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Mikki Mase Mikki Mase

08-22-2024 , 07:07 AM
Why would anyone trust him or take him seriously? If someone talks that much to be someone and boast like he does he can't be taken seriously. The tattoos alone are huge flags, anyone with tattoos I always question their character for sure. Why would u ever mark your body with ink?
Mikki Mase Quote
08-22-2024 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by kevmode
Why would u ever mark your body with ink?
It feels awesome, you will never understand.

If I could go back to the time where I had 0 tattoos, i would feel really unhappy. Not everyone thinks like me, and that's fine, but I enjoy the art and I think it boosts my experience as a human being.
Mikki Mase Quote
08-22-2024 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by kevmode
Why would anyone trust him or take him seriously? If someone talks that much to be someone and boast like he does he can't be taken seriously. The tattoos alone are huge flags, anyone with tattoos I always question their character for sure. Why would u ever mark your body with ink?
Jesus, and I thought I sound like a Boomer sometimes, lol.

Everyone, get off this guy's lawn.
Mikki Mase Quote
08-22-2024 , 01:27 PM
Tattoos do not make a person untrustworthy. But if theyre face tattoos im asking questions
Mikki Mase Quote
08-22-2024 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by MDMASherdog
Tattoos do not make a person untrustworthy. But if theyre face tattoos im asking questions
if they're face tattoos in a poker game I'm sitting in whatever game it is.
Mikki Mase Quote
08-22-2024 , 03:38 PM
I wonder how many people have offered to bank baccarat for Mikki only to get turned down.
Mikki Mase Quote
08-22-2024 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
if they're face tattoos in a poker game I'm sitting in whatever game it is.
sample size is small, but not once played with a guy with hand, neck, or face tattoos that won money that session
Mikki Mase Quote
08-22-2024 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
sample size is small, but not once played with a guy with hand, neck, or face tattoos that won money that session
If the hand tattoo is his favorite hand tattooed on his finger then the seat to the left is the Jesus seat.
Mikki Mase Quote
08-22-2024 , 10:46 PM

such an unbelievably good ****ing song!
Mikki Mase Quote
08-23-2024 , 07:10 AM
goddamn i love atmosphere
Mikki Mase Quote
08-23-2024 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by Slugant
goddamn i love atmosphere
Considering your username I've figured as much I've been a fan since 2001 and have seen them live in Sweden 6 or 7 times!
Mikki Mase Quote
08-23-2024 , 01:10 PM
Mikki Mase Quote
08-23-2024 , 01:14 PM
atmosphere, blues image, and cage were two of the bigger surprises to find out were actually white many years later

particularly atmosphere, was one of the more popular things people listened to at my college and i never knew he was white until a few years ago

Mikki Mase Quote
08-23-2024 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by PugDolk
If the hand tattoo is his favorite hand tattooed on his finger then the seat to the left is the Jesus seat.
i had a stroke reading this
Mikki Mase Quote
08-23-2024 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
atmosphere, blues image, and cage were two of the bigger surprises to find out were actually white many years later

particularly atmosphere, was one of the more popular things people listened to at my college and i never knew he was white until a few years ago
well, slug (the rapper of atmosphere) isnt white strictly speaking, he is mixed (i believe white, black and native american heritage). Listen to YGM

Cage is quite the storyteller as well, albeit quite gory. Ballad of worms is a must listen (and re-listen)
Mikki Mase Quote
08-27-2024 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
if they're face tattoos in a poker game I'm sitting in whatever game it is.
I expand that to hands, neck or face (preferably 2 of 3), and I'm sprinting to their table. But to your point, face tattoo is next-level fish signaling.
Mikki Mase Quote
09-03-2024 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by lwlee
This is the crux of the matter. He hasn't yet fully solicited a great deal of money from others to play his baccarat system. When he does try to sell his system to someone for $50 million, he will have to prove to THEM, that it works. As for the burden of proof, it's a matter of how much defamation one does against Mase. Someone can definitely say they don't believe Mase has a winning baccarat system but they cannot defame by saying he's a thief or a cheat without backing those claims with evidence. Some people on here have bordered or cross the line in that respect. Giuliani has to pay 2 Georgia election workers $150 million because he defamed them by saying they were guilty of election fraud.

Let's make this clear as I'm sure, the logically challenged on here, as already assumed that I completely believe in him. I don't. I would NOT invest a single dime in his endeavors unless I absolutely understand the magic trick that the magician is wielding. At that point, I would have to judge the level of criminality of said system. How scammy was his system for gaming the Florida medicaid/medicare pharma system?? Or his "winning" baccarat system, how legit is it? As an intelligent investor/gambler, I would put the odds as low but I would like to hear what his magic trick is, nevertheless. The fact that he has enflamed the poker world with his shenanigans, makes it worth trying to find out he has done.

OK, I can't believe it, but I read this whole freaking thing. Well, 10 pages left.

I think you are a troll.

