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11-20-2015 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by BlueSamurai
Sorry if this is (a bit ) off topic,but im wondering that in cases like this what happens with the confiscated funds?
Does Ipoker simply pocket them and call it a day,or does it get redistributed in the jackpot prize pool(s)?
When jackpot is claimed it gets reset to the starting amount
When investigation is done to not award payout the jackpot gets put back to what it was (and presumably with an increase in funds if it passes into the next week)

I believe it was already mentioned in the thread that it's as put back to €65K a while back

Edit - if you go to, you can see the (presumably up to date) jackpot totals. Rio is at €85K

Last edited by pmarrsouth; 11-20-2015 at 12:05 PM.
11-20-2015 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by petjax
is true imo give or take a few, but if the people here start of with o there is another one, then the sites will dismiss and "win" every time and dismiss their mistakes like it was the players fold, because hey it is easier and cheaper plus more profitable, because nobody but the player is protesting and/or doing/writing anything about it.
You have a very simplistic and cynical attitude toward these types of threads, even if you do not know it, because you are directing your negative behavior toward the sites and the people who do not accept claims from random new posters completely at face value.

The vast majority of these threads are the OP trying to break the rules as they leave out information in their posts. Given that, it is impractical to give every thread such as this unconditional support, where a random person screams about cheating sites, because if you do then all you will see is a flood of threads like this.

Originally Posted by petjax
So in that perspective it is in every players interest to keep on trying to help until the op is a proven liar or is wrong in his claim right?.
Not when 95%+ of threads like this from new posters are the OPs lying. Your approach wastes a ton of time and effort. Given the track record of reputationless posters screaming about being scammed by sites - it is their responsibility to provide all of the information in a clear and transparent manner.

Originally Posted by petjax
And the more people react and/or help, the more the sites will try to prevent to take somebody's money or refuse a prize and be proven wrong in doing so, i think.
You are wrong. The more people react to helping liars at face value - the less sites will want to try to resolve these situations when they are presented here.

Originally Posted by petjax
Because we all know that those sites owners are doing it to make as much money as possible despite their mostly hypocritical adverts and interviews or publications and giving out as less as possible is one of them, so negative publicity costs them money, so they don't like it right.
All that is is your personal agenda, and if you want to spend a lot of time supporting everyone who makes threads like this then go ahead, though you will be wrong nearly every time, so doing that to fight against the tyranny of the evil poker sites does not make them look as bad as you might hope.

Originally Posted by petjax
And even so i don't play poker on-line i do spend a sizeable amount on the slots on-line, where there is of-course much less that can go wrong or cheating possible.
I cannot say I am shocked that you are a slots player. Still, your beliefs in this regard are fairly naive as well. Take a look at this long list of rogue casinos.

You probably played slots on some of them...

Originally Posted by petjax
So i say do keep helping everybody at first, because lets face it is winning not that little bit more satisfying if you been cheated out 1or2 times before? i for one out of personal experience say HELL YEA!!! it is. LOL And sticking it to one of those sites when they where wrong is not a bad feeling either right? LOL
If that is your personal little agenda then whenever you see a thread like this you can offer your unconditional love and support to the OP who 95-99% of the time will actually be a con man.

Have fun with the slots.

All the best.
11-20-2015 , 01:52 PM
Clear reasons itt for regulation. Needs to happen at some point.
11-20-2015 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by jeffg576
Clear reasons itt for regulation. Needs to happen at some point.
11-20-2015 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by jeffg576
Clear reasons itt for regulation. Needs to happen at some point.

This post makes no sense

I'm not against regulation but this thread would not be a good example of why it needs to happen
11-20-2015 , 06:47 PM
Helly guys,
i would like to say something to about this.
At first of all a lot of people in here are judging Peligr0so now and telling him what a thief he is but actually multiaccounting is pretty common at Ipoker.
Everyone already has dozen accounts over different sites, second of all a lot of people make accounts over friends or girlfriends. Some affiliates partners are even saying you that it wouldnt be a problem to use these accounts.
Famous pros are using multi accounts and considering that and knowing that a bunch of people in here probably write at isildurs thread how great he is, it is just unfair to condemn Peligr0so.
If you change currencys from $ to euro some ipoker skins allow you to do so and get a new account with a new nickname and first deposit bonus on top.

I have skype logs with affiliates telling me that i can use a girlfriend account and affiliates also represent ipoker. I even know players who did multiaccount and actually won the jackpot and got the payout. Im not interested in sending those logs.

My point is Ipoker didnt froze his account because of multiaccounting. They closed it because of colludings and OP should have the right to know why they closed it and if its not the truth that he colluded with that guy everyone would write a thread in here.

