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My Response to Blackmail Allegations + Assorted UB Comments My Response to Blackmail Allegations + Assorted UB Comments

03-23-2011 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by JSebok
i have no doubt that some of the original owners are still around, bob. ....
but in your OP you wrote:

4. And yes, I believe that the current ownership is different from the former ownership.

which is it?
03-23-2011 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by DesertCat

Joe sent Jon a tweet that clearly sounded like a threat to expose something about his girlfriend. You, like other apologists, believe Joes declaration that he didn't mean it that way.

Then Joe publicly threatens Joes girlfriend again. And you defend it? at best it makes Joe a moron from not learning from his original tweet, but in reality it makes him a liar and exposes his original meaning for what t was.

Somehow the thug who is threatening Jon becomes the victim and it's Jon fault the girlfriend was brought into it?

That's not only dumb, but insensitive. JOE brought the girlfriend into this and if he is truly going to apologize has to address it. Not by threatening to expose the secret again, but by apologizing for the inference and explaining what possessed him in the first place to bring her into any conversation.

Joe had no expectation of privacy sending such a nasty DM. Jon had no obligation to help Joe cover it up. Im sure FE would have liked to redact the reference to his girlfriend, but that also redacts the threat.

Joe needs to grow up and learn how to be a real man. a real man doesn't threaten anyone's girlfriend over a business dispute. he doesn't ask anyone to keep their personal opinions quiet about anything, and when he makes a mistake he apologizes directly to the people he wronged, and doesn't passively aggressively whine about how none of this would have happened if people didn't know what kind of slimy DMs he sends people.

Joe still hasn't manned up, and anyone defending him by trying o claim a DM you send a stranger is in any way private is deluded, and anyone blaming the victim or GF is insensitive at best and an apologist (witting or not) for Joes awful behavior.
Thought it wasn't a tweet but a private message among guys that know each other.
03-23-2011 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by jackhigh
2. Ike, buddy, Legget is not coming on 2+2.
It doesn't have to be 2p2 (or leggett for that matter). It can be pokerroad or for all I care. I just want to set something up where people like Haley and mookman can ask questions and expect answers. UB can have full control over who's invited and set whatever rules they like.

If Sebok means it when he says that an open, respectful dialogue between UB and the poker community is in everyone's best interest (and I believe he sincerely does) then I see no reason he wouldn't work with me to set this up.
03-23-2011 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
I find it most insulting that Joe has championed his intentions since his affiliation with UB "as uncovering facts/making progress/cleaning up the image" - rather than "making money."

Then when presented with information about the cheating/inconsistencies/questions, he:
-Doesn't know, you'll have to ask someone else about that.
-Is unable to access that information because he is only "a sponsored UB pro."

It is both insulting and disingenuous that he pretends to care about the truth regarding the UB cheating/coverup but refuses to partake in the investigation and barely understands most of it's history.

I'd have (some, maybe?) respect for him if he just said something like:
"I signed with UB to make money. I tried to get information about the UB cheating, but the upper level guys I talked to didn't tell me much. They gave me some names one time to release. I am not interested in doing anything further than that."
Great post - pretty much sums things up.
03-23-2011 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by JSebok
I simply do not believe that they a) actively helped the individuals who cheated to do so or get away with it, b) have doctored hand histories themselves to cover things up, or c) have attempted to hide facts to pay less money out in refunds.
Haven't you acknowledged yourself that they tried to cover up the scandal at first? Doesn't that count as "actively help[ing] the individuals who cheated to.. get away with it" AND "attempt[ing] to hide facts to pay less money out in refunds"?
03-23-2011 , 02:15 AM
If the next person signed to UB just admits they did it for the money and nothing else, they will at least get a shred of respect from the poker community for not spewing rationalization/BS.

