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Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen

05-17-2022 , 09:48 AM
1) I've been in the thread for quite awhile
2) Where do I 'defend' any of Dan's actions? I supplied past facts and speculation than go beyond the scope of the tournament .. perhaps you missed 80% of post #267
3) I've offered a personal stereotype of 'furniture salesman' .. perhaps used car sales would be better/worse? In case you're not familiar these are negative 'public' stereotypes' that have been around for a long time.

4) Per Chad Holloway all but two Players were made whole before the FKeeper tournament .. One of them is 'in process' and the other one has been difficult to locate so far.
5) This particular thread is about the MWay tournament, but obviously his past 'endeavors' have followed which only adds to the speculation surrounding how this event failed.
6) I have no issue if your opinion on Dan is 'scum' based on a totality of interaction with/around him. I've heard way more bad than good from within my poker circle.

But as far as this thread is concerned, specifically dealing with the tournament .. where's the scam? A scam needs (presumably) some thought and intent. Where was Dan to 'make out' from the tournament's failure? The only avenue I can see is if he got a cut of the overpriced silver that was sold to the charity.

Was his original payout plan a 'scam'? It was a prohibited shortcut for sure, but a scam needs benefit .. what was his benefit going to be?

The wheels start to fall off when Gaming shows up Saturday looking for the 'prizes', which sends the charity into panic mode and Dan into desperation mode. How things were handled from this point on has plenty of legitimately deserved criticism attached .. you want to call it scummy, go for it, I can't disagree or defend nor will I. But there's still no benefit of a scam, only a debacle of which may finally be remedied.

Here's a new list ..
1) Did the charity lose money in the process? Obviously they are attached to this at Gaming for sure.
2) Were the Dealers paid for their time or 'made whole' yet?
3) Was the hotel paid for use of the rooms and food tab?
4) Were any of the streaming or 'merchandise' suppliers shorted or remain unpaid?

Chad Holloway has not dropped this as of yet. He's staying in touch with the parties involved and hopes to even have Dan take part in a podcast. Although it's very unlikely to change anyone's current opinion of the events I'll probably take the time to listen.

Please don't suggest that I'm defending Dan. You can 'attack' my opinions all you want.
1) I don't see a scam .. I see a debacle
2) I don't see a sham .. Why would someone put the effort into making an event so public just for a one time hit-n-run?
3) I do see someone who left a lot of folks hanging .. and for that you can sling all the mud you want .. GL
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
05-18-2022 , 10:24 PM
Each of the impacted players did message me one by one to let me know they have either been made whole or settled the matter.

I agreed to interview Dan Bekavac after players were repaid to give him an opportunity to share his side of the story and ask him some lingering questions. It was a post-mortum of sorts regarding the Midway Poker Tour.

The interview will be on the PokerNews Podcast this week, as well as in video and article format. We kept it civil, and while I'm sure some out there will be critical or unsatisfied with my interview, a lot of information was shared. Feel free to listen if interested in an update on this story.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
05-18-2022 , 10:41 PM
Feel free to post a link when it is up.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
05-18-2022 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by DISCO_CHAD
Each of the impacted players did message me one by one to let me know they have either been made whole or settled the matter.

I agreed to interview Dan Bekavac after players were repaid to give him an opportunity to share his side of the story and ask him some lingering questions. It was a post-mortum of sorts regarding the Midway Poker Tour.

The interview will be on the PokerNews Podcast this week, as well as in video and article format. We kept it civil, and while I'm sure some out there will be critical or unsatisfied with my interview, a lot of information was shared. Feel free to listen if interested in an update on this story.
Glad finally everything is made right but I'm sorry, it doesn't excuse what Dan did. Imo rather than play $1100 tournaments until he luckily binked a score, all those tournament buyins should have have been used to pay the players. I'll always believe this guy is a scammer. Those players had to wait over 2 years while Bekavac did nothing for them and continued to pony up a grand here, a grand there for poker tournaments. It's a joke.

