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Landon Tice lays 9bb to Perkins: HU challenge Landon Tice lays 9bb to Perkins: HU challenge

07-08-2021 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Outoftime44444
Landon effectively played $5-$10 while Bill played like $400-$800 or something they said in podcast. Was an opportunity Landon missed.

Landon did say stuff like "i'm a child of the sim," wrote all over his blog how his goal is to get famous, etc, etc. So people saying that Landon did not bring this on himself are not informed.

Also interesting in Doug Polk's podcast is Doug's most frequent opponent over last year besides DNegs was Perkins.... Landon's team greatly underestimated Perkins.
What a stupid thing to say. It just goes to show how ignorant people are to the true value of billionaires. Even if Landon had a million dollars liquid he would still need to have A THOUSAND times more to be playing at the same stakes as bill.

So 5/10 would be more like 5,000/10,000 but bill was playing 400/800. Lol
07-08-2021 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by NewAcctIsBest
What a stupid thing to say. It just goes to show how ignorant people are to the true value of billionaires. Even if Landon had a million dollars liquid he would still need to have A THOUSAND times more to be playing at the same stakes as bill.

So 5/10 would be more like 5,000/10,000 but bill was playing 400/800. Lol
He meant the effective action for each player while they were playing during the bet itself. Landon sold massive % of himself (rumored to be 90%+) and therefore was effectively playing $5/$10 for himself while Perkins had actually crossbooked action to make it even bigger than the stakes they were playing in the challenge
07-08-2021 , 02:13 AM
I think one thing people are underestimating is the value that Landon threw away when it comes to coaching. Think about how much average midstakes grinders would put up to have a team with clickr and Krab together evaluating their play for 3 months+. I am sure that number would dwarf whatever he lost in the challenge.

When people come out to defend Landon, it's not simply that we are attacking his annoying online persona that most of his generation have, it's throwing away an opportunity to leapfrog stakes and years of knowledge without putting any of the work in that most online grinders simply accept as part of the job.

I am sure in the end he will make plenty of money in live games because of his connections and tournies because lol donkaments but he is not cut out for playing online cash.
07-08-2021 , 02:30 AM
According to the Polk interview with Krab, clickr & the other swedish coach came on two weeks before the challenge started as coaches. Seemed like rather poor timing from team Landon. I suppose the thought process was to have people who actually play these games currently on to review actual gameplay instead of Krab who hasn't played hu nl professionally for at least 3 years. I don't even know how one could coach someone in two weeks time for a game as complex as hu nl.

If anything I think the team of Landon should be getting more flack than just Landon himself. Landon likely just continued his previous routine of playing and then studying interesting spots which could have worked out if Landon pushed himself to play vigorously vs. all comers or was forced to do so by people who had 90-95% of his action. Instead it worked out this haphazard way instead of systematic decision tree study which I imagine some/most of the backers should and likely already have implemented themselves previously.

Last edited by PerDoom; 07-08-2021 at 02:37 AM.
07-08-2021 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by PerDoom
According to the Polk interview with Krab, clickr & the other swedish coach came on two weeks before the challenge started as coaches. Seemed like rather poor timing from team Landon. I suppose the thought process was to have people who actually play these games currently on to review actual gameplay instead of Krab who hasn't played hu nl professionally for at least 3 years. I don't even know how one could coach someone in two weeks time for a game as complex as hu nl.

If anything I think the team of Landon should be getting more flack than just Landon himself. Landon likely just continued his previous routine of playing and then studying interesting spots which could have worked out if Landon pushed himself to play vigorously vs. all comers or was forced to do so by people who had 90-95% of his action. Instead it worked out this haphazard way instead of systematic decision tree study which I imagine some/most of the backers should and likely already have implemented themselves previously.
yeah, langden should've done more mirror selfies
07-08-2021 , 02:48 AM
07-08-2021 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by Marni Tice

Through knowing Bill’s prolific history in the “poker-sphere” as someone who enjoys playing poker strictly for the fun of the game, but wasn’t a professional and wasn’t spending time and energy keeping up with the latest software that pros use to improve and study. Additionally, even if he had the access to solvers and other things necessary to improve his game, his work ethic would be questioned on, “How hard will he actually try, considering he’s getting paid $720k to play 20,000 hands of poker
07-08-2021 , 02:57 AM
Has anybody seen Joey? Asking for a friend, not me. or Landon

07-08-2021 , 03:00 AM
Hardon got torn up in Doug's pod.
07-08-2021 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by Outoftime44444
at least shes supporting, 90% of poker players parents are still telling their kids to go to college.
07-08-2021 , 03:34 AM
When u sell so much action that u have to stop the challenge when ur buyers dont think its a freeroll anymore so they can cashout rofl.

How can they be sure no one was telling bp live through headphones how to play? its so easy to cheat in these challenges
07-08-2021 , 03:41 AM
I totally understand speculating and people giving opinions on what they think of this ordeal ( which are mostly far from the reality of it all ), but the personal turn that this thread took is beyond out of line and flat out embarrassing. I cant believe the lack of moderating tbh.

