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*** May 2018 High Stakes Thread *** *** May 2018 High Stakes Thread ***

06-01-2018 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
may 2018 - teh month where highstakes online poker officially died
RIO Poker to the rescue!!
06-01-2018 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
may 2018 - teh month where highstakes online poker officially died
The smell of nittiness is in the Maltese air right now...

Last edited by Mixgrill; 06-01-2018 at 08:56 AM.
06-01-2018 , 09:00 AM
used to be similar amount of posts per DAY when Isi was on a run than this month, no one will ever come near to the popularity of him running up $m+ rolls and then annihilating them the same week!
06-01-2018 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by bgy333
used to be similar amount of posts per DAY when Isi was on a run than this month, no one will ever come near to the popularity of him running up $m+ rolls and then annihilating them the same week!
legendary november thread had 27k posts. this thread 200.
06-01-2018 , 10:30 PM
Becker Catches Kurganov in a Bluff
Posted 8 minutes ago ajlamers • Level 4: 2,000-4,000, 4,000 ante SHARE
Igor Kurganov raised to 10,000 in the cutoff and Johannes Becker three-bet to 46,000 from the small blind. Kurganov called and the flop fell {k-Hearts}{10-Spades}{5-Hearts}. Becker led out for 30,000 and Kurganov made the call.

The turn brought the {3-Clubs} and Becker bet another 120,000 which Kurganov still called. The {10-Clubs} paired the board on the river and Becker slowed down with a check this time. Kurganov thought for a minute before announcing a bet of 390,000. Becker wasted little time before placing a couple chips in the pot to signify a call. Kurganov flashed the {a-Spades}{j-Spades} and Becker tabled {k-Clubs}{q-Clubs} for two pair.

With that pot, Becker soared towards the top of the leaderboard while Kurganov was left with under 30,000 chips.

I rem max silver saying the germans played "strange" or some other similar description vs each other, wtf is going on here? chip dump much?
06-02-2018 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by bgy333
Becker Catches Kurganov in a Bluff
Posted 8 minutes ago ajlamers • Level 4: 2,000-4,000, 4,000 ante SHARE
Igor Kurganov raised to 10,000 in the cutoff and Johannes Becker three-bet to 46,000 from the small blind. Kurganov called and the flop fell {k-Hearts}{10-Spades}{5-Hearts}. Becker led out for 30,000 and Kurganov made the call.

The turn brought the {3-Clubs} and Becker bet another 120,000 which Kurganov still called. The {10-Clubs} paired the board on the river and Becker slowed down with a check this time. Kurganov thought for a minute before announcing a bet of 390,000. Becker wasted little time before placing a couple chips in the pot to signify a call. Kurganov flashed the {a-Spades}{j-Spades} and Becker tabled {k-Clubs}{q-Clubs} for two pair.

With that pot, Becker soared towards the top of the leaderboard while Kurganov was left with under 30,000 chips.

I rem max silver saying the germans played "strange" or some other similar description vs each other, wtf is going on here? chip dump much?
You are right, definitely something very strange. And, btw, congrats on starting a great thread yesterday. It did really well.
06-02-2018 , 03:59 AM
New month, new thread.

We are moving to *** June 2018 High Stakes Thread ***.
