Originally Posted by $taybuffMM
I watched a Law & Order SVU that was similar that got the story line from this case. I thought it was absurd that the parent was charged in the television show (Yes, I know it's not real) and hoped that at the time that this wasn't based on a true story. If that was true, I'd hope that a person wouldn't be charged. That is not to say what the defendant did wasn't wrong, but there' s point that a person must be held accountable for their own actions.
In response to the OP, I understand the point that you're making, but I would hope that it wouldn't stand in court. As for myself, I was hoping that I wouldn't receive a refund. If I was to know that I was cheated, I believe it would have lead to terrible psychologically consequences after the fact. I haven't played much on UB, but it was the site that I played for 6 months when I first began playing for real money many years ago for stakes up to 2/4. Yada, yada, yada...
I hope that those that committed this fraud realize that they not only stole money, but they also destroyed the lives of many persons mentally and psychologically. I can only relate it to those that have cheated me out of money in the past. The emotional turmoil that I went through caused a lot of damage. I hope that a few of them live meaningless and miserable lives. I tried to help them and they blatantly stole from me and could care less. RH and others did the same and at a much larger scale. They should rot in hell and that's just a start.