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Instructions for railing Pokerstars in the US:
Originally Posted by villagio
Converting hands:
Please use the following options for converting hands:
Preferred by most:
Set to "Two Plus Two Forums" output, "Use player names" and "Show results". You can convert multiple hand histories at once, but please try to separate them once pasted into your reply, for ease of reading, e.g type a
between hands.
How to capture hand histories:
On the Stars table click the "previous hand" link on the top left, which brings up the hand history box. Click the hand you want to post, Ctrl+A to select, Ctrl+C to copy. Bring up the converter tab in your browser, Ctrl+A/Ctrl+V on the left hand box to paste the new hh. Click the "Convert" button. Ctrl+A/Ctrl+C on the right hand box to copy the converted hand, Ctrl+V into the quick reply box on here.
We generally post ~200bb+ pots, but if there's an interesting hand/showdown, or if there's not much action feel free to post smaller ones.
If that converter is down (happens occasionally):
Set to "Show all names", "2+2 Forums" output and tick "Show results". You need to reset this converter after every hand.
Posting screenshots:
Hyperdesktop is a fantastic app for capturing screenshots and auto-uploading them. It gives you the link to post here, no need to even visit the hosting site.
Download here:
To view high stakes results/live action:
Known HS players
Isildur1 = Viktor Blom
Viktor Blom (2+2), RealIsildur1 (twitter)
Ilari Fin = Ilari "Ziigmund" Sahamies (blog)
MrSweets28 = Phil "OMGClayAiken" Galfond
PhilGalfond (twitter), (blog)
$tinger 88 = Brian Hastings
Stinger88 (2+2)
refaelamit = Refael Amit
Ben86 = Ben "bttech86" Tollerene
Ben86 (2+2)
gavz101 = Gavin Cochrane
gavz101 (2+2)
nutsinho = Richard Lyndaker
nutsinho (2+2)
aba20 = Brian Townsend
aba20 (2+2)
Jeans89 = Jens Kyllonen
Jeans (2+2)
Skjervoy = Andreas Torbergsen
Luckygump = Alexey Makarov
RealAndyBeal = Niki Jedlicka
1-ronnyr3 = Ronny Kaiser
tr1cky7 = Sam Trickett
Sauce123 = Ben Sulsky
sauce123 (2+2), (blog)
milkybarkid = Ben Grundy
Ben Grundy (2+2)
Vaga_Lion = Rob Akery
AlexeiMartov = Martin Bradstreet
alexeimartov (2+2), ALEXEIMARTOV (twitter), (website)
PepperoniF = Rui Cao
verve.oasis = Gabriel Goffi
0human0 = Ignat Liviu
Lrslzk = Sami Kelopuro
Toweliestar = Benny Spindler
takechip = Phil d'Auteuil
thecortster = Cort Kibler-Melby
nanonoko = Randy Lew
nanonoko (2+2/twitter) (website/blog)
socutiesf = Ta-Chih Geeng
Last edited by villagio; 11-01-2011 at 09:39 AM.