Assuming you aren't, here are the smoking guns -

Mikki talks about casinos cheating and reverse engineering the cheating to his advantage. THIS is his "system".

Have you heard mikki talk about the importance of the baccarat results board? After hearing this, you still think there is any way he is a real advantage player? By default, you too are saying there is meaningful information on the baccarat results board. Spoiler - there isn't.

The above, plus his successful grandfather passing around the time he made his riches and his sporadic and strange buy ins on poker streams.

Have you heard of Christopher Mitchell? I'm surprised to see no one bring him up yet. Look him up in youtube.

Mikki has the same scam going. Get people to give him money to gamble. If he wins, he gets a commission. If he loses "aw shucks. Well we don't win every time."

Christopher runs the same scam, but he is much less well known.

Mikki plays roulette ffs. What more do you need to know? Or, is this just cover like the single coin video poker he posted?

Oh also, school of hard knocks delinquent felon drug addict expelled from school turns it around to be a wall street all-star that pivots to wild success in the Healthcare industry only to hang it up to be a motocross cross champion, crack the code to beating the casinos for tens of millions, and have an assistant on staff to schedule a dozen different women every day to sleep with.

Let us not forget on him flaking on Druff when he swore he would show the win loss statements.

Still think you are a troll.

Originally Posted by lwlee

"Mikki is the one trying to monetize based on his claims". I kept calling it out but people keep trying to accuse him. He has YET to do any monetization with the system. How do we know?? Cuz you better believe we will hear it when people lose sufficient money. People are looking to CONDEMN Mase before he does the deed. Why? Cuz he looks like a dirty, tattoed bad guy??? Please get past your bias and prejudice.
Have you done any due diligence? Mikki has a pinned comment on every youtube about his scam. Hit him up on IG. I'm sure you can have him gamble 50k for you, if you are one of the "lucky" ones he "chooses".

You should seriously check out Christopher Mitchell on youtube. Same exact scam, much less of a known personality.

Originally Posted by Polarbear1955
Or drugs or money laundering. Either more believable than he beats baccarat for millions. Albeit rich brat seems as likely.
Imo, I doubt his funds come from anything illegal. That would be tremendously stupid to put yourself in the spotlight like this while trying to wash money.

Then again, he does have "Real G" tattooed across his chin, so who knows.

Originally Posted by Noobtard
It was obvious to everyone that Mikki's story of running up tens of millions in profits playing Baccarat was BS. When he couldn't get 5-10k for a single reload in the juiciest game ever at HCL, the one with the twitch streamers where half had never played poker.
The stakes weren't high enough, brother. 10k is less than 5% of just one baccarat bet for him so...

Originally Posted by lwlee
Donkey, you reply too fast. I added another EXCELLENT comparison that you TOTALLY missed.

Aww geez, Donkey still deflecting with incredibly poor and weak logic. Mase is supposedly winning MILLIONS, yet you want to compare that with BJ players taking maybe an extra $50k card counting??? Casinos now stop BJ counters pretty quickly now. Difficult to win a decent amount of money before you are cut off. When they are losing millions then it becomes a real matter. Your FAILURE to understand the difference is another short-sighted view. Let me help you out AGAIN. Mase winning the kind of money at Baccarat is the equivalent of Don Johnson winning millions. And yeah Don Johnson got the attention of upper casino pit bosses. The HUGE losses affect Caesars QUARTERLY financial report!

No, no, no, no. More deflecting! First it was NO WAY he wins millions at the casinos. Yet the dude has shown receipts from multiple casinos. Now when it comes time to back your claims. You defer. Dude, let's just admit it, you wanna stay in your myopic narrow minded world. It's cool.

What I've been saying all along is all I want to know Mase's magic cuz right now NO one has a clue. But in comparison, we NOW know what Don Johnson's magic was at winning at sh*tload of money from the casinos. I'm sure Donkey was pounding the table when DJ was winning MILLIONS saying it's all LIES and BS, BJ is a solved game!!
You must be like a contrarian troll type, but I'll reiterate some points.

How much have you heard Mikki talk about actual gambling? If you have, you still think he is a competent player?

Have you heard him talk about poker strategy? How about the other games?

Here are some words from his own mouth -

Never play blackjack with "bad players" (ploppy saying/logic)

Never take insurance (you take insurance when the true count is +3 or higher)

The casino cheated and changed the display on the baccarat board

If you're just picking numbers on roulette, you have nothing going (ie you need a betting "system")

His strategy is to bloat the pots with his short stack

He really gives himself away as clueless when you actually hear him talk about gambling, the thing he is supposed to be most proficient in. This is probably why in interviews he talks very little about actual gambling logistics.

Originally Posted by Ace upmy Slv
I am starting to think this guy is Mikki or someone close to him that was able to buy an old 2+2 account from someone. It is either that or a 15 year old kid (and that is an insult to 15 yr old kids tbh) that got a hold of his father's 2+2 account that he never uses anymore. I cannot fathom that an adult would be so gullible and naive about someone who clearly is a scammer and a fraud. Something has to be off with this poster, there is no other explanation.
He's a troll and being contrarian just because some people like doing that.

