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Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts

03-20-2009 , 11:03 AM
Best NVG thread in forever, thanks for sharing stories all.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 11:13 AM
the man the myth the legend
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 11:16 AM
More stories!
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 11:20 AM
phil ivey once turned a man to gold with the touch of a finger
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 11:22 AM
Stu Ungar, Archie Karas, Einstein, a Supercomputer and Tiger Woods had a gangbang and 9 months later Phil Ivey was born, True story.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by DannyVegas89
Stu Ungar, Archie Karas, Einstein, a Supercomputer and Tiger Woods had a gangbang and 9 months later Phil Ivey was born, True story.
who was on bottom
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 11:52 AM
Played with Ivey 3-4 times, the best stories come from the 3k WSOPE NL event

Ivey was at my starting table, and listening to headphones while everyone was listening to him. I bring sunglasses with me to the table almost every time I play and wore them for the first time to day so I could look at him without him knowing(who am I kidding, of course he knows). Anyways, any time he takes out a headphone, before he can put it back in people are spamming him with questions, I looked like a fanboy by asking whether these events count for his wsop event, he responded "for some of them" and put his headphone back in.

This happened several time, someone asks a question, gets owned, but no one ever seemed to learn so one guy (yuve04 online) tried making a comment.

After Ivey took off his headphone hes like
"hey Phil, nice job in that cash game last night, how'd you finish"
"up some"
"nice, Durrr was playing real bad huh?"
*does the Phil Ivey face*
"that Tom Dwan, was playing real spewy and bad huh?"
"nah, he was playing well"
*puts headphone back in*

And later some super hot masseuse comes by, says like "hey" he doesn't acknowledge her, she taps him on the shoulder, he slowly takes off one headphone and looks up at her very angrily. Shes giggling(clearly nervous around ivey when 99% of the room would be nervous around her) and says "your friend said you might want a massage" (John Juanda had bought him a massage). He thinks it over for a second unsure whether to except a free massage from this 9.5/10, and says
"sure, just don't touch my head or neck.... and I'm hungry, mind getting me like a sandwich"
*interupting* "and make sure theres no mayo, I hate mayo"

As she gets back, there is a dispute as to whether there is mayo and he grudgingly accepts

Also, when he busted he value-shoved the river with JT on KQ955 and got called by 55 and didn't expose his hand when every single poker player would expose to show how bad of a beat the took
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by KB24
Stone cold nuts=Ziigmund


Originally Posted by KB24
Flop: ($28000.00) J 3 T (3 players)
Ziigmund bets $28000, David Benefield raises to $112000, trex313 folds, Ziigmund folds

Ziigmund: david
David Benefield: ?
Ziigmund: what you had
David Benefield: big hand
Ziigmund: i went to toilet
Ziigmund: missed to go all in
is some funny ****.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by timex
Played with Ivey 3-4 times, the best stories come from the 3k WSOPE NL event

Ivey was at my starting table, and listening to headphones while everyone was listening to him. I bring sunglasses with me to the table almost every time I play and wore them for the first time to day so I could look at him without him knowing(who am I kidding, of course he knows). Anyways, any time he takes out a headphone, before he can put it back in people are spamming him with questions, I looked like a fanboy by asking whether these events count for his wsop event, he responded "for some of them" and put his headphone back in.

This happened several time, someone asks a question, gets owned, but no one ever seemed to learn so one guy (yuve04 online) tried making a comment.

