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OK, Here's The Truth OK, Here's The Truth

06-12-2007 , 06:21 PM

How about 5k NLH freezeout, 25-50 blinds?
06-12-2007 , 06:31 PM
This should be a live match. I'm just wondering how David came up with the 6/5 odds. if she really turned 1k into 200k with his tutoring as she claims then we should be getting at least 4/1.
maybe he thought those were the best odds he could give and still have several people jump at the bet w/out thinking theyre losing much of an edge. i saw he got at least one person to bite at those odds.
06-12-2007 , 06:39 PM
I hate writing posts like this ....
Too bad. This may be the best piece of writing you've ever done. Seriously.

....I suppose it would be quite possible I could fall for her if I wasn't taken and there was not that age problem. Still she looks good for being 25.
Your best joke ever.

Brandi has potential, is quite smart and I believe has a good heart.
Funny, I think the same thing about you. It sounds like you're telling her things she needs to hear. I hope she respects you enough to listen and turns herself around.
06-12-2007 , 06:40 PM
Thanks for confirming that your lunatic posts in SSF weren't a fluke.
06-12-2007 , 07:00 PM
Over/Under set at 374 replies.
I'm going to take the sucker bet.

06-12-2007 , 07:09 PM
"NLH. 5K freezeout. 100-200 blinds. "

david, we arent as dumb as you think and you arent as smart as you think.

in the live setting perhaps its very easy to find degenerate idiots to take the sucker end of bets, but the online world is full of nerds that approach gambling intellectually.
06-12-2007 , 07:21 PM
What does that myspace girl with downs syndrome think about all this?
06-12-2007 , 07:29 PM

David, for your consideration
06-12-2007 , 07:32 PM
This should be a live match. I'm just wondering how David came up with the 6/5 odds. if she really turned 1k into 200k with his tutoring as she claims then we should be getting at least 4/1.
maybe he thought those were the best odds he could give and still have several people jump at the bet w/out thinking theyre losing much of an edge. i saw he got at least one person to bite at those odds.
I guess he thinks he can teach her to memorize the Nash Equilibrium by then.
06-12-2007 , 07:49 PM
Any other questions?
A few:

1) Do you think your judgment was clouded during your association with Brandi? By your association?

2) If you had to do it over again, would you still use the phrase in one of your NVG posts "maybe I know what I'm doing" in the context you used it?

3) Who vaporized your recent thread in SMP (titled something like "Did I Do Wrong Here? #2")? Why was it deleted? Do you still feel the behavior you described was moral? I suppose you would not consider re-posting that in NVG so it could receive a wider viewing? Was it a lapse in judgment to post about that experience? (If you're wondering, I think your position in that post is relevent here due to one of the statements you make in this post which seems contradictory to your beliefs about your past behavior.)

Thanks for coming here with this post. Better late than never.
06-12-2007 , 08:12 PM
06-12-2007 , 08:20 PM
Who here didn't know that there was way more to the DS/Brandi thing. This just proves it and I can't wait for Brandi to chim in on this.
06-12-2007 , 08:22 PM
Let me know who wants to lay 6-5 against her after I'm done.

I wouldn't mind as long as I don't have to be measured first.

06-12-2007 , 08:50 PM
that age problem.
Still she looks good for being 25.
Too old?

edit: [censored], I just read the thread and EVERYONE beat me to this. Whatever.
06-12-2007 , 09:03 PM
I went to some the Pokerstars lounge last year went DS was giving a poker seminar. It turned out to be for total noobs and blatant promotion for his book. Anyways, he kept talking about things in terms of small blinds. Like he would say if you are on the button and you have 20 small blinds it might be correct to go allin with whatever you are holding. My friends and I were pretty confused by his reference to small blinds rather than big blinds.

Cleary this is relevant to this discussion.
He must have vastly overestimated his audience to assume they could make mind blowing conversions like that without a calculator.
06-12-2007 , 09:05 PM
Am I the only one who took a long time to figure out that TF meant Tom Franklin and not something much dirtier?
06-12-2007 , 09:19 PM

How about 5k NLH freezeout, 25-50 blinds?
At 100-200 blinds, this is a clearly a great bet for David. At 25-50, this is clearly a great bet for the other side. There are probably dozens or more players on this site who would be a 6-5 favorite over David himself in that match. It would be more interesting at like 50-100.
06-12-2007 , 09:51 PM
just thought id get on here and say that i dont have any reason not to believe david here, when i first talked to him about it he seemed to know nothing about the whole situation other than the lies that brandi had told him, we all know he never reads the nvg forum anyway, he was at my table in the 5 diamond tournament and i told him that in the next few days i was going to be involved in a big story in nvg, he said he saw the thread, but never really took the time to read through it, when i just talked to him, he actually said that the summary threads are too long to get through easily so i believe him when he says that he didnt know the full extent of my history with brandi

i saw him at the rio last week and he told me brandi was doing well in a tournament and all i said to him was, "be careful" and i walked off, kind of pissed that he would even mention her name to me, but now its clear that he didnt really know the situation and just knew that i knew her anyway