Again glad the players were finally paid but he's still a POS scammer.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
05-19-2022 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Glad finally everything is made right but I'm sorry, it doesn't excuse what Dan did. Imo rather than play $1100 tournaments until he luckily binked a score, all those tournament buyins should have have been used to pay the players. I'll always believe this guy is a scammer. Those players had to wait over 2 years while Bekavac did nothing for them and continued to pony up a grand here, a grand there for poker tournaments. It's a joke.

Again glad the players were finally paid but he's still a POS scammer.
Apology accepted.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
05-19-2022 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Videopro
Feel free to post a link when it is up.

Here's the link (I hope) .. This is mostly the points as I've been projecting in this thread. There are a few things that are slightly different but it's pretty much 'explained' by Dan himself in the podcast.

I trust that Chad would've fired back as needed had the points Dan was making didn't match up with Chad's actual on-site experience and fact finding throughout the time frame. GL
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
05-20-2022 , 09:26 AM
PokerNews story/article ->

PokerNews Podcast w/ Bekavac interview ->

Same interview in video format ->
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
05-20-2022 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by DISCO_CHAD
PokerNews story/article ->

PokerNews Podcast w/ Bekavac interview ->

Same interview in video format ->
A happy ending in poker for once? Maybe others will follow
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
05-20-2022 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Glad finally everything is made right but I'm sorry, it doesn't excuse what Dan did. Imo rather than play $1100 tournaments until he luckily binked a score, all those tournament buyins should have have been used to pay the players. I'll always believe this guy is a scammer. Those players had to wait over 2 years while Bekavac did nothing for them and continued to pony up a grand here, a grand there for poker tournaments. It's a joke.

Again glad the players were finally paid but he's still a POS scammer.
There will always be scammers. However, this attitude being so pervasive makes it less likely that scammers will do the right thing in the future.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
05-20-2022 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by ravager 102
There will always be scammers. However, this attitude being so pervasive makes it less likely that scammers will do the right thing in the future.
scammers already almost never do the right thing.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
05-20-2022 , 11:44 PM
Dan is a trash bag. He did not want the failure of the tour to fall on him financially. He would have avoided paying the rest of the players, but he wanted to keep playing poker. It would be bad for his image so he had to make players whole. The few players he immediately paid back right after the debacle were people he knew or players who used to play in his club. Thats why certain players from final table were paid out and others were not. I know a couple people who are still owed THOUSANDS because he screwed them over in other ways. They are not in the poker world so he figures he doesnt need to pay them back. Listen to the recent interview with Chad. Dan himself in the interview mentions how Trezak called him a degenerate. He mentions a couple times how Trezak, his right man called him a degenerate.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
05-21-2022 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by Grave Digger
Dan is a trash bag. He did not want the failure of the tour to fall on him financially. He would have avoided paying the rest of the players, but he wanted to keep playing poker. It would be bad for his image so he had to make players whole. The few players he immediately paid back right after the debacle were people he knew or players who used to play in his club. Thats why certain players from final table were paid out and others were not. I know a couple people who are still owed THOUSANDS because he screwed them over in other ways. They are not in the poker world so he figures he doesnt need to pay them back. Listen to the recent interview with Chad. Dan himself in the interview mentions how Trezak called him a degenerate. He mentions a couple times how Trezak, his right man called him a degenerate.
Introduce them to 2p2..

We don’t just protect poker players we’re here for all human rights
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-12-2023 , 04:21 PM
Well, As many of you may know Dan put together his rag tag group of "traveling carnies" and set up shop in Louisville Kentucky operating a "social club" recently. And I was forwarded over this post from a previous dealer he had employed and stiffed.