After Ivey took off his headphone hes like
"hey Phil, nice job in that cash game last night, how'd you finish"
"up some"
"nice, Durrr was playing real bad huh?"
*does the Phil Ivey face*
"that Tom Dwan, was playing real spewy and bad huh?"
"nah, he was playing well"
*puts headphone back in*

And later some super hot masseuse comes by, says like "hey" he doesn't acknowledge her, she taps him on the shoulder, he slowly takes off one headphone and looks up at her very angrily. Shes giggling(clearly nervous around ivey when 99% of the room would be nervous around her) and says "your friend said you might want a massage" (John Juanda had bought him a massage). He thinks it over for a second unsure whether to except a free massage from this 9.5/10, and says
"sure, just don't touch my head or neck.... and I'm hungry, mind getting me like a sandwich"
*interupting* "and make sure theres no mayo, I hate mayo"

As she gets back, there is a dispute as to whether there is mayo and he grudgingly accepts

Also, when he busted he value-shoved the river with JT on KQ955 and got called by 55 and didn't expose his hand when every single poker player would expose to show how bad of a beat the took
After stories like these, you can't help but envy the man. He is a legend in my book and I do hope to have the honor of playing him live one day.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by timex
Also, when he busted he value-shoved the river with JT on KQ955 and got called by 55 and didn't expose his hand when every single poker player would expose to show how bad of a beat the took
So how do you know he had JT?
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by KB24 View Post
Flop: ($28000.00) J 3 T (3 players)
Ziigmund bets $28000, David Benefield raises to $112000, trex313 folds, Ziigmund folds

Ziigmund: david
David Benefield: ?
Ziigmund: what you had
David Benefield: big hand
Ziigmund: i went to toilet
Ziigmund: missed to go all in
is some funny ****.

I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Daddy Warbucks
So how do you know he had JT?
Wasn't sure I should include that detail since its a lot of words and doesnt really change the story.

After the guy called the river, ivey re-squeezed his cards and the guy to his left saw and told the table after he left
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by I Gotta Push
Need more ivey stories
It's a prior post but I'll add it to this Ivey Love Fest.

Late 90s in AC I played nearly every WE at the Taj or the Trop.

Mostly I played the 10/20, 20/40 and 50/100 HE games but ocassionally some 7CS up to 75/150. This young kid, Jerome, with huge eyes was often at the stud games but he never said a word.

At that time the BIG tourney every week was the $100 BI HE tourney at the Trop followed by a smaller HE event Sat AM and a $30 S/8 tourney on Sundays. Late 96 or early 97 I make a FT in the Sunday $30 event and this youngster ( he's prolly not legal ) also makes it. He crushes the FT and wins $800/$900 for first.

In the intervening years this youngster of course becomes Phil Ivey ( not Jerome ) and crushes everything.

Fast forward 7 years... to 2004 WSOP ME Day 1B at Binions. I'm in the 4 seat in the corner by the door. I smartly donk off half my stack in the first round ( what was that again about playing tight early?). However with extraordinary play, sick cards, dumb opponents I crawl back to even by the end of Rd 2... break. RD 3.. Seat 5 is the young guy from 'the 70's Show' who calls allin with ??? vs my nut B'Way. Seat 3 opens up when that player gets hit by two separate Runner-Runner bad beats. Round 4 begins with 2 empty seats which are immediately filled by an older German player in seat 5 and Phil Ivey in seat 3 ( my right ).

In the 7 yrs since we last sat at that $30 S/8 FT I've gotten divorced, moved to a new state, worked hard and essentially played breakeven poker. He's moved from AC to Vegas and become legend; e.g. the only one ever to beat Amarillo Slim when HU in a tourney.

I've built up my stack to just under 20K and he arrives with ~5800. For next round and a half PI raises two out of every three hands. No one wants to play...fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold. If there's a flop he makes a CB and it's fold, fold, fold. I play back at him once when I call w/ KQs from the button and flop a K..he makes a probe, I raise and he folds in a small pot.

I then get (AA) and make the first raise but the German fella who's been very quiet in seat 5 reraises ... all fold back to me. I rererai and German fella goes allin with .... AK! DING!!!! I pull a Joe Hachem and fold..NOT.....( AA ) does NOT get crAAked so my stack grows to 32K-ish.

The TV stringers are scouring the room for recognizable faces to move onto the TV table....Phil Ivey! When last seen on the WSOP, Phil Ivey was being sent out in 10th place by Chris Moneymaker in the 2003 ME in a truly dramatic hand. Get Ivey on TV.

