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Most predatory actions in poker Most predatory actions in poker

11-19-2023 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by PokerEthics
It’s a grey area for sure and it’s on a scale for how bad it is..

What you did was standard. However it’s definitely predatory.

Also acting on your own best interest instead of protecting the game is short sided. The nit bleeds away and you crack the noob. The nit doesn’t come back and the game doesn’t go next time. So now when the noob goes to sit he can’t bc there’s no 2-5 running and instead blasts off in the pits.

I too would love a world w no nits (other than me of course) but I realize wo the nits a lot of these games don’t go.
Giving away player strat can seriously backfire if it’s not accurate. One time someone who didn’t really like me gave my plo “strat” away to his friend and basically told him I always have it and not to pay me off. Well one hand I happened to bet big as a bluff and the dude folded a boat but I was called by a worse boat by another player who didn’t know my “strat.” Afterwards the guy who mucked told me what his friend told him about me…lol.
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11-20-2023 , 05:18 AM
I'm a PLO player who used to play mostly NL and I'd say the most predatory actions are actually just patronizing players and not being real with them bc you're scared to lose your action. We all know poker and life in general is predatory by nature so by not being real about it people at the very minimum subconsciously lose a certain respect for you when you patronize them or act like they aren't playing poorly.

I'm not saying you have to be outride rude and tell them they suck or something but I play with 2 specific players that have catch phrases they say out loud....

1 guy says...."I have no business in this hand" and then proceeds to call raises and 3 bets

2nd guy will say "I don't know how to fold" and "I need to learn to fold"

Just interacting with people like this which tbh seem to be more unique to PLO and people tend to hide/not verbalize/whatever you want to call it their strategy at NL. I much prefer playing PLO personally and just being honest with people, joking around with them, telling them they need to learn to fold etc...rather than what I remember from my NL days of never giving up any info and pretending like the fish made a reasonable play when he did something dumb. PLO is way more real and blunt about it and less predatory in that sense and funny enough the fish still learn very slowly and have more fun and respect you when you're honest and real with them about what they're doing
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11-20-2023 , 06:40 AM
Lucid you make a good point… I also play PLO and feel like holdem is wayyyyy more predatory in every facet.
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11-20-2023 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Giving away player strat can seriously backfire if it’s not accurate. One time someone who didn’t really like me gave my plo “strat” away to his friend and basically told him I always have it and not to pay me off. Well one hand I happened to bet big as a bluff and the dude folded a boat but I was called by a worse boat by another player who didn’t know my “strat.” Afterwards the guy who mucked told me what his friend told him about me…lol.
Yup he’s never folding a boat wo that information.

The “always” and “never” advice in poker seems bad.
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11-20-2023 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
I'm a PLO player who used to play mostly NL and I'd say the most predatory actions are actually just patronizing players and not being real with them bc you're scared to lose your action. We all know poker and life in general is predatory by nature so by not being real about it people at the very minimum subconsciously lose a certain respect for you when you patronize them or act like they aren't playing poorly.

I'm not saying you have to be outride rude and tell them they suck or something but I play with 2 specific players that have catch phrases they say out loud....

1 guy says...."I have no business in this hand" and then proceeds to call raises and 3 bets

2nd guy will say "I don't know how to fold" and "I need to learn to fold"

Just interacting with people like this which tbh seem to be more unique to PLO and people tend to hide/not verbalize/whatever you want to call it their strategy at NL. I much prefer playing PLO personally and just being honest with people, joking around with them, telling them they need to learn to fold etc...rather than what I remember from my NL days of never giving up any info and pretending like the fish made a reasonable play when he did something dumb. PLO is way more real and blunt about it and less predatory in that sense and funny enough the fish still learn very slowly and have more fun and respect you when you're honest and real with them about what they're doing
I wouldn’t call that predatory. That’s being competitive and keeping the game cutthroat which is not immoral. People asking for poker advice at the table shouldn’t expect honest answers
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11-20-2023 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyDough
I wouldn’t call that predatory. That’s being competitive and keeping the game cutthroat which is not immoral. People asking for poker advice at the table shouldn’t expect honest answers
I never said immoral. I don't think a lion mauling a zebra is immoral but it's predatory
Most predatory actions in poker Quote
11-20-2023 , 10:24 PM
giving airball a drink?
Most predatory actions in poker Quote
11-20-2023 , 10:40 PM
giving airball a seat more like it
Most predatory actions in poker Quote
11-21-2023 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
I never said immoral. I don't think a lion mauling a zebra is immoral but it's predatory
Your gripe was people not being “honest” at the poker table by letting fish know they play bad. That’s more like calling a bird waiting in the bushes for the other birds to drop some crumbs predatory than a lion mauling a zebra.

