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Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post)

10-02-2019 , 02:02 PM
His attempts at defending himself on Twitter tell me that he's actually quite clueless about poker. "I just have good instincts! I am good at live tells! Here's a hand where I lose $40 so I must not be cheating!"
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by js84
Those two losses (6/15, 7/24) are worth watching. I'm not a pro - I consider myself a winning rec. I understand the game enough to win at 5/5, but can't break it down the way others do.

The 6/15 game has the feel of one of those gamble-it-up LATB sessions. Someone named Birthday Girl (or something similar) is winning big, lots of cash flow. Seems more like a drunken home game to me.

The 7/24 session is also odd. He loses his first 1k buy-in (AJ vs AK all-in pre), which is odd, but in the past he's lost and bought in for the highest stack. He only rebuys 1k, then gets into a massive cooler. I think it was a bomb pot, but he lost K7 vs QQ on a KQ77X runout. Then he doesn't rebuy - only session I can remember where he leaves before the end.

Damning evidence? No, just very out of the norm from nearly every other session.
These dates may have been dated Justin was away which would explain a lot.

Also, the hand he does call river and lose, it is possible he knew opponents cards quickly but didnt check suits. Villain could be bluffing or could have it, and he might not have had a chance to double check his crotch.

Either way the guy is clearly doing something untoward, how and who with is what matters now.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:03 PM
I made a spreadsheet with YouTube links for all of Mike's sessions that I could find for 2019. Hopefully somebody will find this useful.


I think sessions 21 and 33 are particularly interesting. In these, Mike's posture and demeanour seem to be much different than what we're used to. For one, he's not staring into his crotch during hands. In fact, he often has phone out over the rail, texting or doing whatever. Coincidentally, these seem to be sessions in which Mike the God doesn't seem quite so God-like. Also, these seem to be some of the very few sessions in which Mike does not triple or quadruple his initial buy-in, and even loses in one of them.

According to my data, Mike's results in the Stone's live streams for 2019 are:
~$250,000 in winnings
Winning in 45/47 sessions

An important caveat to the above totals is that I did not consider rebuys and add-ons for session profit, I simply used ending stack minus starting stack. But let's be honest, the man does not lose many big pots. I think his actual winnings are probably closer to $220,000.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:03 PM
Someone should pay him a visit. I'm in favour of street justice here.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by kep
I'm about to play a super soft game. My strategy is to bluff calling stations in multi way pots. Hopefully I can pick spots where they have nothing every time.
inb4 $900/hr @ 5/10
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:06 PM
The only 2019 sessions he lost were when Justin was in Vegas? LOL
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:07 PM
Has this been posted in the thread yet? Because this is GOLD!!!

Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:07 PM
Having watched a lot of these streams, I am in 2 minds about whether the commentators are in it or not. The god like worship is so cringe, and also 1 or 2 times it looks like they are actually sweating cards as if there is something in it for them. Also the 2 female commentators both have alluded to/made jokes about Mike SuperUsing and I saw this kind of talked down and brushed over. I missed the exact hand now, but there is one where Kasey is saying something like that and the co-commentator just keeps on saying 'MIKE ALWAYS STEPS ON THE GAS' like 4 times.

I however am 100per cent certain that Justin Kuratis is his accomplice. The factt he barely plays and loses when he was in Vegas is so damming. Also implies that it is only a 2 man operation, which kind of makes sense as any more then the stolen money would be diluted so much would it even be worth it.

Also the brash nature of his twitter posts about the allegations is so wishy washy.

I would say that anyone who has played on this game should report this to the police and the relevant gambling commission ASAP.

Justin Kuratis' bank account should certainly be looked into. Giving how these 2 morons have acted, I really wouldn't be shocked if he has been depositing this cash into his bank account as soon as he could. Another thing that the police can look into is their phone records. Maybe they used Signal or Telegram, but hopefully they used SMS and normal phone calls.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by js84
Normally I don't enter myself into these sort of things, and I don't have any sort of social media to post this on, but this one bothered me. I have several friends that have played (and lost) on Stones in Postle games. I hadn't watched many Stones live streams before this - the few I watched were when a friend was playing. I had heard the jokes/rumors about Postle, but I always just brushed them off as he was just some whale/maniac/luck box. I had no idea how often he won big until this.

The chart below is work from me (2019) and a friend (who did the 2018 totals at the bottom). The bottom line?

+$253,300 in 277 hours of play, winning in 62/69 sessions. This was over roughly a year of streams (not sure exactly where they started in 2018).
Sorry, it wouldn't load the picture in the forum properly.

This does not include any mixed games, sit-n-gos, tournaments, etc. There is a possibility I missed a stream or two - if I did it was certainly not intentional.

