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Maurice Hawkins experience at k NLHE WSOP today Maurice Hawkins experience at k NLHE WSOP today

06-17-2014 , 09:32 AM
heh, seems like a bunch of frustrated people half way through the summer that are yet to bink. Although I can't say for certain but I'm pretty sure this type of **** is typical for Maurice. I would have def called the clock on him. OP, was it the same floor person that came over each time? Did you mention to him that MH had already been warned, once and then twice?

Don't think you were in the wrong for anything other than berating the dealer. A lot of the dealers (esp in day 1s) are fresh out of dealer school and pretty inexperienced. It sucks but there isn't much they can do about it.
06-17-2014 , 09:37 AM
OP seems way too sensitive and butthurt. Someone was a dick to you so you write a novel on 2p2? I think if this happened to most people they'd be annoyed for 10 minutes and then move on with their lives.
06-17-2014 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by fslexcduck
So you make a post and describe what Maurice did wrong, mention nothing that Maria did wrong other than bet a hand, and somehow part of this thread turns into denigrating Maria? Maria is an awesome poker player and person and it's really annoying that some f you make certain assumptions based on how she looks and her gender. It really is amazing to me that some people still think there isn't sexism in poker.
You're upset about people getting treated differently based on gender, me too. Safe to assume you're irate that anybody knows the name Melanie Weisner?
06-17-2014 , 09:46 AM
From the PokerNews interview and I assume what Maria has relayed to Vanessa, it sounds like OP may have instigated some unnecessary sexist discussion at the table. Confirm/deny David.

And I found OP in a video: 3:45 in Then go to 5:38 (for the rules or the girls LOL).
06-17-2014 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by madlex

I'm 100% sure if I was in OPs shoes I would have called the clock on Maurice Hawkins every time after exactly 120 seconds.
06-17-2014 , 10:00 AM
Yup. Calling the clock on him at 120 second mark is automatic in this situation, IMO.
06-17-2014 , 10:04 AM
You think Jeopardy is bad try having Gavin Smith and a few other pro's playing guess the flop 2 feet behind you with drinks coming every few minutes and then leaning over my stack as I am about to double up or go home og and this was the BCPC ME and difference was $19k to potential $400k+ I got frustrated made the call with tptk and the dude had a set,,gg me and it really ate me up as I rushed myself with all the shenagins going on...oh and they where already out of the tournament
06-17-2014 , 10:04 AM
Maurice Hawkins is legendary on the South Florida tournament circuit. I think many players would agree that he sets the standard for obnoxious and antagonistic behavior at the poker table. I've always felt that he sees it as a big part of his game. To his credit, he's had some sizable tournament scores in Florida.