I actually dont think that he colluded with CTAURICMUK because i was playing the jackpot games too. Obviously not all of those 6 games but just in general.

This whole thread shouldnt be here just to entertain some people. It should be here to move things forward. I play these games a lot and they have a lot of value( jackpot fort knox: 141k, rio: 85k right now) but considering the fact that the security of Ipoker sometimes sees colluding when there is nothing going on makes me scared too.

Actually no reg can be sure that he gets the jackpot, i dont even know if there is some kind of pro who is looking at those hands. Or if there is a tool who looks at these 6 games. It seems to be already suspicous if there is one kind of reg from the same country. But that obviously means absolutely nothing.

Since Online Poker is slowly dying and even Stars reducing their vip now it would help that some pokersites would be more reliable for example Ipoker.
And that is exactly why we have those forums.


11-20-2015 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by MONKEY$BOY4Life
At first of all a lot of people in here are judging Peligr0so now and telling him what a thief he is but actually multiaccounting is pretty common at Ipoker.
If screen names are created on the same skin it is against site terms

Everyone already has dozen accounts over different sites, second of all a lot of people make accounts over friends or girlfriends.
They shouldn't be - you also don't see why a site would have problems with this?

Some affiliates partners are even saying you that it wouldnt be a problem to use these accounts.
I have skype logs with affiliates telling me that i can use a girlfriend account and affiliates also represent ipoker. I even know players who did multiaccount and actually won the jackpot and got the payout. Im not interested in sending those logs.
Of course your not interested. It's also not the affiliates job to make the rules it is their job to get people to the site which they are obviously doing by telling people to break site terms if you are speaking truthfully

My point is Ipoker didnt froze his account because of multiaccounting. They closed it because of colludings and OP should have the right to know why they closed it
You just told us why apparently. And either way he has broken many rules it would seem.

This whole thread shouldnt be here just to entertain some people. It should be here to move things forward.
The thread is here because OP made it. OP lied and conveniently left many important details out to avoid correct accusations against their character or cheating. OP is a scumbag let people laugh he got caught and then tried to fool everyone.

Actually no reg can be sure that he gets the jackpot
Not cheating or breaking site terms would be a good start

Basically GTFO you are arguing that people should be allowed to break the site terms that everyone is aware of and you agree to by playing on their site.

OP is guilty as ****. They bought this attention on themselves and I personally find it hilarious.
11-21-2015 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by FUrake
I wont million?
I wont €65,000
11-21-2015 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You have a very simplistic and cynical attitude toward these types of threads, even if you do not know it, because you are directing your negative behavior toward the sites and the people who do not accept claims from random new posters completely at face value.

[My negative behavior?? right, i bet you are the type of person that says he 95% of these people turn out to be liars/cheats, so f the 5% that are really not getting the money they deserve or have their account/balance taken away we don't try to help them, because your precious site's might get bad publicity, is that it?, or are you one of those against the mainstream guys?. no matter what as long as i get attention, or are you a wolf among the sheep, and get a withdraw every month without playing so to say?.
And for simple, well i consider that a compliment if it means you are not.
“It's all very simple. But maybe because it's so simple, it's also hard.”
“The most complicated skill is to be simple.” LOL

The vast majority of these threads are the OP trying to break the rules as they leave out information in their posts. Given that, it is impractical to give every thread such as this unconditional support, where a random person screams about cheating sites, because if you do then all you will see is a flood of threads like this.

[COLOR="Red"]Yea sure let's ignore them all, nice and simple hey?, o no i forgot i am the simple one, what are you for person?, are you studying for ceo?, is your empathy removed by accident or by choice?, what a sad way to think, really i would be real sad if i had your way of thinking, i am glad i am simple positive person. [/COLOR]

Not when 95%+ of threads like this from new posters are the OPs lying. Your approach wastes a ton of time and effort. Given the track record of reputationless posters screaming about being scammed by sites - it is their responsibility to provide all of the information in a clear and transparent manner.
And you are a lawyer too?, wow a man of many talents, but no sympathy for the 5% that are for part being lied and stripped of their money, by the sites that are being so! clear and transparent right?[and that is me being sarcastic, in case your complicated and logical brain didn't catch it]

[You are wrong. The more people react to helping liars at face value - the less sites will want to try to resolve these situations when they are presented here.

Well that is your look/opinion on this matter, but hey then again you might have inside info right?

All that is is your personal agenda, and if you want to spend a lot of time supporting everyone who makes threads like this then go ahead, though you will be wrong nearly every time, so doing that to fight against the tyranny of the evil poker sites does not make them look as bad as you might hope.

