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Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts

03-20-2009 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by ActionJeff
And he pulls a gummy bear out, holds it up to him, and goes "ya want one?"
Don't put the pussy on a pedestal.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 06:24 AM
No Home Jerome >>>> Durrrr's eyebrows >>>>>Eric Haber on tilt

Seriously, im such an Ivey fanboy.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 06:36 AM
My Ivey Experience:

2006 WSOP 3k LHE (poo-fling beat obv). Tourney is barely underway and the great one makes his way to our table and sits directly to my right. The table goes basically silent for a while as each player (including me) discretely steps away from the table to text whoever, to let them know who just sat down.

So while we are playing there's a final table going on behind us. I think it was a pretty big event because there was a ton of commotion. At one point there is an uproarious outburst that no one in the room could ignore. Almost no one. Everybody at least cocked their head to see the action, and in extreme cases people were getting out of their chair and jogging over to get a glimpse of whatever epic suckout had just occurred. Not Ivey. So focused on the game in front of him, the dude didn't even flinch. Just looking on so intensely that an earthquake could have gone off in the room and you felt like he wouldn't notice.

So he's raising almost every pot and subsequently winning almost every pot. Finally I get dealt 66 and he predictably raises from the hijack, I 3-ball, everyone folds. He c/c's the 9 5 2 flop. Turn is a K, he c/r, bets the blank river and I have never been so excited to pay someone off before in my entire life. Like, I was giddy that I was going to get to be a a mosquito in this guy's life (he had KJ fwiw). Our table breaks and I wanted to be a nerdy fanboy and try to shake his hand but I was scared and didn't say or do anything. The End.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by bones
If I was a child with a terminal illness, hanging out and gambling with Ivey would prob cure it.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by Kangster
ivey hangs out with phelps..
I think you mean Phelps hangs out with Ivey
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 07:53 AM
While I thing jeff is taking a bit far, it really is amazing to see how everyone in a tournament room is just constantly staring at ivey.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 08:22 AM

Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Rupert
At the EPT London in 2006 the tourney went on break and everyone piled toward the bar to get a cheeky drink in before the restart. Ivey struts up to the nearby roulette table and throws down about £5k in chips on various numbers. The number comes up and Ivey walks away. Only 3 or 4 people were watching this, and I was standing there omfg'ing at how ****ing cool he is.

Originally Posted by GiantWalleye
the only person Chuck Norris fears is Phil Ivey.
Chuck would **** himself just from his stare/

5 stars all the way imo
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 08:45 AM
Most uplifting thread i've read in a while. props to Jeff and everyone else sharing their Ivey-moment, it's been a great read

+ some good jokes cementing all this together..
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Thecheese

Chuck would **** himself just from his stare/

5 stars all the way imo
Derren brown vs Ivey in a stare out. Id prob pay to see that.

For those who dont know who Derren Brown is have a look on youtube and search for "Derren Brown Stare".
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 09:14 AM
Do people really buy his craps action or is that all a joke?
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 09:22 AM
The first time I went to Las Vegas the only well known poker pro I saw was Phil Ivey. I have played with some known players in tournaments and stuff, but still just seeing Phil Ivey walk with his bodyguards (i assume) made me feel like a fanboy.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 09:24 AM
For all who kneel at the altar of the green felt in the cathedral of poker, Phil Ivey is your God.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 09:31 AM
This thread makes me happy. Dont know why, it just does
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by ActionJeff
I think the other most important thing about Ivey is the man literally has an aura surrounding him. Ask anyone.

It doesn't matter what he does. Kind of like how Patrik Antonius can 4-bet A2o and flop A22 vs. AK. He does ****, and it just works, except on a whole other level. People try to bluff him but never in good spots and they always end up in some ****ed position vs. him facing some ridiculous spot and raise.

I'm probably getting these stories confused cuz one was Mastr in LA and one was JC Alvarado, don't know where so forgive for mixing details. Anyone one of them was at some aggro talkative table. Ivey walks up and everyone just stops talking and looks scared. For the rest of the day, everyone is just staring at Ivey, watching him. He really has an aura, like everyone just watches everything he does and immediately looks away if they come close to making eye contact.

He just plays every hand and tramples people, in between hands he slouches in his chair and texts away, occasionally throwing chips into the pot while texting. Cuz who the **** is gonna break out the rule book on him anyway?

At some point this big black dudes walks up to him and hes carrying a buncha bags and he gives them to Ivey and leaves. Ivey pulls a belt out of one and just puts it on. Keep in mind literally every person at the table is staring at him all the time, and most of the people who aren't in a hand in a close proximity.

He takes his watch off, this $80k watch, opens the bag, and pulls out some lotion. And he puts lotion on his wrist where he was wearing the watch. Slowly applying it while everyone watches transfixed. Then he puts the watch back on, goes back into a bag, and grabs a thing of gummy bears and starts putting them in his mouth. Then he turns his head and looks my friend right in the eye, as though just noticing that everyone in the room is staring at him and never even considering that he was doing an abnormal thing. And he pulls a gummy bear out, holds it up to him, and goes "ya want one?"
I was just imagining that i was sitting at this table, excused myself to go to the restroom, and came back and asked Phil Ivey for some gummy bears. He would look at me, and throw me some bears, not letting me put my hand in the bag. hahah.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Pain4u

This must be an old pic because no one else has commented on it.

so let me

ha a ha!
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by TimmY222
This thread makes me happy. Dont know why, it just does
+1, Ivey is the man
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by putdaWHUMPonum
so did you accomplish your obvious mission to try and make yourself feel "cooler" by letting him know this?
You obviously have never met me. I'm pushing 40, been married 15 years, have a 12 year old kid, and am overweight and bald. My sense of style is Cubs and UCLA t-shirts. I gave up on being "cool" long ago.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by ActionJeff
He didn't. He was so surprised he made some incomprehensible grunting noise while shaking his head and then looked away and felt sad for a while, eventually excusing himself for a bathroom break.

As he told me this story, although his voice rarely cracked or wavered, I could see the pain in his eyes, the burning regret tearing at him deep inside. He was like a man reminiscing over ****ing up and barely missing that one amazing opportunity to land the awesome girl of his dreams, and then reliving it over and over again as his life passes by, in his thoughts and dreams, for countless lonely nights and years. I don't envy the man.

F lool Im dying over here.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 10:13 AM
Found pic of OP

Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 10:14 AM
Awesome thread.

Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 10:36 AM
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 10:52 AM
Phil Ivey is the ****ing man and seems so serious in tournaments but on the segments of life of Ivey he just seems so relaxed and genuninely having fun with Barry
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 10:53 AM
It was late 2007 or early 2008 and I was sitting outside on the patio of the Fontana Lounge with Kimberly Lansing (obv brag) when Ivey walked past to return to the tournament room. Kimberly turned to Ivey as he walked past and asked, "Phil, are you coming to the party and ceremony tonight?"

Ivey - "What ceremony?"

Kimberly - "It's to honor all of the WPT champions from every season."

Without missing a beat Ivey said, "Nope. If it doesn't involve gambling, I don't do it" and he opened the door and disappeared inside.
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
03-20-2009 , 10:57 AM
Why Ivey is the best:
Phil Ivey is the Stone Cold Nuts Quote
