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Known Sex Offender in Tournaments Known Sex Offender in Tournaments

09-06-2011 , 02:05 AM
While I find what this man did to be disgusting, despicable, reprehensible and inexcusable, I don't see why it's relevant at a poker table. He has every right to be there and that's how it should be.

You certainly don't have to respect him as a person and I most definitely do not, but I respect his right to be there.
09-06-2011 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by GEAUX UL
Thank you OP for protecting all of us poker players, who are 21+ and 95% male, from a child molester.

NP hope you one day you can shake his hand! In fact, during a dinner break at tournament have dinner with him and introduce him to your kids.
09-06-2011 , 02:07 AM
Someone needs to wear a Pedobear outfit at his table.
09-06-2011 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by aura
If he had stolen a thousand bucks from the poker community, this place would be up in arms and making scum and/or photoshop threads about him.
There's a big difference. Poker is a self policing game. If someone cheats at cards the poker community has to take action to prevent him from doing it again. They have to put his name out there to protect others from the cheater and hopefully create an incentive for him and others to never cheat again.

In the case of the scumbag child molester he did his time. And the people who need to know he is a child molester (parents, schools, etc.) know about it.

There is no need to smear someone's reputation for no productive reason. That's what you did and that's why you got the backlash.
09-06-2011 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Yaksha
What's more important - intelligent discourse or false dichotomies? :|

The legal system is there to protect you and your rights. If you feel like he's infringing on your rights, then report him to the relevant authorities and go from there.

There's nothing wrong with him looking to play some cards. Looking to punish people who have already had their crimes judged/sentenced through the system is misguided, counter-productive and immoral. But sure, write it off as "just a few bucks" if that's easier for you to argue against.
Did you read my post two above yours (#21)?

I think you should.
09-06-2011 , 02:10 AM
not unheard of for 15 year olds to show fake ids.......... given the "child" wouldn't testify why are we assuming this wasn't consensual?

think this thread is out of line without more details (which you don't have).
09-06-2011 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by GEAUX UL
There's a big difference. Poker is a self policing game. If someone cheats at cards the poker community has to take action to prevent him from doing it again. They have to put his name out there to protect others from the cheater and hopefully create an incentive for him and others to never cheat again.

In the case of the scumbag child molester he did his time. And the people who need to know he is a child molester (parents, schools, etc.) know about it.

There is no need to smear someone's reputation for no productive reason. That's what you did and that's why you got the backlash.
Stating facts that are public record is not "smearing someone's reputation" -- it's simply informing people of a truth about this man that they may not be aware of.
09-06-2011 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by GEAUX UL
There is no need to smear someone's reputation for no productive reason. That's what you did and that's why you got the backlash.
aura wasn't the OP, btw.
09-06-2011 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by RelaxedPrecision
Dunno if you ever got my "thanks for the sushi message" Randy, but thanks a lot for the sushi. One of the best meals I've ever had.

As for this topic, not really sure what to think.
Your very welcome Jared! Hope all is well
He has every right to play wherever he wants. I feel I have a duty to warn players about this sex offender who preys on kids. It is players choice if they want to play with him in same tournament or table game-no pun intended.
09-06-2011 , 02:12 AM
I played with this guy!! haha

played cash with him, he's pretty spewy and bad lol.

There was some black guy who had told me that this guy was a child molester after I had been sitting for a little. The black guy, I think he was from Africa, really had it out for this guy, was constantly talking **** to him. But, it seemed like everyone knew that he was a child molester.

Never thought there would be a thread dedicated to him, Lol.
09-06-2011 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Yaksha
The legal system is there to protect you and your rights. If you feel like he's infringing on your rights, then report him to the relevant authorities and go from there.

There's nothing wrong with him looking to play some cards. Looking to punish people who have already had their crimes judged/sentenced through the system is misguided, counter-productive and immoral.
09-06-2011 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Sh@i'tan
not unheard of for 15 year olds to show fake ids.......... given the "child" wouldn't testify why are we assuming this wasn't consensual?

think this thread is out of line without more details (which you don't have).
I have and very easy to look up. Go to Riverside County Ca. Court of Clerks and look it up with details
09-06-2011 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by moki
Stating facts that are public record is not "smearing someone's reputation" -- it's simply informing people of a truth about this man that they may not be aware of.
Umm, damage to ones' reputation is independent of whether it's factual or not. The motive of the OP is explicitly to lynch him out of the poker world. That's completely unfair, and his reputation (which may or may not be presently representative of who he is as a person) would certainly be tarnished.
09-06-2011 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Sh@i'tan
not unheard of for 15 year olds to show fake ids.......... given the "child" wouldn't testify why are we assuming this wasn't consensual?

think this thread is out of line without more details (which you don't have).
That's simply for the more recent charges. He was convicted and did time for the counts I enumerated. Did you read the OP's links?
09-06-2011 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by randyd501
I have and very easy to look up. Go to Riverside County Ca. Court of Clerks and look it up with details
post the details?
09-06-2011 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by randyd501
NP hope you one day you can shake his hand! In fact, during a dinner break at tournament have dinner with him and introduce him to your kids.
Way to refute my comment with a well thought out and constructive reply. You're a masterdebater!!!!
09-06-2011 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by GEAUX UL
There's a big difference. Poker is a self policing game. If someone cheats at cards the poker community has to take action to prevent him from doing it again. They have to put his name out there to protect others from the cheater and hopefully create an incentive for him and others to never cheat again.

