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OK, Here's The Truth OK, Here's The Truth

06-12-2007 , 05:35 AM
Why trash Brandi, she looks a whole lot better then Kathy Liebert and David teaches people to play tight so you can steal pots from them. They are both a necessity to the poker community right now.
06-12-2007 , 05:47 AM
Why trash Brandi, she looks a whole lot better then Kathy Liebert and David teaches people to play tight so you can steal pots from them. They are both a necessity to the poker community right now.
Hi Brandi.
06-12-2007 , 05:48 AM
Why not? You have been open about what everyone else has said. You don't even have to quote him on anything. Just share your conclusions.. please? <3
06-12-2007 , 05:53 AM
Why not? You have been open about what everyone else has said. You don't even have to quote him on anything. Just share your conclusions.. no? please? <3
This is a mess,and he is clearing it up.No doubt he will succeed.But not by stirring it up even more so.
06-12-2007 , 05:54 AM
Brandi has potential
06-12-2007 , 05:55 AM
Why not? You have been open about what everyone else has said. You don't even have to quote him on anything. Just share your conclusions.. please? <3

Guy stakes pretty girl with no strings attached. Later on hopes for strings. Does something to save face after being rejected. No big deal.

06-12-2007 , 06:00 AM
ahh, i see. that must be it.
06-12-2007 , 06:03 AM
It's pretty disgusting that you stated "she confided to me about her childhood", which is itself a major breach of trust and rather stupid.
06-12-2007 , 06:11 AM
It's pretty disgusting that you stated "she confided to me about her childhood", which is itself a major breach of trust and rather stupid.
Yes, but it works so well to distance her from him now that he's seen the difference between popularity and infamy. Classy guy.

What David doesn't realise is he's now playing the game where Brandi really is 75-95% favourite preflop...
06-12-2007 , 06:15 AM
It's pretty disgusting that you stated "she confided to me about her childhood", which is itself a major breach of trust and rather stupid.
Normally this would be true,but in this case no.
With everyone involved in this saga he has shown respect.
He is mopping up now.For the benefit of all involved.
06-12-2007 , 06:16 AM
A conversation I once had with my master:

Young KCC: What is the value of truth, master?
Kahn: It binds one to the reality of oneself.
Young KCC: This is hard for me to understand.
Kahn: So is the truth - hard to understand. Accept that which cannot be spoken.
Young KCC: But, should I not always speak the truth? No matter what the consequence?
Kahn: Recognize that all words are part false, and part truth. Limited by our imperfect understanding. But strive always for honesty, within yourself.

06-12-2007 , 06:25 AM
this topic is cool. it made me want to create a account and join this community
06-12-2007 , 06:38 AM
if that story is true (probably not) it's pathetic. if it's not true it's still pathetic that you made up a lie like this.

sklansky is like grimstarr 40 years older
06-12-2007 , 06:56 AM
explain to me why someone with as much clout and class in the poker community is mixed up in all of this and constantly responding to and making these threads.

The Unlawful Internet Gaming Act
If you truly believe this you are a fool, and a liability to the effort to achieve legal status for online poker.

All you do is give ammunition to the moralistic noisemakers who love to use stuff like this against our cause. And contrary to what you may think, they do possess just enough intellectual firepower and connections to do so.

Do us a favor, and stay out of the UIGEA fight. Leave it to people with some class.
06-12-2007 , 06:57 AM
It's pretty disgusting that you stated "she confided to me about her childhood", which is itself a major breach of trust and rather stupid.
Why do you guys insist that DS is an intellectual dipstick? Not only did she read this before he posted it, she probably recommended that he put that line in there.
06-12-2007 , 07:03 AM
But I tell her flat out that she has a histrionic personality and anger management issues.
Wow, that is a pretty damn good diagnosis:

In psychiatry, histrionic personality disorder (HPD), or hysterical personality disorder, is a personality disorder which involves a pattern of excessive emotional expression and attention-seeking, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriate seductiveness, that usually begins in early adulthood.

