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Marc Evanier is a scammer and angle shooter Marc Evanier is a scammer and angle shooter

06-23-2021 , 08:51 PM
Hello everyone I'm using an anonymous screen name, ill just start by letting everyone know a little bit about myself. I'm a recreational player who plays 2-5NL and below I work a 9-5 job, I live in the Boston area and met this poker pro named Marc Evanier who invited me to a few different games on some poker apps. I politely declined Marc at first then the pandemic hit and I started playing in some of his clubs because the casinos were closed. Marc had some pretty decent games and I also got some of my friends into his clubs. Marc made me and my buddies post each week and he would pay us out or meet for money once a week and it was very simple and trusting relationship. Everything was very friendly and I understand there is rake taken from the hosts of the clubs after losing quite a bit I contacted Marc about getting some type of rake back as I had heard other players in poker circles that told me this was standard.
Marc told me that none of the clubs gave any rake back and he was getting only 5% for his efforts even thou I posted prior to playing and bringing him some of my friends on top of losing a ton of money.

Marc had me in a Florida club who I don't want to get into any trouble so will name him host X but after asking Host X about rake back told then told me the truth of Marcs business deals. Marc was getting some where around 50-75% of his players rake. This pissing me off I confronted Marc again as Marc had assured me that Host X got all the rake and he got his small 5% and Marc lost his **** and told me if I talked to another host he would hold the money I was posting.
After talking with host x he told me Marc had a very poor relationship with many other club owners and players and constantly broke deals. Marc because I found out about his rake deals withheld a large amount of money that me and some of my friends would post each week and now is refusing to pay as he has been excluded from doing any business with these Florida poker clubs for similar matters.

I don't really know what I did wrong other then ask my agent for the truth about rake. If he refused to give me any rake I would have chosen to quit playing and find another game. Ive contacted the police and don't think much will happen because its basically illegal on both our parts but basically just wanted to let people know about this guy has well known in the Boston Area poker networks. Host X told me that this kid made some where around half a million dollars in rake back with all the people he had playing in different games, apparently as I've talked and met some of these other players he did this same type of scam. Stay away from poker clubs if you don't trust the hosts, guess this is just a lesson learned even if your host made millions they will still scam you for the 3k you posted with them because you asked a club owner what the rake situation was.

here's a news article of him playing in Foxwoods from a couple years back where i met him
06-23-2021 , 09:07 PM
I didn’t read all this but isn’t Pokerrrr2 a play money app?
06-23-2021 , 10:52 PM
This has to be a troll there's no way you called the police because you got denied trying to negotiate a rakeback deal in a club you were already in, I refuse to believe anyone can be this absurd of a human being.
Rakeback deals are discussed prior to joining a club that's just how that works, if you find out you're getting screwed you find a new agent/club and move on.
06-23-2021 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by TPeck
This has to be a troll there's no way you called the police because you got denied trying to negotiate a rakeback deal in a club you were already in, I refuse to believe anyone can be this absurd of a human being.
Rakeback deals are discussed prior to joining a club that's just how that works, if you find out you're getting screwed you find a new agent/club and move on.
He doesn’t write very well, but I believe Marc kept/stole the money OP was posting, and that’s why he went to the cops.

Pretty ******ed to think he’d go to the cops because he didn’t get rake back.
06-23-2021 , 11:21 PM
As I mentioned Marc first told us he couldnt offer any rake back because he was getting only 5% of our rake. When the Owner of a club we contacted told us he was getting 50-75% of various players we confronted him again asking for a piece back, Marc then got upset that we "went behind his back" and is withholding me and some of my friends money we had posted for playing, we never received any rake back and were robbed of money we posted.