How did we do this? I won't speak for my friend, but I think we used a similar strategy. Essentially I would open a stream, see if Postle was playing, and look for his earliest listed/visible chip stack. That is his buy-in column. From there, I would fast forward a few minutes at a time.

Any time Postle was in a hand, or his chip stack deviated more than a few hundred dollars, I would look to see why. Sometimes he would win pots. Sometimes he would lose. Sometimes he would add-on - these add-ons were the hardest part, as the camera didn't always show when the chip runner delivering the chips. The match-the-stack element of the game allowed the game to become big quickly. Looking for swings in chip stacks - either Postle's or another players - was reason to look deeper.

In some cases (like the 1/12/2019 game, the one Joey Ingram was livestreaming and commenting on last night) Postle has such a huge chip lead, it was easy to just skip ahead in the stream and watch his chip stack grow. He couldn't add-on (no need to, and he was the stack), and no one was attempting to match him. His chip stack would just keep climbing.

Some streams (like the one above) didn't take long for the reasons I mentioned above - maybe 15 minutes. Others took longer since he was up and down in chips, he added on, or his chip stack jumped but no obvious pot won was found. This was simply a task of looking for deviations in chip stacks and seeing if it was from winning/losing or from something else. After getting the hang of it a few streams in, the process was usually very quick.

Discrepancies: Is this 100% accurate? No, I know this isn't 100% correct. Am I confident it's 95% accurate? Yes. Many streams there was little doubt what was going on. He would buy-in for an amount, win some pots with no major loses, and his final streamed chip stack was recorded. Not much room for error in at least half of these streams, probably more like 2/3 of all streams.

Hours played: This is a rough guess, but I imagine it is still fairly accurate. Basically if the YouTube stream was 4:XX, I listed it as a 4 hour session. Stones has anywhere from 0-20 minute intro, as well as a several minute marbles outro. So a 4:05 stream is probably something like 3:30-3:45, while a 4:55 stream is more like 4:25-4:40. I figure this averaged out in the long run. If you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, add a half hour for each session, but I imagine 277 hours played is pretty close to reality.

Blind Structure: This may be off. I generally used whatever the stream listed. I don't think this is super important because the 1/2/3 (listed as 1/3) usually played more like a 5/5, plus the match-the-stack element of the game made most of them play big. Once I entered this I generally ignored it, so I imagine it's not 100%.

There are several sessions in which strange things happened with the chip stacks (some highlighted in yellow, I started doing this closer to the end of this project). Basically, something odd happened and I never knew 100% what was going on. This could be inconsistent chip counts on screen, money being added-on but not caught on stream, or something like that. A few cases, he would stack a player whose chip stack was listed at $1,000, but the stack on the table was clearly more by several hundred. In these cases, if I was unsure, I always made these out to be chip add-ons. I ALWAYS ERRED ON THE HIGH SIDE, the side that looks better for Postle. If anything, I think his total buy-ins are less than what I have listed. But if you want to give him more benefit of the doubt, add $10-15k to his buy-ins (as well as 30 hours to his play time).

Take this information however you want to. I'm just adding information for those out there looking, and I know people have asked/guessed to his winnings over the past year or so. I'll try to read and answer questions people have.

If your numbers are correct and we play devils advocate... Lets say he has an absurd real high winrate of 50bb/100 .. Due to Straddles lets say the average big blind is 10. According to your spreadsheet he would have a winrate over those 277 hours (30hands/hour) of 300bb/100. Lets ask cashgame variance calculator how likely such a run would be....

For some reason Image posting doesnt work. So here is the link:

So its defintely less likely than 1 in 4 Million(otherwise the last digit would have been rounded from 0 i suppose) even IF HES THE GOD SENT TO EARTH WHO PLAYED LIVE POKER.
In Particle Physics that would already meet the standards of a discovery. Dont know about DNA odds..
Based on the assumption that the stats Js provided are correct.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by HarryKane09
The co-commentator just keeps on saying 'MIKE ALWAYS STEPS ON THE GAS' like 4 times.
Unless the other player has a better hand.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by js84
Those two losses (6/15, 7/24) are worth watching. I'm not a pro - I consider myself a winning rec. I understand the game enough to win at 5/5, but can't break it down the way others do.

The 6/15 game has the feel of one of those gamble-it-up LATB sessions. Someone named Birthday Girl (or something similar) is winning big, lots of cash flow. Seems more like a drunken home game to me.

The 7/24 session is also odd. He loses his first 1k buy-in (AJ vs AK all-in pre), which is odd, but in the past he's lost and bought in for the highest stack. He only rebuys 1k, then gets into a massive cooler. I think it was a bomb pot, but he lost K7 vs QQ on a KQ77X runout. Then he doesn't rebuy - only session I can remember where he leaves before the end.