I'm dealt ( JJ ). Folds around to PI who makes the standard raise of about 600. I make it about 2600 iirc. During his raise-fest he has chipped away at the table to increase his stack to about 12000....he thinks for about 5 sec and pushes.
I've still got 30K-ish left and the pot is laying me about 15/10 if I call. If I lose I've still got 20K left.

[ You know I'm going to call ]

In the window is a ..... J .... followed by a ..... J .... followed by..... Who Cares.. "NHS".

After collecting his belongings it's about 6PM at night PI leaves Binions... ( you are now directed to page #245 of the hardcover edition of "The Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King" where he goes to play HU vs Andy Beal, The Banker). The TV dweebs return to move Ivey's table to the TV table and look puzzled about the empty seat #3.
'Where'd Ivey go?'
'Well you are all officially non-TV-able chumps again. CYA.'

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Last edited by bfogarty; 03-20-2009 at 12:47 PM.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by timex
Played with Ivey 3-4 times, the best stories come from the 3k WSOPE NL event

Ivey was at my starting table, and listening to headphones while everyone was listening to him. I bring sunglasses with me to the table almost every time I play and wore them for the first time to day so I could look at him without him knowing(who am I kidding, of course he knows). Anyways, any time he takes out a headphone, before he can put it back in people are spamming him with questions, I looked like a fanboy by asking whether these events count for his wsop event, he responded "for some of them" and put his headphone back in.

This happened several time, someone asks a question, gets owned, but no one ever seemed to learn so one guy (yuve04 online) tried making a comment.

After Ivey took off his headphone hes like
"hey Phil, nice job in that cash game last night, how'd you finish"
"up some"
"nice, Durrr was playing real bad huh?"
*does the Phil Ivey face*
"that Tom Dwan, was playing real spewy and bad huh?"
"nah, he was playing well"
*puts headphone back in*

And later some super hot masseuse comes by, says like "hey" he doesn't acknowledge her, she taps him on the shoulder, he slowly takes off one headphone and looks up at her very angrily. Shes giggling(clearly nervous around ivey when 99% of the room would be nervous around her) and says "your friend said you might want a massage" (John Juanda had bought him a massage). He thinks it over for a second unsure whether to except a free massage from this 9.5/10, and says
"sure, just don't touch my head or neck.... and I'm hungry, mind getting me like a sandwich"
*interupting* "and make sure theres no mayo, I hate mayo"

As she gets back, there is a dispute as to whether there is mayo and he grudgingly accepts

Also, when he busted he value-shoved the river with JT on KQ955 and got called by 55 and didn't expose his hand when every single poker player would expose to show how bad of a beat the took
LOL what makes this so good is that yuve is a well known cheater/multi accounter so its mega win that he got owned by god *cough* i mean ivey

ty for poasting

Last edited by iraise44; 03-20-2009 at 12:56 PM.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:30 PM
I've never been that impressed with the play I've seen of Ivey on tv except one hand. That doesn't mean I have low opinion of him at all, he's got mad respect of all the online and live pro's. That's good enough for me, dude's ballah. I'm just saying what I've seen on TV.

So in this hand against Roland DeWolfe on Pad, Ivey flopped a 4-flush draw and DeWolf flopped a set, and Ivey totally did a Jedi Mind Trick:

Dewolf: I'm not really sure what I'm going to do here.
Ivey: What do you mean you don't know? You got a set.
Dewolf: I've got a set.
Ivey: You're all-in.
Dewolf: I'm all-in.
Ivey: Right...See you later.

Sure enough, the turn filled his flush DeWolf was out. Like I said, it was like a jedi mind trick where he convinced him to shove with his set and DeWolf was repeating what Ivey said. Hilarious.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:36 PM
I played with Ivey a couple of years ago in an Omaha/8 tournament at the world series. He was playing almost every hand and was drinking a beer.

