Originally Posted by glimmertwin
Agree. I hate on Joe as much as the next guy. The tweet in question was clueless and overly-aggressive and warranted an apology (albeit not necessarily a public one -- it was Fatal Error who actually made the info public, so I wouldn't feel obligated to apologize to the world for something that he'd made public himself.)
But I don't think even Sebok is dimwitted enough to provide hard evidence of a genuine blackmail attempt. He can't have worked for that criminal enterprise all this time and have learned nothing at all. Surely if he was really attempting to blackmail FE, he'd have done it via phone or a trusted third party.
I think you are really off on this one. You say it warranted an apology, but Joe never gave a real apology. You again blame the victim who had no obligation to keep a disgusting message sent to him by a UB employee about UB private, or even to handle it privately.
And if you don't see Joe's second threat as a threat, you aren't reading it clearly. He was clearly telling FE the dirt Joe has on FE's girlfriend will be publicly released very quickly if FE doesn't STFU.
The worst part isn't that you quickly praised Joe's original non-apology, it's giving him a free pass when he immediately attacks his victims again. I'm disappointed in you GT.
Let's review what Joe really "apologized for".
Originally Posted by JSebok
After a ton of deliberation and chatting with friends, one being Shane Schleger, and reading through some of the pages of this thread, I feel like it’s time to clear the air on the Jon Aguiar incident as best I can, as well as address some UB-related comments. ...
First of all, I take full responsibility that my initial DM was overly aggressive and out of line. For that I apologize.
When I signed on with UB almost two years ago, I saw it as an opportunity to help turn a company around. ...And because I have, I take the continued knocks against UB personally. Sometimes I act or say things in reaction that I wish I could take back. And given the way Aguiar was bashing UB with the Prahlad/Ike incident, even though it had nothing to do with UB, I reacted quickly and made a bad decision. No escaping that.
Notice he doesn't apologize to Jon, the girlfriend, or give specifics of why the DM was over the line. He mentions himself repeatedly, but shows not empathy for how the people who received that threatening DM must have felt. He just apologizes to no one in particular for behaving less than perfectly without really saying what he did that was wrong.
Now, did I view that DM to Jon as private? Absolutely. Do I think taking a private message and asking for a public apology is strange? That's irrelevant. I shouldn’t have sent it, plain and simple. Jon made his decisions after that, and over 700+ posts later, here we are.
It's all about Joe. No empathy about how Jon should feel when a near stranger who represents UB sends him ominous message about his GF. In fact, Joe has to try to make it Jon's fault because childish Joe thinks making UB related threats should be protected by some veil of secrecy.
All I’ll add to this is that in no way, shape, or form was that message an attempt to blackmail Jon or threaten him, and I don't believe he thought that legitimately for one second. I was not telling him I was literally going to expose skeletons in his closet, albeit my choice of words was obviously dreadful in that regard. I just wanted him to chill out on UB and realize that the company had nothing to do with the current disagreement between Prahlad/Ike. I just chose a bad way of expressing that.
Again, the original message can only be interpreted in two ways, either a blackmail attempt, or a request for FE to back off because UB has skeletons in it's closet Joe doesn't want talked about. Joe saying it wasn't a blackmail attempt doesn't count for much, because his whole apology so far is so insincere, it's almost dishonest.
Given that I tweeted to “be a man” about it I’m sure didn’t help things either. I’m pretty sure most people who know me know I’m not the street fighting type, and I wasn’t asking Jon to come meet me there. I was understandably upset that he posted a private message in a public forum, and I wanted him to talk to me privately about it. I also feel that he has actively publicly misrepresented the situation when he knew better after that, but that's neither here nor there. My initial written post was a complete breakdown of all the ways that he had done so, but that just continues to fuel this fire and doesn't get us anywhere productive at all, so I scrapped it.
Again, it's how Joe feels and felt, and his attempt to avoid getting his ass beat. No empathy, no real apology to his direct victims.
In summary, I made a mistake and I apologize for that mistake. If Jon feels that he owes anyone an apology, I'll leave that up to him to decide.
I mean, COME ON! Joe actually had the balls to end by insinuating Jon should apologize for not keeping Joes douchey UB threat secret.
Joe's "apology" was thin air and misdirection. He apologized to the world in general for some slight personal failings, without being too specific about how slimy he was, and only mentioning the victims to point the finger of blame in their direction.
Then the coup de grace.
Originally Posted by JSebok
jon, i am perfectly happy to let everyone know why i brought up your gf. that's your call. you know exactly why i mentioned her.
that's your business.
also wanted to add that by posting our private message publicly that you have brought her into this publicly, not i. i feel very badly for any stress that it may have caused her. i would probably think if you want to keep pushing it.
Joe ignores the fact that the GF's stress was created by the original DM, not the posting of it publicly. Or does he think that veiled threats by a public figure to expose her "secret" shouldn't bother her as long as no one else knows?
Again, it's all about Joe. FE posted one short message asking why Joe brought the GF into it at all, and he lashes out immediately with another threat. Clearly Joe will never give them any legitimate apology. He's narcissistic, and delusional, and blaming FE for his own mess created from that "poorly worded" DM. Joe has some childish belief that he can behave as horribly as he wants and people will cover for him, and if someone he mistreats reveals it publicly THEY are the problem, not Joe and his behavior.
I'm not sure why anyone wants to ask Joe questions about UB at all. He clearly knows nothing, and has done nothing to get to the bottom of even basic UB questions. He's a front man taking a desperately needed paycheck, and clearly can never unbias himself enough to expose any of his employer's shortcomings.
But worse is, there is no need to ask UB questions either. They are clearly still corrupt. If they were legit they would have answered these questions clearly eons ago. Clearly they don't answer the questions because the answers would indict current ownership and management. Their behavior is perfect proof of the answers, so why do we still keep asking questions?
The real question for Mason is why isn't UB banned from advertising on 2+2, and listed prominently on the top of every forum on 2+2 as an outlaw site, with a warning it's not safe to play there or trust UB with your money?
Don't we have some obligation to the general poker community to keep players from unknowingly depositing money on shady sites?