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Marc Evanier is a scammer and angle shooter Marc Evanier is a scammer and angle shooter

06-27-2021 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bohemianwrapsody
Nothings wrong ive done the same thing.

It was a joke bc you were telling a story that wasnt supposed to be a scam about a scammer and the story still did involve a scam albeit a harmless one.. damn my wife is right im the only one laughing at my jokes
I think your jokes are hilare. I actually looked for a like button on your post but couldn’t find one and then I was too lazy to repost your post and laugh at it but then you posted about your wife making fun of you and I had to write this and I hope this makes you feel better about your jokes. Keep up the good jokes!
06-27-2021 , 09:22 PM
Speaking of scammers, how is there not a thread on 2+2 a mile long about Corbin Avery? That piece of garbage has been scamming people since he was in the womb.
06-27-2021 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by limpnfold88
Well if you're the same Santa I know, then yes we know each other, but the Santa I know doesn't even respond to me when I say hi to him on a elevator, so I'm not sure why you're talking to me here lol.
Because I was 90% sure it was you but Wasn’t sure so now I’ll resume not talking to you.
06-27-2021 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by OjaiDayZ
Because I was 90% sure it was you but Wasn’t sure so now I’ll resume not talking to you.
Lol fair enough.
06-27-2021 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by redrex003
We've dug this up from an old poker group chat.

Reads from bottom to top

Not that this thread doesn't contain enough proof and story's of his doings but here's him himself describing the similar famous angle he's stolen thousands of dollars off people doing, myself included.
Well....would you look at that....

If anyone is confused, this is the format of Facebook messages when you do a mass export of all your data
06-27-2021 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by limpnfold88
Speaking of scammers, how is there not a thread on 2+2 a mile long about Corbin Avery? That piece of garbage has been scamming people since he was in the womb.
If you have evidence to support any claim it would benefit everyone. I don’t know if you do though or if it’s all the 3rd party accounts that I have heard as well. Where there is smoke there is generally fire but we need to all abide by the forum rules (he said as he roots hard for you to have hard evidence lol).
06-27-2021 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Kanedog11
I think your jokes are hilare. I actually looked for a like button on your post but couldn’t find one and then I was too lazy to repost your post and laugh at it but then you posted about your wife making fun of you and I had to write this and I hope this makes you feel better about your jokes. Keep up the good jokes!
100% his wife sees this post
06-27-2021 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by limpnfold88
I'm a dick because I gave him a free place to live with nothing in return, and then stopped once he started to be a privileged little ***** and acted like I owed him something? Well I guess I'm a dick then. Good day sir.
You said you'd help him, showed up a few hours late and when he had the sheer audacity to be a little annoyed at you the next time you didn't show up at all because "how dare he get annoyed at me for being several hours late!"

Guess you're a dick then.
06-27-2021 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
You said you'd help him, showed up a few hours late and when he had the sheer audacity to be a little annoyed at you the next time you didn't show up at all because "how dare he get annoyed at me for being several hours late!"

Guess you're a dick then.
You're an idiot.
06-28-2021 , 12:34 AM
It's been 5+ years since I've been dealt a hand of poker but threads like these are why I'll never leave. Can't make this stuff up. Never change scummy world of poker, never change.
06-28-2021 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by limpnfold88

Lol wut? Did you even read it? I'm not defending him I was embarrassing him. I gave him the rooms for free how did I scam?
You only embarrassed yourself. In the story, you came across way worse than Marc did.

Btw, I've noticed a recurring theme among the main characters in this thread. They all come across as brain dead idiots. It seems that Marc surrounds himself with imbeciles in order to take advantage of their stupidity.

Marc himself doesn't come across as the sharpest tool in the shed, but obviously there are levels of stupidity.

Also, lol at the dude that thought it was a good idea to create an unsolicited post about how he is very good friends with this scumbag.
06-28-2021 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by limpnfold88
I'd like to share a lighter story about Marc that has nothing to do with scamming, but it is both hilarious and embarrassing. Before I ever knew that he was a scumbag, we were friendly with each other until this occurred, and then I realized what an entitled piece of **** he was.

Marc was apparently going through some difficult times at this moment, and reached out to me asking if I had any free rooms at mohegan that he could use. I can't remember the exact details (if I had the screenshots I would post them), but something about his parents kicking him out and at the time he had no where to stay. Being the nice guy that I am, I said I would help him out and check into my 3 free nights a week for him for an entire month. The funny part is that during all of this he was still posting IG stories of 10k stacks at encore and pictures of his boat, appearing to seem wealthy on social media while at the same time he was virtually homeless.

