Originally Posted by hate_dr_dre
I thought in one of these threads awhile ago, someone found a website where seda is some arabic word, and that the guy is probably some oil billionaire in UAE or saudi arabia. I think that would make the most sense. This guy clearly is not great, and people saying this is barry are totally ******ed. Barry is a live player, not nearly wealthy (or stupid) enough to be able to crossbook and drop 800k in a session.
This is a rich fish Ivey met at a tournament somewhere who wants a chance to beat the best, and losing a few million means nothing to him, putting his net worth probably closer to 1B.
If it is a rich oil guy you'll never find out who it is, just like no one ever found out who tie53 or skywalker were. Ivey would never give up free money and out his fish.
this sounds like the most plausbile explanation. however, isn't seda's country of origin listed as "united states"?