Fwiw, played with OP a couple years ago in the ME and he seemed nice, charismatic, etc (def not a tough guy).
03-23-2011 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by JSebok
i think this is very valid and i would be happy if paul came and discussed more about this stuff. i think some of the problem lies in the fact that many of you automatically think that i am lying or he is lying, so it makes it tough. if we can't start on a common ground, then it gets super difficult to discuss this stuff, but i will urge him to, for sure.
Originally Posted by JSebok
i have no doubt that some of the original owners are still around, bob. i believe that anyone who was involved or implicated in the cheating scandal at AP are not still. at least that's what my information and snooping around has turned up. as always, if anyone has any concrete information that proves they are there, i would def listen.
Originally Posted by fizresh
but in your OP you wrote:

4. And yes, I believe that the current ownership is different from the former ownership.

which is it?
To add to this, on the Rabbit Hunt podcast, where you were answering questions on behalf of Legget. At one point, Legget stated that he was positive that none of the original cheaters were with the company anymore, yet when he was asked WHO the owners are, he stated that even HE didn't know who the owners are.

If nobody knows who owns the company, how are we sure that none of the cheaters are owners?

So yes, someone is lying.
03-23-2011 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by DGAF
If the next person signed to UB just admits they did it for the money and nothing else, they will at least get fired immediately
03-23-2011 , 02:19 AM
I am another person who has not read the total thread -- is it called grunged -- but in his donkdown interview Mike Mad said he thought the new UB management was clean.
03-23-2011 , 02:24 AM
+1 to ggbman, -1 to the following essay from DesertCat
03-23-2011 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by Men"the master"fan
Thought it wasn't a tweet but a private message among guys that know each other.
Guys that have met each other are aquaintances, not friends, and owe each other nothing.

the actual message was a twitter DM, a direct message sent from one twitter user to another. there are no reasonable expectations of privacy with DMs, or texts, or emails, or letters, or even 2+2 PMs.

You might send someone a personal message by any of those mechanisms, and hope that the other party keeps it private. But your expectation is based entirely on your relationship with that person. If they are a close friend, or you directly request that they keep the message private, you MAY have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Joe did not directly ask Jon to keep the message private. if he had, he still had no expectation of privacy because he wasn't Jons friend.

Whether you agree that it was a direct threat or not, it wasn't friendly, and Joe's really out to lunch if he expects he can send people messages like that without the expectation they will be shared. it was a confrontational warning, clearly it's going to be circulated, the only question is how far.

this is just a clear example if how unprofessional and childish Joe is. He sent a message, that clearly appeared as a threat even if Joe didn't intend it that way. He assumed the person he sent it wouldn't share it or had some obligation not to.

In the business world you can't send messages to competitors, customers or critics with any expectation of privacy.
03-23-2011 , 02:45 AM
I love that durr is a multi-millionaire and still posts in NVG... he is a great example for all of us poker players. All the other big name pros seem to stay out of our wild little community at 2 plus 2, props too durr for sticking with his roots.

I find the sebok thing pretty laughable... his apology is well written, but he still threatens to "expose" Jon's gf. Just keep her name out of your mouth u friggen jerkoff. Even if she did somethig bad I don't see how you have any right to throw her name around.

As for UB, it sucks, but what the hell can we really do about it. They stole millions, got away with it, and continue to make millions. Maybe one day they'll have their day of reckoning, we can only hope.
03-23-2011 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
+1 to ggbman, -1 to the following essay from DesertCat
apologists keep apologizing for the guy who didn't apologize.
03-23-2011 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by ike
I guess... It just seems so hilarious/ridiculous that any poker player is so caring of a person that he would sign with a POS, unethical, prosperous off the little guy company like UB because he wants to help them turn things around. My impression was that on some level (after plenty of rationalization probably) op actually believed this was in fact his motive for signing.

But if he's just saying it because he has to, I kind of get that.
03-23-2011 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by ike
It doesn't have to be 2p2 (or leggett for that matter). It can be pokerroad or for all I care. I just want to set something up where people like Haley and mookman can ask questions and expect answers. UB can have full control over who's invited and set whatever rules they like.