The first few times I checked him in went okay. If you knew me you would know that I'm not the most reliable person in the world, so a couple of times I was a few hours late checking him in. The 2nd time I was late he kind of gave me **** for it, which immediately turned me off in wanting to help him any further. How can you give someone crap for being late when they're literally providing a free place for you to live? He never once even offered to buy me a meal for the gas I used to drive there to check him in every time.

So a few weeks go by, and this time instead of being late to check him in, I just don't show up at all. This was obviously partly my fault for saying I would and not showing up, but it was my room and he was already giving me crap about being late before, so I was annoyed already. He texts me asking where I am, etc. I wish I still had the messages they were so hilarious. I don't remember exactly what he said, but it was something like "I'm gonna be freezing in here sleeping on the floor because of you" lol. Talk about being entitled and privileged. Posting 10k stack pics amd boat pics on IG while simultaneously whining to me that he's gonna be homeless inside a casino for 1 night because of me. That's the exact moment I realized he was a scumbag piece of ****.

Every time I mention him now with a friend, we like to say "Brrr it's cold in here" and immediately the other person knows who we are speaking of. Still makes me laugh to this day.
Good story.

Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
You only embarrassed yourself. In the story, you came across way worse than Marc did.

Btw, I've noticed a recurring theme among the main characters in this thread. They all come across as brain dead idiots. It seems that Marc surrounds himself with imbeciles in order to take advantage of their stupidity.

Marc himself doesn't come across as the sharpest tool in the shed, but obviously there are levels of stupidity.

Also, lol at the dude that thought it was a good idea to create an unsolicited post about how he is very good friends with this scumbag.
I don't think limpnfold embarrassed himself at all or comes across bad at all in the story. I think you guys are missing the main point which is that when limpnfold was late in checking Marc into a free room he gave him siht about it. Worse than being ungrateful is expecting someone's charity or generosity and being a jerk about it. I wouldn't react very magnanimously to that situation either. I probably wouldn't leave Marc hanging I would just tell him to go eff himself then if he gave me crap about being late while going out of my way to help him.
06-28-2021 , 05:16 AM
Marc was going through difficult times and apparently limpnfold88 thought that gave him a license to treat him like ****. If you are going to help someone out then do it, don't half ass it. Making a guy that's going through difficult times wait for you for hours not once but twice, is not ok in any way. Then the third time he didn't let Marc in the room at all and made him sleep on the casino floor. That's way worse than not offering help and is a total dick move.

On top of all that, limpfold88 expected this guy that is going through difficult times to pay for his gas (who is supposed to be helping who out here?) and the moment he realized that Marc is a piece of **** is the moment Marc complained because limpfold88 screwed him over and made him sleep on the casino floor.
06-28-2021 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Marc was going through difficult times and apparently limpnfold88 thought that gave him a license to treat him like ****. If you are going to help someone out then do it, don't half ass it. Making a guy that's going through difficult times wait for you for hours not once but twice, is not ok in any way. Then the third time he didn't let Marc in the room at all and made him sleep on the casino floor. That's way worse than not offering help and is a total dick move.

On top of all that, limpfold88 expected this guy that is going through difficult times to pay for his gas (who is supposed to be helping who out here?) and the moment he realized that Marc is a piece of **** is the moment Marc complained because limpfold88 screwed him over and made him sleep on the casino floor.
Does Marc have no agency here? Beggars can't be choosers. If someone is going to give you a free room don't be a dick about it if they show up late. That's just how I see things. Having slept in my car I have very little sympathy for Marc in that situation. If someone would have been nice enough to me to get me a room for free and they showed up late I might be peeved but I would be so grateful to get a free room that I would just find a way to occupy my time and say thanks whenever they did show up. Also asking someone to give you their free room because you're homeless while simultaneously posting pics of 10k stacks and your baller lifestyle on social media is extremely cringy.

I don't know, I guess we just see things differently but I don't think limpnfold did anything wrong here. He's certainly not obligated to comp Marc his free room right? And after Marc was basically asking for a handout too. Have you ever helped someone out and they acted like Marc did? It's like giving a bum a dollar and him saying "that's all you got for me?"
06-28-2021 , 05:52 AM
He's not obligated to give him a free room, but once they've come to an agreement then he needs to follow through. That means not being late twice, and not screwing him out of the room on the 3rd occasion.
06-28-2021 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Marc was going through difficult times and apparently limpnfold88 thought that gave him a license to treat him like ****. If you are going to help someone out then do it, don't half ass it. Making a guy that's going through difficult times wait for you for hours not once but twice, is not ok in any way. Then the third time he didn't let Marc in the room at all and made him sleep on the casino floor. That's way worse than not offering help and is a total dick move.

