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Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post)

10-06-2019 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by R*R
Cliff's on Part 2 of the Matusow interview.

Mile Postle is a Poker God!

And he think he could be vindicated by playing heads up against the best pros. That won't do it. This has nothing to do with
past online stuff or futures games.

This has to do with you allegedly cheating at the Stones Live stream game.

This is one of the most disgusting interviews I have ever heard. You have to hear Joey #6 but this Mike guy is disgusting.

He also seems to think video evidence of him playing “human” sometimes is going to be proof that the times it looks like he was cheating aren’t him cheating

I don’t understand his rationale on this whatsoever.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 12:51 AM
His rules are his own.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by Natamus
He also seems to think video evidence of him playing “human” sometimes is going to be proof that the times it looks like he was cheating aren’t him cheating

I don’t understand his rationale on this whatsoever.
his rationale is simple

do and say anything that he thinks has any chance of him getting away with it
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
I didn't see anything very suspicious when I skimmed through it earlier, as his usual cheating method (staring at his crotch) wasn't evident in the hands I looked at. A few times he just started texting and acting normally.
But then there was this hand:
When the lawyer binks a 7 on the river, Mike looks so pained that even the commentators remark on it, saying that the 7 is basically a blank, so how does he know? The lawyer barrels, and eventually Mike tank-raises with AQ high (which seems ridiculous) to make the lawyer fold.
Maybe this (Dec 17, 2018) is a god-mode session after all.

There have been plenty of suspicious hands posted, but this one takes the cake.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
his rationale is simple

do and say anything that he thinks has any chance of him getting away with it
What do you mean by "getting away with it"? If you're talking legal consequences, short of a confession from someone, he's a huge favorite to be completely unaffected no matter what else he does.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Mike P.: "I'm one of the best poker players in the world. I'm not afraid to admit anymore."

Mike P but 45 minutes later: "The ego in poker is ridiculous"
Spot on. Good catch!

Originally Posted by R*R
Mike likes to say he really didn't really win that much and then on every stream I've seen he has a monster stack.
Even if that was true, which is obv is not, his winrate pr hour would be so insane that it do not change anything regarding the evidence against him.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 12:59 AM
I’m not sure if this is relevant to anything in particular but it seemed quite obvious that the mutual friend Postle and Matusow shared was Frank “the tank”. Postle also made it sound like a lot of games run around that guy and he’s a massive whale.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:03 AM
I love Matusow's classy introduction to the show, "**** Joe Ingram fanboys",

It is only matched by his equally professional closing comment, "For those of you out there that think I didn’t throw him too hard, go **** yourselves".

It is helpful of Matusow to share that he had a joint during the interview, which finally explains why the interview sounds like an out take of Cheech and Chong.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by parisron
And challenged Doug Polk to play HU.
This is insane, cmon Doug one time , for the people
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:06 AM
how do these other players play against him time and time again?
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by Scott7x
I said this once before but think about it.
Guy won the most money on UB and just lost his graph.
Not even a screen shot.
Also didn’t pay taxes so no records of it at all.
What are the odds of that?
I had a graph, but had a HD failure lose the hhs. UB never refunded me with the graph (I lost about 40k to two superusers, though I won overall on the site), but they gave their inside man ZeeJustin back about 300k. ZJ also got his money back from both party and pokerstars after his cheating scandal. Everyone who thinks justice will be done in this case are sorely mistaken. I really hope I'm wrong.

Also, I think it is unfair to pile on Mike Postle. He is nothing. He might have had to play because of debts due to a drug habit. Who knows? What is disgusting is the management of Stones allegedly are in on it. Their people need the most time.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by Oladipo
Through it all, what stands out to me the most is that not one opponent of his thought something was screwy - I don’t know how often these people were playing together, but the fact that he plays a preflop style that a human cannot win with coupled with never making mistakes postflop (and oh yeah the fact that he never lost in all those sessions) would have set off alarm bells almost immediately.

Then again, lol live donks
yes it makes you wonder who was the shill the say Loncar was a previous crook Hansel
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Bean
What is Veronica doing now? Unemployed?
We (the poker community) should raise money to her!
i think this story was gonna get leaked one way or another. who could put up with this type of winning and not say anything!
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:13 AM
****ing Joey sucking me in every night here with this live investigation.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by hmm422
PC 332 doesn't apply to this case. If you find a case where this was applied to poker I will correct my response, but I can't find any. I have however talked to a prosecutor who prosecuted a few people for this statute. It came up in conversation one day. Three card monte and like scams used to be a real problem in the 70s apparently.

Poker is regulated and well defined. Theft by deception and wire fraud are the only things here. The gaming statutes only care about player banked games.