That said, I am very interested to see how this all shakes out with Mikki.

There are a few questions, like is he really getting a trust fund or just scamming people? If he is getting a trust fund, that's messed up how he is just blowing it.

Sadly, I have heard repeatedly that is this what happens when people are just given money, like lottery winners and the like.

How did he get connected with that only fans girl and get her to let him live in her house?

Ofc this dude did not make any money from baccarat. If he did, he wouldn't have said a word about it. He also talks like Las Vegas is the only place in the world you can play. Never once have I heard him talk about Monaco, Macau, or ever AC for that matter. More proof he knows little about real advantage play. A real player would expand around the US and worldwide.

Originally Posted by MastaAces
i don't know, i think he's just delusional and thinks he has an edge. he "plays in a lot of private games" and certainly fancies himself a professional gambler and likely also a poker shark.

Mikki is the narcissistic type that can not admit they have ever done any wrong. Did you hear his answer as to why he got expelled from school?

I guarantee he would say he is a winner on poker streams if asked.

Originally Posted by rickroll
when i was practicing counting, one thing i'd do to mix it up to break the monotony of it and try to better generate a real world environment was to find videos of people playing blackjack either online or in vegas

dana would often "collab" with various streamers for high stakes sessions so i've seen a few hours of his play

first of all, the streamers are complete idiots, doing things like wagering the max on side bets etc, and never having any clue what to do and are always stressed about whether to hit or stand and use standard fish results oriented analysis

perhaps it's just a performance for their audience - but those streamers genuinely don't know the first thing about AP nor even optimal play - which is wild that they'll sit down for 25k a hand and not know the first thing about optimal play just lighting money on fire - they see how cool and collected and confident dana is and they think he's just a god at blackjack and constantly ask him for advice - so i can see how they would idolize someone like mikki

dana always knows what he's going to do immediately with quick decisions and for the most part follows optimal strategy - when he hits on 15 vs a dealers T and it busts with a face card but then dealer flips over a 6 for 16 and the streamer goes "see Dana I knew you should have stayed because then you would have won" and he promptly but diplomatically dismisses that with "most of the time it's better to hit" - i imagine given his work, he's probably pretty used to dealing with stupid people on a day to day basis

dana does not count at all, or at least not on stream, there's a bunch of times where the count turned favorable and he continued flat betting and even other times when it went deeply -EV and that's when he'd decide to up the size of his wagers and press

but he is very disciplined, he has a set goal for each session that's very attainable - ie he wants to be up 100k but they're playing 25k max so that's just winning 4 more hands than losing, he often quits playing early in the stream and then just hangs out with the streamer because he hit his target or reached his stop loss and put an end to the session - he's also obsessed with paying back markers immediately - so much that it's tilting even - ie he'll take 50k, wager max of 25k, win that hand, immediately pay back the marker so he's has 25k with 0 debt instead of 75k with 50k debt and then very next hand gets 88 so takes back a new marker less than 5 minutes after paying off the previous one and then of course one of the 8s gets a 3 and then he needs another 50k marker to double it, wins those and pays back those markers immediately and then 3 hands later needs new markers again

this constant marker payoff to hold a single wager in chips is a huge time suck, makes no sense to me at all as 90% of the time he's taking out a marker that he just paid back a minute prior, i believe he does it mostly because it prevents him from really dumping in money on a bad session where instead of having a big pile of chips which gives the illusion he's up for the session, he needs to repeatedly get that reminder "and i'm now another 50k in the hole" and he can get that visual reminder of how much he is down to keep him grounded

also, dana never drinks while he plays, the streamers get absolutely wasted though

he's definitely someone who invested the time to learn perfect play, i don't recall if he made mistakes or not (i think once or twice he went with his gut and deviated but he knew he was deviating), but for the most part did what i would have done - as far as degenerate gamblers go, he's probably one of the ones who will eat big losses but he's no watanabe
Ha, I have heard Dana say he doesn't care about comps, but if you are playing blackjack for the comp, wasting time that you are getting rated is crucial and that market play would be good strategy. Other strategies include bathroom breaks, phone calls, and sitting out hands. Sometimes if the house is tight, they will clock you out, but most times they don't.

Originally Posted by Dreamer
He also said nobody is getting kicked out for just playing the game legally.

Which is absolute garbage.

He meant a full blown 86. People get backed off and or flat bet a lot more than they get 86ed.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 09-03-2024 at 04:46 AM. Reason: 9 consecutive posts merged
Mikki Mase Quote
09-03-2024 , 09:58 AM
quite a long first post
Mikki Mase Quote
09-03-2024 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Slugant
quite a long first post
Ha, I read this whole freaking thread and had a lot to say. Like many others, I am quite intrigued with mikki and the full truth behind the stories.

The admins also merged all my posts.
Mikki Mase Quote