On top of all that, limpfold88 expected this guy that is going through difficult times to pay for his gas (who is supposed to be helping who out here?) and the moment he realized that Marc is a piece of **** is the moment Marc complained because limpfold88 screwed him over and made him sleep on the casino floor.
You either didn't read my whole story, or you're a ****ing moron. He sent me texts about how he was going to be shivering on the floor, WHILE simultaneously posting 10k stack pics and boat pics on his IG story. Do you understand yet?
06-28-2021 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Does Marc have no agency here? Beggars can't be choosers. If someone is going to give you a free room don't be a dick about it if they show up late. That's just how I see things. Having slept in my car I have very little sympathy for Marc in that situation. If someone would have been nice enough to me to get me a room for free and they showed up late I might be peeved but I would be so grateful to get a free room that I would just find a way to occupy my time and say thanks whenever they did show up. Also asking someone to give you their free room because you're homeless while simultaneously posting pics of 10k stacks and your baller lifestyle on social media is extremely cringy.

I don't know, I guess we just see things differently but I don't think limpnfold did anything wrong here. He's certainly not obligated to comp Marc his free room right? And after Marc was basically asking for a handout too. Have you ever helped someone out and they acted like Marc did? It's like giving a bum a dollar and him saying "that's all you got for me?"
Oh you reminded me he never ONCE said thank you. He's a spoiled trust fund baby that thinks the world owes him. And now everyone knows what a piece of garbage he is.
06-28-2021 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
He's not obligated to give him a free room, but once they've come to an agreement then he needs to follow through. That means not being late twice, and not screwing him out of the room on the 3rd occasion.
You're either his best friend, him, or just an idiot.
06-28-2021 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by limpnfold88
You either didn't read my whole story, or you're a ****ing moron. He sent me texts about how he was going to be shivering on the floor, WHILE simultaneously posting 10k stack pics and boat pics on his IG story. Do you understand yet?
I'm only going by what you posted. You posted that he was going through difficult times. Now you're acting like it's uncommon for someone that is completely broke to have a $10k stack. It's not.

Originally Posted by limpnfold88
Oh you reminded me he never ONCE said thank you.
"Thank you for making me sleep on the cold casino floor. I really appreciate that. Others had offered me a room but I told them you got me. I guess that's my bad. I should have known better after you screwed me over the previous 2 times. Thanks again. I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve to screw me over the next time I'm going through difficult times."
06-28-2021 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Marc was going through difficult times and apparently limpnfold88 thought that gave him a license to treat him like ****. If you are going to help someone out then do it, don't half ass it. Making a guy that's going through difficult times wait for you for hours not once but twice, is not ok in any way. Then the third time he didn't let Marc in the room at all and made him sleep on the casino floor. That's way worse than not offering help and is a total dick move.

On top of all that, limpfold88 expected this guy that is going through difficult times to pay for his gas (who is supposed to be helping who out here?) and the moment he realized that Marc is a piece of **** is the moment Marc complained because limpfold88 screwed him over and made him sleep on the casino floor.
limpnfold88 admittedly is not the most responsible person as he states in the thread. The point was that Marc wasn’t going through difficult times....he was playing 10/20NL and 25/50NL nosebleed games at Encore and posting images of 20k stacks at the time. It was pure angle to acquire free rooms and nothing to do with any supposed difficult time.

Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I'm only going by what you posted. You posted that he was going through difficult times. Now you're acting like it's uncommon for someone that is completely broke to have a $10k stack. It's not.
It is uncommon for someone this is completely broke to have a $10k stack.

Last edited by RhodyGuy; 06-28-2021 at 08:30 AM.
06-28-2021 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by limpnfold88
Oh you reminded me he never ONCE said thank you. He's a spoiled trust fund baby that thinks the world owes him. And now everyone knows what a piece of garbage he is.
I kind of just assumed based on the story that he was an ungrateful type that wouldn't say thank you but thanks for confirming.

Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I'm only going by what you posted. You posted that he was going through difficult times. Now you're acting like it's uncommon for someone that is completely broke to have a $10k stack. It's not.

"Thank you for making me sleep on the cold casino floor. I really appreciate that. Others had offered me a room but I told them you got me. I guess that's my bad. I should have known better after you screwed me over the previous 2 times. Thanks again. I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve to screw me over the next time I'm going through difficult times."
I don't think you understand, he posted that Marc said he was going thru difficult times. Not that he was going thru difficult times. That's a big distinction. Marc is being manipulative and ungrateful in the story that's told about him. If you have a 10k stack you don't have to sleep on the floor if you don't want to.