You are correct in the stacking of charges, but this is liberal California, a one party pseudo-socialist country. Without the feds this guy does little or no time. This is a decently sized civil case. Prosecuting with limp laws and leftist judges won't change the behavior. As a rabid Trump, Duterte, and Bolsonaro backer, even I don't want to see Californians' money wasted on a state criminal case versus this jerk. It's an entirely futile pursuit.
California Penal Code Chapter 10. Gaming

337v. It is unlawful for any person at a gambling establishment to use, or to possess with the intent to use, any device to assist in any of the following:

(a) In projecting the outcome of the gambling game.

(b) In keeping track of the cards played.

(c) In analyzing the probability of the occurrence of an event relating to the gambling game.

(d) In analyzing the strategy for playing or wagering to be used in the gambling game, except as permitted by the California Gambling Control Commission or a tribal gaming agency.

Wait a minute. This doesn't apply to Poker? I thought Poker was a gambling game and played in a gambling establishment. And if Poker isn't a "player banked" game, then whose money is that on the poker table?
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:15 AM

something to watch after Joeys podcast
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by joepickems
how do these other players play against him time and time again?
Really good question which had me believe it was all just a show to promote the casino. When you get bluff raised AI on the river with ~700 left in your stack and you get ~1:6 (don't remember the potsize accurate) and you have pretty much the only holding which can not call. You see that on video after the session (or even with a 30 min delay) and still you (go back) playing in him. Beyond my understanding.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:19 AM
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by hmm422
I had a graph, but had a HD failure lose the hhs. UB never refunded me with the graph (I lost about 40k to two superusers, though I won overall on the site), but they gave their inside man ZeeJustin back about 300k. ZJ also got his money back from both party and pokerstars after his cheating scandal. Everyone who thinks justice will be done in this case are sorely mistaken. I really hope I'm wrong.

Also, I think it is unfair to pile on Mike Postle. He is nothing. He might have had to play because of debts due to a drug habit. Who knows? What is disgusting is the management of Stones allegedly are in on it. Their people need the most time.
OK But this guy said he was the BIGGEST winner on UB.
He never emailed a screenshot to a friend that he can dig up?
Never documented winning his first milli?
I highly doubt anyone who has ever won over a million dollars online has completely lost every trace of it happening.
We're just supposed to believe him?

No taxes too, convienient. I dont buy it. Guys FOS.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by golfbum983
This is insane, cmon Doug one time , for the people
As much as I want to see this, I really don't want this to happen, I just want Postle & co in jail, not to "prove" things we already know.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by MDR
Really good question which had me believe it was all just a show to promote the casino. When you get bluff raised AI on the river with ~700 left in your stack and you get ~1:6 (don't remember the potsize accurate) and you have pretty much the only holding which can not call. You see that on video after the session (or even with a 30 min delay) and still you (go back) playing in him. Beyond my understanding.
If I were the player to make that bluff and leave myself with $700 in my stack and I went back and watched the stream to see this idiot rebluffed me all-in with air I would DEFINITELY want to play with him again. I would think this guy is terrible and want to play with him more. Especially since I would assume that there would be other times that I would make that same play and have the nuts.

I wouldn't just assume he could see my cards and was only re-bluffing me there when I was bluffing. I would assume he was an action player and probably going to lose it all back to me at some point.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:27 AM
This thread the last few days
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by joepickems
how do these other players play against him time and time again?
First of all, they are playing full ring poker not heads up. The best player in the world is not going to make a full ring table bad. Furthermore, even if Postle were the greatest player in the world you should have a significant range advantage against him that would greatly mitigate his skill advantage at a full ring table. On top of that, his style of play drives action. So while he may be making tons of money because he's the greatest player, you can expect to make more money than you otherwise would simply because other players are putting large sums of money in the middle with very wide ranges.

That's all assuming he is a human being and not a GOD that is stealing money off the table at a rate that is completely impossible for a single player.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by hmm422
PC 484 offers up to three years for fraud by deception. The gaming statute doesn't have anything for cheating at poker. This would be a civil matter only, though it can definitely affect the licensee. The gaming code defines player banked games only as I read it.

Like I said earlier, this needs to go to the FBI. This is wire fraud. It's up to 20 years. The only thing to be researched is the method of cheating, if it crossed state lines. I would assume the hat trick was an apple watch with a sim. It is less clear if the TD just had access to the live stream if that would constitute interstate, but since the purpose of the stream was to entice gamblers from out of state to transact with the casino, even from the consumption of ads, I think that alone makes this a federal case.

As for civil remedies, this could be a class action of the victims. There needs to be a large damage awarded to discourage lax behavior in terms of player security. This case should definitely go into the millions. Players involved probably should hold off and not accept any compensation from the casino, even if it more than makes them whole. This case goes beyond just making them whole.
Penal Code 332, in the gaming statutes, would specifically apply here.

Any time he won another player's money by cheating, he could be punished just like he stole that money. Amounts over $950 can be felonies. See PC 487(a), 489(c).

This is absolutely not "a civil matter only."

Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Bean
What is Veronica doing now? Unemployed?
We (the poker community) should raise money to her!
She never did commentary full time. She's gainfully employed outside of the poker world.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