Damning evidence? No, just very out of the norm from nearly every other session.
maybe he planned on taking a loss that night and wanted to get out as fast as possible and save a little money. maybe he just got tilted the coolers/ bad runouts were unavoidable losses early?
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by gar2garvin

This is from his big losing session, also when Justin is in Las Vegas. Notice how Postle has phone on the table and is not doing his whole look down into crotch maneuver.
He's also wearing his hat backwards during the 6/15 and 7/24 streams where he loses and Justin is in Vegas. Goes back to normal on 7/31 where he wins $10k.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:11 PM
Justin Kuratis also seems he may have a issue with alcohol.

He has a youtube channel Vlogging it.

People who have addictions are more likely to be tempted to do unethical things to gain money.

This could help if anyone is trying to date when Justin was away from the poker room and therefore Postel was unable to superuse.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:12 PM

Another session Postle loses and Justin is confirmed to be in Vegas. I just jumped to a random spot but he has his phone out and is texting. Also his phone seems to be on the table or in view most the session which is almost never the case.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:15 PM
What would everyone consider an appropriate response if you were accused of cheating on stream, and you didn’t?
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by js84

The chart below is work from me (2019) and a friend (who did the 2018 totals at the bottom). The bottom line?

+$253,300 in 277 hours of play, winning in 62/69 sessions. This was over roughly a year of streams (not sure exactly where they started in 2018).
Sorry, it wouldn't load the picture in the forum properly.

Excellent work! Simply outstanding.

🚩🚩 please note that Mike’s (rare) losing sessions came during the summer ONLY when Justin was in Vegas for the WSOP.

Mike, you pissed away your career as a professional poker player for $250,000-$300,000? You have a young daughter. Did you ever consider the implications of getting caught, and how it might affect her?

I hope that you can crush online poker again. You can hide your identity there. The name Mike Postle will FOREVER be known as a cheater. One of the worst poker cheats in history. I hate it for you, but you deserve all the negative consequences that come your way.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
Nope. That is a cheating/trick tool, but it's irrelevant here.
Nope. Similar devices have been used to cheat in chess. Not here.



That would be far too complicated when there is a blindingly obvious method of finding out the hole cards instead.

Again, possible, but unnecessary.

Video feed.

The reason why he takes a few seconds to decipher who has which hand is because he's literally watching the (secret) live stream on his phone, and basically has to memorize 7-8 players' hands quickly and decide on a post-flop plan. (That requires some skill, but I'm sure you can get quite good at it with practice).
It's my understanding that the hole-card graphics for the stream are displayed automatically on the PC used for broadcasting by software connected to the room's RFID system. The equities are also calculated by the software and updated on-the-fly.
The stream might be broadcast on Twitch half an hour later, but all the video footage and graphical overlays go into the broadcaster/director's computer, presumably in a room near the commentators, and is then uploaded to Twitch, right there at almost the same time as hands are being played. (When live streaming, you can set Twitch to only make it generally available later).

From the streaming/broadcast computer, it could also be beamed via Teamviewer (or similar) directly to Postle's phone. He could have set up a remote viewing app on the PC at some point in the past, or he has a co-conspirator in front of the computer monitor who films the screen with his phone for a live video-call direct to Postle's lap. Both these methods introduce a little bit of latency, but having the actual broadcast footage (with holecards displayed) sent to your phone is so much simpler than any other method.

If this is hard to get your head around, just imagine you're streaming online poker on twitch with a 10 minute delay, but there is someone behind you pointing his phone at your monitor while he's on skype with a friend on the other side of the world. That friend would know your holecards a few milliseconds after you do, and almost 10 minutes before Twitch viewers, without a single word being uttered. (This same principle is used by "superusers" for in-play betting on individual points in worldwide tennis matches.)

The scariest thing about this cheating method is that it could be (and probably has been) used by anyone with access to the broadcasting/uploading computer (or the technician monitoring it) at any event that is streamed with RFID holecards up, with or without a delay on the broadcast. It doesn't even matter if the commentators do voiceovers later. The actual live footage with holecards up can be seen by a computer technician (or a poker room manager), and/or sent to a "friend" immediately.

Cliffs: I think he's literally watching the stream (with holecards up) more or less live as it happens, half an hour before it's available to everyone else.
Totally makes sense, I believe even mike himself tried to explain away the phone crotch thing saying he and other players watch the stream. Very misleading but not a lie apparently LOL.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:21 PM
Just finished watching the first part of Joey's investigation... YO THIS FOOL IS CHEATING FOR SURE! AND HIS ACTING IS SO BAD! I know acting, I won several awards back in the day. THIS FOOL COULDN'T LAND AN ACTING CAREER AND NOW HE'S PULLING HIS WEAK ACT ON THE POKER COMMUNITY! This is so sick, this needs to stop!