I have to denounce all ties I have with Club JAQK. The new poker room out on outer loop. As many of you have saw I recently took a dealing job with Club JAQK. I did my best to promote the place. I even went in and worked as much as I could to assist everyone and do what I could with a broken finger, I was told to come in with my broken finger and I would be paid $15/hr for my time worked. Which I worked 40+ hrs which I kept up with myself as there is no sort of time clock I was ever informed of, I was compensated and agreed to just being paid $200 in chips that I could use to play. I did not see it as much of a chance to be paid in full as I had gotten the run around for days when I asked about my pay. From the time I stepped foot in there up until just a few weeks ago I did everything in my power to defend Dan's "Questionable" past. The issue with the charity poker game debacle, issues with staff not getting paid the wages they had originally agreed to. As the kids would say these days I "stood on business" for Dan and the Club. Up until recently. I can no longer "Go to bat" for a club who has not done the same back to me. I will however go to bat for some of the guys who are there pouring their all into the place. However Dan, the owner is not.
As regulars (the few who are left) may have noticed, the security guards who were originally there are no longer showing up for their shifts of security. Currently a young 22yr old (KID) has been there running security on his own. The kid informed me he is related to Dan and is nothing more then a cheap body in a bullet proof vest with a gun and a fake badge. I was informed from two of the secuirty guards I had made friends with before their disapreance they hadn't been paid a dime to them or their company and if things weren't resolved soon they wouldnt be back and the company they worked for would have to reimburse them for their pay, which now we all should put 2 and 2 together and realize why the same security guard is there day after day now and the original security guys have yet to show back up. If you havent had an interaction with Dan yet then let me be the first to tell you what type of guy he is. He continuesly will **** on you if you have nothing to offer him or for him to gain from you. Once my finger healed and I was in there the last time I was told by him and I quote "Ray, you need to get more money just need to get more money" As I took it he was upset that I was not in the cash game and he wasnt profiting another $13 from my hourly fee to play. Which he yelled this across the room infront of what was then 3 full tables of my friends and people I have played this game with for years. After I left a friend of mine messaged me to make sure I was alright and that he even noticed how rude and uncomfortable this made me. I vowed to never step foot back in that place. As if the shadiness to his staff and the people who dealt with day in and day out wasn't already enough. I have heard him talk bad about many people behind their backs. A friend of mine was running the live stream when it first started and once it was time for him to pay him/her what they were owed. They had a disagreement which immediately was met with Dan firing them on the spot via text message after he could not pay him/her what I assume was the correct amount agreed on. That was the reason behind the few weeks of the live stream not being up, not because of "technical difficulties" as stated. I also took a look at the poker live stream setup and opon googling the operating system for the poker stream "pokerGFX" The very first thing that caught my eye were multiple forums stating that pokerGFX was the same operating system Mike Postle was accused of using to cheat during the massive scandal he was involved in. I am not in any shape accusing Club JAQK of using this to their advantage. But anyone with the pokerGFX software and the wifi password the system is operating off could take advantage of this flaw. I am not trying to damage the reputation of Club JAQK, I am CLEARLY being open and honest of my experince with the club in the short time that I have been associated with them. I do not think it is a bad place to play or will I say I think they have cheated anyone or not ran the place fairly. From everything I have witnessed the game is ran in a fair manner. But I cannot say the same for the way things have been managed to the ones employed by the club. I was also promised the same referral program everyone was in the begging that was put to a close once Dan deemed the program "taken advantage of by members randomly grabbing new members off of the street" But in reality Dan could not fork up the overwhelming amount of money oringally promised. I however am not even close to owed the large amounts as other. A very well known dealer and player in this area is owed what he told me "THOUSANDS" of dollars which Dan has told him he would make good on just like the SILVER iron he tried to pull in the big charity debacle which you can read about on your own with just a little bit of googling. I also am not making this post in an effort to thwart anyone from PLAYING with club JAQK but however I would completely warn anyone who was thinking about trying to deal or have any other ties with them other then being a player at the club. It pains me to sit here and have to go public with this information but I find it a lot easier to make just one PSA as it would be to message all of my friends and fellow dealers as well as associates within the poker world in our area. All I am truly saying is be careful what position you allow yourself in when dealing with Dan Bekavac.