Now you're making stuff up about "others had offered me a room" to make a point. Come on man. Marc is not the victim in the story, he's the conman. Using emotion to manipulate someone else to get him a free room. Never saying thank you. Not after limpnfold was late the first and second time but never saying thank you at all.

"The first few times I checked him in went okay."
No thank you. No gratitude expressed.

"If you knew me you would know that I'm not the most reliable person in the world, so a couple of times I was a few hours late checking him in. The 2nd time I was late he kind of gave me **** for it, which immediately turned me off in wanting to help him any further.
How long do you want limpnfold to keep giving free rooms to the ungrateful guy who at the smallest inconvenience, literally being late to give him a free room he acts like a spoiled child and gives the guy crap for it? How is limpnfold at fault here at all? What am I missing? So he was late a couple of times and the guy who he's helping gives him siht and he's supposed to what, keep helping the guy?

Sounds like limpnfold gave an ungrateful scammer a lot of free rooms and when he was late a couple of times in giving the free room the scammer was rude to him about it.

Have you ever really been homeless Dream Crusher? Try to put yourself in Marc's shoes, would you be rude to the person giving you a free room if they were late a couple times in giving you a free place to stay?

Anyways we can all agree this has gotten off topic. Marc pay back the $3800 you owe OP.
06-28-2021 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
I don't think you understand, he posted that Marc said he was going thru difficult times. Not that he was going thru difficult times. That's a big distinction. Marc is being manipulative and ungrateful in the story that's told about him. If you have a 10k stack you don't have to sleep on the floor if you don't want to.
Honestly, it sounds like you are the one that did not read the story carefully. While it would not shock me to hear that this dude would scam someone for a free room, that isn't the story that was presented at all. In fact the story starts pointing out that this was not a scam:

Originally Posted by limpnfold88
I'd like to share a lighter story about Marc that has nothing to do with scamming

Originally Posted by limpnfold88
Marc was apparently going through some difficult times at this moment, and reached out to me asking if I had any free rooms at mohegan that he could use.
This says that he was apparently going through difficult times, not that he just presented himself as going through difficult times (ie a scam).

Originally Posted by limpnfold88
his parents kicking him out and at the time he had no where to stay.
That sounds like someone going through some difficult times.

Originally Posted by limpnfold88
The funny part is that during all of this he was still posting IG stories of 10k stacks at encore and pictures of his boat, appearing to seem wealthy on social media while at the same time he was virtually homeless.
This makes it very clear that he was presenting an untrue image of himself on social media but but was actually practically homeless at the time.

Originally Posted by limpnfold88
If you knew me you would know that I'm not the most reliable person in the world, so a couple of times I was a few hours late checking him in.
Here limpnfold88 admits to being an unreliable person. He is definitely in the wrong for that. Marc's main sin in this story was doing business with a guy that's unreliable. If someone is late/unreliable I won't ever do business with them again. The key difference though is that I'm not desperate. limpnfold88 took advantage of the fact that Marc was desperate and needed a place to stay. If limpnfold88 makes Marc wait for a few hours, nothing bad would come of it for limpnfold88 so why not treat him like trash? One's true character often shows when they are dealing with someone who is very vulnerable and desperate.

Then he tops that off by pulling a completely dick move and then somehow justifies it because Marc had been angry with him the previous two times limpnfold88 treated him like ****:

Originally Posted by limpnfold88
So a few weeks go by, and this time instead of being late to check him in, I just don't show up at all. This was obviously partly my fault for saying I would and not showing up, but it was my room and he was already giving me crap about being late before, so I was annoyed already.

Originally Posted by limpnfold88
That's the exact moment I realized he was a scumbag piece of ****.

Every time I mention him now with a friend, we like to say "Brrr it's cold in here" and immediately the other person knows who we are speaking of. Still makes me laugh to this day.
And yet somehow this story made Marc the scumbag piece of ****. I'm not arguing that Marc isn't a scumbag piece of ****. Remember though, you are the company you keep. It shouldn't surprise anyone that there are multiple scumbags in this story.
06-28-2021 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher

Btw, I've noticed a recurring theme among the main characters in this thread. They all come across as brain dead idiots.
After reading the abortion of your posts on the last couple pages....don't try to grab your jacket and sneak out the back.

TF are you even talking about and why? Fabricating a pointless argument about some side story derails the point of this thread. I hope your time is worth more than that

Let the scammers get their dirty laundry aired out.
06-28-2021 , 09:47 AM
God forbid we present any truth and honesty in this thread. Let's just continue to make misrepresentations because that'll nail this guy just like Mike Postle was nailed when this subforum was able to prove his guilt...oh wait.
06-28-2021 , 09:49 AM
dream wtf are you on bro?
