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08-07-2011 , 04:54 PM
from other thread. we're gonna need more popcorn i'm afraid.

Originally Posted by JnyC
So this is a very long thread and I am not going to read through all of it. Below is my account of everything that has happened.

Girah invites me to a skype strategy group. This was probably a 4-6 weeks after black friday. During this time, I was playing very little poker and was almost non-existent in the group. I didn't participate in much strategy discussions nor any sweat sessions.

At some point, I log in and Girah and Toocurious are talking about a fish named dollarman223. TooCurious mentions that this fish plays terribly preflop but seems to 'own' him postflop and that he plays 25-50+. Girah pushes me to play dollarman. TooCurious is horrible at poker, so I decide to play dollarman. We play a short session of 1 table of 25-50 where I end up winning. During this time Girah is messaging me on skype but not viewing my screen. Dollarman leaves only to return in a short while. We begin playing another session during which Girah presses me very hard to allow him to 'sweat' me via teamviwer. Reluctantly, I agree.

I want to stress that this is the first and last time I have allowed anyone to 'sweat' me at my regular stakes. I have allowed students to watch me play much lower stakes and ask questions later - but that is where my 'sweating' experience ends.

Dollarman and I play another short session, this time with Girah watching via TV. I run numerous suicide bluffs, all of which work and end up winning about 4k overall. Dollarman becomes 'tilted' and asks to play 50-100 deep. I decline. He asks to play at a different time and we exchange e-mails. Over the next 2 weeks, dollarman e-mails me several times asking to play 2 tables of 50-100 deep. Over the same time period, Jose becomes super insistent that I play dollarman and allow him to TV. It becomes almost an obsession for him. He is also insistent that TooCurious play dollarman and allow him to TV and that the European guys in the group who play on ipoker play sauron.

This goes on until toocurious messages me and says he believes that Girah is cheating. It is decided that we contact ipoker and merge to try and collect some hard evidence and look for links between Girah and dollarman. One of the guys ends up contacting Sauce and Dogishead.

While we waited for responses, one or more of the group members pressed Girah for information. I was not involved in any of the discussions with Girah, as I have had very little contact with him since TooCurious brought up these allegations but I did read through the chat transcripts that were posted. It was clear that Girah knew that he was caught as he had come up with a story that his 'real life frined' super used him. This story was sent to at least 3 people in the group, myself included. Following this he admitted to ToOCurious that dollarman and sauron are the same person and that it is his rich friend from school and that "sometimes" he played at his house. A bunch of other BS followed.

The next day(?) Dogishead enters our skype chat and says that Girah confessed to him that this cheating took place. Prior to this, Girah did not confess to me nor anyone else within the group as far as I know. In any case, Dog says he will get back the money of those who lost it. In fact, he gave his word that if Jose didn't pay then he and Jungleman would. He then asks if we are going to go public with this and mentions that it's up to us, but he would rather it didn't go public. He mentions that they were going to go live with him...but if this gets out then they can't do that anymore...implying that if this wasn't outed they would still live together(?). He continues by taking on the role of big brother and almost defending Girah by saying that he's young and stupid and that while what he did was scummy, he doesn't think that he's a bad person and a whole bunch of other comments that rubbed me the wrong way.

During these conversations, Dog admitted that both he and Jungleman back Girah for highstakes games. This leads me to believe that either Dog or Jungleman were the mysterious backer who logged in to play PLO during the Lock Challenge. Jose also mentioned that one of the ipoker accounts he uses is in Dog's name. To quote Dog "draw your own conclusions".

Dog was very insistent that we hold off on making any posts before he had a chance to deal with this situation as both Jungle and him had "strong ties" to Jose. He also wanted us to wait and "confront" Jose and let him "explain himself" and other completely asinine kindergarten BS.

It became apparent (at least to me) that the only thing Dog cared about was his reputation, not about what his "very close" friend did, not about the people who were cheated - only that he's not portrayed in any way that could damage him. He confirmed this yesterday when, upon learning that all of the above would be posted, came into the skype group and said that if this was mentioned, "there is NO way [they] can agree to bank transfer the money".

According to Dog, in terms of reimbursement, Jungleman was going to bank wire funds to Moss who would distribute them to those who were cheated. I don't know if this is still the plan or if this has happened yet since I am not owed. It is a complete mess and it is possible that Girah may be repaying the funds via Lock.
08-07-2011 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by imabigdeal
This has to be one of most fake and corny things I've ever read. Take a creative writing class, DIH. You suck.
It all fits! Durrr what the mark after all...

It's all very usual suspects..

We've got out keyser soze
08-07-2011 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Charmer
what of this is fictional?
Just saying it seems a lot more likely to be made up in light of Haseeb writing a lot of creative fiction backgroud for Girah. I still doubt anyone would leave Ashton alone unsupervised on the treadmill for most of the bet. Also the fact that no one ever discussed whether or not he could hold on to the sides (which should have been the first thing that came up) until I hounded them about it for like 20 posts, makes me think they never even stipulated that. Which means their either complete idiots about prop bet details, or something is fishy about the story.
08-07-2011 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Blado
Who says the challenge would ever go off? Girah contacted Durrr publicly(extremely good for publicity, just see what it did!) asking for the challenge. When negotiating about the challenge Girah could've proposed certain weekly demands about how many hands were to be played. These demands(or something else) wouldn't be approved of Durrr but Girah would gain respect in the community.

Just one of many possibilities.
This is one very viable possibility. José may never have been able to play Durrr/Blom on FTP/Stars due to his lock contract and conversely they wouldn't play him on Lock because of their contracts.