Essentially I didn't understand that they were even raking the games, after learning about it and losing a bunch of money I talked with other players who were getting rake back deals. Marc told me that the Owner/Host kept all the rake and he got 5% from each player he brought so there was no rake back. Ive never played online in any clubs or understood how it worked I thought it was just a bunch of guys playing poker and found out they were raking 2-5K dollars a night in some of these games. Marc never mentioned to me anything about the rake and when I did ask he lied and then got upset we asked the Owner of one of the clubs he had us in about the rake. He never gave us any rake back which was fine but for screwing up his relationship with this owner I guess he felt it was necessary to withhold the money we had posted playing which is around 3800$.

Last edited by bostonpoker1; 06-23-2021 at 11:28 PM.
06-24-2021 , 12:39 AM
We talked with a police officer off the record and he recommended us going to small claims court and that if we had text messages we could have a case, I dont know the legality of everything id rather him just see this and him pay me and never speak to the ****twat again.
06-24-2021 , 01:58 AM
Played with Marc quite a few times in Boston. Didn't take him to be such a scummy person as he was always trying to get along with other players. Hope OP gets his money back now this is in the open
06-24-2021 , 02:00 AM
Sorry, what does this have to do with Pokerrr2?
06-24-2021 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
Sorry, what does this have to do with Pokerrr2?
Agreed. Accidental clickbait title? GL resolving this.
06-24-2021 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by bostonpoker1
Stay away from poker clubs
06-24-2021 , 08:09 AM
Sucks but there is a lot of inherent risk when dealing with pokerclubs on these pokersites. Thanks for letting us know that Marc is scum though.
06-24-2021 , 10:42 PM
Hey moe is that you?!?!?!
This sounds like a guy that owes Marc some money from the club, I'm part of these clubs and have been since the pandemic started, besides the high rake ( for online), these are probably the cleanest most legit app games you can find, the owners do a very good job of keeping the integrity of the game, and the rake/tips are always straightforward and discussed before hand. It basically sounds like your mad you didn't get free rakeback you never negotiated?
06-24-2021 , 10:43 PM
It’s so funny that people do this to agents. I have played in Marc’s clubs for over a year and have had nothing but professionalism and transparency regarding poker tips etc. I heard about a situation where a player lost a lot and used not receiving enough compensation to burn him so I assume it’s the same person.

Amazing how someone can post hiding behind anonymity to try to ruin the reputation of one of the good ones.

I personally don’t think he made anywhere close to that. But his deals between owners are his business even though he’s happily shared them with me.

I’m sorry there will be some who believe this crap. But it’s weird bc I am still a player in his Florida clubs and the games are amazing.
06-24-2021 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by RangeCheck
Played with Marc quite a few times in Boston. Didn't take him to be such a scummy person as he was always trying to get along with other players. Hope OP gets his money back now this is in the open
I would trust your gut and your own perception of him. Not some jealous ******* who won’t even say who he is who probably owes him a lot of money.
06-24-2021 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by bostonpoker1
As I mentioned Marc first told us he couldnt offer any rake back because he was getting only 5% of our rake. When the Owner of a club we contacted told us he was getting 50-75% of various players we confronted him again asking for a piece back, Marc then got upset that we "went behind his back" and is withholding me and some of my friends money we had posted for playing, we never received any rake back and were robbed of money we posted.

Essentially I didn't understand that they were even raking the games, after learning about it and losing a bunch of money I talked with other players who were getting rake back deals. Marc told me that the Owner/Host kept all the rake and he got 5% from each player he brought so there was no rake back. Ive never played online in any clubs or understood how it worked I thought it was just a bunch of guys playing poker and found out they were raking 2-5K dollars a night in some of these games. Marc never mentioned to me anything about the rake and when I did ask he lied and then got upset we asked the Owner of one of the clubs he had us in about the rake. He never gave us any rake back which was fine but for screwing up his relationship with this owner I guess he felt it was necessary to withhold the money we had posted playing which is around 3800$.

Lol this doesn’t make any sense….can you provide any proof of what you are saying?
06-24-2021 , 10:58 PM
Wow slandering someone without any proof of anything. I know Marc personally….he’s never ran a game in his life. Just gets some players on and does well as a pro. Obviously any idiot knows they compensate him for it.

