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Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater?

06-20-2023 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Popetman
Good for Kabrhel

I hope he does sue

I mean you can say he's annoying but to falsely accuse him of cheating is the nut low. Dan Smith, etc, should apologise. Alas, like in the Robbie case that never happens. They just get to ruin his reputation and then ignore the facts.

I mean Kabrhel's rep was always rubbish. Because of his antics... to go and 'ruin' it - took some doing. It's sad that the real cheating is those that are bullying him with made up allegations.

The burden of proof is on those accusing him[anyone] of cheating. You can prove cheating, you can't prove innocence. Alas the world and his wife just watches hours of footage and goes... oh at hour x minute y he touched his head... that was clearly him touching a metal contact in his head, that on the friction of being touched works as a bone conductor - that tells him all the players cards. Yawn.

Be nice for Robl to get sued. Otherwise this will keep happening.
You have no idea what you are talking about if you think statements which amount to “in my opinion is he is cheating” creates an actionable case. Did you learn law from watching My Cousin Vinnie?
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by arcdog
You have no idea what you are talking about if you think statements which amount to “in my opinion is he is cheating” creates an actionable case. Did you learn law from watching My Cousin Vinnie?

Err... what?

I never said he would sue. It was reported that he said he will.

And I just said, after him saying that I hope he does.

And ... of course it would depend on what he is suing for... but if it would be damage to his reputation [or what ever it is in legal terms, maybe 'defamatory statement's'] then of course saying "in my opinion" doesn't cover you. If you do damage, and it can be shown from twitter/here/etc that damage has been done, then of course you can be sued.

There is a myth [in the UK] that saying 'allegedly' clears you of being sued. This is largely down to a popular news quiz comedy show. But it's not the word that protects you, as much as the context. If you are saying it in a comedy show, about a public figure, and you are not saying anything that is actionable you will be alright... probably...

But if you start tweeting that some bloke down the street is 'allegedly' a paedo. And that person isn't... then of course they can sue you.

Likewise, here, saying 'in my opinion' doesn't mean you can't be sued. It's just one of the elements that can be protected by free speech. But if you cause damage, as in here, then you are liable for damages if they sue and win.

You can't get off scot free, if you call in fake bomb threats and prefaced the call with, 'in my opinion...' then say 'there is a bomb about to blow up in five minutes at xxx school'

That's just not how it works... 'in my opinion'
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
Every other player was dealt two possible pieces of evidence for a few days and nothing was produced
It's also the case that Kornuth built a chip tower between himself and Kabrel and kept his cards right up against it so as to be hidden from view, whereas Brewer used the palm of his hand to keep the backs of his cards completely covered. And it's the case that Kabrel repeatedly stood up from his chair and contorted to get an angle and vantage point to look at the backs of several players' hole cards. And finally, it's the case that Kabrel repeatedly dug his nails into the backs of certain of his hole cards, while also bending ones repeatedly after looking at them, both before and even after he announced folds.
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by namisgr11
It's also the case that Kornuth built a chip tower between himself and Kabrel and kept his cards right up against it so as to be hidden from view, whereas Brewer used the palm of his hand to keep the backs of his cards completely covered. And it's the case that Kabrel repeatedly stood up from his chair and contorted to get an angle and vantage point to look at the backs of several players' hole cards. And finally, it's the case that Kabrel repeatedly dug his nails into the backs of certain of his hole cards, while also bending ones repeatedly after looking at them, both before and even after he announced folds.
It’s also the case that the WSOP has all of those decks so they have evidence in their possession and have reported that they are doing an investigation. So exactly like the blind lady of Justice holding the scales, I’m waiting to see what comes of it.
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 02:00 PM
Please stop peppering this thread with personal attacks on anyone who raises the possibility that some form of cheating took place. And that includes attacks on any high stakes players such as Andrew Robl or Dan Smith who have opined on the matter.
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 02:17 PM
I think it's irresponsible for Robl or anyone else to be making such broad cheating claims against Kabrhel without real evidence.

However, I'm also pretty sure that Kabrhel couldn't successful sue Robl over his accusations, at least in the United States. It seems likely that Robl at least earnestly believes his accusations, and this will almost always be enough to overcome a US libel claim against a public figure. (I know other countries have looser libel laws, but I'm not sure about their specifics, and have no idea about whether or how such a claim could be brought in another country.)
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 02:24 PM
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 03:25 PM
So while I agree that the video clips of him look like he's marking cards. But my question is this:

If all these pros suspect him of marking cards, why is the only footage I've seen of them calling the floor be when Martin is standing up and violating a rule?

You'd think given how much they despise him that they'd actively look for these marked cards and then call the floor over to report those cards so further investigations can be conducted, but I haven't seen anything like that?
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 04:00 PM
Robl has no problem asking the floor to colour up chips, but decides to wait until interview time to say there's maybe marked cards?

How about telling the floor you want a new deck setup.
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by TampaKn1sh
So while I agree that the video clips of him look like he's marking cards. But my question is this:

If all these pros suspect him of marking cards, why is the only footage I've seen of them calling the floor be when Martin is standing up and violating a rule?

You'd think given how much they despise him that they'd actively look for these marked cards and then call the floor over to report those cards so further investigations can be conducted, but I haven't seen anything like that?
In all likelihood they have been looking for marks and not found anything, hence the silence.
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Kebabkungen
The people who decided he is "pretending to cheat" are internet detective morons who think its illegal to be a bit weird.
So what do you think him digging his nails into the cards and going to ridiculous extremes to see other players cards means? He's just weird?
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by grant2
Robl has no problem asking the floor to colour up chips, but decides to wait until interview time to say there's maybe marked cards?

