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Players vs. Computer at Rivers.  Players leading halfway through 2 week contest Players vs. Computer at Rivers.  Players leading halfway through 2 week contest

05-05-2015 , 01:37 PM

Halfway through the epic, two-weeklong poker battle dubbed “Brains Vs. Artificial Intelligence,” the humans have fought to a hefty lead over the computer at Rivers Casino.

Thursday marked the halfway point in the 80,000 hands of poker being played by four of the world’s best Heads-Up, No-Limit, Texas Hold ’em poker players against Carnegie Mellon University’s computer poker program known as “Claudico.”

Late Thursday, with 42,100 hands played, the humans had a cumulative, overall lead of $626,892. (The dollar amounts represent pretend chips. The players are playing for a cumulative pot of $100,000.) Three of the four players also held individual leads against Claudico.
So apparently artificial intelligence (aka bots) has a long way to go before it can beat good players.

But will this stop people from complaining about losing to 'bots' and blaming computer programs and not their own lack of skill?
05-05-2015 , 01:39 PM
Whatever the result of the challenge, you proved that bots are already better able to use a search feature than some humans.
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