In the case of the scumbag child molester he did his time. And the people who need to know he is a child molester (parents, schools, etc.) know about it.

There is no need to smear someone's reputation for no productive reason. That's what you did and that's why you got the backlash.

I wasn't the OP.

I was only saying that it's perfectly fine for the OP to tell us what this guy did.

The backlash I've gotten is because I wondered out loud why the responses itt were so tolerant of his offenses.

Again, I'll reiterate for those who have trouble understanding me... it's okay for that child molester to play in tourneys, but it's also okay for the OP to out him. It's a matter of public record, and he deserves the attention he gets imo.
09-06-2011 , 02:18 AM
NVG never ceases to amaze me.
09-06-2011 , 02:19 AM
Isn't lilholdem convicted of sexual battery or something?
09-06-2011 , 02:21 AM
Kinda funny that if someone is caught cheating at poker they will be outcast for life.

But when someone rapes kids, well thats just fine then...
09-06-2011 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by randyd501
I feel I have a duty to warn players about this sex offender who preys on kids.
You have a duty to warn parents and children about a guy who preys on children.

You DO NOT have a duty to warn random poker players about a guy who preys on children.

Really surprised that you wouldn't understand the difference.
09-06-2011 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by randyd501
Michael J Divita who has been seen the past year at some major Poker Tournaments in California and Vegas has just withdrawn from Epic Main Event after winning a Pro Am seat Saturday.
DiVita was easily recognizable by the sport jacket he wore and a bunch of Charity patches he displayed.
Played at several events with him and the guy was definitely very weird and annoying. He was convicted in a 1991 child molestation at age 33. Click Link
In 2008 he was arrested again for child molestation of under 15 year old but charges were dropped 2 years later after victim would no longer testify

This guy is some character and was trying to reinvent himself somehow in the Poker Community by playing in these charity events. Also found out he or his son owned a kids party rental business(bouncehouses, etc!)
He also owns a business called The Justice Center-lol!

Hopefully now this dirt ball has been revealed we no longer will see him at anymore poker events!
I thought vigilantism died out sometime in the 1700s or 1800s? Today anyway, the United States is a nation of laws. So why do you think you're a better arbiter of the law than those entrusted to do so?

There is no excuse for what this person did, but he paid his debt to society and has as much a right to be at the poker table as you do. I'm sure you wouldn't want people digging around in your closets rummaging around for the first thing they could use to publicly castigate you, would you?

Let the authorities handle the application of the law, you just keep enjoying all the freedoms that being a law abiding citizen entails.
09-06-2011 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by Yaksha
Umm, damage to ones' reputation is independent of whether it's factual or not. The motive of the OP is explicitly to lynch him out of the poker world. That's completely unfair, and his reputation (which may or may not be presently representative of who he is as a person) would certainly be tarnished.
lol are you serious? it's assumed society will police itself to some extent by badgering and harassing people like sex offenders. now i'm not personally promoting the use of violence or mean-spiritedness towards criminals, but it's fairly amusing to think he's paid his time and we should not smear his reputation. it's on his public record not only to protect people, but to smear his reputation in various ways. being constantly rejected by your peers is often the price one pays for molesting a kid. nothing wrong with that.
09-06-2011 , 02:26 AM
Just curious, OP, but obviously you don't want him playing poker. You probably don't want him to have any kind of job, you definitely don't want him living in your neighborhood.

Is he allowed to buy a car?
Can he have a bank account?
Should his SS Card be revoked?

I don't in any way condone what this individual has done, but really what harm is being done by him playing poker?? Seriously. It's not like he's a school crossing guard.
I guess the other alternative is death by hanging?
09-06-2011 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by aura
Again, I'll reiterate for those who have trouble understanding me... it's okay for that child molester to play in tourneys, but it's also okay for the OP to out him. It's a matter of public record, and he deserves the attention he gets imo.
He clearly doesn't deserve it. I mean it's a pretty basic tenet of modern society that random citizens aren't allowed to dish out punishments as they see fit; particularly when it's over and above a sentence already imposed by the government. He committed a crime, and the legal system imposed an expertly assessed sentence. That is what he deserved: no more, no less. Now, he deserves your empathy just as any other person does.
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