How about telling the floor you want a new deck setup.
Probably because Kabrhel is digging his nails into the cards and sharply folding them on an inordinate number of hands.
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Baracus
there is nothing subtle about his alleged card marking. he is often using the full length of his arm to reach the middle of the table so everyone can see what he is doing. just like when he is hanging over his opponents cards or leaning in very attention-grabbing positions to observe the "marks". it is either 300 IQ genius to do this to rattle the opponents, 400 IQ super genius to do this while cheating and manage to get away with it during one of the most viewed live streamed events or 30 IQ clueless to attempt to cheat in this way without an advanced plan
i meant subtly enough to where it hasnt caused a giant stink until now with the average person etc., but super obvious enough to other players. The fact he even straddles that line perfectly is genius also. But yea i agree with everything you said
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Kebabkungen
The people who decided he is "pretending to cheat" are internet detective morons who think its illegal to be a bit weird.

lol what? at this point its rather obvious that that isn't even an option. Hes either faking marking cards for the mental game, or insanely stupidly obviously trying to mark cards. If it was just "being weird" the other players all wouldnt come up with the same lie about thinking hes marking cards just because they dont like him lol. Hes obviously doing stuff thats making people think hes marking. Pretty random "weird" quirk to randomly have lol
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by namisgr11
Probably because Kabrhel is digging his nails into the cards and sharply folding them on an inordinate number of hands.
How does that explain accusers' unwillingness to call for a replacement deck?

If they are noticing nail marks & folded cards in the middle of play, shouldn't that make the other players more likely to request fresh cards?
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by grant2
How does that explain accusers' unwillingness to call for a replacement deck?

If they are noticing nail marks & folded cards in the middle of play, shouldn't that make the other players more likely to request fresh cards?
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by TampaKn1sh
So while I agree that the video clips of him look like he's marking cards. But my question is this:

If all these pros suspect him of marking cards, why is the only footage I've seen of them calling the floor be when Martin is standing up and violating a rule?

You'd think given how much they despise him that they'd actively look for these marked cards and then call the floor over to report those cards so further investigations can be conducted, but I haven't seen anything like that?
Its pretty clear its because deep down they know hes more than likely not marking and is just getting in their heads a bit and stuff like that keeps you from getting in the 'zone' mentally.
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Defarse
thank you for clearing that up for me.
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by grant2
Robl has no problem asking the floor to colour up chips, but decides to wait until interview time to say there's maybe marked cards?

How about telling the floor you want a new deck setup.
You're confusing your Smiths and your Robls
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 05:17 PM
I don't think that's how people who mark cards do and act.
the moves aren't there imo.
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 05:53 PM
To be fair they were accusing him at the table and speaking up about it. Surprised no one wanted to stop play to inspect cards he was supposedly looking at. There were several instances of him pointedly looking at someone’s cards… why didn’t they just inspect those or others for marks?
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 06:06 PM
They did.

They had them in front of them.

You really don't think Dan Smith, etc - if they believed the BS story - we not checking the cards all the time.

In fact the only person, on screen/mic to call out a card/ask for a deck change [for a mark on a card] was Kabrhel.

If the cards were being marked - it would have been seen on the screen [I mean players holding on to folded hands/calling floor to look at cards/etc]

The evidence is all stacked up to prove this just didn't happen.

And again - watch the full 9-10 hours and study any of the players - they will all make weird hand moves on one or two folds [that could be interrupted as marking cards]... this is so silly.

In fact, it's more likely DS or one of the others would mark the cards to try and discredit Kabrhel [a 'Jussie Smollet' if you will] - than Kabrhel would have done it.

Anyone who has played WSOP will tell you cards get marked up [as in normal wear and tear] just in use. So, it's perfectly normal for cards to have marks and the like. There was nothing [that has been show so far] that shows there is anything at all to this 'non' story.

But maybe WSOP are taking their time and have some smoking gun. I doubt it - as again - like Robbie, it's just the usual pros all kicking off. I can see why Guy L. quit on them. This is HS pros, in effect cheating by using the no smoke without fire accusations. So, shameful
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 06:09 PM
Kabrhel gonna Kabrhel
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
06-20-2023 , 06:10 PM
Well, unless any evidence comes [and there hasn't actually been any] - and this is all based on lies... good luck to Kabrhel.

Not sure his full statement was in this thread yet:

"On behalf of yesterday situation I feel necessary to speak up," he wrote on Twitter. "@Andrew_Robl yesterday posted on twitter an accusation that I'm marking cards and cheating in poker tournaments. I was shocked by how quickly people took it as true, pure statement with no evidence and started media blizzard in which I am portrayed as cheater.

"You can accuse me of controversial manners, bad jokes, uncomfortable play, or whatever stickers you put on my autistic behavior, you can call me pain in the a-- but calling me a cheater is something completely out of line.

"I am not a cheater, this is not true!! This gossip is damaging me not only as poker player, but also my business activities and my family. That’s why I have decided to take legal action against Andrew Robl, because in such a professional tournament series as WSOP.

"It is very easy to prove such accusations are pure lies. I just can’t believe how easy it's for people to join such accusations just by their personal antipathy towards my person."
Is Martin Kabrhel a High Roller Cheater? Quote