If Sebok means it when he says that an open, respectful dialogue between UB and the poker community is in everyone's best interest (and I believe he sincerely does) then I see no reason he wouldn't work with me to set this up.
i will urge him to do so. i hope it will help, as i always do. i will attempt to get him to and also to set it up if he does agree.

my fear is that if he says anything other than, "you're right. we are liars and crooks" though that he will simply be called a liar. because of this he will probably be told not to do so, just as i was told not to come here initially.
03-23-2011 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by durrrr
agree with this, and the more i hear and learn the worse it gets for ub/ap. I think you should take a step back joe- then present them with a few easy questions/requests, which if they are answered will prove you to be at least somewhat right, and if they aren't will give you plenty of reason to leave.

to start:

1) Do any former owners of ub/ap still own pieces of cereus (obviously the answer is yes)- which? There are reasons they may not want this public- but you should still personally be able to find out.

2) Who was deciding that there should be 'hidden' shills in a 2p2 thread? (this is a bad thing, but wouldnt be a huge deal- if not for coming from a company who was exposed cheating people by the same community. Seems logical that whoever was requesting that has very shady ties.)

im sure haley and mookman could supply a few more. What happened to all the hands, when it happened etc would all be good also.

im with ike if it was done in a reasonable way- i doubt that though.

edit: and btw obv, 3rd party audit if they really are legit.
all good points, tom + haley. i will also be urge paul to answer these questions as well. hopefully in his own forum, or perhaps new interview...? see what we can do.
03-23-2011 , 03:36 AM
I retract my original post on the first page of this thread ...after reading joes responses wow ...what the hell ...poor barry the apple does fall far from the tree.
03-23-2011 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by JSebok
all good points, tom + haley. i will also be urge paul to answer these questions as well. hopefully in his own forum, or perhaps new interview...? see what we can do.

He should answer them here. 2+2 is where the poker community is, and since it's important that as many people as possible get the correct answers, that's why you started this thread isn't it? this is obviously the place to do it.

We could also probably set up an interview on our 2+2 PokerCast. Mike and Adam are the best in the business (and I assume they would be okay with the interview), and I can assure you that the interview will be done in a completely professional manner, but the tough questions will be asked.

By the way Joe, if this isn't acceptable, then my suggestion would be for you to reconsider your participation here. After all, you're representing Ultimate Bet, and by coming to 2+2 are reaching as many people in the poker community as possible.

03-23-2011 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by haley44
Here ya go. A voice of reason amid some of this rabble.

Joe, go ask Paul to disclose to you the stockholders of Avoine. There are at least seven Americans in there. If Paul refuses to disclose this information to you I believe you have your answer.
Give haley, mookman and co full access to what they want for the investigation and that'll go some way towards restoring your credibility and 2+2ers giving UB another chance if you really have nothing to hide.

Until then, Joe Sebok and Ultimate Bet will be considered a liars and scumbags.

Edit: also, what mason said.
03-23-2011 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth

He should answer them here. 2+2 is where the poker community is, and since it's important that as many people as possible get the correct answers, that's why you started this thread isn't it? this is obviously the place to do it.

We could also probably set up an interview on our 2+2 PokerCast. Mike and Adam are the best in the business (and I assume they would be okay with the interview), and I can assure you that the interview will be done in a completely professional manner, but the tough questions will be asked.

By the way Joe, if this isn't acceptable, then my suggestion would be for you to reconsider your participation here. After all, you're representing Ultimate Bet, and by coming to 2+2 are reaching as many people in the poker community as possible.

This dialogue should 100% be on 2+2. This is where all of the cheating and cover-up came to light.

Joe, do you have any answer for the inconsistencies that you have said in this thread?
- Saying old UB ownership is dif. than new UB, then responding to Bob saying there are the some of the old owners still involved?
03-23-2011 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
It's perfectly possible (and pretty plausible at this stage imo) that Joe's DM was indeed along the lines of 'we've all done stuff we're not proud of, please leave me alone' even if he did actually know something about Jon's girlfriend. Bringing someone's dirty laundry up in a PRIVATE MESSAGE doesn't always have to equal blackmail.

