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OK, Here's The Truth OK, Here's The Truth

06-12-2007 , 03:08 AM
I hate writing posts like this because it takes most of the fun out of things, but too much serious stuff is being said for me to ignore it.

Weeks or months after Brandi posts about TF, I'm alerted to the thread because of the large number of views. I skim a few posts and realize that there is no way I am going to go through them. But I make note of the fact that this Brandi girl is causing quite a stir.

About that time Chantel sees me in the Bellagio poker room and comes up to me and says something like "I'm starring on your forum". I say "Oh, so you must be Brandi." She didn't take too kindly to that. I bring up this story to provide a witness to the fact that I wasn't following the details of these dramas at all.

A few weeks later I notice the real Brandi. I still KNOW NOTHING about what is written by or about her except for some POB jokes. But I decide it would be funny if we stage a photo. Which we do. In return I'll give her an hour or two of poker lessons.

She leaves town for a month. I still know nothing about the details of her exploits. Not even that she cashed in a 10K tournament. I have no clue about the Newhizzle story. No clue. But I do know that she is a hot commodity.

When she gets back to town she asks for more poker lessons. Since I had already met my obligations for the staged picture, I ask her to agree to mention those lessons in interviews. I give her a couple of hours focusing on theory rather than practice. Including some technical math. She assiduously took notes and insisted on answering difficult questions. I was impressed.

She appeared at the Mandalay Bay, was interviewed by Amanda on TV and said I was giving her daily lessons. Uh Oh. That wasn't supposed to happen until AFTER she cashed. On the other hand she was constantly being sought out by reporters so it might be OK.

Next time I gave her a lesson I asked her to tell me about about the TF story since I never actually read it. She goes on for a half an hour. After which I say that she told me a story I've heard a thousand times. Guy stakes pretty girl with no strings attached. Later on hopes for strings. Does something to save face after being rejected. No big deal. Even if the story is true. "Get over it" I tell her. Back to a few more poker lessons where she continues to impress compared to most of my students. Still mainly theory. And I still know NOTHING of the Newhizzle story.

Now comes the Rio tournament. Oh baby! I've only given her four hours of lessons and almost none of it is about NLH (except for something about inducing bluffs which she did well on one hand.) So I really don't deserve the credit she is prepared to give me. But I'll take it considering all the attention she is getting. And I do that interview with her.

Meanwhile there are a few little incidents that bother me. Nothing big. But I tell her flat out that she has a histrionic personality and anger management issues. She argues at first but then agrees. I'm impressed again. I still don't know about the 30K controversy. But I do know she is a little crazy. But not a lot crazy. I even know why, since she confided to me about her childhood.

I don't give her money or stake her but I do advise her about staking arrangements. I have no romantic relationship with her although I suppose it would be quite possible I could fall for her if I wasn't taken and there was not that age problem. Still she looks good for being 25.

It was only a few days ago that I heard about the 30K thing. I skim posts so thats why I didn't realize it earlier. Had I known about it before, I would have done things differently. Controversial, sexy, nutty, naughty girls perfectly fit into my life and my business. Outright thieves do not. If I knew about this from the beginning, I would have investigated further and tried to fix things. Instead that is what I am doing now. If she was clearly an outright thief I would have certainly dropped her. And I would have never disrespected a fellow poker player by pumping her up without first at least getting his side of the story. Like I am doing now. And for those who didn't see his post, Mark has said that he does not dissapprove of my association with her. He just says "Be careful".

It is worth noting that even Mark isn't claiming that she stole from him. He only claims she owes the money to him. He believes that she desperately tried to get even for him by playing higher and higher. He is more angry about how she treated him afterwards. She claims that she only lost at the beginning of the play and the end of the play. Maybe they could BOTH pass lie detector tests.

Brandi has potential, is quite smart and I believe has a good heart. She lashes out way too strongly when she believes she has been wronged. I think that has stopped. She plays some forms of poker better than you think she does. But not as good as she thinks she does.

Any other questions?
06-12-2007 , 03:08 AM
That actually sounds somewhat reasonable. Everything but the random set-up photo.
06-12-2007 , 03:10 AM
06-12-2007 , 03:10 AM

EDIT: 3rd

06-12-2007 , 03:13 AM
I even know why, since she confided to me about her childhood.
who woulda thunk?
06-12-2007 , 03:13 AM
did not read yet but r3wuoptp2323tputpewyogsd
06-12-2007 , 03:13 AM
06-12-2007 , 03:14 AM
the title of this thread is the most common predecessor to the opposite of what it claims to mean.....
06-12-2007 , 03:14 AM
06-12-2007 , 03:14 AM
Still she looks good for being 25.

Also, care to comment on her 1k----->200k claim, and the CD she lock up her buyins in? Not to mention are you really that actively looking for students that you need her to brag for you, or is this just to get yourself even MORE publicity?
06-12-2007 , 03:14 AM
some POB jokes
and hilarity ensued
06-12-2007 , 03:15 AM
Is this linked directly from Sklansky's myspace page?
06-12-2007 , 03:18 AM
Well, I *was* going to bed. Thanks a lot. Also staged picture lol.
06-12-2007 , 03:18 AM
"Still she looks good for being 25."

06-12-2007 , 03:18 AM
this thread has potential. all we need is an appearance from Brandi.
06-12-2007 , 03:19 AM
I suppose it would be quite possible I could fall for her if I wasn't taken and there was not that age problem. Still she looks good for being 25.
Comedy gold.
06-12-2007 , 03:20 AM
1) She overreacts.
2) Her biggest mistake is taking these things too seriously.
3) This is like high school but involves more money.
4) The best advice you could give her (other than telling her that getting it in as a 75% favorite every time is a joke) is to stop posting even though it means more hits on your site
5) lol at her turning 1k into 200k
6) She's probably just upset that someone else is having Antonius' baby, god knows the rest of 2+2 wishes it was them.
06-12-2007 , 03:22 AM
im gonna go ahead and say what needs to be said:

penis on back.

that is all.
06-12-2007 , 03:22 AM
Still she looks good for being 25.

yeah, the ol' bag is holdin' up pretty well, i'll give her that.
06-12-2007 , 03:23 AM


06-12-2007 , 03:28 AM
Before taking the opportunity to exploit this 'hot commodity', why would you not take the time to educate yourself regarding the details as to the reasons for her being a 'hot commodity'? Seems rather imprudent to so publicly associate yourself and hence your business with the unknown.
06-12-2007 , 03:30 AM
Crazy as she is, apart from poker tuition you have absolutely nothing to offer her. Your standards of personal behaviour, your delusions, your desperate need for validation from 20-year-olds, are more pernicious than hers.
06-12-2007 , 03:31 AM
[censored], Sklancky is the funniest man alive. By far.

Still she looks good for being 25.
But they ain't gettin' my cash.
Just a couple of gems.
06-12-2007 , 03:31 AM
Wait are you still "helping her" or whatever, or did you stop after reading about the original story?
06-12-2007 , 03:31 AM
I suppose it would be quite possible I could fall for her if I wasn't taken and there was not that age problem. Still she looks good for being 25.
Comedy gold.
That did make me laugh out loud as well.