its clear to me now that he realizes that shes a psycho too, but if he thinks he can try to change her or at least try to teach her some kind of morals i dont have a problem with it, hes at least definatley convinced her that if she clears up this problem with me it will be good for her in the long run, although i made it clear to him that no matter what, i will never say anything good about her, but once she pays me, i will sort of treat her like she dosent exist, i want absolutely nothing to do with her other than what she owes me

that being said, i really dont have a problem with anything that hes doing, although he said that after he posted this thread brandi got pretty mad at him so who knows if it will continue, and im pretty sure he realizes what hes getting into now, anyway, his reasons are fairly clear and dont bother me, and anything he is doing with brandi can only help my chances of getting anything back from her, and he has been somewhat helpful in mediating with the crazy bitch, so i consider it kind of a freeroll
06-12-2007 , 09:52 PM
06-12-2007 , 09:56 PM
just thought id get on here and say that i dont have any reason not to believe david here, when i first talked to him about it he seemed to know nothing about the whole situation other than the lies that brandi had told him, we all know he never reads the nvg forum anyway, he was at my table in the 5 diamond tournament and i told him that in the next few days i was going to be involved in a big story in nvg, he said he saw the thread, but never really took the time to read through it, when i just talked to him, he actually said that the summary threads are too long to get through easily so i believe him when he says that he didnt know the full extent of my history with brandi

i saw him at the rio last week and he told me brandi was doing well in a tournament and all i said to him was, "be careful" and i walked off, kind of pissed that he would even mention her name to me, but now its clear that he didnt really know the situation and just knew that i knew her anyway

its clear to me now that he realizes that shes a psycho too, but if he thinks he can try to change her or at least try to teach her some kind of morals i dont have a problem with it, hes at least definatley convinced her that if she clears up this problem with me it will be good for her in the long run, although i made it clear to him that no matter what, i will never say anything good about her, but once she pays me, i will sort of treat her like she dosent exist, i want absolutely nothing to do with her other than what she owes me

that being said, i really dont have a problem with anything that hes doing, although he said that after he posted this thread brandi got pretty mad at him so who knows if it will continue, and im pretty sure he realizes what hes getting into now, anyway, his reasons are fairly clear and dont bother me, and anything he is doing with brandi can only help my chances of getting anything back from her, and he has been somewhat helpful in mediating with the crazy bitch, so i consider it kind of a freeroll
I sense that ur jealous, nothing wrong with that.

Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.
-- Yoda
06-12-2007 , 10:10 PM
"NLH. 5K freezeout. 100-200 blinds. "

david, we arent as dumb as you think and you arent as smart as you think.

in the live setting perhaps its very easy to find degenerate idiots to take the sucker end of bets, but the online world is full of nerds that approach gambling intellectually.
It only takes one.
06-12-2007 , 11:47 PM
I have not had a chance to read the majority of these posts, nor will I. At this point in time, my only focus is going to be on the upcoming events at the World Series and spending time with people who care for me.
I am not angered by David's post, although I am a bit sad and feel somewhat betrayed. I had opened up about many things that I have been through in my life and for him to say that I have some kind of personality disorder and to even bring up anything said to him in confidence is just completely wrong.
I will admit that I did not have an easy life. I do have some anger issues to work out. After the WSOP, I am hoping to take up boxing and get out some of my aggression in a healthy manner. The reason I am the way I am stems from the ammount of people in my life who have used me and mistreated me. That would make anyone a little unstable and quick tempered.
As for Newhouse, it has circulated back to me that he has no intention of working out any kind of deal or taking any money from me. He has said that he would rather continue trashing my reputation instead.
It's obvious that he is obsessed with me, extrememly immature, and straight out enjoys the attention that this brings him. I've been more than willing to help him in the past (even trying to get him 20K from someone that owes him money), and I'm even willing to help him now. Unfortunately that is not an option for him. Perhaps I wounded his ego too much. I'm not sure. It's strange to me that anyone could hate me that much. For the most part, I seem to be a very likable person and strive each day to be a loving and kind girl to those around me.
I would like to move on from here, but this problem is not going to resolve itself and I feel helpless in this situation. This has made me very sad. I truly wanted the best for Mark and in no way meant for him to feel that I took advantage of him. There are already enough people in his life right now that are (Chantel, Neverwin, etc.)
Because of the circle around him and mood altering substances, I feel his behavior towards me is more obsessive than it is based on anger. He still continually shows text messages from several months ago to other people constantly misrepresenting the context of these messages. All together, I feel very sad for Mark. I am trying to do the right thing here and reach some kind of a compromise. Since that cannot be done, I simply wish him the best and some good luck in his upcoming events. I hope he finds in life what it is he longs for and is searching.
06-12-2007 , 11:49 PM
06-12-2007 , 11:50 PM
"As for Newhouse, it has circulated back to me that he has no intention of working out any kind of deal or taking any money from me. He has said that he would rather continue trashing my reputation instead. "

awesome. post delivers.

btw, brandi scroll up a tad pls.
06-12-2007 , 11:51 PM
(even trying to get him 20K from someone that owes him money),