I recall one occasion a few years ago where he was being his typical obnoxious self, and the floor, after enduring this behavior over numerous events was ready to take action. Hawkins had launched all of his chips on a bluff in the early going of a freezeout. A young woman on the button, who had been one of his targets, hemmed and hawwed for about 30 seconds before calling. He turned over his bluff, and she then showed the 2nd nut flush and took his chips. He was still mouthing off as he rose from the table. A rent-a-cop came over and tried to lead him away by the elbow, but Hawkins ripped his arm away. That prompted the cop to pull his taser. They moved out of sight behind a partition for a moment. Another cop arrived, and soon after they emerged with Hawkins in handcuffs on his way to jail for disorderly conduct. He got a one year ban from the facility. And it was a $100 tourney.
06-17-2014 , 10:09 AM
Maurice Hawkings confirmed for being a ****ing *******
06-17-2014 , 10:11 AM
If this story is correct, Maria is an angle shooting classless scumbag who is slowing the freaking game down more than it needs to be. Maybe she needs a refresher course in etiquette, and new understanding that in todays world the cameras are always on, and people will report your douchebaggery. Karma's a bitch and can't wait for her story on Pokernews about getting slowrolled in the future.
Maurice has always been a smartass and agitator, it's his MO. It's just the WSOP doesn't have the intestinal fortitide to handle punks like this. How many warnings does one get these days before they're penalized, barred, or cause someone to rip his face off at the table?
06-17-2014 , 10:12 AM
I've literally never heard of Maurice Hawkins before, why is he a big deal?
06-17-2014 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by salesbeast
You think Jeopardy is bad try having Gavin Smith and a few other pro's playing guess the flop 2 feet behind you with drinks coming every few minutes and then leaning over my stack as I am about to double up or go home og and this was the BCPC ME and difference was $19k to potential $400k+ I got frustrated made the call with tptk and the dude had a set,,gg me and it really ate me up as I rushed myself with all the shenagins going on...oh and they where already out of the tournament
Did you ask them to stop or call floor?
06-17-2014 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by kerr
I love it when ppl pull this move. And to get a dealer and floor compound the problem LOL. Of course you were right. She bets, you call, she can show or fold. If I were you, I do nothing, I just wait. If there is actually a rule where the hand must be shown, fine, but muck the other hand first. I would do what you did every day of the week. Although I wouldn't give in as you did.
Maybe this is a B&M question. But if Maria bets, gets called and auto-mucks. Does the player with cards have to table his hand in order to win? Or by virtue of having cards wins without having to show? Or it depends from venue to venue or has to show due to collusion rules?
06-17-2014 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by D_Matthews
So I sign up for the $5k NLHE at Rio today and I draw a table with Maurice Hawkins, who I don't know.. Maria Ho.. who I don't know.. and Melanie Weisner who I don't know.

Well I know them all now. I guess they're really big deals. Like I should care how important and awesome they are or something.

But anyway, Maria likes to raise preflop and bet every street. Or at least she did today.

I had pocket 33. the board came Q7752 (or something like that). I can't remember how the action went but she bet 850 on the river. The pot had 1400 in it, and we each had about 14k behind. (very early in event.)

I want to think about it. I don't like my hand, but I'm not certain she has anything. In fact, she might be betting because it's the only way she can win. Sure it doesn't seem like a lot of chips being only 850 but every decision matters in a tourney, IMO.

About 8 seconds after she makes her bet, Maurice Hawkins rolls his eyes at me (indicating that it's such a small bet I should have auto-called or auto-folded) and then starts loudly singing the Final Jeopardy theme song. This makes it more difficult to think. On top of that, he says, "Call the clock. It's only 850. This is ridiculous. He's had one whole minute to think about it and it's only 850!"

I decide to muck before the floor comes over but I ask for the floor to clarify the situation. I say, "Is it OK for him to sing the Jeopardy theme song while I'm trying to make my decision and is it OK for him to call the clock after only one minute (which he even said HIMSELF it was only a minute! not lying here).

The floor says that it should be at least 2 minutes before a floor is called, and no in no uncertain ways is singing the Jeopardy theme song acceptable while I'm making a river decision.

Maurice tells me before the floor gets there, "You know what? I don't give a damn."

But when the floor gets there he says "My fault. I shouldn't have said that."

He did get a warning for the Jeopardy singing.

Prior to this event, he had dropped the F-Bomb twice. I am not worried about the F-Bomb. Wouldn't have cared, but after this whole thing he said it again so I called the floor. The floor came over. Gave him another warning for dropping F-bomb (which the whole table had heard).


So we play for a while and he gets in a 3-way pot that I'm not involved in and the early position player checks, he bets 3100, player behind him calls, then early position goes all in for 11,000. He had about 28000 then.

I wait for 2 whole minutes (remember he only gave me one Jeopardy-music-filled one minute earlier) and then I call clock. He says "You know you're a little bitch don't you? Yeah that's right you're a little bitch!" He's still in the hand and deciding what to do, but that's what he says to me.

A person with a Boston cap, then leads into me saying I didn't give him enough time, etc. This player had not been there for the earlier stuff. I told him that. Turns out he was close friends with Maurice so it was all a sham.

The floor gives both me and Maurice warnings. I'm thinking that's crazy. He got a warning for Jeopardy music, he got a warning for F-bomb, and he got a warning for calling me a little bitch.

