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08-07-2011 , 02:50 PM
In b4 gazillion scamms and everyone wants to kill suzzer for it.
08-07-2011 , 02:51 PM
Can a mod give him a custom title of "Confirmed Cheater"? Or "Poker Cheat"? Something, you know.
08-07-2011 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by CardSharpCook
Can a mod give him a custom title of "Confirmed Cheater"? Or "Poker Cheat"? Something, you know.
or 'confirmed scammer' maybe?
08-07-2011 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
Haseeb isn't innocent. He struggled to beat the games and was trying to make his way in the poker world doing coaching for extortionate amounts of money. The final nail in his coffin was when he played Isildur and lost most of his roll. He packed up the computer and pretty much didn't play poker again. Unable to beat the games any more and short on money he needed a sure fire way to win. Enter the ruse of the young poker prodigy speaking to people on skype whilst looking at their hole cards. They'd have kept doing it except they couldn't take the heat any more.
I have to second this. Haseeb is kind of a has-been at this point, key words "kind of".
I wouldn't be surprised if JM and Sauce were both unsuspecting and again in for a rough awakening when Haseeb turns out to be a scumbag who was playing Girah's account.

I mean Girah straight up said that Haseeb was playing his account and how hard is that to believe?
08-07-2011 , 02:56 PM
I thought that whole emo treadmill bet post was pretty ridiculous. Like you wouldn't watch every minute of that or establish details like whether he can hold on to the sides or not. I didn't really buy the whole thing.

And if you're gonna make an epic prop bet, man up and take it with a sense of humor. Don't whine about feeling nauseous, people calling their parents (wtf) and now you need to hit the road to clear your head. Ted Forrest would be disgusted with all of you.
08-07-2011 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
In b4 gazillion scamms and everyone wants to kill suzzer for it.
If anyone's dumb enough to somehow get scammed by Gazillion, you're on your own and probably were going to lose that money pretty quick anyway.
08-07-2011 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
Sigh, now I feel like a huge dick for defending this guy early on in the thread. Thanks OP.

I guess now we just have to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Meh, for what it's worth (and I only read the first couple hundred posts of this thread some time ago then skimmed them again today) you appear to just be calling it like you saw it. I leaned towards "not a level", or at least not a completely fabricated person, as well.

At least you didn't vouch for him.
08-07-2011 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
If anyone's dumb enough to somehow get scammed by Gazillion, you're on your own and probably were going to lose that money pretty quick anyway.
lol, I think.
08-07-2011 , 03:12 PM
Too lazy to paraphrase, going to x-post.

Well yeah...I mean it's looking pretty bad for Haseeb from where I'm standing. (in b4 some ******ed joke about my vantage point)

Is it that hard to believe that he'd play Girah's accounts on EU networks?

The guy clearly had a fall from grandeur. You have to remember that at some point Haseeb was kind of the "next big thing" in online poker.
Then he started losing and then Isildur came around and did what he does best and probably sent Haseeb on a mental hospital stint for severe depression.

It takes a person with incredible integrity to be stronger than "well, everyone does it, it's not really cheating, plus I can't get action from anyone"
At that point, you have to realize that despite still being a very good player, Haseeb is in a spot where the only people he'll get action from are people who will life-crush him, and personally he never struck me as someone with incredibly strong ethics, especially after the whole Ashman bet, where he basically bet against his close "friend" because he was hoping he would hurt himself running for that long.

That's not the mindset of someone with good values, imo. I mean I don't consider myself an incredible human being, but the idea of betting against one of my best friend in the hope that he'll hurt himself physically so that I'll win makes me want to puke.
08-07-2011 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I thought that whole emo treadmill bet post was pretty ridiculous. Like you wouldn't watch every minute of that or establish details like whether he can hold on to the sides or not. I didn't really buy the whole thing.

And if you're gonna make an epic prop bet, man up and take it with a sense of humor. Don't whine about feeling nauseous, people calling their parents (wtf) and now you need to hit the road to clear your head. Ted Forrest would be disgusted with all of you.
This has zero relevance to thread... and lol at people saying haseeb is a "has been", he is 21 years old.
08-07-2011 , 03:28 PM
He's a wanker.
08-07-2011 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by therightdeal
He's a wanker.
Couldn't of put it better myself,

makes Hastings look like a legend on ice in 3D.
08-07-2011 , 03:40 PM
I'm portuguese...
Since the beginning i have always had some doubts about the José story...some pieces of the story are just too suspicious.

- No one in the portuguese government cares about poker, since there aren't no laws about it you can play all you want, and you won't have any troubles even if you're underage, so it's barely impossible that José would have his funds confiscated.

- José said he was waiting for his finals exams in April/May to be over before trying to play again on stars or tilt. But the schools in Portugal only have the finals exams in June.