Right i am all over these topics right?, i think there are dozens and dozens of posters that have many,many more posts in topics as these, so that is just bs what you are saying and has no foundation at all, apart from being a sad attempt of justifying your imo sad and wrong opinion about me.
And the saddest thing of all is your attempt too make me out to be some kind of crusader against the sites?, like i have some personal agenda to make the poker sites look like tyrants and evil???
I that has not spend/lost more then what 2,3 400 euro lifetime on poker sites?
and don't even know anyone that plays or played on them? right!!!.
But can you say that the odds are fair between what a site can do [ban people whenever and for whatever reason at all, or confiscated their funds, and can make up any reason] and what a player can do about it?, you think it is a coincidence that almost all are on some corruption invested island or small country?, o no that is for taxes and legal reasons right?

I cannot say I am shocked that you are a slots player. Still, your beliefs in this regard are fairly naive as well. Take a look at this long list of rogue casinos.

You probably played slots on some of them...

Well let me tell you i guess i was lucky, i play slots for about 7,8 years now i guess on about 5 sites, and are sometimes in the plus overall and sometimes in the red, and won some nice trips and prices, so i guess[and i did not read your link] i am a lucky one.
And i am glad i did not shock you????? for whatever that remark may mean, but coming from you i really don't care either to be honest or simple whatever you prefer. LOL.

If that is your personal little agenda then whenever you see a thread like this you can offer your unconditional love and support to the OP who 95-99% of the time will actually be a con man.

Have fun with the slots.

All the best.
You sound like some conspiracy nut man, that is defending the poker sites from his mothers basement against all evil thieves and conmen in his super hero costume, wow!! what is been done to you man?
Hey i may come over as simple and cynical too you, and hey you have the right to your opinion, i don't care, even so the info you have to base that on is pretty thin, but ok whatever.
But let me tell you one thing i am really,really glad i am nothing like you, i may be a optimistic person, and maybe too optimistic or positive, and my humor may be perceived as cynical?[was that it?] to some, but you my friend have a great talent for oversaturating imo, and you can cal me what you want, but again i am really glad i am not you.
And i have been having years of fun with playing the slots and i am sure i will have many more to come thank you. LMAO sorry, you are a funny guy in some ways, and the rest of you well? all the best to you too.

Last edited by petjax; 11-21-2015 at 07:04 AM.
11-21-2015 , 07:42 AM
It is interesting that you genuinely regard yourself as a positive person.

Anyway, be sure to unconditionally support people like this OP in future in your fight against the evil poker sites. After all, supporting is positive! You may also want to learn to properly quote posts you are replying to, as that will make them positively readable, if you also remove your color palette choices. Hope that positive feedback helps.

All the best.
11-21-2015 , 10:51 AM
Monty is a well known shill,who gets his joy from putting people down.
Just ignore him petjax.
11-21-2015 , 11:06 AM
monkeyboy do you even realize affiliates just want a part of your rakeback and arent really connected to the network and give no **** about T&C just want a chunk of your money? of course they want you to pay rake on the site. they have nothing to lose.
11-21-2015 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by BlueSamurai
Monty is a well known shill,who gets his joy from putting people down.
Just ignore him petjax.
Well i figured that already, and he can only bring himself down, i don't care one or the other what he thinks if he reacts like that, seeing his posts he has got a lot more problems to deal with that only a professional can solve i am afraid, so i wish him the best with that. LOL

“No INSECURITY makes us sociopathic; too much makes us paranoid; but a little keeps us humble and introspective-a good thing...”

“Insecure people put others down to raise themselves up.”
11-21-2015 , 12:16 PM
Hopefully those personal attacks, along with your previous insults, and the support of your new found friend, will "raise you up" and provide you with the closure you need to allow this thread to not be derailed any further. Don't worry, these threads happen all the time, so you can offer your unconditional support to the OPs of future ones. As well, I encourage you to continue with your successful slots career.

All the best.
11-21-2015 , 12:59 PM
Sure i know that but does that justify that they tell you that its absolutely no problem to act in a criminal way. I dont think its normal behaviour and i wouldnt do it as an affiliate.
Sure its the fault of the player to creat an account like this!

Ipoker is a network with a lot of sites and a lot of first deposit bonusses. Actually there is not even a reason to create two accounts. Its simply stupid. You have enough sites to play on and almost receive same amount of rakeback.
Sometimes you are able to close your old account change currencys and get a new account at the same site. The customer support from the pokersites allows you that.