I'm as much of a UB hater as everyone, but people jumping on that post are pretty annoying. It's obvious by now that Joe isn't particularly good at wording what he says correctly and honestly it just feels like you're jumping on any excuse to twist his post for the worse.
Agree. I hate on Joe as much as the next guy. The tweet in question was clueless and overly-aggressive and warranted an apology (albeit not necessarily a public one -- it was Fatal Error who actually made the info public, so I wouldn't feel obligated to apologize to the world for something that he'd made public himself.)

But I don't think even Sebok is dimwitted enough to provide hard evidence of a genuine blackmail attempt. He can't have worked for that criminal enterprise all this time and have learned nothing at all. Surely if he was really attempting to blackmail FE, he'd have done it via phone or a trusted third party.
03-23-2011 , 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by shaniac
Seriously, though...I love your work, and I think it's fine to post it elsewhere in NVG, but please do not make a mockery of this thread by parodying Joe or the situation ITT.

Some boundaries please.

= Successful DM imo

Could be the literal kind.

Shane, send a PM if you are being held hostage. Big Fan.
03-23-2011 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
Guys that have met each other are aquaintances, not friends, and owe each other nothing.

the actual message was a twitter DM, a direct message sent from one twitter user to another. there are no reasonable expectations of privacy with DMs, or texts, or emails, or letters, or even 2+2 PMs.

You might send someone a personal message by any of those mechanisms, and hope that the other party keeps it private. But your expectation is based entirely on your relationship with that person. If they are a close friend, or you directly request that they keep the message private, you MAY have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Joe did not directly ask Jon to keep the message private. if he had, he still had no expectation of privacy because he wasn't Jons friend.

Whether you agree that it was a direct threat or not, it wasn't friendly, and Joe's really out to lunch if he expects he can send people messages like that without the expectation they will be shared. it was a confrontational warning, clearly it's going to be circulated, the only question is how far.

this is just a clear example if how unprofessional and childish Joe is. He sent a message, that clearly appeared as a threat even if Joe didn't intend it that way. He assumed the person he sent it wouldn't share it or had some obligation not to.

In the business world you can't send messages to competitors, customers or critics with any expectation of privacy.
I respect you but disagree. There is an expectation of privacy among pms and direct messages on twitter. You, personally, would feel free to share pms you get here on the board or start threads in nvg when you and somebody you know get in an argument and it crosses the line. I would expect someone to try to deal with it on their own instead of creating a thread over it.(and I do not mean a physical confrontation, which I do not believe Joe was referring to when he said "be a man")

If I got in an argument with someone I know on the board and it went personal I'm not going to go run and create a thread about it or even post about it in the reg thread I participate in. I'm going to tell him to go **** himself. If I had also spoken to him in person besides online, I'd tell him he crossed the line and explain himself and think he owes an apology.(in a pm)

How many of you guys believe it is ok take a personal conversation in a pm over an argument and create a thread about it?

Last edited by Men"the master"fan; 03-23-2011 at 04:07 AM. Reason: edited end of 3rd sentence from goes personal and crosses line to and it crosses the line.
03-23-2011 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by JSebok
i will urge him to do so. i hope it will help, as i always do. i will attempt to get him to and also to set it up if he does agree.

my fear is that if he says anything other than, "you're right. we are liars and crooks" though that he will simply be called a liar. because of this he will probably be told not to do so, just as i was told not to come here initially.
it's a complicated issue. there is a lot of reason to believe he has lied in the past and will continue to lie in the future. that is, essentially, the issue that people want to discuss. people will not take him at his word and will ask him to provide evidence to support any assertions he makes.

i think a respectful and productive dialogue can be had even if people are not inclined to trust him. you're not going to be dealing with the typical NVGtards saying "You're a lying scumbag, die in a grease fire." You will be dealing with well informed, articulate people saying "You said X. I believe that is false for Y and Z reasons."

Last edited by ike; 03-23-2011 at 04:09 AM.
03-23-2011 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by ike're not going to be dealing with the typical NVGtards saying "Your a lying scumbag, die in a grease fire."...
If this did happen, is it possible for them to tell the truth? Naming names of current/former owners etc.? I'm not sure it is.