The more sinister possibility is he did want to take the challenge and someone who thought they had a big edge over durrrr would play for José. I'm sure people can draw their own conclusions who that might be.
08-07-2011 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
The more sinister possibility is he did want to take the challenge and someone who thought they had a big edge over durrrr would play for José. I'm sure people can draw their own conclusions who that might be.
Come on, there must be thousands of players out there with an edge over Durrrr.
08-07-2011 , 05:14 PM
I haven't paid much attention to this thread (and I don't think any mod has). Do you guys think it would be helpful to lock this thread to keep the discussion in one place or do you guys want to keep the discussion split over two threads?
08-07-2011 , 05:17 PM
close this.
08-07-2011 , 05:18 PM
I'd quite like to keep this thread open, not sure what anybody else thinks.
08-07-2011 , 05:19 PM
yh close this one, it's like watching a movie on 2 tvs, great entertainment though !
08-07-2011 , 05:19 PM
i for one think it should stay open
08-07-2011 , 05:21 PM
my main reason for wanting it to stay is because once closed it's going to slip further and further down. to be honest this thread has become rather like my baby and I'd like to keep it as adorable as it currently is for as long as possible
08-07-2011 , 05:22 PM
why keep both open? thread title of the other one is more accurate to where the developments are going... ppl are writing in both threads now and that is unnecessary
08-07-2011 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
I haven't paid much attention to this thread (and I don't think any mod has). Do you guys think it would be helpful to lock this thread to keep the discussion in one place or do you guys want to keep the discussion split over two threads?
gregorio was all over it at one point, maybe he can comment?

Originally Posted by Land Of The Free?
Wow you guys are pathetic, a bunch of envious nobodies.

If you can't tell just from this video that the kid is legit, I feel really bad for you.

And yes, I said just from the video. Once again,

Congrats Girah, great inspiration. You display truly awesome maturity for your age. Looking forward to your videos. GL in life.
08-07-2011 , 05:22 PM
how about sticky both to the top of the page, lock this one but save for info and all new info goes into the cheating thread?
08-07-2011 , 05:24 PM
change prodigy to scammer in the threadtitle and let it open.
08-07-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by J.K.Wins
why keep both open? thread title of the other one is more accurate to where the developments are going... ppl are writing in both threads now and that is unnecessary
Beats stuff from this thread having to get cross-quoted into the other thread to try to piece stuff together from further back in the story.

Thread should stay open.
08-07-2011 , 05:28 PM
Agreed, until everything plays out I think this thread needs to stay opened as well, my understanding is that there's stuff in here from months back that may end up relevant once all is said and done.
08-07-2011 , 05:30 PM
Ok. Will keep it open. Sorry for the derail.
08-07-2011 , 05:33 PM
+1 on title change though.
08-07-2011 , 05:42 PM
So now, with the HSNL thread, I have to watch 3 threads?
08-07-2011 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
gregorio was all over it at one point, maybe he can comment?
Gregorio is self-banned. I was just going through his posts. Just going to post one of them, it's pretty funny how much time he spent defending José, yet claimed it was all just his own personal opinion but argued with us all along the way.

Originally Posted by gregorio
What would Ockham's Razor suggest?

1. Girah is Jose Macedo, who moved up to HS games very quickly and has had great success at a young age. When asked why he was DQ from rake race for violating Lock Poker's T&Cs, he explained his backer was caught playing on his account without his knowledge.

2. Girah is indeed a Portugese person, but he is merely a puppet for a cabal of high stakes poker players who made a fake webpage to represent him, devised a fake bio for him, ghost wrote extended posts attributed to him, and coached him how to answer poker-related question in extended live interviews.

When he was caught with someone else playing on his account and explained it was his backer who has access to his account as part of their staking agreement, he was clearly lying because he has copies of the hand histories from that session, plus Lock Poker did not come out and explicitly state that he was telling the truth, and have made no public comment on what rules he violated, providing even more evidence that his story is concocted.

We don't know what really happened, but since he has refused to really tell us, and insists on sticking to his original story, he is even shadier, because why wouldn't he tell us the truth unless he has something dastardly to hide. Instead, he continues to claim he was telling the truth all along, and instead of proving it, merely offers to put up a few measly $100k to back his side of the story.

Furthermore, he is really young and hasn't been playing poker for very long, so there is no way he could actually be playing the stakes he is playing. He is obviously some sort of front for HS poker players. At first, it was believed that only Haseeb Qureshi behind the whole thing, but now it has become apparant that, in addition to Haseeb, Dan “Jungleman12” Cates and Ben "Sauce123" Sulsky are invovled, and all three of them are likely playing on his account, either through a VPN or by ghosting, as these players are unable to get much action playing on their own accounts, and since Black Friday, have been unable to play online at all (though Ben Sulsky may have some ties to Canada).

However, it seems this cabal is not limited to the three consipirators names above. Other well-known poker players have come out in support of Girah/Jose Macedo, providing further proof that the conspiracy goes much deeper than we ever believed.
08-07-2011 , 05:46 PM
now, how you doin'?
08-07-2011 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
Gregorio is self-banned.
I know I was just being smug.
08-07-2011 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
my main reason for wanting it to stay is because once closed it's going to slip further and further down. to be honest this thread has become rather like my baby and I'd like to keep it as adorable as it currently is for as long as possible
I've been "nudging" it for weeks
Excellent work
08-07-2011 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
Gregorio is self-banned. I was just going through his posts. Just going to post one of them, it's pretty funny how much time he spent defending José, yet claimed it was all just his own personal opinion but argued with us all along the way.
lol at Ockham's Razor. Pretty sure you should at least know how to spell it if you're going to try to use it.