- He claimed to live in Quinta da Marinha, in Cascais. That's one of the most expensive places to live in our country, the chipier house there is worth around ~1M€ he had to be rich before even playing poker, right? He also claims to attend one of the top private schools, where you can pay monthly around 800€.

- No one in Portugal dreams about living in Haway...i know alot of people who do surf and they really don't think about living there, even if they were millionares. We have one of the most beautifull cost lines in the world and a lot of places to surf.
08-07-2011 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by youngtajplayer
This has zero relevance to thread... and lol at people saying haseeb is a "has been", he is 21 years old.
If it shows a prior case where Haseeb is passing off a fictional story as true in order to increase his standing in the poker world, then it could have a lot of relevance.

This is it fwiw:
08-07-2011 , 03:51 PM
FWIW, here's what's been running through my head for the past while:

If Girah was never really as big a winner as was claimed (and the scamming goes some way toward suggesting this), then that leaves a big question hanging over how eager he was to try to get himself hooked up to the Durrrr challenge. I dunno, I just got a flashback of that whole mess with Isildur1 and Brian Hastings and the datamining/HH sharing. If Girah was never actually a winner, then what possible motivation could there be for him to want to play Durrrr HU? From where I'm sat right now, this is something that potentially reflects pretty badly on DIH and Jungleman, and probably something that they should consider addressing in the not too distant future.
08-07-2011 , 03:58 PM
I don't know if anyone else has made this point but Jose was desperate to play Durrrr in a challenge, Jungleman was due to move in with Jose, Jungleman is a big winner vs Durrrr. Possible? Anything is possible with Jose it seems...
08-07-2011 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
FWIW, here's what's been running through my head for the past while:

If Girah was never really as big a winner as was claimed (and the scamming goes some way toward suggesting this), then that leaves a big question hanging over how eager he was to try to get himself hooked up to the Durrrr challenge. I dunno, I just got a flashback of that whole mess with Isildur1 and Brian Hastings and the datamining/HH sharing. If Girah was never actually a winner, then what possible motivation could there be for him to want to play Durrrr HU? From where I'm sat right now, this is something that potentially reflects pretty badly on DIH and Jungleman, and probably something that they should consider addressing in the not too distant future.
That's a really good point. Jungleman was clearly frustrated with not getting action from Durrrr.
Thing is, Haseeb isn't 1/10th of the player Durrrr is and he knows that, so this would be on Jungleman only, but it sure looks pretty bad.
08-07-2011 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by GloupnaktouK
Thing is, Haseeb isn't 1/10th of the player Durrrr is and he knows that, so this would be on Jungleman only, but it sure looks pretty bad.
Haseeb might be guilty, but this just isnt true. Haseeb is only at a marginally weaker skill level than durrrr
08-07-2011 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by spino1i
Haseeb might be guilty, but this just isnt true. Haseeb is only at a marginally weaker skill level than durrrr
Fair enough, you're more qualified to comment on that than I am, but the point is, he's very likely not +EV against Durrrr, whereas JM clearly is, at least according to a lot of people and to the 15 or 20k hands they played.
08-07-2011 , 04:27 PM
According to "ilrg"(scam victim), girah/Jose said his ongame account was frozen because Haseeb/dogishead had logged into it. Presumably this is the same "backer" that had been discovered in June to have logged into his account playing hands and winning.

Therefore, there's the connection RIGHT THERE, that Haseeb/dogishead has been scamming people as well, since he has played under girah/Jose's accounts as a "backer".

We now need urgent answers to these questions:

1) Has girah/Jose shared the signnames of people he's talked strategy with and their playing tendencies etc, with Haseeb/dogishead? I'm talking about guys like MossBoss/ilrg/imfromsweden/etc.

2) Has Haseeb/dogishead then gone ahead and played these guys under both HIS OWN SIGNNAME and also other invented but not yet outted signnames, scamming the victims even more than just already reported? The victims so far and others in the strategy group need to delve much deeper into their HH's and see if other players seemingly unrelated to girah/Jose that they had lost big to in recent weeks were in fact operated by Haseeb/dogishead.

3) Since Haseeb/dogishead is traveling with jungleman and both were moving in with girah/Jose, has Haseeb/dogishead shared information of signnames and playing tendencies etc with jungleman as well?

4) Has jungleman himself logged into Jose's accounts just like Haseeb/dogishead did?

5) What is the whole purpose of Haseeb and jungleman travelling together. jungleman was rejected from Canada. They are now in Europe. Do they have a plan of setting up ID's in numerous countries inside the EU and therefore multiple accounts and using these anonymous accounts to play the players that girah/Jose is capable of either ghosting or providing detailed strategy reports regarding their playing tendencies? Was THAT the whole purpose of sharing a house with this Portugese kid to begin with?