In one hand I bet the river with my AA33 and he called. I dont remember what the exact board was but I am pretty sure I had second low and a pair of aces. I turned over my cards and he asked the dealer if I was using all four cards. She said yes. He looked at her for a second and mucked.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:39 PM
I'm sad that this thread has ended. MOAR.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Jamming Monkey
What a dumbass, how can you say no to a gummy bear from Ivey.
who want a lotion flavored gummy bear?
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:51 PM
this summer at the wsop i decided to fire one bullet (maybe 2!) at the 5k+rebuy 2-7 nl single draw event. figuring hey small field might be able to do the rungood and win an awesome bracelet.

40 minutes in there are still 2 empty seats at my table, and scanning the small field i see no ivey, though there are still a dece amount of empty seats at other tables. eventually todd brunson takes the seat to my left, and minutes later phil is seated at the other end directly across from me.

i walk over to a friend that has action that is also playing and let him know that my equity had momentarily rocketed and that i am surely going to be gambling and will need some more 5k's for the upcoming rebuys.

phil doesn't play too crazy for about 15 minutes, though he does open every pot when folded to. he gambles it up a few times, loses, double rebuys, loses, double rebuys. and then decides to get all the chips on the table to then ideally win them all back.

so he starts going all in dark. every hand. cards are dealt, he just puts his hands on top of them as they are dealt and then slides out his double-rebuy 20k in chips every hand. no one is really gambling with him much, and a couple of the old nits double through him a few times. double-rebuy, all-in dark, busto. rinse and repeat.

during all of this i give him a bit more action than others, keep bricking and he keeps catching, busting me and then the very next hand going bust himself to someone else, often to todd brunson who after having sat minutes before ivey with a single 5k buyin and not lost a pot. when ivey doubles through to 40k in chips, does he slow down? of course not, all in dark for all the money. again and again

at one point i have built up to around 65k before getting binked by blind-phil down to 45k. then the next hand ivey ships ~40k or so blind, i wake up with 2357x and get it in with him, only to have nitty todd brunson who is in god-mode behind me wake up right behind me last to act. phil draws 2 or 3, i draw 1 and make a 9-7, thankfully todd doesn't stay pat behind me and draws one, but he makes an 8 and ships the enormous pot.

eventually phil wins a few in a row finally and slows down after crossing 80-100k in chips. i have a pretty weak stack now and the craziness has subsided. todd brunson has over 250k in chips (maybe 280k even, dont remember). i dont bother adding on at the break, now in for 30k or so with no stack to show for it.

-i go on to bust shortly after
-todd brunson goes on to not cash in the event
-ivey goes on to bust with 3 tables left
-matasow goes on to win the kcl bracelet
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 12:58 PM
more ivey storys plz
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
I've never been that impressed with the play I've seen of Ivey on tv except one hand. That doesn't mean I have low opinion of him at all, he's got mad respect of all the online and live pro's. That's good enough for me, dude's ballah. I'm just saying what I've seen on TV.

So in this hand against Roland DeWolfe on Pad, Ivey flopped a 4-flush draw and DeWolf flopped a set, and Ivey totally did a Jedi Mind Trick:

Dewolf: I'm not really sure what I'm going to do here.
Ivey: What do you mean you don't know? You got a set.
Dewolf: I've got a set.
Ivey: You're all-in.
Dewolf: I'm all-in.
Ivey: Right...See you later.

Sure enough, the turn filled his flush DeWolf was out. Like I said, it was like a jedi mind trick where he convinced him to shove with his set and DeWolf was repeating what Ivey said. Hilarious.
What episode?
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 01:04 PM
The first time I played with him I stared at him non-stop and when he got annoyed, he would just look up and I would look away. I wanted to stop but couldn't.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 01:04 PM
kinda off topic . i remember a few years ago there was a golf bet dispute between ram vaswani and phil ivey. was wondering if ram ever made good on the bet. didnt barry try to mediate for them as well. iirc, ram felt like phil lied about his handicap when they played so he felt like he didnt have to pay phil off. i never heard the outcome of this.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 01:08 PM
my ivey story:

one time i saw ivey walking across the tournament room at the WSOP

another time, i saw him sitting at a table at the WSOP
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