In his defense he uses his daughter as a prop to gain our sympathy. Yo we dont care about your daughter fool, don't be stealing money from the poker community to support kids you can't afford. Sickest **** i've seen all year. SMH
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by HarryKane09
Having watched a lot of these streams, I am in 2 minds about whether the commentators are in it or not
I am with you on this. The 54 hand is pretty weird though imo. There wasn't too much surprise about the hand in general while it was happening(which is shocking in its own right), but the one commentator says with a little surprise "54!?" like he had just seen the hand for the first time which should be normal but sounded a little strange. Then as the flop was dealt he says the same exact thing with the same inflection, which is strange, because why would he be surprised as if he never saw the hand when he just saw the hand a moment ago? I can maybe rationalize this as the commentator had heard about the hand pre-recording and is overall a bad actor, but they should have tried to act even more shocked imo as that hand is just unreal insane. It almost seemed like they were trying to make it seem less shocking than it actually was, still not sure though, because there was so many insane hands.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by persianpunisher
What would everyone consider an appropriate response if you were accused of cheating on stream, and you didn’t?
I would be more bemused than angry but then again I've never won 220bb/100 over a large sample so I don't really have anything to worry about

Originally Posted by BamaWillBG
Mike, you pissed away your career as a professional poker player for $250,000-$300,000?
almost certainly a +EV decision for him
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by maxrox272
maybe he planned on taking a loss that night and wanted to get out as fast as possible and save a little money. maybe he just got tilted the coolers/ bad runouts were unavoidable losses early?
On it's own it proves nothing. It's just a massive deviation in every other one of his streams. He almost always tends to top-off to the highest stack, and he always plays to the end.

Maybe he was just ill that night. Maybe he had plans, was having an off night, and wanted to leave early.

I'm just looking for anomalies.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Balbomb
It's good that she came forward, but not sure she deserves the accolades she is getting from a lot of people. Her twitter timeline is essentially a big pat on the back for after 100s of hours of watching him play, and I also believe no longer working for the casino, then coming forward with allegations. This is of course after having a custom made "god mode" graphic for the cheater. I understand its difficult for a lot of people to think the worst about someone, but I really believe the commentators deserve some blame for not raising more questions sooner. I certainly would feel that way if I was one of the ones cheated out of money.
Hello sour Balbomb,

If you bothered to look into this before offering your opinion, you would see that she had raised her concerns at the casino, and had them dismissed by the person that is now being accused of colluding with Postle. So she had little choice but to go public if she wanted this aired.

So the fact that she has indeed gone public, even though it reduced her chances of working there again, and any other flak that comes her way, does great credit to her, especially when other commentators and players had identical doubts but kept silent.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:26 PM
honestly, theres very little chance of him being caught. even if law enforcement or gaming commissions get involved, it might be hard to prove at this point. im sure all the evidence has been covered up / destroyed by now. if we really wanted to catch him, it would have had to have been red handed. that said, whats important is the awareness this has brought to the poker community about what he has done and the dangers of rfid on livestream, which is why what Joey and Doug are doing is so ****ing important.

The true test of Mike will be any podcasts he does, if any, and how he does in poker and on stream after this. If he suddenly stops playing, or starts losing massively / changes his style... well thats proof enough in the court of public opinion. being branded a cheat in poker you will not be able to play in any meaningful games and you will be shunned from the community. let him play 1/2 for the rest of his life in florida like that superuser on UB who took Matasow for everything. I think, at minimum, this is Mike's fate in the poker world.

I do hope he goes to jail and has to payback the money he stole but seems like wishful thinking. but his reputation is pretty much ruined unless he continues to crush and proves to actually be the GOAT of all GOATS.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:26 PM
Just contributing to the crotch thing

3:49:05 - standard card check with two people standing behind (its 6d5d, not that hard to remember)
3:49:27 - going for the neck extreme tilt "card check" before the camera cuts away, noones behind
3:50:10 - neck extreme tilt "card check" again

Has anyone noted how frequently/what duration he checks his hole cards? Or is this approach just

Last edited by onehandfold; 10-02-2019 at 02:42 PM.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:27 PM
Also great work to Joey especially for this.

I think it would be helpful if you could do a 30 min video of the most insane hands and try and explain it in a laymen way and then forward it on to the relevant authorities.

BTW I can certainly see live streaming being cracked down on by the gambling authorities now. If these 2 clowns didn't get so greddy and blatant they could have made this last for so much longer, and even if they got caught then have some deniability.

Take the 10 minutes to contact the police, the relevant gambling board and also the higher ups of the casino.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