Originally Posted by LucidDream
I'm a PLO player who used to play mostly NL and I'd say the most predatory actions are actually just patronizing players and not being real with them bc you're scared to lose your action. We all know poker and life in general is predatory by nature so by not being real about it people at the very minimum subconsciously lose a certain respect for you when you patronize them or act like they aren't playing poorly.

Just interacting with people like this which tbh seem to be more unique to PLO and people tend to hide/not verbalize/whatever you want to call it their strategy at NL. I much prefer playing PLO personally and just being honest with people, joking around with them, telling them they need to learn to fold etc...rather than what I remember from my NL days of never giving up any info and pretending like the fish made a reasonable play when he did something dumb. PLO is way more real and blunt about it and less predatory in that sense and funny enough the fish still learn very slowly and have more fun and respect you when you're honest and real with them about what they're doing
Most predatory actions in poker Quote
11-21-2023 , 01:41 PM
People tend to think of predatoriness exclusively as something the winners do to the losers. My experience is big losing players are often trying really hard to be unethical and predatory, they’re just bad at it.
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11-21-2023 , 07:25 PM
I think it's pretty predatory when people sit down with their airpods and don't grab a beer and start getting loud.
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11-21-2023 , 07:41 PM
Pretending to be bad at poker so you can get invited to juicy private games. Then continuing to play in a way that looks like you aren't very good. You don't play your A game just well enough to bleed money from the whales but not so fast you get kicked out, Also bad regs who set up private games so they can hog the whales who more than likely don't even know they're being fleeced all to themselves
Most predatory actions in poker Quote
11-21-2023 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by ejames209
I think it's pretty predatory when people sit down with their airpods and don't grab a beer and start getting loud.
You think it's predatory to not be a drunk jackass?
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11-21-2023 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyDough
Your gripe was people not being “honest” at the poker table by letting fish know they play bad. That’s more like calling a bird waiting in the bushes for the other birds to drop some crumbs predatory than a lion mauling a zebra.
Not a gripe either, just an observation. Your analogy is probably a better one than mine tho. NL players just tend to act like if they chirp in the bushes then the ones in the trees will make sure not to drop any crumbs which isn't really how it works. I don't mind tho, in my city the biggest games are all PLO and the midstakes NL games are slowly fading out more and more
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11-21-2023 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by dude45
You think it's predatory to not be a drunk jackass?
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11-21-2023 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by ejames209
Personally I can't stand loud obnoxious drunks
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11-23-2023 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by PokerEthics
Lucid you make a good point… I also play PLO and feel like holdem is wayyyyy more predatory in every facet.
Just because it happened to be the wrong decision in that single instance doesn’t mean it was a “bad” fold. If a player is underbluffing rivers it’s not bad advice to just always fold. This is why people say don’t be results oriented.
Most predatory actions in poker Quote
11-23-2023 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by PokerEthics
Yup he’s never folding a boat wo that information.

The “always” and “never” advice in poker seems bad.
Just because it happened to be the wrong decision in that single instance doesn’t mean it was a “bad” fold. If a player is underbluffing rivers it’s not necessarily bad advice to just always fold.
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11-29-2023 , 05:52 PM
I didn't read the thread. or OP for that matter. but check-raising is a dick move imo. Man yells at cloud.
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11-30-2023 , 12:28 AM
funny you mention that by the way because i've seen people argue that as well, even seen people declare that check raises are illegal in their home games because it's not "gentleman's poker"
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12-06-2023 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
What about the time Shawn Shiekhan got convicted of raping a 17 year old? Does that count?
Straight rape def counts.

Statutory w/ 17 depends on the months. 17 and a day counts. The day before her 18th b-day is just bad luck. It's a sliding scale.
Most predatory actions in poker Quote
12-06-2023 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by ejames209
I think it's pretty predatory when people don't grab a beer.
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12-06-2023 , 02:03 PM
Most predatory actions in poker Quote
12-07-2023 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Yeeter
Straight rape def counts.

Statutory w/ 17 depends on the months. 17 and a day counts. The day before her 18th b-day is just bad luck. It's a sliding scale.
Not to mention that 17 is above the age of consent in most states, so another bit of bad luck is being in the wrong state (CA being one of those few states where under 18 is the rule). Either way, I think it's quite a stretch for those claiming a "child" was involved.

Not really sure if any of this applies to Shawn, though, as I don't know if his conviction was based on consensual sex with a 17 year old, or if there were some non-consensual allegations were as well.

Anyway, there is a whole thread on this topic I think, so I'll drop it here.
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12-07-2023 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Yeeter
She's totally not trying to use those balloons to her advantage and is just an innocent naive girl
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