Landon is a really good kid, and legitimately wants good things for people in general, especially this frequently garbage industry/community. He's young and gonna **** up a ton, sure. There were many missteps throughout this ordeal, and he's already dealing with the ramifications of all of them. People piling on with with personal remarks is so uncalled for and disturbing/revolting.
07-08-2021 , 03:56 AM
you know I will give landon one one point him and joey were making poker vids about doug polk. today, doug polk made a video on landon. that's a pretty sick ****ing uno reverse
07-08-2021 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by oscillator
I totally understand speculating and people giving opinions on what they think of this ordeal ( which are mostly far from the reality of it all ), but the personal turn that this thread took is beyond out of line and flat out embarrassing. I cant believe the lack of moderating tbh.

Landon is a really good kid, and legitimately wants good things for people in general, especially this frequently garbage industry/community. He's young and gonna **** up a ton, sure. There were many missteps throughout this ordeal, and he's already dealing with the ramifications of all of them. People piling on with with personal remarks is so uncalled for and disturbing/revolting.
I’m seeing the young card thrown out on many posts. I’m just curious at what age can we stop saying someone is young? I understand he’s a 22 year old young “adult” meaning he can legally do everything an adult does. Does he get a pass at 30 or is that too old? I don’t think he should be bashed but I also don’t think he just gets a free pass either. He wanted this exposure. The new age wants fame before results. He would have been all over social media gloating if he would have won this without a doubt. This is probably the best thing for him in all honesty
07-08-2021 , 04:22 AM
There's a ton of blame to be passed around.

Solve4Y for hyping up a kid who doesn't know any better and then putting him in a pokeroutloud line up with 5 mouth breathers who have no clue what they are doing so he looks good.

Joey Ingram for crowning Landon a 21 yr old a prodigy when his toughest competition is bad live regs in vegas.

Landon for believing all the hype.

I think people were happy he failed because he had all these opportunities that most grinders aren't afforded. He had access to a top 5 HU player in the world, got staked to play nosebleeds and got all this exposure without earning anything.

Then had the arrogance to lay 9bb/100 to a rich rec because why not.

I do feel bad for Landon because he was naive and definitely was used in this situation. But you also can't go around claiming to be a prodigy when your toughest competition is a bunch of live players.

As far as Doug being a bully, well he's not wrong. He backs up his talk even if he is the world's biggest flake.
07-08-2021 , 05:56 AM
Would love to see Doug Polk on a competitive show where you have to convince people you’re a good person to move on. Like adopting animals or a dating show
07-08-2021 , 06:22 AM
the age thing is w/e, it just might explain some of the things that landon might regret doing or saying.

i didn't really follow any of the social media stuff tbh but it seems things like taking shots at landon's arrogance, poker ability and lack of effort in the challenge are somewhat fair game.

personal insults towards his sexuality and autism (which are purely speculative, irrelevant and not negative personality traits) - as well as to his mother - go, very obviously, way over the line.
07-08-2021 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by auralex14
Landon’s ‘backers’ were a group of parasites that thought they could fleece Perkins for a few hundred thousand. When it wasn’t handed to them in a silver platter they decided to drop their horse and feed him to the vultures (us).
07-08-2021 , 07:54 AM
The real idiots in this whole sh%t show are his backers who thought Perkins would be an easy target.

Has Berkey made any statement ?
07-08-2021 , 09:36 AM
Wow I missed this ? Who will pay for this 1 ?? OOPS - the match vs Rob Hall
07-08-2021 , 09:43 AM
That would be weird if Joey became Landons step dad.
07-08-2021 , 10:16 AM
snowie and p0kercasual are my favorite trolls on this site
07-08-2021 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Itachi1234
im so dissapointed in this twoplustwo forum, i cant believe people think bill perkins has any chance vs any kind of poker regular at hu

Hello???? wake up people bill is a casual he is losing a ton at 6 max, casuals like these at hu are losing like 20-30bb min easy, 9bb is exactly nothing. complete hustle from landon cant believe no one is waking bill up lol but i guess his ego is too big.

Anyway i have zero belief that bill is gonna ever finish this challenge lol hes gonna get so bored after 4k hands when he sees hes down over 10 buyins.
After reading posts like this, not calling anyone out. There was many just like it, BUT it fired me up to throw a few dollars on Perky to win. and guess what??? LOL
07-08-2021 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Marni Tice
Has anybody seen Joey? Asking for a friend, not me. or Landon

Labbing up some new techs in the Batcave🍿🍿🍿
07-08-2021 , 11:00 AM
Why are people saying his backers should take a lot of the blame as if they thought Perkins was going to be an easy mark. From what has been said it was Landon who negotiated the match and the 9bb/100 without consulting anyone first. Then the S4Y crew literally had to beg people to take on action. From drugs podcast it also sounds like some of his coaches had to sell some of their action when they saw how Landon was performing in training.