Just thought you guys would like an update of Dans newest scam.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-12-2023 , 04:22 PM
Just like Rocco Pace was paid out first and 18k the biggest pay out he had...... Who just happens to be his floor manager at Club JAQK now.... Interesting.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-12-2023 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by ravager 102
There will always be scammers. However, this attitude being so pervasive makes it less likely that scammers will do the right thing in the future.
But is essential to keep others from being scammed in the future.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-12-2023 , 05:19 PM
Who could've seen this coming!?!
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-12-2023 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by TheProdigy93
I see some validity but if **** really hits the fan, I think guns and ammo will have more value than a metal that doesn't really do anything for anyone during a time of complete chaos. I like real estate as a hedge against inflation and usd collapse as it provides cash flow while metals sit there and collect dust. But I'm not opposed to owning some metals, had quite a bit until recently myself.
Guns, ammo, food, energy sources are all more valuable than precious metals upon an immediate collapse. However once things begin to rebuild and supply chains get going, precious metals become the mode of currency until the government (read: banksters) implement another scam fiat system. Real estate is NOT a hedge against USD collapse. If (read: when) USD collapses all hell will break loose. Consider adding the first five words in this paragraph to your hedging system, because if all hell breaks loose, protecting your real estate assets is the absolute last thing on the minds of law enforcement, and real estate assets cannot protect or feed you. Also worth considering that if USD collapses, you still need to pay property tax or it is yoinked from you, which you cannot do with a worthless currency. I understand you are tempted to fall into normalcy bias, which you are free to do, as so many others are also doing, despite the writing being all over the wall, and floor, and ceiling, and sky, and moon, and galaxy
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-14-2023 , 07:43 PM
This was just sent to me from the dealer who I had shared his story from. Dan some how magically got this message to him although he claims the dealer "blocked him" however screen shots don't lie. Very strong and scary stuff from the very big and scary Dan Bekabitch lol

Dan Bekavac

You have mental health issues. Your weak as ****. I personally take time to teach you how to deal. Give you money out of my own pocket to play.

And you can’t take a ****ing joke. Your a little pussy.

Them instead of talking to me like a man, you block me and post **** all day?

And btw nobody hired you or asked you to work the floor. You took it upon yourself to post that you took a position at clib jaqk. Which I was fine with. I needed some dealers, and after taking time to teach you figured you would be ok.

But nobody ever asked you to come in and work the floor. I pay 3 people to do that. Why would I need you? You have no clue what your doing.

And your friend who got fired?? Sheila didn’t work the entire weekend of the ladies event and I still paid her $780 for not working. She expected more from her tip out that she didn’t earn because SHE DIDNT WORK.

But you keep being a sensitive ****ing loser, who spends his time looking me up and posting ****.

I also have screen shots between him and the person Sheila he shorted on pay as well. She has proof he agreed to pay her more and never mentioned to her or argued the fact that she didn't work. There are also screen shots between the dealer and the floor manager asking the said dealer to come in and help work on the floor.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-14-2023 , 09:35 PM
I would love to speak to you regarding the screenshots.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-14-2023 , 10:06 PM
I would also like to know who gave you permission to post about someone else's experience and mention peoples names?
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-14-2023 , 10:37 PM
I firmly believe Dan should be called out, and it should be made public all the scumbag level stuff he's done over the years. I hope he enjoys prison time, cause its bound to happen sooner or later.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-15-2023 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by fionarae13
I would also like to know who gave you permission to post about someone else's experience and mention peoples names?
Exactly. I don't think anyone cares about this high school drama crap anyway.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-15-2023 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by BrickMMA
Exactly. I don't think anyone cares about this high school drama crap anyway.
I bet you would give all the care in the world if you were the one getting scammed or screwed over. I'll take any bet on this.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-15-2023 , 04:55 PM
For sure! Wonder if BrickMMA is one of Dan's fake accounts?
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
12-15-2023 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by fionarae13
For sure! Wonder if BrickMMA is one of Dan's fake accounts?
Wouldn't surprise me at all. Or one of his buddies talking for him.
Midway Poker Tour Shadiness. Possibly k+ in precious metals stolen Quote