I’ve played in the clubs too. They protect the games….it’s a 1k buy in with a 5 dollar tip box as they call it on pokerrrr2. Always been professional and cashed out 5 figs many times.
06-24-2021 , 11:00 PM
If the guy has such a poor relationship….how does he have relationships in all these clubs he was able to get you in? ��
06-25-2021 , 01:52 AM
lol at the new accounts "he hasn't cheated me it's impossible he cheated someone else". Obv OPs word isn't gospel but it holds more weight than these newly created accounts
06-25-2021 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Balbomb
lol at the new accounts "he hasn't cheated me it's impossible he cheated someone else". Obv OPs word isn't gospel but it holds more weight than these newly created accounts
Sorry I’ve never felt the need to post and never even heard of this forum til a friend told me. When was the original anonymous post account created? Yesterday?

Story doesn’t make any sense to me. That’s all I’ll say. I’d be shocked if any of it were true and it seems like plenty of older accounts responded also.

If the guy is making “half a million” like the post says….he’s clearly doing something right…why would he risk it for a few K.

If it’s real….he should post his name so we can ask him or Marc about it. Maybe show some evidence?
06-25-2021 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by Jworld
Sorry I’ve never felt the need to post and never even heard of this forum til a friend told me. When was the original anonymous post account created? Yesterday?

Story doesn’t make any sense to me. That’s all I’ll say. I’d be shocked if any of it were true and it seems like plenty of older accounts responded also.

If the guy is making “half a million” like the post says….he’s clearly doing something right…why would he risk it for a few K.

If it’s real….he should post his name so we can ask him or Marc about it. Maybe show some evidence?
That is true. he could show evidence.
06-25-2021 , 04:34 AM
It’s just a bunch of new accounts complaining about a seemingly personal issue when they also seemingly know each other so why are they hashing it out here where nobody else cares?

Just text each other or something.
06-25-2021 , 08:34 AM
these accounts all seem to be clowns, likely the same person.
06-25-2021 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by Jworld
It’s so funny that people do this to agents. I have played in Marc’s clubs for over a year and have had nothing but professionalism and transparency regarding poker tips etc. I heard about a situation where a player lost a lot and used not receiving enough compensation to burn him so I assume it’s the same person.

Amazing how someone can post hiding behind anonymity to try to ruin the reputation of one of the good ones.

I personally don’t think he made anywhere close to that. But his deals between owners are his business even though he’s happily shared them with me.

I’m sorry there will be some who believe this crap. But it’s weird bc I am still a player in his Florida clubs and the games are amazing.
Love the irony.
06-25-2021 , 11:40 AM
Our general policy about threads like this is pretty simple:
- You can't use an anonymous account to accuse somebody using their full name and information
- You need to provide evidence to support your accusations. In your case you could give us information about the police report you filed and the incriminating text messages

Without that information we have to take the thread down. Thank you.
06-25-2021 , 01:07 PM
Just wanted to post some info to clarify for some people about Pokerrr2 and what it is as I have played in these games/clubs. Facebook groups seem to be popular for this app to attract players too but Pokerrr2 is a play money app, that is correct. People create clubs/host games on there and collect real money off of the app. The app allows you to set rake so money is taken every single hand. At the end of play, you can export the game into a spreadsheet and it shows how much each player won or lost. The players do not see the total amount of rake taken when the game is over. Host then just pays players out outside of the app and keeps the rake/tips. I know people making 6-7 figures a year hosting and running games on there. It is 100% a trust issue that the host is collecting money from players and if they are letting players play on credit, you better hope the host pays you out and goes after the other players for the money. It is not inconceivable at all for a host to threaten to keep money since there is really no recourse to get it back after you sent it to get in the game. Sounds like this is what happened.

I dont know anyone involved in the story, just posting a bit of background from my experience as Ive played in these games and seen some hosting screenshots.
