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Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread)

12-11-2019 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
Anyone thinking Galfond must crush Jnandez need to rethink the logic of their argument.

So, Jnandez offered to play 10/20. Then soon after accepted 100/200. This means that all the people who are bankrolling him for it think he's a good bet. And the people doing it may very well be better PLO players than Galfond himself is. So yeah.

Jnandez has done an absurd amount of solver work over the last couple of years. And just bought a $20k computer for more sims. What if this is ***** Grazvis and Stickman pooling money to pit Jnandez against Galfond because they themselves can't get the good sidebet?

Fwiw I suspect that Galfond has done some crazy and extensive work himself for a while. The challenge he's offering doesn't make any sense otherhow. I think 2010 Galfond would be demolished even by 2019 Jnandez.

In 2020 we'll see which side outweighs which
Curious where you got this information on all the solver work he's doing and the $20k computer.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-11-2019 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by DanSmithHolla
Curious where you got this information on all the solver work he's doing and the $20k computer.
I dunno man his youtube video literally called "Buying a $20,000 SUPER Computer" sort of just gave it away I guess
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-11-2019 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by pucmo
Many years ago isn't relevant and the score at 500z was about 3.5 bb/100. During the 100k challenge he ran hugely below EV at Star's 500z and I think he later showed a score of 10 bb/100 500z in green in that challenge?

He has showed he made 300k at some earlier year between those old scores and today at some other sites but I suspect that and no official records.

He has a winrate at 200 regular (long time ago) and 1k regular at Stars but is not a regular there. When he started at 400 and 600 in the old days, he beat the rake. Those were recored by the Russian site and I have seen the picture (shows his 500z winrate also). These were a long time ago and are irrelevant these days.

He beat micros at Prima and it was streamed. He is a pretty confirmed loser at 10/20 Stars though showed a non recorded picture where he won at 10/20 zoom.
Are you one of those haters? Many years ago was like less than a year last time he was streaming regularly on showing his graphs. Ev was the mentioned close to 8bbs in zoom500.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-11-2019 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Sirrybob
Where am I supposed to post for the challenge? :-)
I'm a coach for runitonce and guerrillapoker, would be happy to play you heads up Phil. I only play NLH though.
The following is an excerpt from the blog post that Phil wrote on Novmber 19, 2019

I believe anyone who’d take me up on this has a way to get in touch directly, but if you’re interested in playing and don’t know how to reach me, please email a challenge proposal to with the header “Phil’s HU Challenge” and they’ll forward it along to me.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-11-2019 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I'll take JN for $100 if you're talking about that match.
Yep. Done.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-11-2019 , 06:40 PM
JN will destroy him and it will the easiest 1m he won
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-11-2019 , 07:52 PM
I’m curious - have no idea: Does the sidebet effect the way either of them play (Ignoring the scenario where one of them are up big near the end & tightens up)? Does the sidebet effect one of them more? Would considering the sidebet in the way they approached how to play mess with their EV?
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-11-2019 , 08:30 PM
What a great spot for JNandez. Seems like a spot to keep a big piece of himself. I would think JNandez is a favorite.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-11-2019 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by thisisfourwords
What a great spot for JNandez. Seems like a spot to keep a big piece of himself. I would think JNandez is a favorite.
Think ppl are underestimating galfond
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-11-2019 , 10:08 PM
Should come down to who studies more.
Both Phil and JNandez have tons of videos online showing how they play.
Will be interesting to see what kinds of exploits they come up with.

Although I think JNandez has a slight advantage, since he probably has more free time than Phil.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-11-2019 , 10:13 PM
Thats a crazy bet on Galfonds side.. variance is huge in plo..
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-11-2019 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Philbo
I’m curious - have no idea: Does the sidebet effect the way either of them play (Ignoring the scenario where one of them are up big near the end & tightens up)? Does the sidebet effect one of them more? Would considering the sidebet in the way they approached how to play mess with their EV?
Not really as they'd just be trying to maximize their EV at each point. There can be some scenarios at the end like the one you mentioned, or an extreme example - let's say they're dead even with 1 hand left - JNandez would be getting 4 to 1 on the bet so he would obviously run anything preflop and be heavily incentivized to win the hand. Galfond would also pretty much be guaranteed to go to showdown since he could save 1mil by not losing the hand.

In practice this is all pretty unlikely as they need to be very close with few hands left.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 12:51 AM
How does this work, is challenge over when someone loses 20 BI or the loser can decide to continue?
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 01:06 AM
What odds can I get on JN?
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Doe
How does this work, is challenge over when someone loses 20 BI or the loser can decide to continue?
The one vs bill there is a stop loss. The one vs jnandez they have to complete the 50k hands or forfeit the side bet. The terms of each match may differ.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 01:15 AM
any chance galfond doesn't have 100% of himself?
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 01:23 AM
this will be so cool
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by yasuo
any chance galfond doesn't have 100% of himself?
I’m sure there is a long line of ppl who would love a% against Perkins

Considering he is planning many it’s likely he has a backer , who knows maybe durrr has some pieces
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by golfbum983
I’m sure there is a long line of ppl who would love a% against Perkins

Considering he is planning many it’s likely he has a backer , who knows maybe durrr has some pieces
I would rather suppose Sauce and / or Ike
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 03:19 AM
Solver approach means nothing in HU. If ppl think Nandez is favourite cause he is working with solver they just dont play HU enough. Nandez is a 6max player. Played like below 5% of his action in HU format. Galfond played huge amount of HU. Galfond is def favourite here however the odds could be +EV for Nandez. I would not bet w huge amount on this for sure.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 05:58 AM
Nandez has no chance.

Never has been in the same league as Galfond.

Even if Galfond has had a break. Would be like expecting Nandez to beat Mercier or Dwan. Would never happen.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 07:36 AM
He better start firing up those 200 and 300 bb hu preflop and postflop sims
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 08:47 AM
the time to prepare def works in JN favor. Pretty sure he has a team already up and running that scan PGs game for leaks and possible exploits. Sure meta is highly important and will constantly change during the match but PGs showcases his play and approach to the game for years. Whereas JN’s content won’t be of any use given the ability to adjust for the match.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 08:56 AM
Am I the only one a little surprised by the amount of posters who think Fernando is a huge dog in this battle? The guy is a beast with insane work ethic.

People seem to think he relies only on sims and cant exploit but from what I have seen he has a deep understanding of the game and how to use sims as a foundation to build an explo gameplan from.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
12-12-2019 , 10:25 AM
Looks all like the infamous Isildurr vs Brian Townsend match - the talented crusher vs the analytical guy with a data team behind him. just this time everyone knows what and who they are up against. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Phil is also going into the lab , holding some info behind and working with some of the best HU players himself to be properly prepared.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
