because my life has been hard. She seems to think her **** life justifies her **** behavior and people go along with it. It makes me sick the people who feel bad for her and fall into her trap. I have no idea who this Dara dude is but he's not backing her because he thinks she can win
Girl beats blitz 200, but cant win 5-10 LMAOOO

Seems some of you guys have some badly resolved stuff in your life. Yikes.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 08:01 PM
You can just tell she has no plans to work through the hard **** she has been through. You just can't get over it by yourself. That type of trauma you need professional help. Otherwise, you are bottling down deep somewhere and it will rise up and haunt you at different times in your life. I learned the hard way with that. I have big plans for myself. I have overcome so much having had so many different hardcore problems that I realized that God put me on this Earth to help people. If you don't believe in God then the universe has pushed me in a direction where I will help a lot of people. I have big plans to reach as many people as I can who have struggled with the so many things that I have struggled with. I would consider my life a complete waste if I didn't dedicate a big part of my life to help people. She said all those things for people to feel bad for her. She clearly hasn't worked through her trauma and has no intention of using her platform or new found fame to help other people. Instead she gets a free ride with the best coaching and being backed in nosebleed stakes because she is good looking. You can't tell me there's any other reason in the world. Therefore no one should feel bad for her. Anyone would absolutely kill to get a free ride like that.

Last post ill make on the subject. I just really hate people who go around telling you how hard their life has been but they have no plan to work on it and clearly has no plan to help other people and the only motive for saying that **** is to have people feel bad for her and excuse her behavior. Nah no one should feel bad for this thot. smfh
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 08:02 PM
I have changed my impressions of Poker Bunny over the months/years. I am now rooting for her. One of the reasons is that she actually seems to have some playing chops. I highly respect Dara O'Kearney and if he sees something in her, there is something there in my opinion. People my age don't really understand what it is like to be young in a world of social media and smartphones that puts people in a very different (and IMO more difficult world in which to navigate). I absolutely cannot imagine even the Internet when I was her age, let alone social media. She has some dark stuff in her past. Lots of us do. Putting it out there is something that is relatively new, back in the day that **** was hidden at all cost. She seems to have figured out a way to use the tools her generation uses. I wish her well.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 09:11 PM
damn I let my envy of her situation take control of my thoughts for a minute. I was ****tard at that age too. This isn't who I want to be. My apologies
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by carolinabay
I have changed my impressions of Poker Bunny over the months/years. I am now rooting for her. One of the reasons is that she actually seems to have some playing chops. I highly respect Dara O'Kearney and if he sees something in her, there is something there in my opinion. People my age don't really understand what it is like to be young in a world of social media and smartphones that puts people in a very different (and IMO more difficult world in which to navigate). I absolutely cannot imagine even the Internet when I was her age, let alone social media. She has some dark stuff in her past. Lots of us do. Putting it out there is something that is relatively new, back in the day that **** was hidden at all cost. She seems to have figured out a way to use the tools her generation uses. I wish her well.
Nah she has no playing chops. She's not a good player at all.

Nobody would give her a dollar to play if she wasn't a female who shows off her body. Let's keep it real.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-17-2022 , 10:11 PM
She does well at online cash. She would be fine even if no one staked her in anything.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-18-2022 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by James C K
She does well at online cash. She would be fine even if no one staked her in anything.
I mean she made like 10k online over like a 8 month period with very low volume ($1200 online profit a month), lets not get crazy here. She's disingenuous as to who she portrays herself to be, a high stakes crusher.

Does she have some skills? Yes.
Is she a crusher who she portrays herself as? No.

If she was a guy many would label her for what she truly is, mediocre.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-18-2022 , 04:20 PM
Paulina "Poker Bunny" Loeliger is the best person to enter poker since Chris Moneymaker. #WhiteGirlIvey
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