6) girah/Jose didn't win the $2M all by himself, he probably was ghosted by Haseeb/dogishead and jungleman, and Haseeb/dogishead played some hands under that account as Jose admitted. Jose wanted in on the durrrr challenge badly, jungleman was moving in with him, jungleman thinks he has an edge on durrrr and is upset he isn't playing durrrr anymore, he needs to explain why he was therefore moving in with Jose.
08-07-2011 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by 663366
According to "ilrg"(scam victim), girah/Jose said his ongame account was frozen because Haseeb/dogishead had logged into it. Presumably this is the same "backer" that had been discovered in June to have logged into his account playing hands and winning.

Therefore, there's the connection RIGHT THERE, that Haseeb/dogishead has been scamming people as well, since he has played under girah/Jose's accounts as a "backer".

We now need urgent answers to these questions:

1) Has girah/Jose shared the signnames of people he's talked strategy with and their playing tendencies etc, with Haseeb/dogishead? I'm talking about guys like MossBoss/ilrg/imfromsweden/etc.

2) Has Haseeb/dogishead then gone ahead and played these guys under both HIS OWN SIGNNAME and also other invented but not yet outted signnames, scamming the victims even more than just already reported? The victims so far and others in the strategy group need to delve much deeper into their HH's and see if other players seemingly unrelated to girah/Jose that they had lost big to in recent weeks were in fact operated by Haseeb/dogishead.

3) Since Haseeb/dogishead is traveling with jungleman and both were moving in with girah/Jose, has Haseeb/dogishead shared information of signnames and playing tendencies etc with jungleman as well?

4) Has jungleman himself logged into Jose's accounts just like Haseeb/dogishead did?

5) What is the whole purpose of Haseeb and jungleman travelling together. jungleman was rejected from Canada. They are now in Europe. Do they have a plan of setting up ID's in numerous countries inside the EU and therefore multiple accounts and using these anonymous accounts to play the players that girah/Jose is capable of either ghosting or providing detailed strategy reports regarding their playing tendencies? Was THAT the whole purpose of sharing a house with this Portugese kid to begin with?

6) girah/Jose didn't win the $2M all by himself, he probably was ghosted by Haseeb/dogishead and jungleman, and Haseeb/dogishead played some hands under that account as Jose admitted. Jose wanted in on the durrrr challenge badly, jungleman was moving in with him, jungleman thinks he has an edge on durrrr and is upset he isn't playing durrrr anymore, he needs to explain why he was therefore moving in with Jose.

while some of your assertions may not be logically grounded, nonetheless it does not make them by default UNTRUE, so i will second your sentiments. we need ANSWERS.
08-07-2011 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
FWIW, here's what's been running through my head for the past while:

If Girah was never really as big a winner as was claimed (and the scamming goes some way toward suggesting this), then that leaves a big question hanging over how eager he was to try to get himself hooked up to the Durrrr challenge. I dunno, I just got a flashback of that whole mess with Isildur1 and Brian Hastings and the datamining/HH sharing. If Girah was never actually a winner, then what possible motivation could there be for him to want to play Durrrr HU? From where I'm sat right now, this is something that potentially reflects pretty badly on DIH and Jungleman, and probably something that they should consider addressing in the not too distant future.
Who says the challenge would ever go off? Girah contacted Durrr publicly(extremely good for publicity, just see what it did!) asking for the challenge. When negotiating about the challenge Girah could've proposed certain weekly demands about how many hands were to be played. These demands(or something else) wouldn't be approved of Durrr but Girah would gain respect in the community.

Just one of many possibilities.
08-07-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
If it shows a prior case where Haseeb is passing off a fictional story as true in order to increase his standing in the poker world, then it could have a lot of relevance.

This is it fwiw:
what of this is fictional?
08-07-2011 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by girah
I look up from my desk, and there’s a board suspended on the wall. I made it a year ago when I was 17, when reaching the top of the poker world was still just a silly fantasy. On this board there are four pictures cut out and pasted… a crisp green million dollar bill, a picture of a WSOP bracelet, a screenshot of Durrrr sitting at Rail Heaven, and a photo of a little house in Hawaii. And as I’m looking at this silly little board I made, my mind wanders to where I started my journey. I remember standing at the foot of this mountain, a 16 year old boy, looking up with dreamlike wonder. Imagining what it would be like to scale its peak. I’m not at the foot of the mountain anymore, but my story has just begun. And although sometimes this mountain can seem dauntingly tall… I’m ready for it. And I’m grateful for this chance to climb it.
This has to be one of most fake and corny things I've ever read. Take a creative writing class, DIH. You suck.
