If anyones interested. Post #1481 in this thread;
Hi Gustavo
Mr. Jo Arild Remme from Aalesund Norway
is 41 years old and he seems to be in big ****.
He prob. has his adress in Bergen for the time being.
It depends on how much you have won compared
to your investment. It will cost you about 2000 euro
if you want me to find this person and make a claim for
you. I will then give you all details for a lawsuit in Norway
if you want. But...you have to consider all against the
possibillity that this person do not own anything and the
cost of a sivil lawsuit. Maybe you want me to find out what
this person owns first?
It is your choice.
Best regards
Bjorn Grytoyr
Private investigator Norway
anyone is in???? I want name an contacts..
Please send me a PM with the email/skype