The essential feature of the histrionic personality disorder is a pervasive and excessive pattern of emotionality and attention-seeking behavior. These individuals are lively, dramatic, enthusiastic, and flirtatious. They may be inappropriately sexually provocative, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and be easily influenced by others.

The literature differentiates HPD according to gender. Women with HPD are described as self-centered, self-indulgent, and intensely dependent on others. They are emotionally labile and cling to others in the context of immature relationships. Females with HPD over identify with others; they project their own unrealistic, fantasied intentions onto people with whom they are involved. They are emotionally shallow and have difficulty understanding others or themselves in any depth. Selection of marital or sexual partners is often highly inappropriate. Pathology increases with the level of intimacy in relationships. Women with HPD may show inappropriate and intense anger. They may engage in manipulative suicide threats as one aspect of general manipulative interpersonal behavior.
06-12-2007 , 07:07 AM
explain to me why someone with as much clout and class in the poker community is mixed up in all of this and constantly responding to and making these threads.

The Unlawful Internet Gaming Act
If you truly believe this you are a fool, and a liability to the effort to achieve legal status for online poker.

All you do is give ammunition to the moralistic noisemakers who love to use stuff like this against our cause. And contrary to what you may think, they do possess just enough intellectual firepower and connections to do so.

Do us a favor, and stay out of the UIGEA fight. Leave it to people with some class.
Well I thought it was pretty funny.
06-12-2007 , 07:07 AM
But I tell her flat out that she has a histrionic personality and anger management issues.
Wow, that is a pretty damn good diagnosis:

In psychiatry, histrionic personality disorder (HPD), or hysterical personality disorder, is a personality disorder which involves a pattern of excessive emotional expression and attention-seeking, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriate seductiveness, that usually begins in early adulthood.

The essential feature of the histrionic personality disorder is a pervasive and excessive pattern of emotionality and attention-seeking behavior. These individuals are lively, dramatic, enthusiastic, and flirtatious. They may be inappropriately sexually provocative, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and be easily influenced by others.

The literature differentiates HPD according to gender. Women with HPD are described as self-centered, self-indulgent, and intensely dependent on others. They are emotionally labile and cling to others in the context of immature relationships. Females with HPD over identify with others; they project their own unrealistic, fantasied intentions onto people with whom they are involved. They are emotionally shallow and have difficulty understanding others or themselves in any depth. Selection of marital or sexual partners is often highly inappropriate. Pathology increases with the level of intimacy in relationships. Women with HPD may show inappropriate and intense anger. They may engage in manipulative suicide threats as one aspect of general manipulative interpersonal behavior.
oh snap!
06-12-2007 , 07:09 AM
It's pretty disgusting that you stated "she confided to me about her childhood", which is itself a major breach of trust and rather stupid.
Why do you guys insist that DS is an intellectual dipstick? Not only did she read this before he posted it, she probably recommended that he put that line in there.
Nah, Mitch. This is the breakup. This isn't intellectual business, it's two insecure people covering their asses before going their separate ways.

Offtopically, this is exactly why Sklansky is poor at intellectual business: he's constantly trying to placate his demons.
06-12-2007 , 07:10 AM
06-12-2007 , 07:18 AM
You "pumped her up" & now am "dropping her" - sounds like a relationship to me!

Votes Butsecks4buyins as bestest new post!!
06-12-2007 , 07:57 AM

Is that some 'dick on back' action going on in the background there?
06-12-2007 , 08:03 AM
Newhouse doesn't look too happy about it either..... But Sklansky does
06-12-2007 , 08:45 AM

What about Tom Franklin. Have you had a conversation with him about the alleged claim by Brandi that he stole her money and tried to enforce sex with her?

06-12-2007 , 08:58 AM

What about Tom Franklin. Have you had a conversation with him about the alleged claim by Brandi that he stole her money and tried to enforce sex with her?

You know he answered that?