What did I do? I called clock after 2 whole minutes on someone who called clock on me after 1 minute where he was singing Jeopardy the whole time.

So I'm the bad guy or something.

Anyway, there's a clique in poker. Maria Ho and Maurice obviously thought they were both superior to everyone else. They laughed and chided me and thought it was fine to break rules and etiquette because they're just that far superior to the peasants that troll these games like me.

There were a few other people at the table that refused to say a word in the tournament, but on the break they told me I was right on everything I said.

The floor seemed in the tank for Maurice too. They came up smiling to the table and Maurice greased them with hellos and smiles too. Clearly there's clique in tournament poker, and if you're not in it, you're not going to be treated well by the floor.

You are as big a child as him. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that stuff.

He is wrong. But you are just being an *******
06-17-2014 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
Maybe this is a B&M question. But if Maria bets, gets called and auto-mucks. Does the player with cards have to table his hand in order to win? Or by virtue of having cards wins without having to show? Or it depends from venue to venue or has to show due to collusion rules?

Rule 71. Showdown: In a non all-in showdown, if cards are not spontaneously tabled, the Floor People may enforce an order of show. The last aggressive
player on the final betting round (final street) must table first. If there was no bet on the final street, then the player who would be first to act in a
betting round must table first (i.e. first seat left of the button in flop games, high hand showing in stud, low hand showing in razz, etc.) Players not
still in possession of their cards at showdown, or who have mucked face down without tabling their cards, lose any rights or privileges they may
have to ask to see any hand. The winning hand must be shown to claim the pot. If a participant refuses to show their hand and intentionally mucks
his or her hand, the participant in violation will receive a penalty, in accordance with Rules 39, 107 and 108.

Last edited by goobenstein; 06-17-2014 at 10:23 AM. Reason: to bold
06-17-2014 , 10:23 AM
just watch some of the millionaire maker final table live stream replay .I watched this and was wondering who this moron was.What a loud mouth ,I was glad he was the first one to bust out it was hard to watch with him playing
06-17-2014 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by peterc1992
You are as big a child as him. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that stuff.

He is wrong. But you are just being an *******
You should learn quoting etiquette
06-17-2014 , 10:26 AM
If what you say is true OP, you've been hard done by and calling the clock on this guy every hand is completely fine.

However, you called the floor because he dropped an f-bomb? That's just embarrassing, you should be ashamed to look yourself in the mirror every morning. What did you tell the floor? "The bad man in seat four said a naughty word"
06-17-2014 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by kerr
You should learn quoting etiquette

why on earth would you quote that entire long OP? so tilting
06-17-2014 , 10:30 AM
Someone singing the Jep song while you consider your play is trying to get under your skin. Looks like he got the job done. You should know this and be ready to handle it with the casual distain this kind of goofy juvenile behavior deserves. Butts like Hawkins know when they hook someone. Don't bite, laugh in their face.
06-17-2014 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
Someone singing the Jep song while you consider your play is trying to get under your skin. Looks like he got the job done. You should know this and be ready to handle it with the casual distain this kind of goofy juvenile behavior deserves. Butts like Hawkins know when they hook someone. Don't bite, laugh in their face.
So op shouldn't get upset that this guy kind of took away almost all ops time to think about a fairly important decision?
06-17-2014 , 10:38 AM
Don't forget everyone OP is the *******.

Seriously: You did good and I would kinda react the same way (but probably more unreasonable and angrier than you did)
06-17-2014 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by thrasher789
I've literally never heard of Maurice Hawkins before, why is he a big deal?
calling clocks early.
06-17-2014 , 10:39 AM
Take down the 5k OP (if not already busto)
06-17-2014 , 10:46 AM
I'm totally fine with calling clocks on pros who decide to do stupid things vs anyone. I think the whole table should team up on a player like that.

If he was my friend I'd even call the clock on him and let him know quit being a tool or I'll do this until you stop. Friends don't let friends be morons.