It is absolutely not like Pokerstars. I know a reg who played since a longer time then me (~8 years) . He changed his currency and got a new account and won jackpot with it and got the payout. Everyone knew about it.

Am i fighting for OP? No, i dont care about OP. He violated the T&C.
Do i want people to cheat? No!

OP created this thead and he fooled people who took time to investigate everything. That was annoying to.
But i promise you there will be a time when someone writes a thread and actually didnt do anything.
He will use these forums to get support from you guys.
Everyone who is playing for real money games at a poker site would like to get support if he gets scammed, right?

I just wanted to use this thread for my own interests, Ipoker did the right thing here and closed his account but im afraid that Ipoker did that for the wrong reasons.

It should be normal that Ipoker sends out an email to the winner of these jackpots and to those who tried to cheat and get his account frozen.
So far im pretty sure Ipoker didnt closed his account because of multiaccounting, they closed it because of colludings.

And if that can happen to OP, it can happen to people who are not cheating.
Every guy who is playing these games and trying to get that jackpot would support me that Ipoker needs faster support and also better things to check these games.

I also know one russian reg who only won a consilation price, his account got frozen for 5 days and then it got reopened. So its kinda clear that Ipoker sometimes doesnt know what they are doing.

I havent won Jackpot yet. Anyway, my time is to valuable to be mad at someone like Peligr0so and he probably knows that it was one of his dumbest decisions ever.


11-21-2015 , 08:01 PM
Monkeyboy has to be trolling right nobody could literally make such stupid posts otherwise.

Has a wall of text why OP should not be judged, should be paid and not be mocked and then another wall of text saying he isn't sticking up for OP.

Also states he is worried others won't be paid and quotes instances where people have been paid after investigation.

And lol @:

And if that can happen to OP, it can happen to people who are not cheating.
Umm no it kinda happened because OP was cheating.

I hope this is just a poor attempt at trolling or god help you your way of thinking makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Last edited by PasswordGotHacked; 11-21-2015 at 08:02 PM. Reason: and petjax congrats you are the first person in a decade to make my ignore feature.
11-21-2015 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by fishfood69er
If u are telling the truth its unfortunate you wrote such a convincingly incriminating email to support
lol this
11-21-2015 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by MONKEY$BOY4Life
Sure i know that but does that justify that they tell you that its absolutely no problem to act in a criminal way. I dont think its normal behaviour and i wouldnt do it as an affiliate.
Sure its the fault of the player to creat an account like this!

Ipoker is a network with a lot of sites and a lot of first deposit bonusses. Actually there is not even a reason to create two accounts. Its simply stupid. You have enough sites to play on and almost receive same amount of rakeback.
Sometimes you are able to close your old account change currencys and get a new account at the same site. The customer support from the pokersites allows you that.

It is absolutely not like Pokerstars. I know a reg who played since a longer time then me (~8 years) . He changed his currency and got a new account and won jackpot with it and got the payout. Everyone knew about it.

Am i fighting for OP? No, i dont care about OP. He violated the T&C.
Do i want people to cheat? No!

OP created this thead and he fooled people who took time to investigate everything. That was annoying to.
But i promise you there will be a time when someone writes a thread and actually didnt do anything.
He will use these forums to get support from you guys.
Everyone who is playing for real money games at a poker site would like to get support if he gets scammed, right?

I just wanted to use this thread for my own interests, Ipoker did the right thing here and closed his account but im afraid that Ipoker did that for the wrong reasons.

It should be normal that Ipoker sends out an email to the winner of these jackpots and to those who tried to cheat and get his account frozen.
So far im pretty sure Ipoker didnt closed his account because of multiaccounting, they closed it because of colludings.

And if that can happen to OP, it can happen to people who are not cheating.
Every guy who is playing these games and trying to get that jackpot would support me that Ipoker needs faster support and also better things to check these games.

I also know one russian reg who only won a consilation price, his account got frozen for 5 days and then it got reopened. So its kinda clear that Ipoker sometimes doesnt know what they are doing.

I havent won Jackpot yet. Anyway, my time is to valuable to be mad at someone like Peligr0so and he probably knows that it was one of his dumbest decisions ever.


Your time is "to" valuable to be mad at OP but still not valuable enough to write this useless wall of text.
11-22-2015 , 12:29 AM
kindly stop arguing with people named monkeyboy$life and petjax nvg geniuses.

#backseat moderatin'
11-22-2015 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
kindly stop arguing with people named monkeyboy$life and petjax nvg geniuses.

#backseat moderatin'
you make a good point sir
11-22-2015 , 05:05 AM
no urprie that this guy was shady, gj guys!
